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Everything posted by 4evaQuez

  1. How can he have an opinion on something he did not experience? I actually like that the show allowed Eric to be more reflective about his role in the demise of the marriage. Also, I liked how Nicole brought up Eric's propensity to simply leave a situation, consequences be damned. I wish the show could have delved more into that especially in contrast with Sami. As for the second bolded point, I thought Nicole had another great point. This isn't an exact quote but she said something about Eric staying in Africa to help people and only receive glory in return. However, being with her means someone actually needing something from him in return that doesn't come with any rewards. Again not an exact quote. But I thought it went well with Eric's savior complex. It was something I wish the show had delved more into because while Nicole said she made Eric a lesser man or whatever the quote was. I actually thought a better framing was she made Eric a real man. One who couldn't just be praised for his selfless deeds, but a man who had to accept that he was just as complex and people needed things from him that sometimes did not come with his being rewarded with endless glory. I hope that made sense.
  2. I liked the idea of Phoebe having empathy, but I hated the execution. In season's 3 Primrose Empath, Phoebe is able to have a premonition without touching anything because of the immense psychic energy in the air. When Phoebe first got empathy in season 6, I thought they were going to develop that original idea - silly me. I thought her empathy would allow her to feel psychic energy thus advancing her premonition ability. Also, in Primrose Empath, the distance and range got farther the longer Prue had her empathy. Again, I thought Phoebe's empathy would grow to were she could feel emotions all over the city on command and thus extend the reach of her premonitions. Again, sadly, this did not happen. I also thought it would be great if they allowed Phoebe to have an Empathy Shield ability. She could cloak herself or others in an empathic shield and any pain a demon tried to inflict on others, the person would be protected from harm and the demon would feel the pain he attempted to inflict on another. I also liked the idea of Morality Bites, with Phoebe being able to overwhelm people with emotions in a lethal manner. As far as Paige, I think orbing should have been her only canon whitelighter ability. She was half whitelighter, so they could easily say she didn't inherit all the abilities. Plus, orbing was the only consistent power they had her use. The glamouring was super rare and plot driven, and she didn't acquire solo healing until the last season. There was also moments when the show would let her sense people, but: 1st that should have been an extension of Phoebe's empathy power. 2nd the show wasn't consistent with that trait either.
  3. The two have a brief conversation about their time in Nashville and how they've recovered from their "deaths." Not in that exact language of course. The scene also features Sami and Eric, Sami and Nicole passively-aggressively snarking at each other, Chloe interrupting to get Nicole out of what is obviously going to turn into an explosive situation. So in other words, a lot was going on in that scene, so it's understandable if you forgot it.
  4. I think this is ultimately what held both characters back from being the leads they should have been. It's shocking that in the grand scheme of Days they both have been footnote characters only important because of their parents and being kidnapped by a sibling almost 3 decades ago. And this process is repeating itself with their only daughter. I wish the show had explored both in serious relationships and was invested in seeing where they went instead of the predestined John/Marlena and Bo/Hope supercouple status that Shelle did not naturally earn at least with the BB/MM versions of the character.
  5. Belle was happier to see E.J. than she's been to see Sami in the past several years. Their scenes were actually pretty good, and it's the first time I thought there was some hope for this E.J. That immediately went out the window when he shared scenes with literally everyone else in this episode. Sami is truly a terrible person, and I love her for it. The smirk on her face when Xander walked through the door and announcing Nicole's tryst when Eric was in Africa was hilarious. I read some people's thoughts upthread about Sami, and I guess I have no problem with Sami not caring about Eric being collateral damage in her scheme. This is completely in character for Sami. She's always allowed her hatred for someone to overrule the love she has for the collateral damage of her schemes. I believe and know Sami loves Eric, but I've watched Sami since 1993, and she's rarely let love stop her from petty vengeance. I'm ready for forward movement in the Brady/Chloe/Philp triangle. One, Philip and Brady need to stop speaking for Chloe. Second, Chloe needs a point-of-view. Third, Chloe/Philip need to be given a legitimate chance. That being said, Chloe/Brady really are a beautiful and natural couple. Even seeing them in the background when other characters were the focus was a treat to the eyes. I do love dramatic irony, and I loved Nicole telling Chloe this is the happiest she's been in her life with Sander destroying that happiness just minutes later. Nicole works better for me like this and not the schmoopy heroine the show so desperately wants to turn her into.
  6. He still lives with her parents, but the last time we got an update on Parker last week, he was in a summer camp. We also got confirmation that he is not SORASED because they specifically referenced him as a 10-year-old. Kristen kidnapped Chloe and locked her in the trunk of a car for several days. Jan, while kidnapping Claire, stole the car that had Chloe in the trunk. As Philip tried to rescue Chloe, Jan shot her in the arm. Jan is now in yet another coma, as a result of the tussle with Philip.
  7. Do you know for what storyline? Also, giving a great performance is different from having an interesting character.
  8. I didn't want to say anything, but since you did...I'll simply say I agree 100%. I don't have much to say except why does Gabi think Victor would appoint her CEO of Titan. Did I miss something? Even if Philip is removed there's still Xander, Brady, Sonny, Justin, etc. Granted, all of them are terrible choices, but I never realized Gabi and Victor were close enough for her to have such an expectation. I like the new Chanel. I think they both give off similar vibes and the character doesn't feel like she's gotten a personality transplant like what happens with a lot of recasts. While I think the other Chanel had more charisma, I think the new Chanel is more natural. Both have a mischievous quality to them, and I hope we get to see the new Chanel do some scheming. Nicole/Eric was a nice ending.
  9. Abe, Eli, Theo. I think the show has trouble writing interesting black male characters. They're 0-3 currently.
  10. She was raped by her stepbrother, Chase, on the Horton couch. It was obviously supposed to be the start of a major storyline for Hope and Ciara - this wasn't long after Bo's actual death - but for whatever reason, the show kinda dropped it.
  11. I guess I just have a different interpretation because Marlena did choose Roman - and by extension Sami and Carrie - over John during the affair storyline. She chose her family, and it was Roman who left Marlena, and it was Sami who was so angry about the affair that she chose to live with Roman instead of Marlena although Marlena wanted Sami with her and Belle. John and Marlena then spent literal years a part before they reconnected romantically and by then Sami's hatred of John and resentment of Marlena was so strong that any "choosing" Marlena would have to do between Sami and John would be because of Sami many, many nefarious plots to hurt people like John and Carrie, including getting John addicted to drugs. Sami was also a bonified adult by the time Marlena/John reunited and Sami was a mother. I don't really see Marlena "choosing" John over Sami because the one time she was ever in a position to choose either, Marlena chose her family over John. I also don't particularly agree with the Marlena/John/Brady interpretation. By that point, the SORASED Brady was angry with John's wife. Marlena and John were married and Marlena was not abusing Brady, making him feel unwelcomed in his home, treating him differently from Belle, etc. Brady was the one going through young adult angst (wasn't he in his early 20s by then or close to it) and using Marlena as a target for said angst. John standing by his wife who is treating Brady like her son in every way imaginable regardless of his petulance is exactly what John should do, imo. Bo/Hope/Chelsea - I agree with you, but I also feel IT is different from the John/Marlena examples. Chelsea is the cause for Zack's death and Bo chose to cover that up, as you mentioned in your post. Bo's actions are helping to harm Hope. I don't see that as Hope choosing Zack over Bo, but she rightfully left Bo because he choose to continue the harm to Hope by trying to prevent their son from receiving justice in his hit and run. I can't think of a time John or Marlena intentionally harmed the other or continued to harm the other in the way that Bo did to Hope during that storyline.
  12. That's actually my point. You didn't quote this part of my post but just a few sentences before this part I mention that the show did not invest in the Shawn/Ciara relationship. This was also to build on a point I made earlier in the week that the show is making a strange decision to go out of its way to ensure we, the audience, know that Ciara is not in contact with anyone in Salem. Julie and Doug didn't know about the engagement, either. My bigger point was that the show has Ciara in her childhood home not to interact and connect with her family, but because she wants (free?) legal aid. I just think they are making really odd decisions with the Ciara character right now as she feels completely isolated from canvas even though she's currently on canvas. (Marlena also didn't know about the engagement. However, I guess that's more forgivable as Marlena and current Ciara don't seem close although they should be). I know the previous Ciara was not popular, but from memory, I remember the show connecting her to characters more than VK's Ciara who is only about Ben. Speaking of, for people with a better memory than I, does anyone remember when the previous teenage Ciara wanted to be a psychiatrist after her rape? Did I make that up? I could have sworn I remember her being mentored by Marlena, but maybe she was just going to counseling.
  13. I honestly don't get this reasoning. Their youngest child is in her 40s (I'm not counting Paul) with a daughter in her 20s. Why would they not put each other first?
  14. He never named Kristen when he informed Nicole during the initial conversation. I'm not certain if he's done so since then.
  15. I guess I'm in the minority because I like this preview. First, I love the cast integration. second, this is classic soap. Nicole is at her happiest just when Sami has information to destroy every thing she's worked for. Last, this is classic Sami. A truly cruel, vicious human-being who doesn't care who she hurts in her quest for vengeance. Carrie knows that all too well. Speaking of, I wish Carrie was here. She's the only John/Marlena/Roman child that isn't there. I'm obviously not counting Paul or the Gemini twins.
  16. It's so sad that Shawn, Ciara, and Claire are what's left of Bo and Hope's history. They deserve so much better. I actually liked Ciara in those scenes and laughed out loud at the firebug and hide the matches comments. I find it difficult to care about Shawn's relationship with either party. In theory, Shawn being torn between his little sister and daughter should make for a great and dramatic tale. Sadly, after more than a decade, BB's Shawn is just not a leading man. The show hasn't done well in investing in either relationship, and he often times just comes off as ineffective at worst or passable at best. Also, the only reason Ciara is at Hope's home from her months long trip from South Africa is to talk to Belle as a lawyer/potential client and not to catch up with her brother and sister-in-law. I mean I know multiple things can be true at once, but Ciara seemed to have no interest in Shawn, her brother, at all. I know a lot of people don't like Ben, but I love Ben/Marlena scenes. This wasn't one of my favorites, but they still work well together. I honestly guffawed at Ben telling Marlena that she doesn't understand loving a person with amnesia and how would she feel if it happened to her and John? This has been happening to them since the EIGHTIES! Hell, isn't it roughly around the time for something to impact John that rocks his entire world and identity since it happens to him roughly every 5 years. I did find it interesting that Marlena chose to reference the time John "died" in 2007/2008(?). Isn't that the time E.J. had something to do with his death and his back from the dead storyline. Does Marlena know E.J. is in Salem again? I can't remember. I was pleasantly surprised by the Theo/Nicole scenes. It took me a while to figure out why they would be close to each other, my first connection was Abe and then later Theo mentioned Brandon. It was weird listening to him say "Aunt Kristen" as I can't remember any Theo/Kristen scenes, but I imagine some must have occurred. Also, Nicole/Xander should be the next pairing for the two. I'm not liking Gwen/Xander or Nicole/Rafe/Ava, at all. In all honesty, I've never been a Jack fan, and having him on the show without Jennifer proves why. I wish I liked this new E.J., but I want to place him in the failed recast category. He and Sami have no chemistry. I'm not liking his chemistry with the other Dimeras. Or with Lucas and Rafe. The two are also not being written like the E.J. and Sami I remember. They feel too lovey dovey right now. I also think the actor is bringing out AS's (Sami) worst acting tics with the high-pitched yet still somehow low and breathy voice she does to convey panic. I wish the show had kept looking because while I understand wanting E.J. on canvas - I actually don't since there are too many Dimera men on the show as is, but I digress - I actually don't see the need for him to be on canvas right now. Hopefully, that'll change soon.
  17. First, I don't know how I feel about the new Chanel. Precious Way had an energy about her that made even the sometimes boring writing fun which also impacted her scene partners like Allie. Since, this was a more sullen scene, I don't know if the new actress has the same quality. I thought she was fine. I'll have to see more of her as I truly did love PW's Chanel and the Erica Kane vibe the show went for with her. Did Rafe/Ava show up because of contractual obligations? That was just odd. I hope Ciara will get a chance to interact with someone other than Ben and Theo soon. I wouldn't mind seeing a Chanel/Ciara scene that has nothing to do with Theo. I like Paulina, but I just didn't care about her backstory. I'm ready for new storylines.
  18. I haven't watched today's episode yet, but yesterday the construction guy was mainly there to reveal Paulina's plan to everyone and for comedic relief. Every time he spoke, Lani or Chanel would tell him to shut up or some variation thereof. It was obvious the show wanted us to see this as hilarious and not rude, disrespectful, irritating, and classist. As for the size of Salem, that seems to depend on the storyline. At certain points, the Salem skyline was littered with skyscrapers even Kiriakis Industries (or whatever the name is) was supposed to be in a brand new skyscraper back during the Roman/Marlena/John affair. The city/town also has an international airport which could imply at least a sizable population. But who knows...I'm sure Ron doesn't. As for the small grocery stores, it doesn't seem that Americans like to shop that way. I don't have data on this, so I'm just guessing. However, the Super Walmarts, Costcos, Sam's Clubs, etc. are popular for a reason. A large selection of goods at reasonable/cheap prices. I could see someone with a family choosing to skip over the small grocery store, which more than likely has limited options, to go to a larger chain to ensure they can get everything in one place, in large bulk, at cheap prices. However, at this point, I think we've put more thought into this storyline than Ron has.
  19. It's of course terrible for people to call the actress names, and I'm vehemently against that. That being said, I hated that haircut. It was unfortunately paired with a personality transplant, and that's when the show started writing Sarah Horton like a descendant of Lucy Ricardo. I still remember the episode it premiered with her giggling like a teenager and texting Xander constantly on the job while some medical emergency was happening around her. Then her storylines and acting became a series of wacky adventures more suitable for Lucy and Ethel. The show really dropped the ball with the character. No, it was not the haircut's fault, but I do think it marked a visual cue and demarcation as to when the show really lost all handle of the Sarah Horton character. On to the most current episode: 1. The show makes such odd decisions, and since I'm not enjoying it right now, I'm latching on to these decisions. Why did the show make it so apparent that Julie/Doug are not talking to Ciara and have not for the past couple of months. They had no idea she's dating and engaged to Theo. The three actually had a good onscreen relationship with each other. Also, it then begs the question, are any of these people talking to Hope? I couldn't help but wonder does Hope know anything about what's going on with her daughter and Salem. I realize the show is in an unfortunate situation and there's little they can do if KA does not return. However, after years of Hope languishing, it's horrific that the moment she's gone a huge hole is left in the show. Today, there were so many moment when I would have loved to see Hope's reaction. Hell, she was even mentioned by Ben in a way that made me wish for a Hope/Ciara discussion regarding the similar circumstances of their divorces - and I never even liked KA's Hope with VK's Ciara. 2. I still don't understand why I should care about Pricetown. Again, the show has Eli talking about his "Horton Legacy," but then they have him immediately confess to never meeting these people. Look, I could buy Eli saying that being in the Horton Town Square meant something to him regarding his personal identity if the show actually did more to connect him to the Horton family. I mean his anniversary party couldn't have any Hortons beside his grandparents. It feels empty coming from him as a character, and it feels empty coming from his as an actor. Hope or Jennifer, preferably, or even Julie or Lucas, he would be my last choice, should have had those words. However, for me, it would have had a devastating impact to see Jennifer and Hope's rage at the men destroying their grandparents legacy, and I honestly think I would be in tears if Jennifer, especially, had to pick up the plaque of Tom and Alice. As is, I couldn't care less. 3. I did like seeing Lani holding Chanel. I thought all the women looked stunning. 4. Ben/Ciara are having days longs conversations - in real time not Salem time - where they are repeating the same dialogue. 5. There was something cute about how excited John is to meet Paulina. 6. Since the show has spent some money redressing the sets, does anyone know if this Pricetown storyline is an excuse to redress Horton Town Square? I keep wondering what it will look like after demolition. I'm hoping it'll be like Salem Place Mall - I think that was the name of it. It was around in the early to mid 90s.
  20. Why would Ben and Ciara clash over Justin when Justin is Ciara's cousin and has a great relationship with her? Why doesn't he just ask Marlena to get Belle to represent him? Considering how much Justin loses, that's a better plan. Why would Chloe need Brady to invite her to a party Nicole is hosting? I'm really annoyed at how the show is positioning the Nicole/Chloe friendship. Is Philip so desperate for a storyline that he's entering the Lumi/Ejami triangle. How dreadful!
  21. Okay, so I just got a chance to watch Friday's episode. 1st: I truly despise Lani. TRULY DESPISE. To be fair to her, she didn't even do anything this episode, but I still was just frustrated by her presence. 2: I've read people's comments regarding Theo/Ciara, and I think it's hard for me to care one way or the other because: 1. This storyline is mostly happening offscreen. 2. It's moving at a breakneck pace. 3. I mostly like VK's Ciara, but I really don't understand a lot of her acting decisions. She played Ciara as vindictive and enjoying hurting Ben on Friday. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm not hurt by, but it seems like a strange decision. I'm sure Cin are who we're supposed to be rooting for, but VK is playing it absent any conflict. And again, there's just nothing there with Theo/Ciara. 4. What's the point of this Dr. Snyder storyline? We, the audience, already know he had a heart attack, and we know absolutely nothing will come of this investigation. It's not even a fun "mystery" for the 20 something set because only Tripp had the slightest of connection to him. What's the point? 5. I don't understand why they chose that grouping of characters to see the Horton plaque fall to the ground. Of the people at the party, only Doug, Julie, and Abe had an actual relationship with Tom/Alice. Yes, I know Eli is their great-whatever grandson, but he didn't have a relationship with them. Did he ever even meet them before their death? I find it odd that Julie, the person who would care the most, was not included in that scene. Also, why was Allie not included considering the show went to so many instances to remind us of her Horton connection and hints at how Paulina's plan would impact Allie/Chanel. I think that could have been a powerful moment, but they put the wrong grouping of characters together to witness it. Like, why exactly weren't Marlena, John, and Brady there who we saw get an invite. Marlena and John would have been a hell of a lot more appropriate than Lani, Eli, and Chanel. 6. I remember Alice more than Tom, but it really feels like a storyline that should have happened when Jennifer and Hope were still on canvas. The number of Hortons who actually had an onscreen relationship with the elder Hortons feel too small for me to be appropriately horrified. (They at least should have had Shawn be there since he and Eli work together. Give us something show). I think Ron has some great ideas, but his execution leaves a lot to be desired. I don't know if I want to go so far as to say that this is the nadir of what he's offered us so far, but it feels pretty damn close.
  22. As nilyank said, Brady and Shawn are first cousins. I honestly just kinda forgot they were cousins even though I know both are Kiriakis. They so rarely share scenes. It's like how I often forget Sami is double related to Claire because I forget Shawn and Sami are first cousins. Again, they so rarely share scenes. Yet, for whatever reason, I never forget Ciara is related to Sami and Brady. However, I think that's because LB's Ciara had such memorable and significant scenes with Sami and Brady that I still love. Like Ciara and Sami fighting over Sami's earring at a restaurant and Hope had to come referee their brawl. 😄
  23. I just realized Brady is Claire's uncle and cousin. Why have I never put that together before? Was Rafe talking to a bear supposed to be cute? charming? relatable? Does Ava ever leave that kitchen? I really enjoyed the Marlena/Abe scenes. I honestly couldn't remember the last time the two had a friendship scene. I was disappointed that she, John, and Brady couldn't come to the anniversary party as that is the type of cast integration I would love to see. Lani is so annoying. I hope we are getting close to the reveal of Paulina's secret. I liked the Chloe/Belle scenes. I wouldn't mind if the show reconnected that friendship as Belle doesn't have any friends, and the show doesn't seem interested in the Chloe/Nicole friendship right now. I enjoyed Brady/Shawn. I couldn't remember the last time these two had a friendship/brothers-in-law scene either. The Phloe kiss was nice. Overall, I liked the episode for the rarely seen screen partners but overall another boring one.
  24. Haven't gay men suffered enough.
  25. Xander (and Theresa) left Chloe in Mexico to presumably be raped and tortured for years by El Fideo. Once they returned to Salem, they informed no one that Chloe had been kidnapped and was still there. Theresa also specifically tried to stop them from finding Chloe, but I forget why. Xander also faked Holly's death - Chloe gave birth to Holly and has been her legal guardian a couple of times in her young life. I think Chloe had legal guardianship of Holly at the time because I remember Kristen as Nicole blaming Chloe for Holly's death. When Rafe(?) informed Chloe of Holly's death, I remember Chloe being devastated and Stefan had to carry her to her room - she was living at the Dimera Mansion at the time. So yes, Chloe is justified in her hatred of Xander. I liked Chanel, Allie, and Julie. I'm ready for Paulina's scheme to come underway. Roman acting like a horny 13-yar-old was not becoming. Gwen, Julie, and Xander were enjoyable today. Overall, a forgettable episode.
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