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Everything posted by alexa

  1. Here is the article https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/23/media/kelly-clarkson-show-ratings/index.html
  2. Unfortunately, her show is the top rated of the new shows, and she is only under 3 or 4 shows that have been around a long time like Ellen and Dr. Phil. So, it seems they think it is successful....that said I can't imagine she will want to keep it up long term.
  3. I am sure you will be excited to know that per a People article, Dean's ex wife / Dean/Tori have buried the hatchet. They all had a lovely time at Jack's 21st bday and are the best of friends! lol. Anyway, good for them, but I can't really believe much about what they say about anything because all they really want to talk about lately is how great their relationship and sex life is. They are trying to remain in the public eye, but mostly they are known for the debt they do nothing about....
  4. I miss the days when she used to wear pants. Ever since she got a stylist they put her in some really weird dresses, and they are often way too structured or look like a tent.
  5. It is so loud. I was trying to watch the intro and just had to walk away from all of the screaming. Ugh!!!
  6. She has learned it 500 times because apparently that storyline must repeat itself. Ugh. Another Beverly being devalued episode? Just what we need. I wanted this show to remain on the air, but now I don't if we have to do that every single week. There are so many other things they can do.... but I guess they are out of ideas.
  7. I hated the sand challenge, and basically didn't watch it (as stated further above as well--it really is a cruel thing to do). And I didn't get the Applebee's thing either. That was a restaurant more popular in the 90s and early 2000s? I know it is still around, but I grew up and quit eating there years ago, lol! I am pretty sure most of the contestants don't normally eat there either (except for the one that said it was her favorite restaurant).
  8. I hoped with the back to basics this year they would dump contemporary. There are so many ballroom dances that can be done, why do they have that one? ugh.
  9. All of the lyric songs started to wear on me. I don’t think so many skaters have used them in the past in one competition. I really enjoyed Bradie’s anyway, but the music was a nice change.
  10. We have already been talking about it throughout the discussion here. For now they are keeping it and using it for some specials. After that, not sure.
  11. I totally agree. The problem has been Tom, not Len. If he wouldn't interrupt he could get his full thought out and it would sound as he intended...not as a huge criticism, etc. But he gets frustrated, as many of us would, when he gets interrupted and then the contestant doesn't get to hear what he actually had to say.
  12. For those that have watched the whole series, did you hit a point that you weren't sure you wanted to continue watching? I am partway into Season 2, and I know some of what is coming ahead in regard to some of the characters, so that is part of my hesitancy--but I am questioning whether I want to finish the series or not. I loved the first few episodes, but it is starting to feel a little heavy to me right now. Just wondering if there is enough ebb and flow that things pick up a bit to have a bit more on the lighter side mixed in with the drama.
  13. I think that episode also showed how much Eve enjoyed it/how much it meant to her.... so for those thinking she wasn't really into it, I think she expressed her interest many times during this expanded episode. Seeing the reveal again, and the extra interviews, I could see how much this affected all of them to see this house recreated. I am still amazed when I see what they have done.
  14. I can't tell if I am not paying close enough attention or this cast mostly bores me (except for a couple). I can't seem to know who most of the men are, other than James. And as for the women--I think a few of them stand out more, and then some I just don't care for--Ally. Sailor's dance looked really weak to me. Maybe I missed something that the judges saw. There were some other dances like that--they seemed like first night dances versus how they usually start to look this part of the season.
  15. I find it interesting how some episodes are kind of light and fluffy, and then they suddenly have a very dark one like tonight. I am not a fan of the episodes that involve capture and torture, etc. I know they didn't go all in, but it had a different vibe. The same thing happens in MacGyver sometimes too, and I just prefer the more fun/adventurous episodes.
  16. I have always loved this show, and you are not offending me. There have been way too many episodes revolving around the smothering lately, and for a while it was okay, but it has already been done so many times in the past--and they make up every single time, so there is no reason to keep bringing out that storyline. I wanted the show to continue longer, but if this is all they have left I could be done, lol. They are jerks, but honestly, who could cope with her weird smothering ways without being a jerk, especially in high school? That is not the most patient age group, and that is when she does most of her smothering. Regardless of who is at fault I am over that storyline.
  17. Ugh. Not every episode has to be about Beverly smothering, and then the kids feeling bad about how they acted. I think we have been there, done that.
  18. Good for her, that is awesome! I think she is just more reserved, thus her personality comes of differently than some of the others, but I don't doubt for a moment that she is loving this. People tend to have a hard time understanding less social people, and sometimes attribute things to them that are not necessarily true of how they feel, etc.
  19. For anyone wondering about the quick series, but yet a few add on episodes I am pretty sure the reason is this: HGTV is terrible about finishing out special series like this (unless they are super successful). So my guess is that they rushed this one, just in case, then it became popular, thus they are adding on episodes. In the past when they have had the short series of this type, what they would do is start it with the intention of showing all 6 episodes or whatever, then halfway through the series the show disappears from primetime, and they move it to some nondescript time without telling anyone. So you miss the rest of the series if you don't miraculously find it on their schedule. There was a Jennie Garth show they did this to, and some other similar series--they were meant to be short in nature anyway, so who knows why they have to advertise a show and then hide it.
  20. Good point about the pros. I still never recognize Jenna as anyone I am familiar with, and there are a couple of others as well.
  21. Weird. Okay then....totally brown on my footage. lol! (but at the very least it is nothing like the bright blue used in the new version, whatever color it really was)
  22. I am just not really getting into this season. Half the guys I don't know, and I get confused about who they are, and overall, there is something missing. I am guessing it is just because the show has lost some of its magic having been on for so long. I like they are back to basics a bit more--that part is fine, but perhaps it is the cast or something else just not doing it for me.
  23. I know we talked about the door earlier in this thread. They showed the old door up close on the episode last night, and the old door was not blue, it was brown. So did we ever figure out why they used blue on the new version? Even though there wasn't a lot new in last night's episode, I enjoyed some of the interviews and extra stuff.
  24. I don’t really care for Stumptown, so I guess we are on opposite ends here, and that is fine....
  25. I loved this episode...I liked the added humor with the guy that was a thief, and the scenes with all of the regulars.
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