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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. I still see her account (I never comment on her stuff). She may have just deleted the individual post. I hope they take some time to reflect. About as likely as Josh becoming a good person.
  2. And this is the long and short of it. I'm glad Derick has reminded us that, make no mistake, every single one of these people are bigots, including big city Jinger. I'm glad he has reminded me once again. I had recently put Counting On on the DVR, but am removing it tonight. Thank you to the person upthread who mentioned emailing TLC. I will do just that, knowing there will be absolutely no consequences to Derick. Like it or not, these bigoted rubes are still TLC's cash cow and, unfortunately, probably get higher ratings than Jazz's show does. So that means they are going nowhere. Moreover, this will blow over quickly and continue to feed the Duggars' belief that they are invincible.
  3. Absolutely loved this show. I will echo the positive comments about Abigail, and go one further and say that she is the better match for Dylan than Evie is. They have fun together. As a matter of fact, I've liked Dylan most in scenes with Abigail. She's probably the most sympathetic third wheel in a love triangle that I've ever seen. The actress is so insanely likeable and watchable. Having said that, sometimes a person clicks for you or they don't, inexplicably. So I can buy that while Abigail is a good match and Dylan cares for her, he simply doesn't think of her as the one. I've given up trying to figure out the timeline. It's confusing as hell. I didn't really get the appeal of Dylan until this series. Now I find him really attractive, and if you told me he was related to Charlie Hunnam, I'd believe you. The actor playing Dylan does a good job generating chemistry with all of the actresses, although I admit I don't think he has overwhelming chemistry with Antonia Thomas (of course, it would be hard to generate the kind of chemistry she had with Iwan Rheon in Misfits). Evie and Dylan need to get on with it already. There were plenty of chances if either one would open their damn mouth. I think they could still follow the conceit of the show even if they got together. I also like that the list gives us a finite end date - there were about 20 names, and many of them we haven't gotten to yet, but we could get there within a few series. I would hate to part with this show, though.
  4. Sometimes I click the comments on Duggar posts on PEOPLE's Facebook page. Granted this is anecdotal, but many of the top comments are constant disgust at the family (mostly aimed at Josh, but also of the "they're having MORE kids?" variety). Maybe the wave of popularity has past. They were at peak popularity in 2014-2015 or so, but Josh and just plain old Father Time took care of that. Maybe they're just passe at this point and PEOPLE is never short of fame-hungry reality stars to cover.
  5. Are Jen's parents also based there? Didn't they move to Florida last year? I bet they're happy to be closer to them once again. The bond between the grandparents and the kids was so touching. Also, wasn't their house custom made for them? I wonder if they'll make changes to it before they try to sell. Looked like a great house.
  6. This sums up why his character is damn near unwatchable for me. I had no idea if the weird faces and constant spazziness were part of the character, or whether it's just Keegan, but apparently it's the latter? I can see how it would serve him well for a sketch show, but not here (IMO). The character is the type I would absolutely loathe in real life, and apparently that extends to onscreen as well. I think he's trying too hard, but I think most of the cast is trying too hard in their respective roles and trying too hard to force camaraderie. I think it boils down to a lack of cast chemistry. You either have it (the cast of Friends, say, or the cast of The Big Bang Theory) or you just don't (this show). I just don't buy them as a group of long term friends. Having said all that, I love Fred Savage and Annie Parisse, so for their sake I hope the show gets another season.
  7. Yes thank you!! Love it! Damn, I'd forgotten how well Patrick and Robin meshed in the workplace. When's the last time there was a GH couple with a shared career that drove interesting storylines (don't answer that, as there are probably quite a few)? While they definitely lucked out with making Patrick a legacy character's son, they also did the right thing making him a doctor, too. The number of organic storylines that were tied to other characters on the canvas was a real gold mine.
  8. Thanks. I actually kind of wish they had made them younger, to make their messiness a bit more believable for me. Maybe I'm overestimating the maturity of people in their late thirties. Great music though. I'll also add on a different note that the farther I get into the series, the more it resonates. People you connect with in your early twenties aren't necessarily on the same life track as you, and often you drift apart because of kids or moving or whatever. It's painful and hard but it happens pretty often. I'm surprised this group is still so tightly knit, though I suspect that'll be tested as the series goes on.
  9. Glad to see I'm not alone. I like the premise a lot, but wow if this is not one huge unlikable bunch. I almost didn't make it past the first episode. Everyone was so over the top and loud. I think part of the reason they were practically screaming dialogue, especially in the pilot, was because the cast was trying its hardest to establish that this was a group of friends who know one another backwards and forwards with their in-jokes and stories. I'm not really buying it, though. Are late thirtysomethings considered millennials? I think I would have bought their messy lives more easily had they all been 10 years removed from college instead of 20. Because I'm a firm millennial at 29 and this arrested development shtick ain't cute, and I feel like I'm the target audience. But I guess I'm also not a huge fan of grown ass adults in their late thirties making decisions like they're in their early twenties. That's what eventually turned me off from Grey's Anatomy, the whole "high school with scalpels" mentality. And yet there's some truth to high school and college mentalities not quite leaving you (forming workplace cliques, for instance, or spreading gossip around the office, or constantly competing with your friends). And most people DO form their deepest relationships and friendships in college, and basing a show on that premise is interesting. My best friend in the world was also my freshman year roommate. So I'm sticking with the show for now. There's something about it that I find immensely watchable. Also I loved Annie Parisse's turn in the HBO miniseries The Pacific as Lena Basilone (a real life person), who is about as far from her character in this show as you can get. She gave Lena real grace and dignity. I'm glad she's getting to stretch her wings in different roles.
  10. My thoughts exactly. Barb was a plot point in order to get Nancy involved in the main storyline. I never in a million years thought she'd get nominated (of course, I didn't think the ST cast would win the SAG award for best ensemble, so what the hell do I know). I think Shannon's performance elevated an otherwise thankless role. She has some STIFF competition in her category. I'm thrilled for her. She seems so lovely and thankful for everything. Millie was no surprise. She deserves her nom too. I hope to hell that her family is keeping her grounded, because this kind of early success can change a kid's life for better or worse. Hairstyling deserves the win for Barb's hair alone, closely followed by Karen's (Mike's mom).
  11. The pure joy on Israel's face when running toward Cathy was one of the most organic, sweet moments I've ever seen on this show, as well as Israel saying "Deena!" when she walked in. Aw Jill and Derick, don't separate him from the side of the family who cares about him as an individual! I also like Jill calling Cathy "Mom." They should have the Dillards on more often. They do wonders for everyone else's likeability. Also, I'm just going to say it. Jinger has blossomed into the beauty of the family. Part of it is her understanding that having her hair out of her face once in a while does wonders for her overall look.
  12. Yay thank you! Brightened my day. Do you happen to also remember the one that WendyCR72 mentions, where they're like: Robin: "Starving." Patrick: "Chinese?" It's so simple, yet it's one of my favorite exchanges of theirs. I was Barging it up when Sabrina arrived on the scene, but I retroactively feel bad for the actress. I saw a handful of her scenes, and wow did she rankle. But I'm sure it wasn't easy to come between a couple with 7 years' history, chemistry, and fan support to boot. Does anyone remember if JT was brought in specifically for KMc? I don't remember that being the case, because I recall some chem testing with other actresses, but maybe he was.
  13. Good points! I think it's also why the Kimson rumors were so incredibly strong back in the day (to this day I'm PRETTY sure they never dated, but I wouldn't be surprised). One of my favorite all-time Scrubs scenes was when for some reason Robin had to abstain from sex and they're sitting on the docks and he says something like, "You'll be begging me to stop" and she goes, "only if you do it right." DAMN. Even JnR, as sizzling as they were, were more of an innocent romance. I loved Scrubs because it was Robin as a woman. There's also this early scene that would be forgettable in the hands of any other couple, where Patrick complains that they've fallen into a rut, and then he recites Robin's usual Chinese takeout order. It was a throwaway scene, but their chem was such that little moments like that stuck with me all these years later. You could see them as a couple in the real world. By the way, I can't for the life of me remember the dates so I can find clips of those scenes - anyone else remember?
  14. Early Scrubs sucked me in hard. I forgot how much fun they were. Love-hate relationships are my absolute favorite romantic trope, and these two had chem in spades from the get-go. The first ILYs, the constant bickering, the monkey virus stuff. The only stain was the constant chem testing of Patrick and Carly and his continued friendliness with her despite her assholery toward Robin. And since Robin only had two great loves before then, it made it all the more special, IMO. The writers at the time seemed to invest in the couple, to know that a character like Robin falling in love would be an investment for her. And there was such good pacing and build-up. I think JT really lucked out being paired with a legacy character who had no other romantic attachments (JnR round 2 was never going to happen). I imagine Patrick might have gone the way of the dodo without the pairing. Sure, they tried him with Elizabeth, Emily, and Carly, but the chem was non-existent, and those three characters were already heavily involved with others. JT's own talent and chem with KMc helped, of course. I'll also throw my hat in the ring and lament the lack of Ethan and Kristina although, from what I understand from gossip, NP was allegedly uncomfortable playing against LA, who still looked pretty young. I don't even think she was of age yet. Kristina and Johnny also intrigued me, but for the same reasons was never given the time of day. Reminds me of Guza or whoever holding off on JnR until Kim grew older.
  15. I've been Barging it up for about 5-10 years, on and off, and there's one major thing that puzzles me. How exactly is it that ME has played, what, 4 different character on the same show? How do the writers explain away that one? There's Silas, McBain, Caleb (and Stephen Clay?), and now the current guy he's playing, Finn? I was recently watching some of the Caleb returns storyline on YouTube because I thought it was major campy fun, what with Alison and Lucy thinking Sam was Livvie. Then I got to wondering how many versions of ME are running around in PC. Is it because he constantly wants off the show unless he plays someone fresh, or OLTL's rights to the character, or what? I kind of wish they had kept McBain. ME always, always has had insane chem with KMo, but I particularly saw it when he played McBain. And I'm sure it pissed off the Jolie fans. And why did they bring back Alison only to kill her off? What a waste.
  16. Didn't this happen to Rosemary Kennedy, the one who was later lobotomized because of her delays and alleged "promiscuous" behavior? I remember reading the nurse wanted Rose (the mother) to wait for the doctor, so she made Rose keep her legs closed for something like half an hour, depriving Rosemary of oxygen or something. I don't think the Duggars fully appreciate that they would have lost both Jill and Jessa had this been pre-20th century. Women have been giving birth for millenia, yes, it's natural, yes, but it used to be one of the of biggest causes of death for women. Hell, I remember reading about Princess Charlotte from the 1800s, who had a big baby just like Jill, and she labored for so long the baby died and then she died, too.
  17. I think you're right. One of the wedding shower gifts should have been some nails for her cross. She's got the martyr act down. (Congrats, Jill!)
  18. I've been waxing nostalgic and wondering whether to pick GH up again after about a 5 year hiatus. SB just made my decision for me. No thanks. Sorry to be out of the loop, but what happened to Monavie? It WOULD occur to me to pick up GH again right before SB decides to darken the canvas again. God dammit. The Jason storyline could be interesting if they keep Billy Miller (that's current Jason, right) at the same time. It reminds me of what they did to Todd on OLTL. Effectively was a reset button on the storylines TSJ was a part of. Fascinating as hell. Well, actually, I never saw any of that storyline, but the idea intrigued me.
  19. Well, we can lay to rest the lie that Trump never watches MJ, as he continually claims. There is simply no way he could have worked himself up into such a tizzy had he heard secondhand what they were saying. No, he was definitely watching live. Lying scumbag. I forgot who said it on Twitter today, but someone said something like, "I won't lower myself to the level of the President of the United States" and that pretty much sums it up for me. Tomorrow's MJ will be one for the ages.
  20. Look no further than Brian Williams, who now has his own show once again on MSNBC!
  21. Maybe it's because the damn HBOGO app kept buffering, causing me to miss some information, but how much time was supposed to have passed between last episode and this one? I was hoping Selina would pull a Catherine Meyer, Sr., and dote upon her only grandchild. Was disappointed to see that wasn't the case. Maybe Selina of several seasons ago might have. She showed more emotion breaking up with Jaffar! I'm glad they're getting the gang back together into politics. This season hasn't done it for me, with the team fractured and Selina far away from the action in the WH. Bring Mike back into the fold! They finally got Dan back in and ditched Mike. Come on already. Having said that, Mike was the biggest fuck up in a sea of fuck ups, so that wasn't all that surprising. Also, he has the happiest and most stable home life of all of them, so he has that at least. I low-key ship Dan and Amy, so this latest development was amusing, but kind of sad that there was no buildup and that Dan was pissed about the pregnancy, which isn't too surprising, I guess. I'm watching the wrong comedy for that kind of romance.
  22. I loved the entire Shawnee arc so I hope this isn't the end of her. Jonah has been really doing it for me with his slicked-back hair and glasses, and I liked seeing him with with someone who was finally on his side who is not named Richard. The entire politician's wife trope is so interesting to me and I loved when she helped get him some victories. Also it took me forever, but the actress looks just like Katy Perry. I'm interested to see if they've cast Ezra and what he's like. Am I missing something? Didn't Mike have Leon West's diary and if so, why can't he use it to blackmail Leon into taking down the expose of Selina? I kept waiting for that to happen but it never did. Selina is way, way bitter and cruel these days, but I can fanwank it well enough that she's angry about how her career went up in flames so spectacularly and her cruelty toward Catherine in particular is a part of that. Glad they are bringing Dan back into the fold. I don't give a single shit about his CBS morning show career storyline (sorry, Margaret Colin). He's only interesting when he's with the gang. Bring them all back together again already.
  23. Not to mention when he decided he deserved a catnap when Anna was in labor for over 17 hours with one of the kids. ALL of the women - Jill, Michelle, even Princess Jessa if I remember correctly - toughed it out and stayed up with Anna, but not our Sultan Josh! And let's not forget the house hunting in DC with Anna wrangling the kids and Josh walking in front of them. I never actually saw this scene, but I totally believe it was as douchey as it sounds.
  24. When we were all watching the two courtships playing out in 2014, did ANYONE predict it would turn out this way? I'm pretty amazed it's Jill who is apparently disinterested in her husband and kid. But then, I also never thought they'd actually go on mission trips when she got pregnant so fast, so what do I know? I did think Jessa would take to motherhood, simply because I've seen women who have no interest in kids in general except their own (think Miranda from Sex and the City). In a similar vein, Jill was touchingly close to her buddies, but seemed disengaged from Joy's wedding. Speaking of, was Jenni in Joy's bridal party? How sweet if she was. The Jill-Joy-James-Jennifer foursome was one of the most organic and, to me, sweetest things about the entire show.
  25. Makes me think that the assertion that Repubs are flailing now is because they don't have the double act of the boogeymen Obama and Clinton to rail against is right on. I am also sick of Joe calling Trump a lifelong Democrat. Sure bud, but DEMS weren't the ones who actually put his ass in office, you self-important bloviator. And while I enjoy Joe's constant railing against Trump now, it's a bit rich of him to constantly criticize Republican reps and senators for not speaking out against him, when we know damn well if Joe was still in office, he'd be falling right in line as well. It's only because he's out of office with nothing to lose that he is being so critical. Hell, it took Trump calling out Joe and Mika's asses personally to finally get them to go negative on him.
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