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Everything posted by LadyJaney

  1. Lately Days feels like it should be called "How To Get Away With Murder". Too bad that title is already taken. Too many people have committed heinous crimes and because of who they are, none of them have really been punished. At all. Even Clyde is free with his other criminal compadres. Only Ben is locked away somewhere, and Chase is in an institution. Meanwhile Hope, Rafe, Joey, Victor, Kate, and I'm sure I'm missing some others , have all committed crimes and had them neatly wiped away. Whatever... Was sorry to see belle and Shawn swept away so quickly today. I was just starting to like Belle and she's gone. Shawn was looking good and BB's acting was so much better, I would have liked him to stay around. I could have seen him begin to fall for someone new but feel he needs to wait a year to reconcile with Belle only to realize he no longer wants to (or she no longer wants to). Could have worked. Instead we are still stuck with Claire who I liked in the beginning but just think is a brat now... I just know Theresa won't be getting her happy ending now that crazy Xander is on the loose. That girl is like Ziggy, she can't catch a break!
  2. Today's episode was pretty good, but still had it's occasional annoyance. The Good: *Chad--Billy Flynn is awesome, that single tear her quickly wipes away when Laura was being a hose-beast to him. The expression and emotion he brings to every scene makes it better than if a lesser actor were doing it. *JJ--it was good to see him again today. One of the few Hortons I can still stand. They used to be such a grand and interesting family. Now they are overrun by hypocrites, judgmental people who are too blind to see their own shortcoming, but are more than willing to point out everyone else's to them. *So weird, but I can't help but see so much chemistry between Sonny and Gabi. If I were just tuning in and didn't know that Sonny was gay, I'd be cheering these two on to be a couple. *Glad the stupid kidnapping plot is being resolved. So it's Kate...just glad Theresa wasn't involved as I feared she might be. The Bad: *Gah, Laura is such a weirdo. And mean! All the crap she says about Chad being s DiMera she might as well say about her great-grandson! Someday, if he misses curfew or smokes some pot or gets a speeding ticket, he will be reamed by his Horton relatives for showing his true DiMera eevul ways! *The whole Gabi/JJ thing seemed out of nowhere and a way to quickly break them up, which makes no sense to me. *The little girl who plays Ari is cute, but what a horrible child actor. She clearly doesn't want to be there, maybe she isn't meant to be in show-biz. Some little child actors are so engaging and just bring something even if they are too young for actual lines. But this girl won't even look up or acknowledge anything going on around her. It always seems so odd, because most little kids do something if their parents or guardians speak to them. She does not. I have nothing against this little girl, I just don't think she is wanting to be in front of the camera and it shows. *Julie is such a harpy! *While I liked seeing Chad and Sonny together, some of their conversation seemed off. Chad reacted like this is the first he has seen of Sonny, yet Sonny gave no condolences to him regarding Abby. Then they were joking and goofing like nothing had happened. The Chad is like "well Thomas doesn't remember, but I had some good times with her so I'll have to adjust to things", which was a far cry from his furniture hurling recently. The he tells Sonny that his "mom and dad" were moving in and I was thinking "Justin?". I his mom and soon-to-be step-dad or dad-in-law maybe...or his "mom and Lucas". Little things, but their chat was a bit fragmented for me.
  3. I enjoyed a lot of today's episode, with the occasional annoyance along the way. What I liked: *Steve and Adrienne having a good long scene together. SN & JE have always had great sibling chemistry and Adrienne can always say it to Steve and he listens. We need more of them together *Adrienne actually was a voice of reason today and likable as opposed to her sometimes other persona, she and Lucas were good. *always enjoy Steve and Kayla on together, even if their storyline is dumb. *That Orpheus dude...I don't really remember that storyline form back in the day. Was he the one who kidnapped Marlena when everyone thought she was dead? The actor looked familiar and I recognized him a bit more in the flashback. Young Orpheus was kid of hot! *Billy Flynn always emotes so well. The guys has great expressions. Not Liked: *Laura's attitude toward Chad. I get she doesn't like DiMeras, but she has never met young Chad before. He was married to her granddaughter, and the man is grieving. Everyone seems to forget poor Chad's grief and that he just lost his wife. Is there a need to treat him like crap right now? *I still fear that they are going to make Theresa some sort of guilty party in Tate's kidnapping. Oh, I hope I'm wrong. *Did VI color his hair? It looked really dark, like what Maurice Benard does on GH sometimes. Like shoe polish black... VI is still hot though. *Shut up Jen. *Andre, go away. Clyde, go away. *Steve and Kayla having the same conversation for the 100000000000000th time.
  4. Comments on today and yesterday's shows: Today: I am fearing...fearing...that they are going to somehow slant this Tate kidnapping into an epic set-up by Theresa to shut out Victor/Summer from her life with Brady. Isn't JL leaving? That would be one way to get her out, though I hope that's not the plan. They would annihilate the character of Theresa if they wrote her out that way. Just have her realize Brady is a moron and leave town and arrange joint visitation with him regarding Tate. I hate this whole Chloe/Deimos/Baby mess. Seriously, can't she just tell him and she will raise the baby and Deimos can have joint custody. She had Parker most of the time and he only visited Daniel. Gah, this is 2016! They don't have to be married or tied together any other way beyond their child and what is best for him/her. Get a court arranged custody agreement, get child support. Deimos has no reason or right to push beyond that. Let's be adults here! Yesterday: Once again, Ciara is rude and selfish and looking for attention/pity. She shoved Theo away to try to snag her missing cousin's husband. Now she throws shade at him and Claire for being together. Grow up and stop being such a mean-girl! Um Jennifer, I used to like you and I try to like you now, but you make it so hard to do! Has she ever stopped to think that every time she chastises Chad for being a Dimera that she is doing the same to her grandchild Thomas?! Thomas is a Dimera, it is in his DNA, in his blood. By saying "You are bad news Chad, you are a Dimera" she is saying about her grandson's father and in turn saying it about him. Chad didn't even grow up as a DiMera, yet she still blames him. You can take Thomas away from him, but that eeevil Dimera blood will still run though his veins. Think Jen, think! And also, while she mourns for Abby, she has all this love and hugs and support from the Hortons. Meanwhile, Chad is all alone. Wouldn't it have been better to bring him into the Horton family and embrace him while he is in his grief? Despite her feelings, Abby loved him. Chad has been good to Jen in the past. It would also keep Thomas involved will all parties that way instead of creating animosity. Poor Chad only had Belle and he should have had Abby's family helping him and their son. And Abby wasn't the wonderful saint they try to make her seem. "She went after what she wanted"...when it included DiMera men, she did! Also, her mental issues didn't come from her time with Chad. It came from her time with Ben, and some inherited mental issues from her grandmother no doubt. I did appreciate Chad reminding Jen how the Hortons are not perfect people either the other day!
  5. I just see this Nicole/Deimos/Chloe/Philip/Kate thing as another way to kick Chloe around and demean her. Seriously, what did NB ever do to get so many crap storylines when she started out so well back in the day. The reformed "ghoul girl" that dated the handsome Philip then had a fairy-tale romance with the lesser dumb-Brady was fantastic. Then they had her jump from husband to husband, bed to bed, baby-daddy to baby-daddy. Then the Kate crap with her and then she was a prostitute which just seemed so out of character for her. Not to mention all the Daniel crap. Now this. So much wrong, girl can't catch a break. I can see Kate doing everything she can to ruin her (again). And Deimos will suddenly become so desperate to be a father (as every soap portrays them. There are no deadbeat dads in soap world. Only guys who would sue a woman to have rights to what's in her womb before she even gives birth). He will try to do anything and everything to have rights to Chloe's baby and try to shut her out of it all. Nicole sadly will probably side with Deimos and join in. I hate these kinds of plots. Just hate them! Chloe should have just left Salem and Deimos wouldn't have ever known a thing. Heck, even move to the town next door. Why live in Salem it'self? Why not stay at the cabin she was at with Parker? Why listen to dummy Philip?
  6. Gah, Ciara is such a vile, callous person. Did she honestly think Chad would fall into her arms and declare his love to her?! He just found out his wife died and (like her or not) Chad really did love Abby. He isn't going to forget her and screw her cousin just a few short days later. Gross. And way to show loyalty to your own cousin. Abby was her family and she claimed to love her. Gross, just gross. And then to act all annoyed that Theo showed his attention to another. She truly is disgusting and cares only about herself and her own needs. Also, Jen was pretty bitchy to Belle despite the fact that Belle put her own job aside and helped Jen instead of using her info to help Chad out. Belle is becoming more likable lately. Jen...not so much. Nice to see Kayla today. A brief observation from yesterday's episode. The Salem PD: what a whiny bunch of corrupt bitches. Shut up Rafe, Roman, Abe, Aidan, and Justin (and shut up Hope if she had been there). You are all hacks who don't follow the rules or the law unless it's someone you don't like. Pretty much all of them have committed crimes, those who haven't hid them and then they squawk at Aidan like he's the only criminal there. Yeah, he sucks too and I don't like them, but pot meet kettle in that department! Sending my prayers and well-wishes to Kassie DePaiva.
  7. This is why I want to believe that this version of Jack isn't a ghost but a part of Jen's conscience telling her what the "right thing" to do is. If "Jack" is telling it to her, it has more reverence. I desperate want Matt Ashford to come back as a living Jack Deveraux and get his family back together. I would love to see him and Casey Moss work together as father and son too, and see him with Steve again. How has nobody belted Ciara upside the head yet? Despite what she thinks of herself, in most eyes, she is still a kid. Yet these established adults let her talk down to them and bark out commands. If I had been Belle, I would have shoved Ciara's ass out of that conversation before she had time to open her mouth again. Ciara seems to pull this crap with a lot of people and they let her. Oddly, I am liking Belle more and more lately.
  8. Ashley I reminds me of Baby's sister from Dirty Dancing. I guess that would make Jared her "Robby". Jared doesn't seem to be into pretty much anything or anyone, I never get why so many ladies go for him, he just seems so drab. He reminds me too much of a poor man's Scott Baio, and I got over Chachi long ago... I almost wish that Ashley and Chad had met. Imagine her falling for him and crying and obsessing over him. He wouldn't know what hit him and would either oddly be into it or rendered speechless at the very least. I did feel kind of bad for Vinny, but look at how these people are. How can anyone be surprised. Still think Amanda and Josh are the grossest pair BIP has conjured yet. Did I miss something, when did Carly fall for Evan? How the ...? I was laughing how nobody could remember Carl's name. I will say, he is pretty nice to look at.
  9. These people are some of the shallowest individuals I have ever seen collectively in one place. Like worse than prior seasons. Yet I keep watching. I admit, some of the draw is seeing the lovely Mexican scenery, but I feel like I can't look away from the train wreck happening there as well. First off, you can't tell me any of these guys fawning over Amanda are after her for her personality or intelligence or even charm. She is a pretty blonde woman, and they all want her because they want a pretty woman. When she talks, it's all in a baby voice and up-speak. Nothing very deep comes from her mouth. She mentions her kids and speaks to them, yet spends her time on an island making out with various guys rather than be with her children. I could see where maybe she was a sweet person, but she didn't come off very sweet when she went out with one guy the day before and knew he liked her, then made out with his nemesis right in front of the guy she just went out with. She didn't give a shit that he was right there. But really Nick? sitting there watching them? Just walk away dude! Oh and Evan, you're really going to try for her too? Speaking of Evan...what an odd and awkward guy? He rally can't read Carly's disinterest in him at all. I don't really like Carly, but I was feeling bad for her having to go out and make out with him. He's another one who is ditching his children for several weeks for this blather, He seems so awkward, like the only thing he knew how to do was obsess over Chad and follow him around. Now that he's gone, he has no game. Another one is Jared... I just don't get the allure of him. All I see is a poor man's Scott Baio, and while I may have crushed on Chachi as a kid, I got over him pretty fast. All these women seem to love him. He seems so dull and lacking of charm. Yet they all want him. Jubilee liked him but nailed it when she said he would rather pick a twin he likely can't tell apart from her sister. Truth. But they all want a pretty blonde. Frankly, I think Jubilee was much prettier than the twins there. Not getting the twins coming as a package deal, nor do I get them holding hands on the beach. Weirdly I miss Chad. I think most of his stuff is an act for the camera. They put him up to it. Only when they over-plied him with alcohol did it get out of hand. I think that's why he was so pissed off. He was doing what they wanted, he just got too drunk and took it too far. Way too far. Sadly, I found him to be the most attractive guy of the bunch... Oh and Lace is totally Cecily Strong and any number of characters she plays on SNL! Laughed when Lace and Grant were getting it on and they show crabs on the beach. No doubt there are crabs elsewhere than the beach with this group of people...
  10. I'm just saying, if she left town, she would probably want him with her. Not sue for sole custody, but she is clearly stressing out bigtime without him so I can't imagine her wanting to leave town without him. Especially if he is left in the same town with Victor and he had anything to do with it. If she is hurt by Brady enough, she may just want to get away from him so she doesn't have to see him all the time. She and Brady can have joint custody, kind of like how Chloe and Daniel had with Parker.
  11. I kind of want Theresa to not be forgiving of Brady when all is said and done. That maybe this was all a plot of Victor hiring Summer to steal Tate and she hired someone else to do it with some of the money Victor gave her. That would be a double whammy: Tate stolen by Brady's hateful grandfather and the woman Brady brought to town against Theresa's wishes. Also one of these people drugged recovering addict Theresa in the process, both affecting her alertness and jeopardizing her recovery. Brady is being kind of a jerk through this too, he kind of is one anyway. he might love Theresa, but I often feel he doesn't respect her. I would love to see Theresa have enough and take Tate out of town and go back to live near Kim and Shane. It would get tate away from nasty Victor and she could get a fresh start away from Brady. Let him miss what he had and long for her for a change.
  12. Not much point to today's episode. I don't hate Rope but I'm not a fan of them either. I honestly see Rafe as being Hope's chump. He can't stay away even though he never seems to be her first choice (or even second choice). Yet he's dreaming that he hasn't done enough to prove his love for her? The hell? He needed to move on...like yesterday! And of course, he was well enough to save the day while Hope is lying there helplessly ill like the weak female Rafe needs her to be. I think I would have and could have bought them more had this been reversed: Rafe is lying ill and Hope is saving the day and realizing that maybe she didn't love him enough before but does now... I might have bought Rope a bit more then. I kind of just don't care either way with them. Bo is gone, Aidan is a fraud, Rafe is once again her "consolation prize". Ugh...
  13. So many plot points I hate on soaps are happening all at once on Days: kidnapped babies, people chained in dungeons (or basements), someone suing someone else for custody when they don't have a leg to stand on. Gross, just gross. Speaking of gross: Andre. Such a creeper pervert watching Rafe on his little screen like that. The second the subject of Jen and custody came up, I immediately thought "isn't she just beginning rehab for drug addiction? That isn't going to set well in court." Then Julie said it was "months" since she has been clean. More like weeks?! Though Bo's day of return lasted several days/weeks, I suppose a few short weeks would equal months on the other end of things... Ciara is creepy. VJ's acting reminds me too much of Kristen Stewart, which is annoying enough. But girl doesn't even downplay her Chad-obsession to others. Everyone sees it (except maybe Chad). It wouldn't shock me if Ciara convinced crazy-Abby to leave when she showed up at the mansion initially. I also thought that maybe crazy-Abby could have taken Tate. Especially when Brady said to Ciara and Claire that Tate has the same stroller as Thomas. Maybe she just saw a baby in a stroller that looked like Thomas's, and took it seeing "Thomas" in the stroller. She sees Ben everywhere, why not see another baby as her own?! Loved it when Hope punched Aidan in the face, he deserves it.
  14. Today when Chad had his little melt-down in front of Ciara, she just looked like she was smirking and wanted to laugh. I'm guessing this is the actress not holding it together well and making poor acting choices on film. But it made Ciara look like a rude little twerp. This isn't the first time I've seen this sort of scene from her either. Me thinks VJ probably gets the giggles during her scenes, even serious ones. OMG Rafe...I get him trying to make sure Hope is safe, but his fixation goes beyond that. Yet again, she has chosen a different guy over him, this time while he was dating her. He will never be her first choice. That was Bo, but clearly Aidan is a choice over him as well. I think others would be too if they presented themselves. Rafe will never be more than a friend or a consolation prize after being dumped or hurt for her. Dude needs to have a little pride and move on from her. I like JJ, but isn't he just a rookie, like super new to the force. Shouldn't he be doing traffic details and answering 911 calls in uniform, with a partner. He's now a plain clothes detective? That was a quick promotion.
  15. I had to laugh at JPL playing drunk Philip yesterday. Why would Belle ever go for that drip or find him sexy, especially when she has Shawn?! The way Philip staggered in the town square, I would have thought he pooped his pants and was walking cautiously instead of being drunk...
  16. I did notice how Abby dreamed how she set the fire yet lied to Shawn about what happened when he asked her. Doesn't make her seem as insane as she likely is, if she is capable of blatantly lying to save her ass from getting in more trouble. if she were so far gone, she would have admitted to setting the fire to get rid of Ben. Girl is just one big hot mess.
  17. So Joey really is the biggest idiot that ever lived. One minute he is talking about going home with his parents, and the next he's running back to the commune to rescue Jade. Here's a thought Joey: call the police and wait for them. This probably all would have worked out better instead of pounding on the door not knowing what is happening on the other side. Also, he whines through everything. I've never heard so much whining and fussing as he did in the end. Granted he was shot, but still that was a lot of loud bad acting he was doing there. I agree with all who said this was horrible timing for an active shooter story given the tragedy in Orlando. I am interested in how Chloe knows Deimos, that was very unexpected. Has Nadia had her baby in real life yet? She didn't look pregnant in the scene she was in. Ugh, Rafe needs to give it up with Hope. Just be friends, she will always put you in the "friend zone" if someone else is available. Bo was her #1. When he was gone, she went for Aidan. Then Bo came back, now Aidan is back and she chooses him over Rafe. Rafe, you are at best, a consolation prize for Hope. If she goes back to you, it's because nobody better is in her view. He would be a fool to keep hanging on for a chance with her. he needs to give it up already. But then again, Rafe is a fool...
  18. I can't believe I forgot to mention Lucas in my earlier post! He was so great today, everything that a supportive family member should be. I liked how he kept telling Jen that she didn't have to go through this alone ever again. Made me glad she has him, and it made me miss Mike Horton. Specifically, Michael Weiss's version of Mike. He was always that awesome big brother and support to Jen. It bugs me to no end that they keep bringing on useless characters/retcon family members when they should be bringing back characters like Mike! Seeing that clip of young Jack with the scruff on the island, made me realize: a)how hot he was and b) How much Casey Moss/JJ favors a young Matt Ashford! I have always thought he was a good casting because he reminded me of younger Jack in the looks department, but seeing this older clip reminded me just how much he does remind me of him. Good casting. And now that they have let the character of JJ grow and evolve into a mature adult, I really feel like he is a young Jack Deveraux. He had some hard knocks and acted out and made mistakes, but he learned and grew and turned into a decent young man...a lot like how Jack did with time. Abby should be the next young Jennifer Horton, but she is not. Jennifer was never this much of a mess at a young age! Maybe Abby is more like her grandmother Laura. I don't know much of Laura's earlier years, I just know Abby is not like her parents or her brother!
  19. I have to say that I actually really enjoyed today's Jennifer-centric episode, and thought Missy Reeves did a good job. I liked her back in the day but never liked her pompous phase (especially when she was with Daniel). It was a bit refreshing to see her see herself as flawed and vulnerable. Gah, even in a fantasy/dream, Abigail is a rude selfish uncaring bitch. Didn't like her part. Thing is, JJ wasn't super-nice in his scene either but I could forgive it because I think he is a far better person than his sister. Oh Jack...I really liked seeing Jack/MA today. He still looks good. I wish he could somehow return from his "death" (did we ever see a body?) and help repair his mess of a family. They need him. Oh those flashbacks...MA & MR looked so pretty as their 1990's selves. I remember those episodes. t took me a long time to become a J&J fan (and even just a Jack fan, from his beginnings), but I did. Julie is pretty useless, twice she let Jen slip out of sight and nearly into ruin. they gave er one job to do! And SSH's acting choices...she looked more put-out than supportive in most of her scenes. The meeting...good to see Maggie and Brady there, but for first-timer Jen, it wasn't very "anonymous". Also..when they said "anyone else" and they all turned around and looked at Jen, ugh. It was her very first meeting, it took a lot to just be there, she probably needed time to build the courage to speak without being put on the spot to. I would imagine it is up to the individual when they choose to speak, if they even choose to at all. Nobody needs family giving the stink eye to you until you stand up and talk. But once Jen did, I liked how she saw jack there and admitted her addiction with real tears, MR did great in that scene.
  20. So true! Things is, pretty much every teen in the set (with the exception maybe of Jade) has a loving parent who does not overcrowd them by any means on a good day, but is usually more understanding and willing to accept their kid and their issues than most parents in the real world will be. Yet, the minute they try to "parent" these brats when they push the envelope too far (and most of them have recently), they flip out and yell and threaten to move out and accuse their parents of being awful and unreasonable. These kids are all pretty spoiled and have things pretty darn good under their parents' roofs. They are still teens, they are still kids. I would love to see some of them get a good dose of "reality" when their folks aren't paying for everything for them (as I'm sure they have been). But I'm sure we won't see that happen... I understand Hope's deep worry and concern for Ciara if Chase were released, but for her to act like she can't understand that Aidan want's to help his own son seems absurd. It doesn't mean she will agree or want that, and of course her own daughter is her top concern, but Chase is Aidan's top concern (even if we really don't see it lately). This is his son, and just because "Hope says so" doesn't mean that Aidan should just turn his back on him. Hope was basically like "I don't want you, I won't take you back...but oh yeah, turn your back on your son because I said you should" today. Once again, I'm not saying Hope should feel OK with Aidan's support of Chase, but she should act so shocked that he would want to support his own son and help him either. You are not alone at all in this. VI is like a fine wine...he only gets better with age! He is sexy as hell and I just want to look at him ...and make out with him ;). I am intrigued by the hotness of him and Nicole together. I shouldn't want them as a pain, but oh I do!
  21. Observations du jour: I understand Julie being upset about initially seeing Aidan, but after Roman explained the switch, and not knowing the crazy assed details, you would think she would have calmed down with him. Knowing salem and all it's look-alike switches, you would think she would be a little easier on Aidan knowing he didn't try to kill Hope and that he was a man Hope once loved. People react as if they already know every detail, before they even do! Did the actor who plays Chase have a 10-inch growth spurt since we last saw him? He looked really tall and leggy in that one scene we saw of him. If Aidan can have an evil-twin, why didn't his son Chase have one too? It could have kept the actor/charcter on the canvas and instant redemption to him. They could have had Aidan kidnapped and Chase as well as extra re-assurance that Aidan wouldn't try to escape. Meanwhile pod-Chase has been brainwashed and told he loves Ciara and "do what it takes" to have her and with his crazy brainwash mindset and Dimera payroll, the nutjob raped her figuring this is what Andre meant and off to jail he goes. Real Chase comes back, and while it's odd to see him again without the thought of rape, the real Chase did nothing and would never hurt Ciara. There is still drama and conflict, but the issue has been explained. Was Maggie wearing silver pleather pants or leggings? She just seems a bit too old for that. But then again, she was 17 when she had Summer who is apparently the same age range as Brady, which would make Maggie younger than John and Isabella when they had Brady...
  22. I deleted my original post, because I worded it wrong. I did not mean it that way, and apologize for offending anyone. It was not my intent to insult anyone. I am from a blended family where everyone was brought up with equal love and respect so I don't feel that way at all. I would never intentionally insult adoptive parents or fathers ever. My own father just died very recently and was everything to me. I would never question who is a parent or a parent's love in that way. I was only speaking of my opinions of the episode itself. What I basically meant was that I remember the episode when Callie nearly died while pregnant with Sofia and the heartbreak she felt over the fear of losing her then, and what it must have felt for her to lose her now. She had said to Arizona that they could work out visitations with Sofia and wasn't talking in terms of full custody when she decided on the move. Now she has lost custody of Sofia and is clearly heartbroken. It made me feel bad more from a standpoint of being a Callie fan over an Arizona fan, and seeing how it turned out. My opinions were about how it played out tonight and the episode left me feeling sad in general. It was a sad episode.
  23. I did enjoy the Hernandez family today...even Rafe. Dario...not so much. Adriana and Ed have a good chemistry going, I found them to be quite cute and could buy that they share a big history together. I do really like mama-Hernandez and also think she was cast quite well. In certain scenes I thought both Gabi and Rafe look like her and could totally believe her to be their mom. BTW, Gabi is so pretty and she and JJ look so nice together, they are a good pair. Slightly off topic, but just a tidbit I heard, I didn't realize that in real life, JJ and Paige were an item. True O'Brien was on the Talk the other day after she won the Daytime Emmy and said that her boyfriend Casey is on the show and celebrated with her. I assume this is indeed Casey Moss. Well, good for them... OK back to today... Summer is a disaster in every way. She is gross, and everything that she does is gross. And she doesn't even own her grossness, she plays victim to it. Ugh, just go away. I don't dislike Marie Wilson the actress, but I do dislike the character she is playing. She would have been better suited as either Melissa or Sarah Horton. Wow, Theresa has Brady completely pegged and Brady knows it yet won't admit it. He really is a doofus. A doofus conned out of 50K by another doofus. John is rather dumb, but I didn't mind the Jarlena/Paul scenes. Paul looked pretty rough at the end. John's dad, "Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong" did a number on him, didn't he?! In regards to yesterdays scenes, Abby is nuts and needs to be locked away for a good long time! I can just see how Chad and Ciara will probably hook up eventually. Also Ciara is an ungrateful little bitch to her mom. Hope isn't perfect, but she is very, very supportive and forgiving and willing to do for her daughter. She sure as hell doesn't over-crowd her, if anything she could have been there for her more in recent months. But she is hardly a difficult parent. She would do anything for her, so i don't get what the hell Ciara is whining about. She is just so damn annoying!
  24. The only thing I did like today was Theresa calling Brady out on his "Hero Complex" and not backing down. She hit the nail right on the head and said what a lot of us viewers have seen with this ding-dong for ages. Whether or not he listens and has a moment of self-awareness over his tendencies remains to be seen...
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