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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. Thanks, leisawoo. I do remember Jax whispering that to Juice, but I didn't remember him sending him after Gemma. I dislike Unser too - he's the one who got Gemma all upset with his misinformation. Everyone seems to forget how upset she was that night and to forget about her stealing Unser's truck.
  2. I really have no idea how it will end. I've been listening to podcasts and reading what I can find on the internet. Some seem to think that Chucky is a Fed, some think that Ratboy will live up to his name. I think it's most likely that Jury has a plan for revenge on Jax and that Robocop will help put an end to" Handsome Jack's" plans. But one thing has been bothering me. Why did Juice go to Jax & Tara's house the night of her murder? Did he ever say? Whatever happens, it will be gruesome. I think the only thing that would really bother me is if Gemma gets away with murder and the show ends with her still thinking of herself as Grandma of the year.
  3. This. Kids pick up on everything and no one acts normal around Abel. Even when Tara was around, she was all tense and fearful and making plans to leave and packing them up on a moment's notice and staying in a motel with them. Then since she died (his mother that he loves DIED), he has a stream of different caretakers, whatever hooker, crow-eater or porn actress is available to make him a sandwich. Dad is distant, Grandma is keeping her distance. His life is a disaster. Poor kid, the one all these idiot Tellers claim to be doing everything for. It's disgusting.
  4. If Winsome is to become the new love interest, then why did Sutter have her say something as stupid as anti-semantic? Or does he think that is correct usage? I would think that she would be some brilliant accidental whore if she was meant to be good enough for clever (not) Jax. Did I mishear? I thought Nero asked Alvarez for twice as much money as his half of Diosa is worth. Does Nero have a secret plan? I was certain that Nero would be the one who got killed when Gemma sent the message for him to come to the cabin. I also thought Thomas, then Rat might die at her hands. She is certifiable!! They certainly don't seem to worry about guns around small children. I have a feeling the bad seed will get hold of a gun and blow his "good grandma" away. I just hope little Thomas doesn't get caught in the crossfire. And poor Abel - what a life he's had!
  5. Did he really use a spoon? Because that means we've had a fork and a spoon used for mayhem. Perhaps Jax will meet his maker at the point of a knife?
  6. I guess not that many people have watched all the episodes? I really enjoy the show, though I can't believe sometimes how selfish the Pfeffermans are. What Ali did to Josh's new relationship was pretty awful. The Colton twist caught me by surprise and I hope that's just what Josh needs to finally grow up. Sometimes in the kids' flashbacks, I get an Ice Storm vibe. Ali especially was left to raise herself. I do like that the parents are so supportive of one another post divorce. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Ed having to rely on Pfeffermans for his care!
  7. I believe Gemma commented to Gertie, "You're a good girl." I think Gertie represents the life Gemma would have had if she had been a "good girl," but she's not. She's a horrible, evil, murderous, miserable excuse for a human being. She's poison.
  8. d-oh! Thanks Buckboard. I don't know what I was thinking! Thanks for setting me straight!
  9. That was a great article, Artsda. As for me, half of the fun of watching Sons, is listening to the Watchers of Anarchy podcast the following Saturday. They are so funny! http://watchersofanarchy.com/
  10. I actually felt sorry for Alicia as she stood in the parking lot after talking to Lemond Bishop and realized that she wasn't as popular with the people as it seems; instead she will be beholden to a drug kingpin if she runs. And honestly, as a resident of her state, I find it highly unlikely that she would be 8 points ahead. Her husband is a scandal ridden governor, who has already been in prison. Most of our governors go to prison after serving in office, not before. Yes, it's a blue state, but the right holds a lot of power and regardless of what people think, Chicago is not the entire state! I can't imagine Patti Blagojevichh running for state's attorney and that being well received by the people of Illinois during Rod B's time in office. The "good wife" of season 1, the loving mother and sister we have seen, would not subject her family to having their lives opened up in that way. I don't care for this story line, though it was fun to see her react to each new tidbit and she got some zingers in as she learned of the skeletons in her family closet. I am very curious as to what is the story behind the non-existent scar on Johnny Elfman's face? That was an odd, apparently incorrect factoid that is sure to come up again.
  11. This! I guess I have no faith in Sutter and I think he thinks that Gemma is the best Mom ever. She's so horrible that I really hope I'm wrong and that she gets her comeuppance. After all he allowed Otto to meet his maker, so I'm hoping he will do the same for Gemma.
  12. This show has become depressingly bad. I'm here until the end, but reading the snark here and listening to podcasts about it is the only pleasure I get from it anymore. Jax and Gemma are the worst ever. It seems completely out of character for the others to go along with Jax's crazy plans. And I'm sick to death of Juice's whining and Unser's stupidity. Poor dead-eyed Abel. What was he even doing at a whore house? Watching his crazy, evil, murderous grandma explain away her injuries was just pathetic. Gemma's soliloquy to the birds, explaining her opinion that everything was meant to be....well, it was literally "for the birds." There is truly no one left to root for. I'm hoping Jury & August Marks get together and make a plan to take down every son and Gemma too. Maybe she & "baby" Jax can die in one another's arms. They are so creepy, bordering on incestuous. Ugh.
  13. I thought it was a great season opener. Cary's arrest, the jail scenes and the sleazy efforts of the supposed "good guys" in the DA's office were chilling. Matt C really portrayed the changes he was going through. He looked tired and pale and frantic and the hopelessness he showed as Kalinda walked right past him without noticing him, was chilling. I don't believe for a minute that Cary is guilty. He's always been a good and smart attorney. I don't think he crossed any line, but that possibility will drag the story out and I'm glad for the actor for that. It's a good, meaty role. It was so sad that Cary's crappy parents wouldn't support him. I like how Alicia tried to protect him from that bit of knowledge. In fact I loved how Alicia and Robin and even Dianne were fighting for him.
  14. Molly's "baby" is better than the aliens he serves. He sounds as if he doesn't want to do their bidding. Maybe he and his "brother" will get together and save the world?
  15. I just have no faith in Sutter ending this thing with Gemma getting what's coming to her. I think he really thinks he's portraying her as a good mother. I hope I'm wrong. I'm just hate watching at this point, because there's no one left worth caring about, except perhaps Nero. The violence in that overly long episode was just too much, absolutely disgusting. I hate that I have to spend so much of the show with the volume lowered and my eyes covered. The series has gone on too long and it really isn't a good show, imo. I was sure Gemma would kill Juice when she was sitting on the couch with him. He's certainly doomed. She'll probably kill him just as he's about to spill the truth to Jax. She'll have to - to "protect her boys".
  16. Walt whistling after disposing of the body of the kid on the dirt bike. The way he tortured Schyler and seemed to enjoy it, the way his ego made him talk too much and keep giving Hank clues. The way he manipulated Jesse. The way Walt's actions eventually led Hank to his death and THEN Walt was sorry? He truly was a despicable character. but the show is amazing in its portrayal of his descent into evil.
  17. I've been re-watching for days and I am surprised at how much I dislike Walt this time around. And I feel supportive of Schyler. I did not see that coming. I think it's different when you marathon watch vs. normal viewing. I'm about halfway through season 5. It's has dang ego that gets in the way every time. I've also noticed that he seems to blab a lot when he's under the influence, which is rare, but always has consequences.
  18. Leftovers is so inconsistent. It seems like every other episode is good and then is followed by one that is either puzzling or horrifying. Solace for Tired Feet was puzzling to me - more questions than answers. Just when I thought Kevin Jr. wasn't crazy, now it appears that he is well on the way. His story line reminds me of the TV series Awake, where the main character was living two parallel lives. He has this positive and real relationship with Norah and then these crazy blackouts. I'm almost sorry to learn that it's been renewed. I would kind of prefer that they wind it up and put it out of its misery. Instead, I think we're going to have endless Lost-type mysteries and dropped story lines. It's also really hard to watch all these vicious dogs. I love dogs and hate seeing them portrayed as menacing.
  19. I just find the show poorly written and the storyline makes no sense, so I don't care if they get another season. The actors are good, but not with this material. The story as it's been written makes them unlikeable in my opinion.
  20. Wouldn't people be upset 3 years later because they still don't know what happened? I don't think it's necessarily the Rapture. I think it's the not knowing what happened to 2% of the world population that makes people so anxious. It could be extra-terrestrial in nature. It could be that everything you always believed about the laws of nature is apparently wrong. More people could disappear or maybe something even worse is right around the corner. It's the not knowing that makes people fearful and lacking in trust.
  21. I was thinking about how Stan said to Nina this episode, that he couldn't be traced as doing treason as there could very well be a mole at the agency. Then he mentioned how people leave classified reports on the robot mail cart all the time. Then Martha brings home some of those documents. When Phillip gave her that chilling look in response to her mentioning his toupee, I thought she was a goner. But maybe she won't die. Maybe she'll end up going to prison for the info that Stan took, maybe she'll be blamed for being the mole. That would get her out of Phillip's "hair" (hah!) and give Stan cover. And when she starts talking about her husband Clark, they will likely think she's crazy too!
  22. When they left the scene of the parent-less boy looking at drawings of Phillip & Elizabeth as a cliffhanger moment....well, I'm not going to get sucked into thinking Stan is closing in on them. He's a trained FBI agent and doesn't recognize those drawings as his neighbors. Chances are pretty slim that that poor boy will recognize people he's barely ever seen. Otherwise, this was a really good, action-packed episode. Larrick is one scary guy, but then so are all of these people. I love this show!
  23. Oleg (Costa Ronin) was a guest on this week's Afterbuzz TV Americans After-show podcast. He's absolutely charming!
  24. Phillip was absolutely terrifying in this episode. I was certain he would kill the pastor. It especially creeped me out because my son-in-law is a pastor and he works alone in the church at night. I even spotted a wedding ring on the pastor's hand and thought about the loss to his family. I guess Phillip decided that the pastor's beliefs are sincere, which is why he let him live. But now there is one person who cares about Paige and has an idea what at least one of her parents is like. Speaking of which, I feel that Elizabeth's anger towards Paige is kind of unfair, since she and Phillip chose to give Paige and Henry an easy life. I do think Paige deserves punishment for sneaking around in the first place, and for giving away her savings without consulting her parents, but it isn't her fault that her childhood has been easier than her parents'. Kudos to Martha for connecting Emmett and LeeAnne's murders to the big meeting. She doesn't deserve what is probably ahead for her. It's so odd to find yourself rooting for P&E, knowing that they are murderous monsters. If their kids ever find out what they are capable of, the fallout will be tragic.
  25. This one was a heartbreaker. Those boys probably didn't have a lot of treatments available to them and surely they had shortened lives. So tragic! It's funny, but as nice as the new Nonnatus hall is, I miss the old one. Everything seems brighter and more vivid this season. I think I prefer the more sepia tones of the past seasons. Chummy's "problem" of too much time seemed pretty manufactured, but she will be happier keeping her hand in as a midwife. And we need her to still be on the show!
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