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Everything posted by takalotti

  1. I agree, and so does Rory :) Because nothing sane and logical was occurring to him. He panicked and all his stupid took control. And I say that as a Marty lover (and I manage because I refer to S7 Marty as PodMarty). He was also acting very fake around Lucy, so I presume he hated himself so much (all because of SirenRory's rejection of course) he decided he had to be whatever a girl wanted him to be to "keep" her. Which means I fully expect he ditched everyone who knew his old persona (Breakfast Crew included) and just lived in denial about being exposed.
  2. They never explicitly said why. Really all we got was... I think we're supposed to assume that since Marty was still hung up on Rory, he wouldn't have been able to talk about having been friends with her and why they didn't hang out anymore without it being apparent he was still hung up on her. By acting like they didn't know each other he could avoid all that, plus the embarrassment of telling Lucy he had tried to ask Rory out and got turned down. Plus he was probably trying to make her feel insignificant like she made him feel. I tend to fanwank that Lucy talked about Rory to Marty beforehand and he avoided saying anything then (for same reasons above) and probably hoped he could avoid running into Rory at all (I wouldn't blame him for figuring Rory would eventually passively drop Lucy like she did Marty while she was busy pursuing Logan). So when he was faced with Rory he couldn't admit he knew her without it being weird that he said nothing before.
  3. Filmed in my school's library! (And cafeteria, but that one's new since I left so it doesn't feel like mine.) Holly used to work there before she went to our (faux) rival school.
  4. I do not have similar glasses when it comes to Logan :) But I agree that Marty was flat out wrong (and stupid and lame and weird) to lie to Lucy, and that Rory was wrong for going along with it. But I don't agree that Logan was 100% in the right telling Lucy. For me, it's not the What but the How/Why. I don't get mad at him for telling Lucy because you're right, it had to be done and clearly Marty and Rory weren't going to no matter what she said. But the How and Why of him telling is what I hold against him. When I watch that scene, Logan knew exactly what he was doing. Rory reluctantly told him the bizarre situation, mentioned what Marty said that made her think he was still hung up on her, and said she would tell Lucy about them actually knowing each other (again rather reluctantly, I think). Logan was already jealous at this point, but kept it at a low simmer. He didn't like Marty still being hung up on Rory and hiding it, and seemed suspicious of Rory not mentioning it to him. She said they could get out of the dinner. He could have said, "Yeah, it would be better for you to tell her first, and then we'll see if there's still a double date to be had." But instead he challenged her with "No, we can go, unless there's something on your end." In my opinion, he was stirring the pot. Then at the dinner, Logan is being totally cool. But he's analyzing Marty's discomfort level, and he's getting his little digs in, mentioning Rory being the object of many strange crushes, and I think he was being condescending on purpose when he said, "That's a lot of jobs, my boy." But there was a definite shift in Logan after Marty snapped back about trust funds and then picked up Rory's napkin (cheesy trope of a man doting on a woman). He asked Lucy how they met with the intention of being asked the same so he could "innocently" spill the beans while playing the moral high ground card. But there's no way the situation could have been handled to my liking AND be TV-interesting at the same time.
  5. I will always remember that episode for the fact that it aired while Mr. Taks was in the hospital for a week. When I saw him the next day, he asked how the episode was (just to make small talk, not eager to find out what he missed). I proceeded to recap and ended up taking 50-60 minutes, when actual air time of an episode is about 45 minutes. Nope, not obsessed at all over here...
  6. This is actually the first one I didn't like. And I'm not even a Maddie fan or a Sia fan. I enjoyed the first one the most due the dancing. I liked the second one a little less. It had less dancing, but was thought provoking, to me. I liked the third one a little less. It had no dancing, but I still liked the message it was trying to convey and I was okay with how they did it, spastic psycho-ness and all. I didn't mind how most of it was a head/torso shot because there wasn't any leg/feet dancing going on to miss in the shots. But the third one just annoyed me for the reasons mentioned previously.
  7. Haha, yeah, I felt kind of funny using the word Lust, too. But it was the most concise way for me to describe "God, I wanna fuck her" attraction vs. actual caring attraction. I think Luke had both, but thought the caring stuff was due to friendship and not romantic love.
  8. I didn't like the Sia video due to the editing/cinematography. The weird choreography doesn't bug me, nor does having men in nude leotards dancing with Maddie. (But I didn't mind the video with Shia either, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.) But I didn't like how often the shots were washed out to the point that you could barely see the dancers. Generally when I watch a video I expect to, you know, SEE it. And then there were so many shots that were just from the waist up while their legs and feet were clearly doing something. Why choreograph a dance if you're not going to film the bottom half of it for half the video?
  9. There was some discussion in the rewatch thread about how Luke should have asked Lorelai out when he learned she turned down the Chilton dad way back at the beginning of S1. Basically, his relief should have made him realize he was jealous and done something about it. I know that the real reason it took Luke and Lorelai so long to get together was because ASP couldn't handle, or didn't like to deal with, the OTP couple actually being together because for some reason she thought that meant they'd have to sit around saying "No, YOU'RE pretty" to each other all day long. But that aside, I guess I always figured the reason Luke didn't ask Lorelai out was because he thought any desire he had for her, or any jealousy he had about other men, was due to superficial/base lust. And being friends with her, he didn't want to gamble "Hey, how about I act on my lusty desires and see if maybe this turns into something" because if it didn't work out he'd lose his friend. And sure, there was probably some "I'm not supposed to want my friend like that; God I'm such a perv" issues or the "She's so amazing, she'd never go out with me" type of insecurities. But mostly I think Luke didn't believe he had REAL feelings for Lorelai, just lusty ones that he needed to ignore. Most of the reason I believe this is because of his reaction when he Saw Her Face. To viewers who AREN'T obsessed with GG, it seems like he's only just now realizing he has any feelings for Lorelai. But to those of us who are, it might have at first seemed to be ridiculous. "Really, Luke? You had no idea you liked her? Then what was with all those knowing looks, or jealous fits? You didn't consider this already when Rachel spelled it out to you?" But once I started thinking about it as, "Luke used to think he just lusted for her, but now he realizes he genuinely loves her" it makes a little more sense.
  10. So I found my Maryen Lorrain dance year book from 1995 and apparently I got Abby to sign it. Is this a priceless item now?
  11. What reaction was this? When he finally finished babbling about all of his new money, what he was doing for Gigi, checking if there was anything he could buy for Lorelai, he got around to questioning if there was something Rory might like. Lorelai gently and politely said there was nothing she needed or wanted. However, she would check with Rory - which she did. That seemed to me to be a courteous and normal response in such circumstances. It certainly would not have been appropriate for Lorelai to take money, castles or breweries from him.When Lorelai did speak with Rory, she - somewhat timidly I thought - asked if Christopher could pay for Yale so she could get out from under her obligation to Richard and Emily. After some discussion of the pros and cons, it was decided that it made sense. Lorelai, Rory and Christopher then got together a few days later to catch up and get the college funding process in train. Rory thanked her father most sincerely. It was all quite warm and civil. There were no nasty cracks or caustic jabs. Given family was involved, it was most un-Gilmore-like ;) I'm not trying to speak for dirtypop, but I thought the original quote there was referring to a money offer Chris made earlier (either in Christopher Returns or some other interaction while Rory was in HS) and not the one he made post-grandfather-inheritance. I don't remember the scene exactly, but I also have a vague memory of Chris offering assistance and Lorelai turning him down. The only reason I have this vague memory is because I still remember feeling like it was sort of half assed on Chris' part, like he knew he'd get turned down based on past (pre-series) experience so it was an empty offer where he could feel like he did the right thing, but wouldn't have to follow through. But that's all colored by my PO of disliking Chris :) With respect, when did this take place? Certainly not at the time he agreed to pay for Yale. And I think the next time we saw Christopher he was touring the campus with Rory and bonding with Logan. Again, not trying to speak for dirtypop, even though I did insert the words in brackets there... I think what was being said there was, "Lorelai didn't like taking money from anyone, including Chris, because money always comes with strings attached. The only way Lorelai would have been comfortable with taking money from Chris would have been if he agreed to no strings. Which would mean Chris would have had to promise to give them money whether or not Rory wanted to interact with him, and it seems unlikely Chris would want to agree to that. So there was no way for Chris to assist financially that both L and C would be happy with." Most schools have this "rule" but make exceptions for local kids who will live at home. The point of the rule is to prevent freshman from finding an apartment off campus. The cynic would say this is because the schools want to make sure their housing gets filled instead of laying around empty not making money. The rose-tinted glasses person would say this is because the newfound freedom of college is a lot to take in as it is; adding in the extra freedom and responsibility of living in an apartment can cause unnecessary problems. But these concerns don't apply to a kid living at home. You just send them information, and they go "yeah, okay" and then you live at home. I had several friends who did this at a private university. However, even though I lived in walking distance of the same school, my mom and I agreed it would be better for me to live on campus the first year to get fully into college life and make friends. So I agree it would be the healthier decision for Rory and Lorelai as well. (Same deal with the food plans that are usually "mandatory" freshman year.)
  12. Well, this is by no means soon, but here goes :) Fair warning: my thought process gets rather cyclic.First, there's just the standard manic excitement a Marty fan like me would have after hearing even the teeniest, tiniest, though highly unlikely, possibility that Marty could be in the revival. Hence all the "Ahhhhh!"ing of my other post. I mean, it's one thing to be thinking to yourself, "They're bringing back so many people. I wonder if Marty will be one of them." It's something else altogether to hear Wayne go on record that he'd be in. Not that it's surprising to hear that - he's not an A-lister who gets to turn down gigs all the time so obviously he'd take an opportunity. But he could just as easily have sat at home on his own thinking, "I'd like to be part of it." Doing an interview, talking people into being TeamMarty? It doesn't just feel like an actor hoping he gets A job. More like he wants THIS job because he's invested in the future of the character, not the paycheck. Next, I think it's totally adorable that Wayne created a backstory for Marty and made a mixtape - A MIXTAPE!!! - of music he'd like. Seriously, my Marty/Wayne crush continues to grow. I'm not an audiophile by any means, but I wish I knew what was on that tape. But then the doubts creep in. If they brought Marty back, could the show really make him end game for Rory? Especially after how things ended in S7? I get the point made in the article how his period of douchebaggery doesn't negate who he was up until then (and I came up with a couple acceptable reasons for it long ago), but can he really make a comeback after that? So if he isn't end game, why is he there? Another round of pining for Rory and getting rejected? NO THANK YOU!!! Then I'm back to my original stance on Marty: If they can't be a couple, can they please be a 100% platonic pair of friends? I just don't see how that's possible with the history on the show, though. Maybe he's married, they reconnect, and as a way to cleanse him of his S7 sins he immediately introduces Rory to his wife with (a less clunky version of), "Honey, this is Rory. I had a crush on her back in college and it took me an oddly long time to get over the fact that she didn't feel the same way, but I did and I'm glad I did or else I never would have met you. Is it cool with you if I keep in touch with her again?" But in the end, I'm still the Marty lover who brought her S4 GG DVDs to a Broadway play, and waited by the stage door afterwards, and mustered up the courage to call out "Wayne!" as he was about to leave, and excitedly told him "I rooted for Marty the whole time" as I asked for his autograph. So that's what I'll continue to do: Root for Marty and squee every time I hear something that keeps my hopes alive.
  13. This was kinda fun :) http://www.bustle.com/articles/143072-i-dressed-like-lorelai-gilmore-for-a-week-heres-what-happened
  14. This'll come back to GG, I promise... So Mr. Tak and I only recently started watching Game of Thrones. For reasons that aren't worth getting into, I happened to read an article about how a certain character (Tommen) was recast with an actor who had already played a different role on the show. So many of the people were incensed over this in the comment section. And I just had to chuckle because all I could think about was Mick/Kirk, Drella/Celine, Sasha/Anna, Trix/Marilyn. Clearly GG has desensitized me to such antics.
  15. I also hope for those last words. Not because I think they'll be mind blowing or even satisfying. I just don't want them dangling out there in the unknown anymore. Closure, man.
  16. A rather low level UO of mine... I think Rory could actually be a really good journalist. I get where most viewers are coming from when they say Rory would be better suited to being an editor rather than a journalist. She doesn't have the powerful, go-getter, "don't take no for an answer" personality that her journalistic idol does. But I could see Rory's lack of aggressiveness actually work for her. In today's "paparazzi"-like culture, where 20 people with microphones are all shouting at someone leaving the courthouse, Rory would kind of stand out. She might find some back door way to get in touch with a person, and they might be more likely to respond to that rather than the shouters. I could even see her in the Middle East and having the female civilians there be more receptive to her than other journalists and thus opening up to her.
  17. Yeah, but it's totally cool. She just put that in, so you can eat it.
  18. amensisterfriend, I think you should give this a read. I know you'll approve of at least one of his opinions!
  19. I love how Abby's all "Kalani doesn't need to be here, she wouldn't be doing anything anyway" immediately followed by "You should have been here, if we fail it's because you weren't here." Yeah, Abby, you're not delusional. Nope, not at all. So this is super old, so nobody probably cares any more, but I'm still gonna chime in...While I'm obviously not BusyOctober, I thought the first post was saying how can you call it a concert and then perform just one song. I'd assume the unknowns that tessa refers to performed more than one song at their concerts. I agree it was weird to make such a big deal over Nia singing one song to a crowd, but it's still true that it's the biggest thing to happen for her music career. Hopefully not the biggest that will happen for it, but for now, yeah.
  20. Guys, you're forgetting how super! duper! rich! Christopher is. Obviously he threw a lot of money at the French government to make them change their laws just for him.
  21. Maybe a "now you have to marry me" pregnancy?
  22. I guess I always assumed that Emily and Richard did push for involvement again as soon as they learned where Lorelai and Rory were, but that Lorelai kept it extremely limited because she didn't trust her parents to do it on her terms and with her boundaries.
  23. The same people who bite a stick of string cheese instead of peeling it. <shudders> It's just wrong.
  24. No one on the show has ever spelled it that way; It's just posters poking fun at their pronunciation. Abby and Kelly have been the worst offenders in my memory. I don't remember if any of the other moms did it. As a native Pittsburgher, I'll add that I don't remember hearing that particular mispronunciation (-st- changing to -sht-) a lot, but I'm also not surprised. Pittsburghese is a very sloppy/mushy vernacular. East Liberty -> Sliberty, for example.
  25. She was hacked, I'm sure! In all seriousness, I don't actually hate Abby so much that I want her in jail. I just want her off my fucking screen. I want her stripped of all this fake celebrity that has severely overloaded her ego which was inflated enough pre-series. I want her taken down enough pegs that she wakes up to her delusions. It's just that if going to jail is what it takes for all that to happen, I'm cool with it.
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