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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Agreed. I remember in S1 Paris said she wanted to work in cancer research. While people certainly change their minds, it seemed a bit too off the wall. ASP probably just wanted to make all those sperm jokes. Having said that, Paris is wildly successful with a kick ass wardrobe. Long may she wave. I didn't care too much for Paris and Doyle, but I just absolutely loved his declaration that he would follow her wherever she went in the S7 finale. To have that go up in flames bummed me out.
  2. She was. I've only seen a little bit of it, but she was basically Diet Lorelai, so I got a kick of seeing her face to face with the actual Lorelai. The bullshit musical sequence made me remember why I dislike ASP and her particular brand of twee self-importance. This was the worst of the four, and by far the most depressing. I like escapism with my daily dose of Stars Hollow.
  3. As a millennial, Rory feeling lost, unsure, and dissatisfied about her career really spoke to me. And the fact that her career woes weren't resolved at the end made me feel a little bit better about my own. I absolutely loved S7 Logan. Whoever said above that ASP ignored all of his S7 growth and made him back into the rich, selfish guy he was before was spot on. I still loved all their scenes; I was able to handwave a lot of the fiancee nonsense because it's fiction and I like them as a fictional couple, but if it was real life I would be horrified. A pig, a musical, Wild, and the LDB got more screen time than Mrs. Kim. I'm pretty salty about that. Rory walking into Richard's study and seeing him sitting there was, for my money, the best moment of the series. Maybe because I've lost a loved one recently, but damn, that one was a punch in the gut. So beautiful.
  4. I actually thought for sure that the guy keeping the family hostage was Lucas Goodwin. The actor has the same weird lack of eyebrows. I haven't watched since April and I forgot what happened to him. Little Conway, I don't care what the hell his name is, is an annoying little shit, my God. I'm sure he's a very nice kid IRL, but it makes me grateful for child actors who are actually skilled, like every single kid on Stranger Things. Having said that, I think we're supposed to find him annoying, and they succeeded. Stamper is one of the most despicable characters on this show, and that's really saying something on a show that also features Frank Underwood. I fast forward all his scenes now.
  5. I know she's probably just wistful and doesn't even realize she's doing it, but I noticed a few times where she made sure to remind us of her wedding. The note sending, the lack of nerves, the seeing the groom before the ceremony. She was just a mere mortal on Jinger's wedding day, and since that is one of the only days in their lives they get to themselves, it must be hard. In a similar vein, I got a major kick out of Jessa running around tending to Jinger's train. For all that Jinger has been Jessa's sidekick for their entire lives, it was nice seeing Jessa be the sidekick for once.
  6. Austin looks like Chad Paine's less attractive (sorry) brother. He also looks to be about 30 in still photographs. This was far and away the best Duggar wedding so far, right down to the music, the lighting of the candles, and the overall emotion. I don't really have a strong opinion of Jeremy one way or the other, but his tears seeing Jinger walking down the aisle were moving. Michelle looked great from the neck down. Really, a simple updo or even a nice hair straightener would have done wonders for her overall look. JB's suit looked really out of place next to all those darker fall colors. It was also shiny enough that Jinger could have checked her reflection in it. EDIT: Whoops, sorry mods. I didn't realize the episode hadn't ended yet. Is it okay to post?
  7. For some irrational reason I loathe Matt Smith's acting (I'm sure he's a perfectly nice man), so I'm pretty disappointed with his casting. Someone upthread said it, and I agree, that this is one of the rare times the real life person is better looking than the actor. Philip is as tall as a redwood tree too, so Smith's lack of height in comparison kind of bugs me too (I told you my hate was irrational). No need for the butt shot, honestly, but if we're going to have gratuitous nudity, I'd prefer it was a male actor. Female actors are usually burdened with that task. I thought Princess Margaret's casting was spot on in terms of looks. If you look at photos of them side by side it's not immediately apparent, but the more I saw of the actress, the more I thought she was a dead ringer for Margaret. Ben Miles gave me a good chuckle when he showed up as Peter Townsend. I've only ever seen him in Coupling, and it bugged the crap out of me that I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before. Never seen him in a dramatic role before. Now there's good casting - Townsend was pretty handsome IRL too. Claire Foy has nailed Elizabeth's voice. It's uncanny. Finally, Jared Harris is tearing it up as Bertie. I loved Colin Firth's performance in The King's Speech, but Harris looks a bit more like the actual George. There's this quiet, somber dignity that Harris is giving to the character that I love.
  8. I follow Lauren Ash's (Dina) instagram and she posted about how grateful she was for the positive response she got from that costume. She said she loved the opportunity to look hot for the week. And, going by other photos on her instagram, she is stunning IRL. Dina's overall look really frumps her down.
  9. I'm really shocked that Amy wasn't there. It seems like there was a clear snub, but whether it was on the Duggars' part by not inviting her/not having her in the bridal party, or whether it was on her part by not leaving Vegas early, I think it could be a sign of a rift. Or it could may well be that Amy's trip was planned before the wedding date and there's no drama. It also seems telling that she has not been in any of the bridal parties. The Hartonos and Anna both got to be in the bridal parties before Amy.
  10. The Jonah/Amy subplot is almost identical to a Jim/Pam plot from season one of The Office ("Hot Girl," in case anyone's wondering). Not that I'm complaining. Did not like the extreme passive aggressiveness by Amy at the end, though. That was one of the things I liked least about Pam on The Office. I think Jonah and Amy have good chemistry, but she could really do better than pretentious Jonah. I bet we're headed for an Amy's husband is a cheater storyline, to pave the way for Jonah/Amy.
  11. Yeah, I always thought this was one of the unfortunate outcomes of the courtship aspect that isn't as obvious. If they were allowed to at least kiss while courting, there would be less of a rush to get home after the cake and punch reception. They could sit down, have a meal, enjoy the loved ones from out of town that they hardly get to see, and wear their wedding clothes for longer than, what, three hours?
  12. Thanks. Jury's out for me on the color of the dresses. Lavender with fuschia with champagne with silver? Eh. The top halves are pretty but the length looks a bit dowdy paired with the long sleeves. On the other hand, it's colder out so the length probably helped keep the girls warmer. I remember how thin the fabric looked on Jessa's bridesmaids. Having said all that, who cares what I think anyway, it was nice of Jinger to let them choose the colors, and I love how the bridesmaids' sleeves match Jinger's. Nice continuity there.
  13. Someone heard my plea for at least one of the Duggar brides to have her hair up for her wedding instead of long and scraggly like every other day of the year. It really added a lot to Jinger's overall look and for my money, her wedding hair beat Jessa and Jill's by a mile. And my GOD, what a difference the lack of eyeliner makes! She looks fresh faced and glowing. I like Jinger in love. I know she annoyed many a viewer, but I really liked her entire arc this season. Her genuine affection and happiness with Jeremy was touching to me. She really encapsulated how first love looks and feels, and yes, sometimes it looks completely cheesy and it's very hard to think of anything but your SO. Jessa and Jill both came off as much more smug in their courtship phases, but Jinger seemed to become kinder and softer. I loved how kindly she treated Jeremy's family and how she really seemed to like Laredo and his apartment. Also I love it when people are genuinely surprised when their SO shows up unexpectedly. I'm a sucker for reunions, and that was another thing I enjoyed with these two. Although I don't think they know each other well enough to be truly in love, I think there's enough there to grow on. At least I hope so. Jinger has been a lot of fun for me to watch this season and I want her and Jeremy to succeed.
  14. I'm five minutes in and the only thing I can focus on is how GREAT Dina looks in that cop costume. God, the shirt and pants they usually put her in do her no favors. I always thought it was a nice, true to life touch that the workers were stuck in those shapeless polo shirts and slacks, particularly her. Jonah WOULD dress up as Brexit.
  15. I always love seeing how the child actors on this show, Black-ish and The Goldbergs have grown up over the summer break. Emery is almost as tall as Eddie, whose voice has dipped a few octaves. Going back to your hometown and finding it isn't the same rang so true to life. Immigrant or not, who hasn't tried to go back to your hometown, only to find you're a fish out of water or haven't done as well as you'd hoped when you went away? The customs slip was hysterical. "My [insert relative's name] wronged me." Hysterical.
  16. Possibly the best part of the episode was the reveal that the Murray storyline was an actual event. I thought it was a bit over the top, but clearly Adam F. Goldberg was telling the truth when he said he had to tone down how nuts his family is. I like Erica and Geoff. I think they have great chemistry. But her pining over him is a bit much. We're supposed to believe a girl with her looks has no other guys interested at all? What happened to her being popular? They've really changed her character from previous seasons. Also I don't like Geoff/Evvy because it means she and the Murray-like guy she met in the dance episode didn't end up together. Lies! Erica's jean jacket in the final scene was to die for. Loved it
  17. But that's what the show has been about from the beginning. The title alone suggests that race and other important social issues are going to be at the forefront. I think season 1 was a bit softer on social issues because the show was finding its footing, and now that it's firmly entrenched and acclaimed, they seem to feel freer focusing even more on topics people find uncomfortable. And why not? It's a comedy so people have the benefit of laughing while they are being faced with serious issues. You get a good history lesson, a chance to examine your own thoughts about race, and some great one-liners. Through this entire episode I was nodding along, agreeing with most of what was said, and I kept thinking to myself, "My God, people are going to really, really love or hate this episode." And I think it was fairly balanced with the Ruby plotline, blindly voting Democrat. I think that was a bone thrown to more conservative viewers. Dre's boss was way over the top. They dialed it up to 10 with him.
  18. Lawson was way too happy to hear that Ginny had his poster on her wall. He was practically giddy. And he was way too curious about Ginny's former relationship. He's got it bad, even when he's hooking up with someone else. I'm fully aboard the Lawson/Ginny shipper train, though ratings are so bad we may never see it come to fruition. Nice little subplot with the translator. Well, it wasn't super interesting or anything but a lot of clubhouses have to interact with players who don't speak English and have to communicate using translators. Has Mark Consuelos had Botox? My God, he looks like a melted candle! Maybe I just watch too much baseball, but the constant explaining about things like the "code" when it comes to beaning other players was a bit much. I know it's for the non-baseball watchers but I felt it was heavy-handed. Welcome back to my TV screen, Wendy Malick. It was great seeing her. I've always rolled my eyes profusely at fighting in baseball, to the point where the bullpen feels the need to run out to the field just to basically stand around and prove their machismo. I did enjoy Ginny and the starter she replaced (God I cannot remember anyone's name) bonding over the beanball thing. It felt a little ham-fisted, but I enjoyed it. It was utterly ridiculous for Ali Larter to run down to the dugout to tell Lawson not to make Ginny hit. Epic eyeroll. They really are not giving the poor actress much to work with.
  19. Absolutely loved this episode but can tell it's going to be polarizing as all hell. Loved Pops and Johan deciding to vote after seeing Michelle's speech. That speech was one for the ages. The show is so unapologetically about POC issues, I love it. Ruby WOULD side with Trump. Guffawed so loudly at her voting for Pat Buchanan. I was happy to see Daveed Diggs again. Is he going to be a regular cast member? He adds a nice touch to the show.
  20. It was interesting they decided to go the loving couple route with these two. To be frank, most athletes cheat. So I'm wondering if this is a dynamic that's going to be explored in later episodes. I can even kind of picture an episode where Blip cheats and Ginny witnesses it and has to decide whether or not to tell her friend. Pro sports players are notoriously tight-lipped about protecting their teammates with that sort of thing, so her inner conflict would be interesting. But that's a darker, more depressing side of pro sports so I hope they keep it light like this episode. Not that I actually paid attention to most of their scenes, they kind of bored me.
  21. Yeah, that's him. Eccentric, company person to the core, extremely weird and rigid....Dina is the male Dwight. This show seems to really want to emulate The Office, and I think these two are the most similar counterparts. I will say that Amy can do better than Jonah. I wasn't the biggest fan of Pam and Jim, but he was a worthier candidate for Pam than Jonah is for Amy. Maybe if he grows up a bit and loses the extreme pretentiousness, but that seems to be one of the hallmarks of his core character.
  22. Yeah, I think the beard was a clear choice on the part of Mark-Paul and the creators. I didn't see Zack Morris at ALL when I first saw him pop up onscreen, and I was a faithful Saved By The Bell fan as a child. The voice gave him away soon after, but overall he's been able to disappear into this character in a way I haven't seen in some of his other roles. You've articulated exactly why I didn't want Ginny/Lawson in the pilot, and pretty much don't want it now. Yes, I know it's fiction and romance is to be expected in fiction, but I'm okay with it just being angst and/or an attraction for the reasons detailed above. That might actually be more interesting than getting them together. And frankly, with how so-so ratings have been, we probably don't need to worry about it happening farther down the line. On the other hand....the chemistry is off the charts. So I won't be too bummed if they go there. I am totally in for this show for as long as it goes. Long may she pitch!
  23. I take back what I said. I ship Ginny and Mike. I don't REALLY want it to happen, particularly this season, but their scenes are magic. The whole dynamic reminds me of Jimmy and Dottie from A League of Their Own, and thankfully those two never hooked up, which was part of the appeal. Didn't think a bearded Mark-Paul would work for me, but damn it, he does. I'm intrigued by the dynamic of Ginny and her brother. He wasn't in the pilot so I assume something went wrong there after she signed with Ali Larter. They continue to knock it out of the park with casting Ginny's family. Their scenes were great. Was that JoAnna Garcia Swisher playing the TV anchor/Mike's ex-wife? If so, nice casting there. She's married to a MLB player. Total mindfuck that she went from some random anchor to being his ex-wife. That was a nice scene she and Mark-Paul shared. It led nicely to Mike's rant in the locker room about how life has disappointed him. Don't give a fig about Mark Consuelos' storyline, but a GM is extremely important to the dynamics of a team, so we're stuck with him. Please don't fire Jack Arnold - er, the manager. Dan Lauria is a treasure. Ali Larter's backstory was a bit ham-fisted.
  24. That was one of the most tense moments on television I've seen in years. I actually had the same line of thought. I'm not sure I like the baby storyline and the prolonged search for the heartbeat went on for so long I was sure they were going there. But the actors played it so well, that I felt genuine relief for them. Every single one of them knocked it out of the park on that scene. By the way, I skipped the last two episodes - did they tell the kids about the baby in one of them? I was hoping to see Diane's reaction.
  25. Would have to agree. As a whole, most shows strain themselves trying to stretch for 22 episodes or whatever the norm is for the major networks. There's bound to be some duds in there. Do we know how many episodes of this were ordered? I'd be happy with around 13 episodes. The conceit of Ginny being the first female pitcher can only go on for so long before the novelty of it wears off. But of course, in baseball there's lots of drama to be had - playoffs, trades, clubhouse tension, so it could conceivably go on for quite a few seasons. I don't think ratings were stellar, though, so we may not even have to worry about being able to stretch the drama out into a few seasons. I can do without Consuelos and Larter's characters so far. I need more Jack Arnold - er, Dan Lauria, though. The man is a national treasure. And doesn't he just LOOK like he's been managing MLB teams for decades?
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