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Everything posted by LadyJaney

  1. Easily the best part of the episode was "Zankie". Oh Zach, just admit it. At least admit you are Bi. It's OK if you are really, and I think Frankie is OK with it too. The back rub scene was hilarious. Not because of it being two guys, but because of Zach declaring "but I'm straight" while rubbing and kissing Frankie's bare back. Yeah, OK Zach. Viva la Zankie, possibly my favorite BB showmance ever. The rest of the episode was kind of meh. Cody is still ridiculously pretty to me. Caleb acts like an obsessed teenaged girl over his love for Amber. Poor Amber, both blinsided by her "alliance" and pursued by a creeper/"stage 5 clinger". Caleb is nice enough on the eyes, but not quite right in the head.
  2. If he's considered legally dead for the purposes of disposing of his property, how can he legally own any property in the first place? Oh show. OK, here's what has been bugging me the most about all of this. He's dead and wanting to will his property to someone and they say he can't because he is dead. Well, the person he wants to will this all to is Jessica who is also dead! doesn't this somehow either cancel everything out or make it OK or just keep things the same? If it is on record that he owns property, than why doesn't he just sign things over to her now while he is "alive" and she will be owner upon his true death anyway? I don't understand this. Nobody ever flinched at the fact that the dead guy wanted to leave his property to a dead girl. Sigh...
  3. Wow, I have always loved True Blood through thick and thin, but even I was feeling what a slow paced episode this was. OK, but slow. That's odd given, that this is the final season and only a few more episodes. You'd think tons of stuff would be happening and it would pace pretty quick. The part I probably enjoyed the most was the Andy/Holly stuff with Arlene and the the "lovebirds". To me, Andy still kind of represents the Bontemps people and early True Blood when you saw a good mixture of them. So seeing him with Arlene and Holly was kind of old home for me, especially since so many characters and plots have become so unrecognizable in recent times. I just cant stand Saran Newlin, and to be honest, there is something about Anna Camp that bugs me. I'm sure she is a lovely person IRL, but there is a smirky smugness that always comes off in the roles she plays. It bugged me in Pitch Perfect too. So seeing Sarah's smirky, smug "I am the cure" declaration made we want to gather up a bunch of HepV vamps to have at it with her. I do like her sister though, she could have been fun in earlier seasons. She and Jason would have made a good pair. Gah, Violet...she is another one that needs to go. And not suck up so much airtime. Time is precious here people... Glad we sort of wrapped up Sam/Nicole. I like Sam, but that plot just needs to be wrapped up already. I'm interested in the Tara stuff with Lettie-Mae and LFayette, but I don't want them to drag it out so and then wrap it up super quick with no real sense of completion. Because, once again, time is precious here... Only like 5 more episodes left, right? See Sookie bugs me when she is suddenly an inconsolable mess about infecting Bill when she was totally the one who got Alcide killed and din't act that bad. Sure, she got upset about it, but she hardly blamed herself (he wouldn't have been out there had she not snuck away without letting him know), and she wasn't a blubbering disaster about it after. Alcide is dead. Bill, while infected, is still here (and technically dead anyway). And then she sort of afterthoughts that she might have loved Eric "in her own way" once, like there was no real connection there. But Bill... I guess it has to come full circle and be Bill/Sookie again before this all ends... My theory is that Sarah will get hers, and many infected vampires will feed from her and be cured. But by the time she reaches Eric and Bill there will only be enough of her blood for one. Which one will it be?...and once we know and the other dies, the series is done. I could be way off with this one, but that seems to be where it's heading. I will stick this out to the end since I've seen every episode wsince it first aired, but I do hope the pace picks up and some things get wrapped up in a satisfactory way. Only a few episodes left. Hope it all works out somehow,
  4. Wow, tonight's show made me cry a little. It's always hard to mourn a loss, so it got to me seeing Frankie cry tonight, I felt for him. I am sorry for his loss, it's gotta be hard going through that there and not be with your family. I like Frankie, he may be a bit OTT at times and a lot of the show focuses on him, but he seems like a good guy. I enjoy what he brings to the show and hope to see him around for a while. I also welled up when Brittany saw her kids. Wasn't a big fan of Brit, but she obviously loves and missed her kids a lot so seeing their reunion was touching. Her daughter is like her mini-me. Also Brit had on some fabulous shoes. Julie Chen did too. Glad Donny is still safe. Like the idea of Zach and Frankie as co-HOH's, mainly because I'm fascinated by their chemistry. Still think Cody is ridiculously pretty...and actually Caleb is looking pretty good lately too (despite all his Amber creepiness) Favorite line of the night happened when they were interviewing Nicole's little cousins in her home town and one said something like "Hayden is weird because he's always trying to make sex with Nicole". Haha, from the mouths of babes...! Well Hayden got his kiss, not sure if Nicole kissed him out of attraction, or just to get him to stop begging for a kiss. I would like to see some other houseguests get a little focus just because I forget they are there sometimes: Victoria, Jacosta, Christine, Hayden. We really don't know a lot about them or where their heads are in the game. The guys definitely get more airtime and focus than the women. I kind of wish Joey were still there as she seemed to have a little charisma and spark, moreso than a lot of the females this season. Still not hating anyone this season like last year. There are some I don't like as much as others, but they all seem pretty decent. I liked how they all banded together for Frankie. They really are one, big, disfunctional family there!
  5. I had to chuckle when Lafayette said that James is a good man and Jason replied "But he's a vampire", in a negative kind of connotation. Yet Jason is dating a vampire and having sex with Jess...another vampire. "But they are vampires, Jason!" I don't think that James/Lafayette's cheating moment was necessarily right, since James was technically with Jess which makes it cheating. Yet, I do get what Lafayette was trying to say. Jess had been pushing James away for a long time and continued to at the party. James haslet it be known to Lafayette that he and Jess are drifting further apart. Jess never bothered to know about James the way Lafayette did. They bonded, they shared blood. Jess wasn't giving a shit about James or their relationship. So LaLa went for it. Cheating is never right, but James and Jessica weren't really much of a couple at that point and LaLa knew it. That's how I see that scene anyway.
  6. I remember Bess Armstrong from playing Angela's mom on My So-Called Life back in the 90's. She looks pretty much the same, even the same hair, only a bit older. Yeah, I was on board with Nicole tonight too. The party went beyond "celebrating life" to just being a big, fun party. Too many people died just days before to be that giddy. I did appreciate Sookie showing a bit more emotion over Alcide tonight and even threw a little Tara's way. I miss seeing Alcide's fine, naked self on this show. Sara's sister was a hoot. I liked how much Pam liked her. I remember that actress Natalie Hall from All My Children a few years ago. Glad to see her getting some work, she's a decent actress and pretty too. The Bill flashbacks bored me a bit, but I guess they will likely lead to something. Didn't see his HepV status coming. Looks like it's agressive in his system too. Wonder who will die first: him or Eric? Or will there be a miracle cure. Just wish Sarah Newlin would go away or be killed off. She is such an awful character. Liked the turn of events with LaFayette, Jessica, Jason, and Violet. Jessica and Jason probably need to end up together. And yes, LaFayette deserves some happiness. Violet...well, whatever. Yay, congrats to Andy and Holly. Wonder if Arlene's next man will be that vamp who saved her. Hmmm...
  7. Interesting to say the least. Ha! I didn't catch the "I want to bang you" part between Zach and Frankie. Wish I had. Seriously, Zach's crush on Frankie has been my favorite thing this season. The man-crush scene and the "Stalker" caption pretty much sum up all the guys this season. What an odd bunch. But I do stare at the pretty that is Cody. He is my "Danny Zuko" crush from Grease all over again. That's all I see when i see him...and I'm OK with it. The girls really should have taken Joey's advice and formed an all-girls alliance back in the beginning. Every season you see guys do this and more times than not a guy wins, or there are mostly guys left in the end. The females never learn from what went on in seasons before. I think Joey saw it and tried and these fools booted her out in rapid force. Ugh. The women are too catty this season for the most part anyway. Ugh Brittany. She reminds me of too many girls/women I have known over the years. She was definitely a "mean girl" in her youth, you can just tell. The eye-rolling, snippy, bitch-face making types who say "I don't care, whatever, I'm so over it" when it clearly translates to "I do care, OMG, I'm so not over it" all over their faces. I appreciate when a woman speaks her mind in this game but not when she is just going to be bitchy about another woman to prove her point. I actually felt sorry for Victoria. And even though she is barely seen, I like her personality better than Brittany. Would not be sad to see Brit go this week. And finally, what was that with Jocasta? It was so bizarre. I want to like her, but she weirds me out sometimes.
  8. Actually he is still alive. I was curious, and I liked the guy who played Nick Corelly, so I looked him up. He went by the name "George Jenesky" when he played Nick back in the day. I guess it was changed in honor of deceased loved ones. But to respect his family, he switched it back to his given name "Conrad Dunn" and that's what he goes by now. I looked him up on IMDB and he last worked in 2012. A picture of him there looked like the Nick I remember him being on Days, but with a mustache and goatee. Truth be told, a lot of the Hortons are pretty fake-y in the Horton-ness. The are just so oblivious to it that they are convinced they are awesome. Daniel is like that with his Jonas-ness, too. He's a whole other level of lacking self awareness.
  9. True that. I think Abby might garner more empathy from the viewers if we saw that she was a bit mentally unravelled. Instead, she continues to be seen as this "golden child" that people will rush to defend and she seems to still be on her hypocritical high horse, passing judgement on others and appearing like she was the one wronged here, not the woman whose fiancee she slept with. EJ is fully to blame as well, but he's another subject altogether. Abby needs to own what she did and start showing some cracks. If we see that others don't see her as perfect and she knows she is not on a pedestal, she might change her tone, especially if we see her hopping the crazy train more and more. Sami is on a rampage, but IMO she is like this because she knows she is on her own with this. People are still feeling for Abby, but you can bet if the tables were turned that it would be played differently. If Abby were engaged to EJ and Sami slept with him, you and bet that the good people of Salem, especially Hortons, would be ready to burn her at the stake. But since it is Abby, people are already jumping to her defense. As usual, people aren't showing Sami much support. Kate is helping her, but has no sympathy for her situation. Most of her family has blown her off anyway and the ones who know, like Eric and Will, are all "I'm staying out of this" and "take it easy on Abby". If it were Abby going through this, she would be sitting back while the Horton brigade fought her battle for her, no doubt... Theresa said it best last week when she said that she is on her own and has to do what it takes to take care of herself. People like her and Nicole and Sami have been left to these devices for so long that they often handle things the wrong way. They are the "bad girls" (so are Kate and Eve I'd say). They get called out, they fail, they get smack talked, people are always ready to pounce. The good girls like Jen, Abby, Maggie, etc are always going to be defended by so many before they have to stand on their own. And they will always win in the end and people will always have their backs and support them 100%. DOOL has always drawn a thick line between the goodies and the baddies, and who will always win and always lose. I think we saw this with Dan too, as he is the "greatest human being ever", it happens with the guys to a somewhat lesser degree. Just look at how Eric and Brady are regarded by the town's people. Speaking of, I really like Theresa and Brady as a pair, but I fear they are taking them to the point of no return with this John situation. I have to go back and watch more of this on my DVR, but if Theresa did that to John and framed Brady for it, I don't see how this will turn out well. The truth always comes out. Brady couldn't trust or forgive her after that. She'll become the town pariah even further. Such a shame. I would have loved a story where B/T try to gain sobriety separately and stay away from each other knowing that being together is now good, al the while fighting their feelings and connections that they share. Could have worked. This, not so much... I keep thinking that Theresa and Nicole should be friends. They might hate each other because they know how much alike they are, but they could totally bond over this. They both could use a friend too. I did like how JJ and Eve dealt with each other today. Much more rational that what Abby did, the crazy thing. I kind of want Ben to keep his distance too, Abby needs some sort of fallout from her part in this affair...
  10. Oh no Alcide!!!! I just knew something like this was coming. Damn Sookie, this one totally is her fault. I'm officially bummed by this season now, he was my favorite. Bitch doesn't even look too upset in the previews for the next episode. But then again, she apparently didn't love him that much. I will watch the rest of the season to see the series through, but I'm kind of checked out now. They are killing too many big characters off. Now Ma Fortenberry...well that one was coming, I suppose. But poor Hoyt, will he ever know? So Tara really did meet the true-death...Pam felt it, she would know. Ugh. Sigh...Alcide I will miss you and all of your naked, growling hotness. :(
  11. I agree with this a lot. I don't think she is a bad person, but I hate her constant look of misery. I also hate how everyone else is always saying how "good" she is. If they would shut up about it, I'd probably agree more. And Dr Dan is the worst part of her life. I like her so much better without him. Gah, if I didn't watch this show and just tuned in, I'd actually think Dan was one of the bad guys. He just seems like such a whack-job sometimes. Him with his "I though you should know"s and his", "I broke up my relationship because of you, Eric" and his "if she wants to talk to me, she can come to me" crap with Jen only to reject her again when she comes a begging. He seems like something of a manipulator from another perspective. Like he isn't the nicest guy but says that he is and that he does things to "help" others, but yet all these people seem so miserable because of him! What he is doing to Jen seems like a mind-game in a lot of ways. He's punishing her for not doing things his way or not believing enough in his "awesomeness". He keeps her at arms-length so that she'll keep begging him to talk to her/take her back. Then he does his usual rejection speech. Then he shows up at her house for a gift for JJ, knowing how she still feels only to reject her again. WTF, back off then. What does he even want from her anyway? Is he only willing to take her back in time once she fully commits to only doing and believing in whatever Dan wants? Dude is a sociopath. He's a creep. As wrong as what Nicole did was, he put himself too much in the middle of her and Eric's situation. He was more involved in it then even they were. Then he tells Eric that he and Jen are on a break, because of Eric and his situation. WTF? Shut up. He's just too involved in everyone else's crap and everyone who gets involved with him just seems miserable. Go away Dan! I remember Eve from back in the day, but I don't remember her being the evil, hated screw-up they are writing her as now. I feel like she had a heart in there and did stupid/sometimes swful things because she was either hurt or didn't know how else to solve matters. She reminded me a lot of Sami back then, maybe a little Nicole even. Now she just seems callous and mean. It's like a whole new character (with new actor), with the same name. I think I'd buy it more if we saw Shane maybe.
  12. Wow, I just really hate Daniel so much. Like no matter who he is with in a scene...or even by himself, he's just such an obnoxious, arrogant jerk. And so oblivious to it, he just sees himself as this awesome person and the voice of reason. I hated Dannifer, and I think Jen can be such a downer, but she is better when she is apart from him. He still sucks by himself. This whole thing with Nicole/Eric. I get that they are his friends, but he just made everything going on about him. He just planted himself right in the middle of their issue like it was his place to call the shots. Nicole was wrong, but the way he acted was like a parent to a child with her. And all the while thinking he is so awesome while he does this. Ugh, why would anyone want to be his friend? He was relentless and condescending to Nicole. Gah, just say what you know or butt out, but stop! Then stupid Jen got in the middle and told. Fine, at least it was out. Then Dan, with his best constipated expression, dumps Jen for not thinking he was the awesomest guy ever with his "handling" of Nicole. Shut up Dan! Then today, I only caught part. Once again, saying how Jen didn't have faith in Dan's awesomness in "handling" Nicole during this, and that he was such an awesome friend Eric and blah, blah, blah with his constipated face again. Telling Eric that he and Jen were on a break because of Eric and how Jen didn't believe in Dan's own awesomeness. Shut up! I know I'm just paraphrasing here, I'm just saying how every damn thing that comes out of Dan's mouth in some way declares how awesome he seems to think he is. Such a great friend, doctor, boyfriend, father, etc. He's not. I wish he would butt out now that everything is said and done. Stay away from Nicole, stay away from Eric, and stay away from Jen. They are all better off without you, IMO!!!
  13. Buffy and Eric would have made a hot couple. Just sayin'....
  14. My question is why don't the town's people who can leave, just leave during the day, and escape the town? I get the ones who are looking for a loved one, but the rest of the people who may be unscathed...get out of there. Like Alcide said, he had a full tank of gas and they could keep going. But I get Sookie needing to stay. I hate what she is doing by ditching Alcide at the house to find Bill. No good can come from this plan. Ugh, I just have this sinking feeling that Alcide is going to fall victim to all of this mess...especially since he's out looking for Sookie in the next episode (shirtless!). Oh, I hope I'm wrong and he lives, because there is too much hotness there to not last the season. Loved Jason's detective skills. Lol at that Starbuck's card, but good on him to use his pizza forensics. I really want to see Arlene and company get out soon, that part really disturbs me especially. Too bad Ms Harris didn't survive to save them. The Jason/Eric scene was pretty damn hot, I must admit. Wow, Eric has HepV. I didn't see that part coming. Is there any way for him to survive this? Lettie Mae is such a junkie, Tara is only part of the reason she wants more blood. I think she wants to feel the high of it too. Doesn't it figure how far she will go to get another fix. Now it's V. That Tara scene was pretty freaky. Poor LaFayette. He best survive too!!
  15. Yes! He is straight-up "Danny Zuko" from Grease. Not a bad thing, I thought Travolta was way hot back then. I have mixed feelings of the guests. So far, the only one really grating on my nerves is Paola. She seems way too full of herself for my liking. Donny reminds me of "Duck Dynasty" a little, but he seems like a nice guy. Frankie is way OTT, but he's still OK. Nicole reminds me a bit of last year's Aaryn, only way nicer/sweeter. My dad pointed out to me how much Devin looks like a young OJ, so I keep noticing that. Devin seems like a nice guy though. He's good looking and has a brain too. Amber and Joey seem alright so far too, no real opinios on them yet. Cody seems nice and he's gorgeous. Curious about the next group, can't wait to see what they are like. Always seems like the people I get a first impression like for, I end up hating while people I didn't care for/indifferent about end up being my favorites eventually. The stuff I read on the feeds or see on BBAD usually gives me better insight on the kind of people they really are.
  16. I've caught bits and pieces of the week long marathon this past week (I am an insomniac, but I also needed to get some sleep along the way). Things I did recall from the past few seasons, good and bad: Hated most of the MaryAnn story and the orgy and the pod-poeple aspect of it. Hated how Tara got hurt in a lot of ways from it Eew the werepanthers. Crystal and gang were gross and creepy Alcide is still one of the best addition to that show. Joe Manganiello does it for me in a big way! I know a lot of people loved Russell Edginton, but I just hated him. he was too OTT for me, I was so glad when he first left, hated his return and was glad when he was finally killed off. I still hate that Tara is a vampire I did enjoy the Authority storyline, mainly because of Chris Meloni. I think Roman should have stuck around. Eew to Lillith and Billith. Liked LaFayette and Jesus. I miss Jesus on the show. Didn't mind the witch stuff to a point, but Marney was a bit much at times. Lol to Steve Newlin, loved him. I did notice in season 1 (maybe first episode) that a "Reverend Newlin" is talking to Nan Flannigan and that it's some older guy. Did they retcon Rev Newlin with the Steve actor in later seasons or was this Steve's...dad? Still don't understand how every man falls in love with Sookie...
  17. Since HBO2 is showing a marathon of the past 6 seasons of TB this week, I figured I'd start a thread to discuss the seasons past of this show. I actually ended up watching most of Season 1 last night, just to refresh and it blows my mind how much has changed and how much I forgot. I forgot just how much happened in the first season. Certain things for some reason I thought happened in season 2 or 3 but it was in season 1. Things I especially noticed/miss: 1. Tara--she was so awesome back then. Such a smart ass. She hated the vampires too. I forgot that she had the hots for Jason in the beginning. I loved her thing with Sam. IMO, they were each other's best pairing and more should have happened between them. I have hated that they made her a vampire since it happened. I also don't get how she went from having feelings for Jason and Sam to only going for women. I could see her being Bi here but it's like she completely changed in every way. I do miss old Tara though and her interactions with LaFayette, Sam and even Sookie. 2. I miss Rene. It was a good plot to make him the killer and all, but he was a good part of the show. He was hot too. 3. Jason and Amy. They were a good pair, probably Jason's best love interest. She was crazy and had her bad ways but Lizzie Kaplan was good and a good fit to the cast. I forgot that she was part of Season 1. 4. I also forgot that Jessica happened in season 1. For some reason I thought she was a season two character. 5. I really didn't like Eric in the first season. I'm probably one of the few TB fans who has never been a big Eric fan. I do like him now, just never a favorite. Same with Pam. I enjoy her snark, but less is more with both of them for me. 6. My gosh, Sookie was annoying. Arrogant, smug, bitchy and into everyone's business. I suppose she probably still is, but she doesn't bug me like she did in that first season. I did love her romance with Bill in the beginning. However, her bragging/flaunting of it was annoying as hell. 7. I loved Sookie's grandmother. I hated that they killed Adele so soon. 8. I miss the cast interactions at Merlotte's back then. Everyone interacted with each other. I loved LaFayette especially back in those days. I still do, but he was maybe a bit less jaded by so many tragedies then. Makes me miss characters like Rene, Dawn, Hoyt, Terry, etc. 9. I love how back then it was mostly just the vamps vs humans. We had a little bit of shifter stuff with Sam. I loved the collie Sam used to turn into! Now we have fairies, shifters, werewolves and vamps. It's a lot to keep track of. However the best addition in later seasons was Alcide. Joe Manganiello is too hot for words. I do miss him in these early episodes! Anyone who would like to share their input, please do!!
  18. Who should come back from the dead: AJ, Georgie, Emily (not a NL fan, but we need more Q's), Alan, Zander, AJ, AJ, oh...did I mention AJ! Who should stay buried: Jason Morgan, Courtney, Connie (didn't hate her but we can't get her without Sonny attached) Whos should return: JohnnyZ, Steven Lars (as a recast), Robert, AJ (he needs to come back to life already after this recent dreck), Dillon, Decker Moss (find the guy who played him and bring him back!), Jax, Jagger, JasonQ, Brenda (away from Sonny), Robin, Kristina (in a recast), Serena Baldwin, Laura. Who should go or die: Sonny, Franco, Ava, Kiki, Silas, Nathan, Madeline, any mention of Nina Clay, Sabrina, Felix, Shawn, Luke, Heather, Olivia These recent occurances need to be a bad dream. Maybe of Carly's. She wakes up and hears her shower running. In a haze, she thinks it's Franco, but when she opens the curtain it's AJ. Her "reality" is that they got back together at some point and have been getting it on for months now, but somehow she dreamed up all this other crap. Things had spiraled out so bad in her alternate reality that she's releived to find AJ alive and in her shower and joins him for some shower-sex. Meanwhile, Sonny has either died or is rotting in prison somewhere. Michael is happy that his bio parents are together and is enjoying his life with new girlfriend, Maxie Jones...
  19. I'm at that point right now, but will stick it out for any remaining episodes with Sean Kanan in them, even if it is (uhg, sigh) GhostAJ. Once I know his last airing has happened, GH gets deleted off the DVR and I'm done for good. I have stopped watching for bits and times over my 30 years of watching (and I'm 40, I've pretty much been a viewer my whole life). I stopped for a while when Jack Wagner left in late 1987. I came back when Frisco returned and watched the whole Decker/Dawn story and Frisco and Felicia and all. watched again until Decker/Dawn left in 1991. I started watching again when the era of Karen, Jagger, JasonQ, AJ, Robin, Stone and that younger set came on. The return of the Spencers with Lucky and BJ's death, Stone's illness, etc, that whole time in the 1990's was good stuff. I stopped watching again sometime around when Sean Kanan was let go and Billy Warlock took over as AJ (I like BW, just not as AJ). Then the mob stuff got heavier and heavier and I barely watched for chunks of time, but would check in and follow occasionally on SoapNet. When I found out Jason was leaving and new writers were coming on and that Sean Kanan was coming back as AJ, I tuned back in. I loved it for a few months there when it looked like AJ might actually win and he got to know his son, the vets came back, the Q's were together, the mob got dialed back and the Nurses Ball was kind of fun. Then it began to unravel. Now it's all mob, fewer vets, a bunch of dead Q's and (ugh, sigh) they killed my beloved AJ after giving SK the shaft. So yes, I am done. I don't care to see this dreck with Sonny and a bunch of characters I don't know or care about. The things that made GH what it was in it's hey-day are all but gone again. And I'm gone with it. I'm so upset about this AJ stuff, that I truly think I will be done for good this time. This show makes me too upset these days, so it's just not worth it anymore. I like to lurk on the soap boards though and read the snark, so I'll stay in the know via that way. Sigh...
  20. I'll always love Sarah Brown's version of Carly. LW has her moments, but not enough to win me over. I think TB is pretty, but I hated her era of Carly the most. Sarah Brown all the way as Carly for me!
  21. Nobody had better ever say (oh and I mean you Olivia) that Sonny is "a good man". A good man shot an innocent, unarmed man in cold blood and according to today anyway, said man is dead. The man he promised his "son" he would not hurt and lied about it. He stood over AJ while in a coma and told him to die. Well, Sonny, you got your wish. Sonny is a whiny, miserable, weak, lying, evil asshole. I can only hope that he will pay for his crimes, especially this one. If AJ is truly dead, there is no redeption here. Even if he isn't there is none. OH how I pray that AJ is alive and if he is, even if it is a recast, makes Sonny pay for his crimes. Oh, and I hope Michael is beside AJ while he does this!!
  22. I posted over on TWOP about this ad nauseum, but I just have to say it here too. I am just SICK about what happened to AJ today, and can only hope that this is an epic fakeout and AJ is alive and being treated somewhere, because there is no sense in this And not justice to a character who was crapped all over for miost of his adult life. He was innocent, nobody knows this but him. Sonny shot him, unarmed and in cold blood and will probably get away with it. AJ got nothing out of this. Both AJ Quartermaine and Sean Kanan got a bum deal in all of this. While it breaks my heart to see Sean leave, I would like to at least know that AJ got out of this unscathed too. To have him be truly dead after coming back from the dead only a year and a half ago is a huge slap in the face. It would have hurt less to never bring him back than to bring back the actor who made this character shine and then dump on both of them. Sigh. Once SK last airs, I'll be done with GH too, but I'd like to check in with the boards anyway. TWOp is leaving us too, but I'm glad to see you guys here. Let the snark live on...and for cripes sake, let AJ live on too!!!
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