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Everything posted by snowwhyte

  1. I tend to feel that with everything that Aethelwold has done on the show and how much he is hated by pretty much all parties if he is able to continually avoid being killed it becomes unrealistic. I thought it was stretching it slightly that Alfred didn't have him executed for treason. Leaving him alive while he remains a threat to the kingdom goes against Alfred's mostly pragmatic nature. Although, I guess we have seen that if anything makes him act more emotionally it is his family. I'm thinking particularly of his reaction to Aethelfled's kidnapping last season.
  2. I think there are a few reasons there aren't many people commenting on this thread. Narcos is the kind of show where you do have to give it your full focus, in part because of the subtitles and partly because it is a quality show that deserves to be watched properly. I'd like to think people will catch up with it over the holiday season when they have more time. I don't think having a season thread instead of episode threads helps. If there are episode threads and I have something to say about a particular episode i will comment. If there is a season thread I will avoid it until I have completed the season and by then I might have forgotten particular things that I wanted to say or they might seem less important in the larger context of the show. I'm not sure if the reset might have put some people off but I hope not. I liked Pedro Pascal, Wagner Moira and the Columbia setting but I enjoy Diego Luna and the Mexican story has a lot to offer.
  3. This really feels like two shows at the moment with the split cast and the alternating focus of the episodes. I prefer the episodes that don't feature Vanessa or Sam by a huge margin. Vanessa is hugely frustrating and unlikable as a character and Sam makes me feel cringy and gross. He's just too much. There aren't many episodes left in the series so I assume they will start making moves towards reintegrating the cast. I don't have much faith in the writers though so I am guessing the show will meander along until it's disappointing and underwhelming season finale.
  4. I was slightly worried when Sihtric and Uhtred had a falling out and I really hoped it was all part of another of Uhtred's schemes. One of my favourite things about this show is the friendships. After all they have been through together i don't want to see them fall out over petty things.
  5. I waited until I finished the season to comment because I didn't want to be spoiled but then I caved halfway through the season and googled Kiki. Once i read what happened to him i remembered him being mentioned in season one of Narcos. I liked seeing the different management style of Felix. I can't stand all the violent Narcos with zero impulse control like Rafa. The guys who are always posturing and doing stupid stuff seem like spoiled children. I kind of wanted Felix to succeed and keep everything controlled so that the violence would be minimized but I guess you're only as strong as your weakest link. I felt for him trying to keep everyone in line but by the end he showed himself to be no better than the rest. He was ice cold, had no loyalty and used violence as a tool. I really wanted him to fall but at the same time I know that a power struggle within the cartel means more violence. I how this gets decent viewership. I've had discussions with people about recreational drug use. People who argue that they're not harming anyone and sure if you grow your own stuff that might be true. If you are buying illegal drugs from criminal gangs then you are contributing to violence that has killed many thousands of people. Everyone who creates a market for the cartels should realise that they are complicit in the violence.
  6. I spent most of this episode trying to decide if I am finally quitting this show. I still have some interest in Axel and his story but the rest of it is annoying and kind of gross. If this was a more popular show i could do what I did with the Walking Dead and quit but occasionally check the forums to see what is happening. I guessed that Scab was going to have to be castrated to stay with the Sisters. I am pleasantly surprised that they didn't show that more graphically. They made up for it with evicerations, head squishing, mice eating and beating hearts. I do think they go overboard with the gore. I was a bit surprised that they killed Scar Vamp but they didn't really develop his character so he won't be missed. I fast forwarded through Sam killing his Mohammed replacement but it was obvious she meant he had to kill Mohammed. It was mildly amusing that he killed the wrong guy but that kid and Mohammed should have killed Sam together for what he did to them.
  7. I didn't recognise her at first because of the face make-up and because she was doing a different more whispery voice but she said a few words in this where her more distinctive voice came out and I finally realised it was her.
  8. I am wondering if Phil might actually be dead this time. I don't think so but you never know. In news that will surprise no one, the anti-vAmpire serum has a terrible side effect. There have been several shots of people being dragged away with everyone basically just ignoring it so I guess that explains that. Either Doc and her girlfriend will be kicked out for making trouble or the daywalkers will turn up and prove them right just as Axel and his group arrive looking for sanctuary. The confrontation with the B'ah was a disappointment although I finally realised that the actress who plays the B'ah was in Travellers and Continuum. Iknew Vanessa probably had a stupid plan when she didn't destroy the Elder's totem. Vanessa: Sure, we could destroy the totems and stop the Dark One from ever rising but how about instead we get the totems, raise him ourselves and kill him? I'm doing this whether you agree or not but you can come if you want. Scarlet: Well, you were acting weird not too long ago and seemed under the influence of the elder. Now you want to raise the Dark Lord and are assuming that we will be able to kill him and magically mAke everything better. I can foresee no problems with that plan. Let's raise the Dark Lord! I actually didn't mind this episode but this show is still very flawed.
  9. Yeah, the injections were obviously dodgy and I don't think that says much for the longevity of Doc's girlfriend.
  10. Ugh, an entire episode of Sam complete with childhood flashbacks showing the origin of his finger and tooth fetish. The only part of this episode i liked was when one of the teenagers was telling the other kids the story of when Buffy killed Angel and sent him to hell. I don't know why I still watch this show. I'm not a show completist anymore, life is too short to watch bad shows. There are some episodes that I find watchable but mostly i think I watch this waiting for it to get good and it just doesn't.
  11. Nearly had a heart attack. Justice O'Connor is retiring from public lifebut has already retired from the bench. I am dreading another Kavanaugh situation. I read a justice is retiring and I panic.
  12. For an episode entirely focused on Vanessa it wasn’t too bad. I’ve always found the vampires one of the worst parts of this show but the Ba seems interesting. I’m glad Vanessa killed the elder. It did seem unwise to keep it around.
  13. See, if Americans had a better healthcare system he wouldn't have so much debt from trying to help a sick sister -in-law and would be less vulnerable to outside influence. It's all the government's fault.
  14. If you work for the FBI or have ever watched Dexter you should recognize a murder room when you walk into it. There was no obvious remodelling happening or tools lying around. Nadeem did seem to have a second of disquiet but I guess it didn't occur to him that his bosses might be working for Fisk.
  15. It may be in the comics but that doesn't mean it's not soapy. Discovering that your mother is the nun who raised you after you thought you were an orphan sounds soapy to me.
  16. They might have gone a bit too soapy with that reveal. The nun is Matt's secret mother. That presents a few questions. Did she abandon her child when she felt the call of God? Did she have an affair as a nun and have a secret baby? She couldn't have left her order to be a parent to him when his Dad died or at least told him that he still has some family living? She'd better have a good explanation.
  17. Obviously they are going to show the worst people because that’s more interesting viewing but between the awful woman who thought Dr Ford was paid and possibly sponsored by Coca Cola and the guy who hadn’t heard of #Metoo you really have to despair at people. If you’re engaged in politics and follow the news you can still miss stories because so much seems to be happening all the time. Some people actively choose blissful ignorance but with the way things are going that is not an option anymore. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Follow the news, understand the issues and most importantly get out and vote.
  18. I watch it on Youtube since it's not shown in my country.
  19. The voter suppression issue is so depressing. Everyone is being encouraged to vote in the midterms but they are going to need massive Democratic voter turnout to counter the GOPs vote rigging efforts. The cornerstone of democracy is free and fair elections. If you don't even have that anymore how do you maintain any hope for your country?
  20. I enjoyed the simplified, more classic horror feel of the episode. Having an episode that focused on Vanessa, Scarlet and Axel without the distractions of the rest of the crew worked for me. I was glad that Scarlet called out Vanessa’s bad attitude and Vanessa acknowledged that something was wrong. Given they both realised something was wrong and Scarlet and Axel saw the red eye thing it seems unwise that they left Vanessa alone with the elder and the totem thing. It was also frustrating to see the sisters arguing about Axel. Scarlet and Axel wanting to keep their relationship secret was annoying. Why can’t they be grownups about it. Why do we need this fake drama?
  21. I keep thinking that although they are all showing personal growth none of them is likely to get into The Good Place. Don't you have to do something extraordinary to earn enough points to go to the Good Place? Is that just a lie Michael told as part of his Good Place con? They may be learning about philosophy but how much are they doing to benefit other people?
  22. I know I had a few run ins with venomous snakes when I was in Australia. No near death experiences though.
  23. I don't like to be too nitpicky but I do struggle with the job, money and visa issues. You can get a one year tourist visa for Australia but you can't work so Eleanor saying she was broke and wanted to find a job irritated me. If Jason has a criminal record he might have been denied entry particularly if he couldn't show he had the funds to support himself. Jason's young enough for a working tourist visa but Americans can only stay for a year. If they're in Sydney that's even more expensive if they're not working. I know it shouldn't bother me in a show about people in the afterlife but they are usually good with details so it's more noticeable when there are logic flaws. What did they do with their time for more than a year? Are they basically full time philosophy students now? I could see the study maybe taking a few months but more than a year? Plus Chidi thinks the next stage would be to replicate the study with more people. How many people would give up a year of their lives for that?
  24. I'd like to think Sean Hannity's training involves him being thrown to the floor a lot and "accidentally" punched. Also, it's fine to be interested in martial arts but talking about it constantly doesn't make you seem more manly it makes you sound insecure. I know humanity has always had issues but are things just magnified now because of social media and the 24 hour news cycle? I mean, things seem awful and hopeless but are things that much worse than previous times or is it just that we know more about all the terrible things happening in the world?
  25. Kavanaugh confirmed 50-48. It'll be interesting to see what John Oliver has to say on Monday. It will be difficult to find any humour in this.
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