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Everything posted by Michichick

  1. John didn't use pimento cheese last week, he made crab dip with pimento to imitate pimento cheese. So he didn't just eat pimento cheese recently. But there is nothing toexcuse his mistaking cream cheese for flour; that's just embarrassing. i spent part of the episode thinking Brooke would be in trouble on a technicality. They were supposed to take inspiration from their own childhood, but she she took inspiration from the crepes she makes for her son every week. I guess if the food is good, it doesn't matter if you follow directions!
  2. I think James Lesure (coach) is handsome. Too bad his character is about 90% jerk so far.
  3. Yeah, the fact that Phoebe seemingly didn't realize how privileged she is, nor did she realize the financial implications of getting married, strains credulity even on a show that is as far from reality as this one is.
  4. Abby really has no redeeming qualities. Why is Barbara friends with her? And if she ends up hooking up with the coach...why on earth would he be attracted to her? She's bitchy and her life is a mess.
  5. Same here, I want them to win the money.
  6. Man, that was dumb of Chele and her husband to run right then.
  7. That was delightful. I'd like to go day-drinking with Retta. Or night-drinking. She's cool.
  8. My favorite part was when Dorit started gossiping about Rinna's pills and Boy George just said " telephone, telegraph, tell Dorit" and then noped the hell out of that conversation.
  9. Brittany's mom looks like she wants to move to LA, what with the incredibly overdone fake tan she's got going on. And her lips freak me out. Is she wearing a light-colored lipstick to make them glow like that? It looks awful. Her homophobia is incredibly off-putting, as is her notion that if she doesn't like what she hears she might just pack up Brittany and take her back home to Kentucky. Last I checked, Brittany is an adult woman and can decide for herself if she's going to stay with Jax (though I'd certainly recommend that she run for the hills). Does Brittany actually have a job at Sur or does she just show up once in a while to fold napkins for the cameras? Surely she makes some money from being on this show and can contribute to the household finances and tell Jax to shut the fuck up when he claims that he's supporting her.
  10. That was pretty boring. That guest Shawn came across like she was being paid by production to stir shit. The staff sleeping with the guests is so incredibly inappropriate. I can't help comparing it to Below Deck where the staff gets in trouble with Captain Lee just for talking to guests too much. What was the heartbreaking text Cynthia received (from the episode description)? I missed that completely.
  11. Yes, it crystallized in single action what a huge ass Katsuji is. ;)
  12. John made the pimento crab dish that the judges hated.
  13. Too bad both John and Katsuji didn't get the boot. But if it could only be one, I'm glad it was Katsuji. He's just too much. What an asshole.
  14. Eileen, Dorit, Rinna, and Eden all need to shut the fuck up. So sick of them all.
  15. Kyle is somewhat handsome, but then he opens his mouth and ruins it. Dude. You're in your mid-30s. The party hearty frat boy thing isn't a good look on you.
  16. Jim beat Silvia, then Jamie beat Jim. Bummer, I love Jim and am so sad to see him go.
  17. Jamie was pretty classy to give up his immunity when he knew he had the worst dish. Though I'm bummed because I don't like Emily and I want her gone.
  18. My heart is broken! Here's hoping Jim wins his way through LCK.
  19. Wait, what? Kim dated Barack Obama? When did that happen?
  20. Becca slept with Taye Diggs, who is the father of the baby. Taye Diggs didn't appear on the show but he's apparently friends with Paul Adelstein from their Private Practice days, so presumably he's okay with being named the dad on this POS show. :)
  21. Because she's stupid. Thought it was funny that she interpreted her ex as "hostile" when opening the gifts. It's not hostile for him to follow their divorce agreement by cutting her off the gravy train. This is a shitshow and I enjoy hate-watching it.
  22. He was described as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. So rich dude who is a celebrity of sorts (hence his commercial endorsement) and donated a crap ton of money to have a hospital built.
  23. I'm watching the rerun and noticed Jax said "misconstruded" instead of misconstrued. What a dolt. It's distasteful how he constantly keeps talking about financing Britanny's lifestyle, but then when she started to defend herself by saying "I give you money" he suddenly told her not to discuss their finances. Fuck you, Jax, you're disgusting with your double standards.
  24. What I find interesting is that Brittany is the only person about whom the other cast members seem to consistently say nice things. I figure that if this pile of gossipy jerks doesn't find a reason to shit-talk you, you must be pretty damn nice.
  25. She said when she was revealing herself to John that she'd gotten the note from Culverton. She was in cahoots with him.
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