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Everything posted by snowwhyte

  1. Of course child Vanessa would cause a car accident by being a brat and adult Vanessa would try to go it alone even though she sucks at it. I prefer Scarlet but when she acts like Vanessa it makes it harder to like her. As satisfying as it might have been for her to cut off the evil scientist's head did she take one second to think about everyone in the room who isn't as as unbreakable as she is. Scarlet and Vanessa are both impulsive, stubborn and careless of other people and it makes it difficult to root for them at times. The vampires are still the biggest problem with this show. I could happily skip past all the their scenes. Did Flesh go with Doc and Julius? He didn't have a goodbye scene. Who flew the helicopter? Did one of the scientists soldiers stay with the helicopter? Did he just agree to be their pilot now?
  2. All the coats are lovely but I really want Susan's coat. I've spotted a similar coat but it's a bit out of my price range so I'm waiting for a sale. It is a bit of a problem when the fashion is the most interesting thing about the show.
  3. If she's an indentured servant she isn't free to marry. Plus she's really annoying and even a desperate man might hesitate to be permanently tied to her.
  4. 51-49 support for Kavanaugh heading into the final vote tomorrow. It looks like he will be confirmed. I feel so sorry for Dr Ford if after everything she went through Kavanaugh still gets confirmed.
  5. Well, I may not be the Hermione but I was definitely a Hermione at school. Luckily, I was able to chill out somewhat as an adult although when I commented to a friend that I thought I was fairly laid back they laughed so maybe I'm not as chill as I thought.
  6. I'm not even American but the Kavanaugh situation makes me want sit in my robe and eat cake. I studied American Studies and International Politics at University. I did my final year dissertation on the Supreme Court and whether it leads or is lead by public opinion. If I was doing my dissertation now it would be on the effect of partisan politics on the Supreme Court. After 20 years following US politics I am now just exhausted by it all. I keep thinking things can't get worse and yet they always do. It is easy to understand the temptation some people have to disengage from politics altogether because it feels like they don't matter and the system is broken. I feel like I'm in a bad relationship with politics. I know it makes me unhappy but I just can't seem to make the break. Eating large amounts of cake just isn't enough.
  7. It's astonishing to me that people can watch the exact same video and see completely different things. I saw a man who is in no way fit to be on the highest court in the land. If you read some of the comments on the Fox news YouTube video of his testimony he is apparently a fine man and judge who is justifiably angry at being falsely accused. He is the real victim. They won't change their minds no matter how many times they see the video. It does occasionally make me wonder how warped my own sense of reality is.
  8. Chidi: "What's the secret? Is the secret more books? How many more books do I need?" I think Chidi might actually be my soulmate. The secret is always more books.
  9. So did Michael bring the frog mug for The Doorman as a nice, thoughtful gesture or because he wanted to keep on The Doorman's good side? Is he truly good now? He is still breaking rules but he's doing it to try and help others so is that morally okay?
  10. So was the little girl at the end meant to be the lady's current form? She looked familiar to me. Has she been in this before?
  11. I M a D/J shipper but not hard-core. I would like to think that having D/J try a relationship without their baggage will make them realise that they have feelings for one another and should be together. Seeing the look D'avin gave Dutch I really hope there isn't an amnesiac love triangle. We didn't really consider Dutch to be Johnny's shock love interest because she is currently in a relationship with D'avin and Dutch and Johnny together isn't that much of a shock for many people. I wouldn't even have said that this is Johnny getting a shock love interest. This is Johnny being emotionally manipulated by The Lady. He didn't make a choice to commit to Dutch. It isn't real. They are both being violated.
  12. Great news. I really wanted her to get some recognition.
  13. Fancy won their bet by one Hullen so D'avin shot Fancy on stun and claimed he was worth two Hullen since he was a special ex-Hullen. He therefore wins the bet and gets to keep his gun. I personally don't think Fancy will agree with his reasoning but we'll see if he retaliates.
  14. All this speculation is making me impatient for the finale. Given that we have now considered every woman we could think of the only true surprise would be someone we haven't mentioned. Is there anyone we've missed?
  15. I forgot the Lady. Heck if you want to go for extra shock value they could wake up Dutch's mom as a love interest for Johnny.
  16. Plus rereading the quote it does say a relationship which nobody will see coming which to me says Lucy, DSK or Aneela. Anyone else might be a surprise but not a total shock.
  17. Well, they don't have to jump straight to a relationship. Maybe they just meet and have a connection that could lead to something next season. Lucy is still my first choice.
  18. I'M leaning towards Fairuza now because she and Johnny haven't met yet and don't have any of the issues that he has with the other women. Plus, didn't Johnny have an interest in the scarback religion at one point?
  19. I meant Clara. I couldn't remember her name but then I remembered her name as Alice. She's a long shot but they all are.
  20. If Johnny is getting an unexpected love interest I vote for a miraculously embodied Lucy. If Dutch can be a clone created in green goo, why not? There is a shortage of female characters on this show so options are limited. Dutch is currently with D'avin. Zeph is mourning Pip. DSK killed Pawter and is into Aneela. Johnny and Aneela would be weird. Pre Hullen Aneela could possibly have been Johnny's type though, a scientist with Dutch's looks. Maybe she gets dehullenized but she does have a thing with DSK so again unlikely. Who does that leave? The Lady, ex-scarback woman, Alice?
  21. https://www.scifinow.co.uk/news/american-gods-season-2-might-be-in-trouble/ Another one bites the dust (maybe).
  22. Okay, I'm British so I have to join in a weather conversation. We had a hot dry summer here. One of the nicest summers in years but things didn't grow because we had no rain so there was still some complaints. Then the weather turned and the rain came and people complained that they missed the sun. We were told we would get an Indian summer but it hasn't happened yet. Our weather is all over the place this year. Returning the conversation to the episode i was a bit confused about alt Henry's age. In the alternate universe he and Molly were around the same age so probably late thirties like original Henry. He looks fairly young though and Pangborn referred to him as a kid. Is it just an older person referring to everyone under forty as a kid? The timeline sync up and the age difference are among the most confusing things for me.
  23. I read somewhere that it was part funded by Amazon so hopefully it will be on Amazon for American viewers. I am British and the big US shows are released at about the same time over here as they are in The US while British shows generally have to be a big hit before finding an American market. It is frustrating in terms of the forum. I enjoyed the show. The actress playing Becky is very likeable. Becky is actually quite a difficult character to get right. If she pushes too far with the charm she comes across as fake. If she is too manipulative she might lose sympathy. So far she is coming across as self-interested but not mean spirited. You can see why people like her and you want her to do well.
  24. It is a bit of a ridiculous scene of you think about it. They asked his name, he said Henry Deaver. At the time, I thought, ooh there must be two Henries. I wonder where this one came from and how he's related to original Henry. Then they slipped right to, he's asking for Henry Deaver and altHenry didn't say, no, you idiots, my name is Henry Deaver. He let the misconception stand which meant i let the misconception stand.
  25. I would guess that they have their memories from the alternate universe while they are there but once they return to their original universe the memories fade. i might need to give it another watch but I'm assuming that the girl in the woods with the bloody knife is key to the mystery. I don't remember what Kid!Henry said but was the story that the whole settlement died except for her and she had to eat them to survive?
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