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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Damn, that was a hodgepodge of major events. Did I miss the explanation of the dominoes? Those confused me. While I really like Liam and Ophelia together, damn do Jasper and Eleanor have insane chemistry. And somehow Jasper's ever-changing accents make him hotter to me. I buy that Gemma has an in with that dance company. In those circles it seems like someone always knows someone due to some charitable endeavor or something.
  2. Agreed. I love the color and it goes great with her hair. I hope she wasn't too warm in that jacket. I like how the color kind of matches the sash on Amy's dress.
  3. I am FINALLY catching up on this show. I forgot how engrossing it is. Total TV junk food. Anyway, I'll settle over here as being the one person who really enjoys Liam and Ophelia. I do think the writers missed the mark by putting them together so soon, though. I'd have liked it better if they'd never met before and slowly got together. I like Gemma too because the actress is at least trying for some nuance in her performance; it wouldn't surprise me if she actually does care for Liam. I think she's actually the more realistic character between her and Ophelia. Most princes DO cheat, they do date lots of women, and it's expected that his eventual wife will turn a blind eye and wait for him. Sad, but it's how royal circles tend to work.
  4. I actually think the water bar is a good idea. I'm thinking of cucumber-infused water and the like and it sounds appealing. It's a good idea for all the non-alcohol drinkers there, of which there are many. Mashed potato bars, water bars, ice cream bars - they're very trendy right now.
  5. I looked at her instagram just now and does she....not realize "fiance" refers to a male, while "fiancee" is female? Not that it's common knowledge but it's an irrational pet peeve of mine.
  6. I get that....maybe she wore a bolero for the ceremony? I mean, you'd think if the preacher didn't feel it was appropriate, it was something they'd have discussed beforehand and it would have been one of his requirements to cover up. Agreed that this is one more rebellion of Amy's. A larger scale version of Jessa's blush dress, if you will.
  7. Yeah, agreed. Churches may require brides to cover up, but they're not in one, and Amy has never seemed overly fundie, so it seemed fine. If the other Duggars felt offended or defrauded, well, they've got some nerve considering their dirty laundry beats lots of cleavage any day. You can't tell me they didn't know beforehand what the dress would be like. Also I skimmed the PEOPLE article and it makes NO mention of Josh being there, and cleverly tries to skirt the issue. I wouldn't want his ass there either. The question is, who made the final decision on him not being there?
  8. Trump is reaching Chris Christie bridge scandal levels in terms of coverage. The difference is that I absolutely adored every second of that scandal, and Trump is boring me to death. I can't say I'm sorry that he's stealing coverage from more plausible nominees, though. Rachel barely covers the Clinton email scandal. I would pay to be a fly on the wall in production meetings. I wonder who's pulling the strings there.
  9. Exceptionally good show. Usually I just watch once and delete, but I watched the Colbert segment twice. It was a dick move on Jeb's part, but I'm not as outraged as many seem to be. Maybe because I don't really care about Colbert, but I can't muster up the anger, and I really dislike Jeb. Maybe in the morning I'll have more energy. Glad there was no coverage of that asshole in Kentucky refusing to issue marriage licenses. I'm sick of that bigot's face on my screen and I don't want Rachel to cover it unless it's about the impeachment proceedings. Also glad there was no mention of the Palins, even in passing, during the Alaska segment. All in all a much needed lighter show. Finally, for some reason my DVR tapes the last minute of Chris Hayes' show and wow, does he bring obnoxious to new levels.
  10. Ain't that a bitch? You're totally spot on. Every Duggar in-law and hanger on thought the gravy train would be rolling for a few more years at least. Nice job encouraging your son to go scrub toilets instead of keeping whatever that windshield job was that he had. At least Pa Seewald is having the expected reaction you'd have when you put your ass on the line for someone and they turn out to have been playing you all along. Of course, it's probably only because the show is canceled. These people really do worship money. They should look into what Jesus said about rich men.
  11. I blame People entirely. This is another Lauren-Bacall-legendary-actress-shunted-in-favor-of-two-seconds-pregnant-Jill-Duggar-on-the-cover situation. I'm still bitter about Bacall. Granted....you have to think the Duggars must sell like gangbusters then. ....Right?
  12. I'm still surprised Josh didn't take this tactic. Several other public figures - Hunter Biden and Snooki''s husband Jionni LaValle - were also allegedly on Ashley Madison, but they've successfully used the "anyone can use any email address to sign up" excuse. Not sure if I believe them, but there's enough reasonable doubt that they will probably get away with it. So not only is Josh a cheater, he's stupid.
  13. I get what you're saying. I'm sorry for implying stay at home moms don't work! They certainly do. What I got from Anna's comment was more that she thought any work besides being a mother wasn't as valid.
  14. While I agree with every word he said (and gave an almighty cackle at some of his answers, my God it felt good to see the leghumpers have one of their own kind call them out), you're probably right. The Duggars are probably convincing her to keep a united front. Daniel's comments will only alienate her further since they were public (never mind that Jessa did the same thing but passive-aggressively cloaked it in Bible verse). Granted we only see part of their lives, but she seems to have hardly any friends not named Duggar or Keller. Wasn't she the one who made some snippy comment about how her single friends didn't have real jobs like she did, because she was a mom? That might alienate some people really quickly.
  15. Would be a nice redemption arc, but it seems like Josh would first need self-awareness, humility, humor, and the ability to express himself well.
  16. She's an obnoxious freeloader marrying an asshole with several DUIs. I ain't weeping.
  17. I'm watching the episode where Anna makes salmon for the kids, and it's pretty crushing how happy she was, and how content the kids looked. Makes me think it's a good thing no one can predict the future. I don't think they'll be that way for a long, long time. Nah. That fits Affleck and Garner to a tee. She cheated in both her previous relationships but no one ever talks about it.
  18. Screw that, if I were her I wouldn't go anywhere. Make Josh live in that hovel they made Ben sleep in, with no A/C in the summer. For income he can scrape plates and park cars at Famy's wedding.
  19. True, but it's hardly good business if the people on your cover are spouting to their main fanbase (and buyers of the magazine) about how they've been misrepresented or whatever nonsense they're complaining about. I'm betting Joshie is going to get a side panel in next week's issue all to himself, if not a full cover. Something Jessa is again beaten to!
  20. The timing is impeccable since people will be able to see Jill and Jessa plasted on the cover of PEOPLE, ensuring that the family scandals stay fresh in everyone's minds. Nice job, Josh. Now those are women who are more likely to come forward than anyone on Ashley Madison (made up of married people not wanting to end their marriages over this tater tot). I bet the Enquirer is already, um, inquiring about it.
  21. What a total underhanded, shameless, callous snake Josh is. He let his sisters go on Fox and be interviewed, exposing their pain and crying to millions of viewers, he let JB and Michelle essentially take most of the heat by being interviewed by Megyn Kelly, he let Anna post all those nauseating photos post-scandal of them on a date night, he let Huckabee defend him and take major heat for it...knowing all the while he was still bullshitting all of them. Jesus would never, Josh! No wonder he's been losing weight. Asshole probably couldn't even sleep at night. Gloria Allred or Shawn Chapman Holley representing Anna would make my year. Actually this whole scandal has made my horrible week a whole lot better, so thanks for that, Josh. Finally, it's clear the Duggars finally hired a new PR person, because that was Hugh Grant levels of mea culpa. Whoever it was earned their paycheck. Would bet my life it's someone at TTH making those edits. Hey morons, the internet never forgets.
  22. So does this mean no special with Jill and Jessa that was planned? That upcoming therapy show, or whatever it was? If so, I'd be contemplating murder were I either of them. Josh better sleep with one eye open. Agreed with the above poster, no statement from Smugs is bad. Maybe first thing tomorrow morning would be okay, but clock's ticking for a graceful denial.
  23. Yeah. Ben and Jessa need them more than PEOPLE needs Ben and Jessa. You don't stay in business for however many decades PEOPLE has been around without being cutthroat, covering stories you know will get hits, and ending relationships if they need to be ended. Stupid, stupid of them to cut off the last legit mouthpiece they had. I will never, ever believe that Jessa doesn't mind that the show has ended and that they are not a "reality" family.
  24. Admittedly I only skimmed, but was this a veiled diss at PEOPLE? If so, nice job slamming the door on the one source of income you had left. Maybe they're bitter at how extensively the magazine covered the molestation scandal.
  25. Correct. Reportedly Gawker traced the credit card info on the account to the mold house in Arkansas. Short of the women he slept with coming forward (which would be counter productive on a site like that one), there's no smoking gun of actual infidelity.
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