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  1. He's like the Duggar version of Forrest Gump.
  2. He is doing well. He makes us laugh every day, except when he dumps his litter box. That hasn't happened for a few days and the new box is coming today. 🤞- here's hoping it works! @Mindthinkr - thanks for the hilarious comics!
  3. If Joy & Austin do move to LA even temporarily, I hope they post lots of videos. I used to enjoy the Beverly Hillbillies and that could be an updated version I would watch!
  4. That's a lot of moves. I've been there and every time we move, I think it's the last one. I hope you're excited about your destination, @zoomama. I agree that downsizing can be very freeing. Keep us posted on your progress. ❤️
  5. I finally watched the video about a typical Dillard day. It seems like Jill is still not a morning person and Derick helps with that by bringing her coffee! It always surprises me how the Duggar girls all sound so much alike! I do feel sorry for the older boys having such isolated schooling. I wonder if the home schooling is more like remote learning through their school system? At least they're really doing schooling, unlike the Rodrigues family. It doesn't seem like Finna is in the house much, at least not the day she filmed. I wonder if the car accident and her subsequent pain is the reason Derick does a lot of the driving? It may even be the reason for home schooling. I hope she's happy.
  6. Update on my naughty cat and his litter box dumping: He did it again! So we ordered a heavier, stainless steel litter box. I suspect he just has trouble navigating due to his size. I've noticed that he's a bit clumsy when he jumps up on the counter. Or maybe he's a brat! Whatever the cause, I hope this heavier litter box thwarts him!
  7. Jinger looks good!
  8. This goes on a bit long, but it's heartfelt and funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8peiLVFsLdw
  9. I can't help but wonder what they were threatened with. I mean, this president is clearly a mob boss.
  10. I just realized that this kind of bs lecture from Jill, based on nothing but taking a walk, is exactly the kind of crap my narc sister posts on FB. My sister is a better writer, thanks to a real education. Sis also doesn't invoke the Bible, but otherwise it is so similar. It's one reason I left FB. I just couldn't watch her self-serving crap any longer. Jill does this to receive accolades from the few who buy what she's selling.
  11. Dave can't help himself - he's a big fan of beige food, lol.
  12. While Jill has every right to mourn the loss of Isla and to wish for another baby, I don't think @oliviabensonwas saying that kids are interchangeable or that there is no reason to mourn the loss of a parent. Being thankful for what you have been blessed with is a valid pov, imo. I have a soft spot for Jill and I hope she is able to have another child if that's what she wants. Her back pain may be more on her mind at the moment.
  13. Stephen's family is more talented and they seem to love performing (unlike the Rodrigues family). Stephen seems like a hard worker and a really nice guy. I hope that's the case!
  14. @Minivanessa- I'm glad you're feeling better. I had benign positional vertigo several years ago. It was unpleasant and for me it lasted a while. It would come and go, mostly when I tipped my head back, or bent down. I hope you wake up feeling much better! Update on my cat problem. We put the new litter box on hold, since he hasn't tipped the box the last two days. I'm using less litter too and cleaning it daily, rather than every other day. If it happens again, we'll try a bigger litter box. I appreciate all of the input! ETA that I had put the box in backwards. That may have been enough to upset my chunky, sensitive cat!
  15. Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions! I had never heard of providing less litter, but that is a good idea, definitely worth trying. This is new behavior in the past few days and he has tipped the box 2 more times since I posted. He is otherwise behaving normally. I had an extra large stainless steel litter box in my cart, but I haven't finalized the sale because I'm not sure about the high sides for him. The ones @jcbrown suggested seem less confining. His box is already under the laundry tub, so I don't want to confine his movement (no pun intended!) because of his size. Our current litter box does have a top, but we took it off to give him more room. The tipping over is probably due to his size and his vigorous digging, so I think we definitely need a bigger box. I'll let you know what we get and how it works out!
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