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Everything posted by 4evaQuez

  1. When did EJ shoot her? I remember her shooting him in the head.
  2. I honestly never even thought of that. Reading your post made me think how I wish Witchstock in Season 6 had been written differently. I know they couldn't get the Patty actress for that episode, so they could have set the episode in the early 80s. Grams with a young Prue, Piper, and Phoebe could have been at the park for some made up festival. Paige's parents could have been there, too, with a young Paige. Demons attack and Paige and Grams must team up to defeat the demons and save the young Power of 4. That would mean rewriting Witchstock into a completely different episode, but I don't think anything of value would be lost. That being said, I don't completely blame Kern. With Paige included, it would seem odd to include episodes exploring the young Prue/Piper/Phoebe dynamic without including Paige. Paige was left out enough; as a Paige fan, I couldn't see me enjoying those episodes.
  3. Shelle are perfect? How many times have Belle cheated on Shawn? Wasn't Belle fantasizing about Philip during the Shelle wedding? What makes them perfect? I liked the Challie moments this episode. Why aren't Cin living in the Bope house? I know Shelle are there, but with Claire absent, there should be enough room for Cin. I just don't think it's in character for Ciara to live in such a dump. I hope the Devil takes the Cin baby, so we'll never have to see him again.
  4. I completely agree! I was tired of Stefano when the character was still around, and I'm tired of hearing about him now. I wish the show would show us Johnny's connections with his living relatives, which he has many. I thought it was entirely too early for Lani to call Paulina "Mom." It didn't feel earned for their current relationship. Why hasn't the show brought on a recast Tamara? I assume the original isn't interested in returning. The Paulina/Lani story could really benefit from her perspective. I want more group scenes, but then the ones I get are so awkward. Having characters being silent and still as two characters argue make it feel like a stage play and not a Soap Opera. In the past, I remember other characters having reactions. Some would go to different rooms to discuss what they just saw/heard. Some would have private discussions to the side. The moment would trigger conversations that impacted characters' storylines. Now people are just silent and still like they are a Greek Chorus. I know this may be because of budget and the limited amount of time they have to shoot scenes, but it is really noticeable.
  5. In Sympathy for the Demon, we see what is described as the moment Victor walks out of the girls' life. I decided to pay special attention, and it annoys me. First, we see Piper running to Grams with some gift. Grams immediately says that Victor helped her pick out the gift. That doesn't sound like the words of a woman who hates Victor. If Grams hated Victor and wanted him out of the girls' life, why would she immediately, with no prompting, share this happy moment that Piper is feeling with Victor. We then see Victor come from the living room. Victor and Grams seem to be having a pleasant enough moment with Piper until the demon comes. The demon throws a fireball and Grams firmly and authoritatively casts a spell vanquishing the demon. One of them hold Piper and the argument ensues. Victor talks about not wanting his girls to grow up around demons. Grams tells him he's overreacting. Victor is the one who chooses to leave. Grams does not kick Victor out of the girls' life as he claims. She doesn't even kick him out of the house. She seems prepared to stand her ground and convey her argument, but she never once says that Victor must leave the girls' life. That's what he chooses. Grams is the one who is left behind to comfort a devastated Piper as Victor walks out the door. Grams does not use a spell, she does not use her powers against him, she does not use this time to try to poison Piper's mind against him. She simply comforts her granddaughter as the only parental figure Piper has. What confuses me about this is this is when the girls' powers would have been bound. Why didn't Victor, as their father, seek custody of the girls if he wanted them to grow up with a demon free life. Him leaving the manor doesn't actually solve the problem. They are still living with Grams. As long as Grams is a powerful witch, demons are going to attach her, and presumably, she is going to protect innocents. We hear in Season 2 that Grams was even the leader of a coven. So why does Victor leave? If he doesn't want his girls growing up with demons, isn't the better solution to sue for custody. One could argue that Grams could use a spell to control the judge's mind, but we can't make that argument because Victor doesn't even try. I'm confused why Grams gets the blunt of the blame for Victor's decisions. I also don't understand the Grams hates Victor rhetoric. In Just Harried the two aren't friendly, but Grams also isn't frothing at the mouth at his attendance. She is angrier in That 70s Episode, but this is presumably much closer to when Victor left Patty since Patty doesn't even know she's pregnant. Of course, emotions will be higher then. I know the show wants a more light-hearted Victor, but they could have done that without blaming Grams and being inconsistent with what they tell us versus what they show us.
  6. In isolation, Season 5 is a highly entertaining season. The episodes are binge worthy even before binging became a part of the entertainment lexicon. They are easily rewatchable, comedic, a good blend of whimsy, comedy, lighthearted action, and some great performances from RM and HMC. According to Wikipedia, the ratings went up for Season 5 after falling in Season 4. Season 5 is also the highest rated Paige season according to Wikipedia. There are links included there. I can honestly see why. The Piper/Phoebe/Paige dynamic has its best chemistry this season, and I actually think this season has a lot in common with Season 2. Some of the best episodes of the series, the show is retooling itself to find its new identity, some great sisterly bonding moments. Lastly, the show is inviting in a way that I think is exclusive to this season. Unfortunately, when we look at Season 5 in context with the Charmed series, there are a lot of holes. The Cole arc is abysmal and ends in a whimper. Paige is the only one to experience it or even care. This is when the show starts its weird ritual of revolving a pivotal episode around one or two characters. In this case, the 100th episode being centered around Paige and Cole. I actually like the episode, but it was still a weird choice to make. The 2-part season finale was centered around Piper and Leo with a dash of Chris. Since this episode sets up the sixth season arc, I'm including the season finale here. This is also when the show splits into two different shows concurrently. Neither show is the supernatural thriller of the first 4 seasons. Piper and Paige are in a fantasy show. Phoebe is in a romantic comedy. Phoebe even gets her own set in the Bay Mirror, and she gets her own supporting cast with Elise and Jason. Oh My Goddess sets up the family drama that Piper, Leo, and Chris will star in for Season 6. I love Season 5, and I don't think the show is completely at the point where it's 3 witches who happen to be roommates, but it is quickly getting there. Lastly, let me be clear that I don't blame the writers for Season 5. I actually think there are a lot of great episodes here. I also think the writers had some intriguing ideas for character growth, motivation, and direction this season that I assume they were not allowed to explore because of the new direction of the show. I also think AM and BK did not pull their weight this season. In AM's case, she could and has done better. In BK's case, he's just not given anything to do. Check "up there" and being a babysitter is not character development. I think the writers were given a very specific job, and they did that job well. Even if it's not necessarily the job I would have wanted. Phoebe - Starting with AM and Phoebe. It's clear that the writers realized that Phoebe was headed in some dead-end directions very early in the season and tried to course correct. I wonder how much AM being a producer limited what they could do with the character. The Eyes Have It and A Witch in Time are both episodes that focused on Phoebe, her internal dialogue, journey, and her premonition power. The Eyes Have It is the more crucial episode as it feels like it was supposed to be the more classic Phoebe episode. Phoebe realizes her dedication to her job is poisonous. Not only to her, but to her powers, to innocents, and to how she connects with others. She spends the entire episode running away from her Charmed duties, she's so disconnected from her sisters that they don't even realize her powers are on the fritz, and she admits that she feels overburdened with her job. The big advancement in her premonitions is supposed to represent Phoebe reconnecting with herself, choosing her sisters, and not prioritizing her job. The importance of eyes, sight, and how seeing the world or not seeing the world have consequences that reverberate are themes that flood this episode. This is a great episode to retool Phoebe in a natural and much needed way before she becomes a lost cause. Nothing comes from it. A Witch in Time isn't as in-depth as the other episode mentioned, but it is still one that centers Phoebe's premonitions. The show says this is a power advancement. The show has seemingly forgot that Phoebe has had non magical oriented premonitions since Season 1. I've always remembered Phoebe's premonition about the guy who gets hit by a pink Cadillac because that was the first time we learned that Phoebe sees her visions in color although we see them in black and white. Phoebe also uses her premonitions to help an elderly couple with a lottery ticket while her lottery ticket magically disappears. Anyway, the show pretends this is a power advancement, so they are at least trying to represent premonitions as an important ability. However, unlike Seasons 1 and 2 episodes where premonition centered episodes show the audience why Phoebe's power is the most coveted. This one has Phoebe ultimately get herself killed in one reality. Then she gets herself and Paige killed in her current reality. The guy then ultimately dies in the third reality. There are three big problems. A - Phoebe dies multiple times due to her power. B - Phoebe doesn't even care that the guy dies in the 3rd reality. C - Phoebe is not the one to learn this lesson. Piper kinda learns the lesson but not really. Piper in the third reality only hears of Paige and Phoebe's death. She doesn't actually experience it. It's hard to say she learns the lesson Prue learns in Death Takes a Halliwell since she only has a slight connection to the guy and her choice was to prevent death - Paige and Phoebe - which she actually does. This is also the season where Phoebe starts having offscreen premonitions a lot. She touches something, closes her eyes, has a premonition we can't see, and then Paige must figure out how to stop whatever it was that we didn't see. Lastly, Paige is the one to have a quasi premonition in Oh My Goddess as Paige is the one who feels that something is wrong and is having dreams about upcoming disaster. She literally talks to Phoebe about these dreams, and an Elder says Paige doesn't have premonitions. For some reason, no one in the writer's room, producing room, and AM had no problem approving this script. Phoebe is truly not on the same show she once was nor is she the same character. The awful thing is that I don't think AM cares. Piper and Paige - I paired these two because they spend so much time together. I wonder if I showed someone Season 5, told them nothing about which sister was the long-lost sister, would they come to the conclusion that it's Phoebe who is the fourth sister not Paige. I'll obviously have to skip the 2 or 3 episodes that mention this, but I don't think I'd realize Phoebe and Piper are the two who grew up together. Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun is the episode I think best summarizes the Piper/Paige dynamic. I know I may be giving the writers more credit than they deserve, but I love that in essence, this episode shows how both women are living in Prue's shadow. In Sympathy for the Demon, Paige gets dialogue outright stating how she still feels like she's living in Prue's shadow. This is because of Barbas; however, we've always been told that Barbas manipulates one's greatest fear and not that he inserts it. Paige must still fear that she is a Prue replacement. In this episode, her big mission is crafting a spell Prue cast, which she completes at the end of the episode. (Sidenote: Paige literally creates life with the pigeon. That seemed like it should be a bigger deal. At least it took her days or weeks to actually do it). It is the feeling of being an outcast that helps her connect with Cole's suffering. She also telekinetically orbs the broken potion like Prue. In Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun, Piper, as the oldest sister, feels she should be the leader. What I think is unspoken is that she feels this because Prue was the leader. Piper and Phoebe never really questioned that. Sure there were episodes when they were under a spell, and Phoebe was rebellious. However, Phoebe rebelled like a troubled kid in the most strict teacher's classroom. The kid doesn't want to be the teacher; they just want to show the teacher the limits of their power. Neither Phoebe or Piper actually challenged Prue as the leader. Prue never considered her sisters leaders. It just was the unspoken rule. Paige challenges the unspoken rule in a way Piper nor Phoebe would ever do. Piper, in her mind, feels she failed Prue once when Phoebe became the Queen of All Evil. She says this in Long Live the Queen. I'm certain she doesn't wanna fail again. Paige challenging Piper, in some subconscious way, is Paige challenging Prue. The big problem here is that unlike the Prue/Piper/Phoebe dynamic where Prue was the defacto leader and the most natural leader; Piper is not a natural leader. Paige is the natural leader. Paige, however, is the newest and the youngest. I don't think Piper/Phoebe have ever judged Paige for being the youngest. I don't think we ever got dialogue from the two attacking Paige because of her age. We have gotten dialogue from the two attacking Paige because she was the newest. That begins in Season 4. This is where the differences in their personalities take center stage. Paige is take charge, thinks outside the box, runs in guns ablazing, creative, crafty, and is okay to do things alone if that means getting results. Piper is more cautious, more by the book, needs someone by her side, i.e. Prue, Leo, or Paige, to be assertive - assertive and not mean. Piper is mean, not assertive. Leo tries to play referee between the two like he did in Season 4, but he isn't as effective. Unlike Season 4 where Leo was a neutral party, Leo pretty much takes Piper's side this episode. Leo/Paige also just aren't shown to be as close with each other this season. Phoebe tries to play middle sister, but similarly to Season 4, she is an awful mediator. I find this odd since Phoebe has a degree in psychology. I love this episode because similarly to Season 4, Piper and Paige solve their problems together. Piper/Paige actually know each other on a personal level. Paige also pushes Piper in a way neither Phoebe or even Prue did. Paige pushes Piper to attempt to be assertive and take charge. When Paige becomes a Nymph, Piper thinks outside the box in a way Paige would to find Paige. Piper and Paige work together to craft a spell together to turn the demon into a tree. Paige allows Piper to grow. Piper allows Paige to have a firm place in the Halliwell family to be weird and creative but still needed by Piper and eventually Piper's sons. Wyatt says Paige is his favorite aunt in Season 7. Chris says Paige is his favorite aunt in Season 6. I love this episode and Piper/Paige; because similar to Piper/Prue, I could actually see them being friends even if they weren't sisters. When Prudence Melinda Halliwell becomes Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, it already feels earned in just a season and a half. Paige does feel as important to Piper as Prue was, but in a very different way. I've been on a lot of Charmed boards were we discuss how Prue's death helped Piper to grow. I think Paige's inclusion in Piper's life was just as important to that growth. While Paige may have fears that she is a Prue replacement in Season 5, I actually think Piper is beyond seeing her as a Prue replacement and simply sees Paige as Piper's sister. Random Thoughts 1. I wish the show used this season to help us learn more about Paige's family. This season we see Paige meet Grams and Sam. I liked both, and RM did a splendid job in Sam I Am. I wish we could have learned more about her adoptive family. She mentions an aunt and uncle in a Season 4 episode. I would have loved an episode where she had to protect them from some demon or even just introduce them to Piper/Phoebe. I also would have liked an episode where Paige had to protect her former sponsor because he/she was a future whitelighter. While I'm not a Glen fan, I still would have liked if his last episode wasn't Paige kidnapping his girlfriend, sending her to the Underworld, and then attempting to marry him. Paige/Victor also interact on screen for the first time this season. I say interact because they apparently met offscreen. I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, there shouldn't be any big emotions. Paige had nothing to do with Victor/Patty/Sam, and Victor shouldn't direct any anger at Paige. Paige met her biological father, mother, and grandmother at this point, and Victor is no one to her. That being said, I still feel like I wanted something for their first onscreen interaction. I'm not even sure what I want, but I know it's not what I received. 2.Phoebe/Leo oddly spend quite a few scenes together this season. I know the actors dated in real life at one point, and I wonder if this was the season that occurred. In Oh My Goddess, they give each other a big hug which seems odd. It seems odder because Paige/Leo do not hug. On one hand, Leo is the only character Phoebe can talk to about supernatural things since he's usually filling her in as Piper/Paige are already working on the vanquish. On the other hand, Leo doesn't actually have anything to do and Piper/Paige don't need him in their dynamic as a mediator like they did in Season 4. Leo/Phoebe may share scenes because there's just simply nothing else for them to do. 3. This is the season where the sisters randomly created potions for everything. They are using less spells, and the spells aren't as creative as they are in the past. In Season 1 we got lines like, "From now until it's now again" to signify 24 hours. In Season 5 we get, "I want good luck so my life won't suck" as a spell. It's not as awful as Season 6 "Get him the Frock out of here," but it's close. I do like the spell Piper/Paige create to turn the guy into a tree. I also like the spell Grams created to kill that random demon, "Hellspawn demon, creature of death, fire will take your very breath." It feels very Grams. 4. I don't know if this was a coincidence, but the women with telekinesis are the most natural leaders: Grams, Prue, Paige. I have a Grams/Victor rant I will add in a different post.
  7. EJ is talking about "festive" decorations, while he is wearing that tie. The jokes write themselves. I don't agree with EJ's descriptions of the Dimera family, at all. I also thought his toast was horrendous. He mostly harped on how much he and Johnny don't get along for the vast majority of the toast. Finally, he said he loved his son. Toasts that focus on the conflict you have with a person should really be reevaluated. I know there's nothing wrong with it, but I really hate seeing people imbibe when they are caring for small infants. I love Anna Dimera, but why is she on this show? Ron either needs to integrate her better into the show, or she and Tony need to go to an offscreen island. I like Paulina Price, but I am a little resentful that Ron is putting so much effort into integrating her into the show. Don't get me wrong; that's what Ron should be doing for all of the characters. I'm resentful that Paulina can so effortlessly go from being with Hortons (via Eli and the twins), to the Carvers (via Lani and Abe) to the Dimeras (via Chanel and Johnny) to the Evans/Blacks (via Marlena). She and Kate (another character who gets to seamlessly move around the canvas) got to discuss their similar pasts. I wish more characters got to freely move around the canvas like Paulina, Kate, and Susan (when she's around) get to move. Marlena needs a restraining order against Susan. Nothing about this is funny or cute anymore. Also, are supposed to think Kristen and Susan don't look alike anymore? There are a couple of times in just the last few weeks during this possession storyline where ED returned. Is this supposed to be like the Two Abbys? I was embarrassed for CB/Johnny. I know a lot of people on the board talk about how "fun" this possession storyline must be for the actors. Honestly, I cringe. I wonder if they are as embarrassed playing this silliness as I am watching it. I'm always curious when the show gives the Gen Z characters such old references like The Shining. Granted. I watched a lot of old movies and tv shows, and I'm a millennial. I Love Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore, Dick Van Dyke Show, etc. I'm not saying it's impossible for younger generations to watch older movies. I know it's not. I do still find it odd when they are given those references; I find it odd when they all understand the references. Especially since the younger characters rarely get to reference more contemporary pop culture occurrences. To be fair, I think the show is 6 months ahead. With the way pop culture moves now, something can explode, peter out, explode, and peter out again by the time it airs on Days.
  8. I actually really liked the Jenn/Gwen scene on a, "these actresses work well together," level. I know it's hard to say what is "in character" and "out-of-character" for someone like Jennifer Rose Horton. She's had so many storylines over decades that you can always find a storyline to support your argument or negate someone else's argument. That being said, I find it hard to believe that Jennifer would be so teary eyed and emotionally vulnerable with a women who may or may not have killed her mother. I know there was dialogue where she says she accepts it was an accident, and she hopes Gwen is telling the truth. As someone who watched the Jennifer/Laura storylines from the 90s, I just question if Jenn would be this forgiving, especially to the point of welcoming Gwen in the Horton home. Jennifer had so much pain regarding the years (18, I believe) that Laura was not in her life due to her mental illness that I question if Jenn would be so mature at literally losing her mother in such a ambiguous fashion. It seems to me it should bring up so many deep-seeded feelings of anger, abandonment, and recurring loss that Jennifer felt in the 90s. I also realized this episode that Jennifer is an orphan. Bill died during Doug's anniversary episode, and now Laura is gone. I wish we could have gotten some dialogue acknowledging that. I know people here don't like Julie, but a Julie/Jennifer scene discussing Jennifer's feelings about being an orphan would have been really beautiful and appropriate. I also realized 4 out of the 5 original Horton children have passed. Marie is the only living child. I assume Tommy Horton has died since I can't remember the last time he was mentioned. I don't care about any of the Dimeras. However, if Chad and Johnny hate EJ so much, why are they living in his house? I know the show has limited sets, but at this point, Chad/Abby should be in the Horton house, and Johnny/Chanel should be with either Paulina or Marlena/John. The Sami/Marlena photo in the condo is constantly moving to make sure it's always in frame. During the Christmas/exorcism episodes, the picture was on top of the fireplace in constant view for scenes. Today, it was next to the couch - where it usually is - in constant view for scenes.
  9. What terrible news. I hope this is a really short return.
  10. Chloe and Nicole outright attempted to kill themselves when they could no longer be with Daniel. Kate attempted murder when she couldn't be with Daniel. Jennifer basically started an "I hate Jack" campaign to prove herself good enough for Daniel. Maggie's relationship with Jennifer, Lucas, and Chloe were destroyed for Daniel. Chloe was willing to use her time as being forced into prostitution as a scheme to get Daniel back from Jennifer. Even when people were angry at Daniel, they had to tell us what a gifted and talented doctor he was. He was also the only doctor who saved people in Salem. Whenever someone died, you would get dialogue stating that he was nowhere around. Victor loved Daniel more than he loved his own son, Philip. That's just what I remember off the top of my head. Gwen isn't quite there, yet.
  11. "You're having a midlife crisis. You should have dyed your hair." I actually liked this episode. Charlotte actually felt like Charlotte for the first time this series. She actually felt like an important figure, and I thought the relationship with her kids had the right balance. I also liked the resolution. Rock put a poster over the Rose name. It felt like a way to honor both people's request. I hate that the poster was ugly, but Rock is a teenager. They rarely have great taste. I also agree with whomever said upthread they are appreciative that the show didn't make Rock sullen, miserable, and moody. I also did not like the haircut for Rock. I liked the argument between Charlotte and Miranda. Again, both responses felt true to their character. I also liked that they actually seemed to have a relationship with each other this episode. Part of my issue with this series is it felt too early Sex in the City. I mean in the sense that everyone's relationship seemed to be filtered through Carrie. Later in the series and in the movies, the characters developed more of a relationship with each other. I liked that the relationship between Charlotte/Miranda was honored here. Charlotte would be aghast at an affair, regardless of one's reasoning for having one. I laughed out loud at Charlotte's "You're not progressive enough for this." I also laughed at "Them! You mean there's more than one person!" It seemed like a good balance of acknowledging the changing world, while being true to the characters' core tenets. I don't buy that Charlotte would ever have a sex dream about Che or find them "charismatic." Not because Che is nonbinary, but because everything about Che is so aesthetically disheveled that I can't imagine Charlotte ever finding them attractive. Charlotte didn't laugh once at the standup routine, and she was barely paying attention to the show. That felt like Che propping. I felt nauseated every time the Che and Miranda fantasy popped up on screen. I didn't like it the first time. I didn't like the flashbacks. I did not hoot and holler at my screen when Miranda sent Che a private message via social media. I am just not a fan of this pairing. I liked the scene with the professor at dinner, but I was also confused why it was there. The actors did a good job, but I'd rather spend the 38 minutes with the Sex and the City characters - Carrie, Charlotte, text messaging Samantha, Miranda, in that order. I kept waiting for Miranda to show up for the scene, and I was disappointed that never happened.
  12. These episodes feel 5 hours long. So Sami and Lucas are already gone? We don't get a Sami/Marlena post possession scene, but we get a Marlena/Tripp post possession scene. Okay. Stefano is in hell; nobody should care about lying on his grave. Kate/Chad is such a weird dynamic. On one hand, the show tries to sell them as having this mother/son bond. On the other hand, they seem to barely tolerate each other. Not even in a Sami/Marlena way where you can tell there's love underneath the anger and dislike. They just seem to dislike each other. Is kidnapping Sami really worse than faking one's death and framing someone for your murder? Kate finds Lucas kidnapping Sami to be oh so horrible, but Philip she tearfully sends out into the world, presumably to never be seen again. Jennifer is a glorified background character this return. If you count all her lines, I don't even think we'll reach 20. Her lines and her reactions also don't match. Her lines are supportive, but she's constantly rolling her eyes and giving half smiles in the background. Jennifer seems like she's on the verge of slapping Gwen, but she's not Abigail. I did guffaw when Gwen said the Spectator was a tiny, local paper. HAHAHAHAHA! I didn't realize Rex was still in town. Beside from Roman/Kate, no one else cares about him. Why is he still there? AZ is 47 years old according to Google. NB is 41 years old according to Google. I don't consider that much younger. I also think both are quite beautiful. The two have worked together for more than a decade, and we've never heard any behind the scenes rumblings regarding their relationship. AZ even has a photo of her and NB on her Instagram calling them both beautiful. I don't think there's any reason to attack one to prop the other. Based on the data we have, I get the sense they are supportive of each other and would not want or request that type of propping.
  13. I enjoyed this episode a little more. Mainly because of Maggie/Abby. They rarely share scenes; I honestly couldn't think of any. I thought they worked well together. I like the idea of Abby/Sarah potentially interacting. I liked that Maggie mentioned Melissa and Nathan - I pretend Melanie doesn't exist. I liked seeing Maggie look at the Horton Family Album with a picture of her and Mickey. She reminded me of the Maggie I used to love. Gwen said Sarah is smart - that's debatable. Classy - she was childish and a reject Lucy Ricardo impersonator. And a good person - that's an outright lie. Gwen didn't know Sarah, at all. I dislike that this is partly to put Abby/Gwen in conflict with each other. I ask for more friendships, and the show gives me Gwen/Ava and repairs Jack/Xander. This show really hates me. I liked Jennifer silently rolling her eyes in the background. I wish she was a real character again because I would love her perspective on Xander and Gwen. I'm not trying to be mean but Steve and John are in their 70s. Why isn't the show giving younger characters these adventurous storylines. An Abby/Chad/Xander/Gwen search for Sarah could be interesting. As Abby and Xander are searching for Sarah, Gwen is silently derailing the in the background. Chad is there because this is a better placement for him that the boring Dimera Enterprises storyline. Eli literally has nothing to do. Couldn't he and Lani also join that foursome in their search for Kristen and what she allegedly did to Philp. The twins could be kept by an offscreen Doug and Mama Price. Nicole is at her desk crying over a teddy bear. What does Ari feel about this storyline? Is she crying because this is what she has to do to pay the bills? I mean wow.
  14. I can't speak for @CanaryFan98 but I meant I wanted Abby/Shawn to just share scenes. I did not mean a romantic pairing. I somewhat assume they meant the same thing since they mention Hope/Jen's relationship. That being said, Abby/Shawn are second cousins. Second cousins are allowed to marry and procreate in every state. Unless Days starts adding new bloodlines to the show, it's almost inevitable for some appropriately distanced blood related cousins to start dating each other. Technically, Eli should be able to date Horton women as he's Julie's grandson, so there's enough distance for there to be no medical concerns with an Abby/Eli baby, for example.
  15. I was thinking of the 95 - I think - NYE when Bo and Billie were getting married. The big reveal to the audience was that Marlena was the desecrator and had set a trap for Bo and Billie to be killed on their wedding day in front of all of Salem. Alice Horton was given a music box that convinced her Gina was Hope and she objected to the wedding. Jack was planning to destroy Jennifer and Peter's engagement by revealing himself at the wedding, and unbeknownst to him, he'd slept with Laura under an assumed identity. There was so much action and suspense and boiling tensions coming to a fulfilling explosion. This year we got a decapitated teddy bear.
  16. I've found these New Year's Eve/New Year's episodes so boring. Boring people talking about boring things. I'm used to New Year's episodes being exciting, joyful, until something horrendous happens that sets up the first quarter of storylines for the year. Instead I get a discussion of Dupree vs. Dimera as a last name. Sigh. I don't believe Tripp would ever use the word "sartorial" correctly in a sentence. I know Roman is just barely a character, but I still don't like him keeping this Philip secret. I realize he doesn't care about the half a handful of people who care that Philip is missing, but those 2.5 people still care about Philip. Since he'll never interact with them, I guess it doesn't matter. I don't see why it's so terrible Lucas had Sami kidnapped. Sami barely cared until she needed to for storyline purposes. I find it more disturbing that he chloroformed her. Tripp/Chanel/Allie/Johnny has to be the most boring 20s scene we've ever had on this show. I honestly yawned through most of their scenes. To end on a positive note, I did like the image of Johnny in a red suit, with the roaring fireplace, and the Stefano portrait above it. That was a nice image to end the episode on.
  17. This is what I wouldn't like about a EJ/Belle pairing. At this point, Belle should be her own character and not a Carrie replacement. Belle/Chad would work better for me. It also creates potential for some pairings that we rarely/never see: John/Chad, Marlena/Chad, Abby/Shawn, John/Abby, Belle/Kate. Abby/Belle. It also give us an excuse for a possible Jennifer/John/Marlena/Kate scene. I'm bringing up Kate as the maternal figure for Chad.
  18. Really? I find the new Sonny so much more attractive. He's also a better actor. I hated Freddie's Sonny.
  19. I guess that's what happens when the show is filming 6 (?) months in advance. I was just shocked that Carson Daly still works.
  20. I prefer Gabi and Jake just be gone. The cast feels too big, and there seems to be a lot of pointless characters just roaming around Salem.
  21. Ciara and Ben watch Peacock. I didn't know Carson Daly hosted the NBC New Year's Special. I guess that promotion was pretty effective. Marlena didn't share a scene with any of her kids after her possession. I thought we'll at least get a Marlena/Eric scene immediately after. I like Johnny's red suit. Chanel seems needy. That was a really depressing New Year's Eve. Happy 2022 everyone.
  22. Don't wish something so sick on my favorite character. Chloe was with Daniel. She's suffered enough as a character.
  23. He did have a relationship with Alice. Alice even felt a "connection" to Lucas before people officially discovered he was a Horton. Lucas' Horton reveal was in the 90s, and I remember Vivian using it as a way to wedge a hole between original Kate and Lucas for revenge for Kate "stealing" Victor from her.
  24. Shin Jr. is really, really cute. Gabi's lipstick was so beautiful. I wish the show would phase the Dimeras out. They are not an interesting family, and I never want to hear the words "Dimera Enterprises" again. Tom Horton died before Lucas discovered he was a Horton. Lucas never met him. Why is Lucas talking to Tom's memory like Tom has any idea who he is? Ava had a lot of difficulty decapitating a stuffed bear. I hope she's better at scheming than attacking defenseless objects. With a New Year, I hope we get new storylines. I was bored watching this episode.
  25. Kate told Victor Philip was alive. Kate and Victor then decided it's best for people to think Kristen set Brady up, and Kristen is behind Philip's "disappearance." The show did not give Philip/Victor a goodbye scene.
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