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Everything posted by snowwhyte

  1. I remember last season when they had the woman with the phobia of child birth. Every time they show another difficult birth i wonder why they don't have more patients with that issue. Even the so called straightforward births look horrifying to me.
  2. That was a tough watch. Poor Valerie. In hindsight, it seems obvious why they introduced Valerie's kindly grandmother. It is so difficult because I do believe she thinks she is helping these women. She doesn't see what happens to the women after and it probably wasn't talked about. She has killed women through. She has to be stopped. I feel so sorry for Valerie. She has some difficult choices to make.
  3. I don't get the purpose of the Brexit survival boxes. If you think there are going to be food shortages why not just but more dried goods and regular tinned items? If the main issue will be with fresh food the Brexit boxes won't help.
  4. I understand that the young pregnant girl was traumatised by having her first baby forcibly taken and was desperate for a new baby but couldn't she have waited until she was eighteen so there would be no chance of it happening again?
  5. I do think that the matchmakers has good intentions. They thought it would be nice for Lucille to have a life beyond work and church but it definitely seemed like everyone saw this young, Afro-Caribbean guy and immediately thought he was a match for Lucille even before they got to know anything about him. It might not have been so bad if Lucille has seemed happy and interested about the situation but everyone seemed to be ignoring her feelings and obvious reluctance.
  6. I felt so sorry for that poor girl being stared at by a bunch of doctors who didn't seem to understand that she was a person with actual feelings and not just as specimen. I'm glad that's mostly changed now. I know Lucille's romance plot is meant to add a bit of lightness but as someone who is happily single it always annoys me when people try to matchmake or push you towards someone just because they think they know better than you what you need.
  7. I really don't like the Nurse Crane love interest. She deserves better. They seem to be focussing their storylines on issues that are prominent at the moment. From the importance of safe, accessible abortion to women's suffrage and feminism and now onto the dangers of measles and the importance of vaccinations. I do think they are being a bit heavy- handed with the messaging. I was a bit surprised they didn't have a child develops serious complications from measles. I guess they can reign it in a bit sometimes.
  8. Plus the woman who had the triplets was from Versailles. I recognised both actresses but it took me some time to figure out where from. Seeing them in more modern clothing is strange.
  9. I thought this was a good episode but there was one thing that really annoyed me and that was how contrived the scene was where Trixie was downstairs cleaning shoes because Valerie and Lucille were drinking alcohol added to their hot chocolate. Both women are thoughtful enough that they would forgo the alcohol to make things easier for Trixie and include her. Plus they don't seem like big drinkers, Lucille particularly. It just seemed an overly contrived way to show that Trixie was still struggling with her alcoholism.
  10. Is it too much of a spoiler to comment on whether Alice is in season 5?
  11. I'm currently watching the new season over here in the UK. I won't spoil it for the non Brits but it is as creepy and intense as usual.
  12. The vampires who were returned to human seem to have special healing powers but to varying degrees. Phil is obviously the most extreme example. If he could survive a bullet to the head we can presume that Mohammed might return. I have been thinking of them like zombies, that you need to destroy the brain but maybe they need to destroy the heart and Scarlet and Mohammed are gone permanently for that reason. It does seem strange that returned to humans have better healing than actual vampires.
  13. I haven't read the Last Kingdom books but the author also wrote the Sharpe series and the hero in that churned through love interests, most of whom died to fuel his manly pain so I'm guessing Gisela's death is by the book. It was a crappy ending for her though. There doesn't seem any point in getting invested in Uhtred's love interests because they won't last long.
  14. I really like Neal McDonough but they've had quite a few good actors that I enjoy watching and that doesn't help the show because the acting isn't the problem. The problem is the writing and it is probably time to accept that this isn't the show that I hoped it would be.
  15. Part of me wondered if it was just because I wasn't giving it my full attention but it really didn't make sense. I Vanessa: I must become an elder to stop Sam being an elder but it's ok because I'll be a covert elder who brings the vampire system down from the inside. Weird crone vamp: you must kill the light inside you. Scarlet: I've had a few conversations with weird dudes about destiny so I think you have to kill me but that's ok because I'm sure that killing me won't extinguish your light but will make it stronger for some reason. Vanessa sort of kills Scarlet. Axel: you killed Scarlet! If I see you again I'll kill you. Anyway I'm going to go now. Weird crone vamp: you already killed your light when you accidentally killed your daughter. Your sister didn't have to die. Don't you feel like an idiot?
  16. I know I've been threatening this for ages but I am finally done. I wasn't expecting much from the finale but between Sam killing Mohammed to become some ridiculous looking monster and Vanessa passively killing Scarlet because of reasons that made no sense I am rather annoyed. I think they introduced Scarlet to work around the Vanessa actress' pregnancy last season and now they don't need her any more so they came up with a convoluted reason why Scarlet has to die. The problem is Scarlet and her relationship with Axel was one of the few things that made this show watchable. I am not sticking around for the Sam and Vanessa show.
  17. An episode focussed on Axel and Scarlet with no Sam or Vanessa, this is the show i want. The religious stuff was annoying but I did enjoy this episode. I was worried that either they were going to kill Axel or that he and Scarlet would separate again after just being reunited. So Phil can shoot himself in the head and come back fine but Axel needs to be bitten by a vampire to heal some burns? That doesn't seem fair. I did wonder what the trucker guys deal was. I thought maybe he was a daywalker or that he might have been an elder or something. I do think we will see him again.
  18. I like Axel and am happy to have an Axel focused episode but that seemed like a bit of a diversion. There wasn't much story advancement. I do wonder if they are setting up Axel to break down soon because he definitely seems quite brittle lately. To be reunited with his lost sister only to find out she had been abused and imprisoned by his boss and then to have her die in his arms is tragic. I did guess early on that creepy boss has been behind the sisters disappearance, the pretty Polly comment made that quite obvious. i thought he killed her though. It took me a little bit longer to get the sister connection because I couldn't believe she would stay around the guy that had kidnapped her.
  19. Finished! That was an excellent season. This show has really lived up to it's early potential. The finale was very intriguing. I don't know if there will be a season four but obviously there would have to be some kind of reset. It was obvious pretty early on that 001 was in Jeff. It's strange but no matter who 001 goes into i always picture Enrico Colantoni.
  20. On episode 8, saw Christopher Hyerdahl was in it and said "oh, no." He's a good actor and am sure he must be a nice guy because shows keep him long after his characters should have been killed off but he mainly plays disturbing characters. Then his character vomited up an eyeball and my fears were confirmed.
  21. It seems a bit of cheat to just wipe the memories of the teams loved ones. There have to be some consequences to the season 2 finale.
  22. Am binging it now. Already finished episode 3.
  23. That's why I wanted her to become the bad guy. Scarlet and Axel could team up to kill her but there would be the issue of whether the vampires she has returned to human would be under her control. If the show does continue they could definitely benefit from making some drastic changes.
  24. It actually wasn't that bad. I skipped past about two minutes of Vanessa struggling to get off the hook but I quite liked Vanessa being called out for what a terrible person she is. I half expected for her to acknowledge it and just embrace her dark side and become the villain but unfortunately not. i didn't like John in season one but seeing him back does make me realise that the show would benefit from having someone who will push back against Vanessa when she acts impulsively. Scarlet and Axel might offer token resistance but they cave in too easily. It was also nice to see Vanessa forgive Mohammad. I always liked their friendship and Vanessa's relationships with the others help to make her more bearable.
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