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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. See, I always thought there was major chemistry because of both actors. Like Julian, Alyssa just radiated sexual charisma and charm. Of all the sisters, she was a natural fit for Cole because of Alyssa's appeal and because Phoebe was also very overtly sexual. Having said that, you may be onto something about Julian's overall vibe, because I remember how much he sizzled with Shannen in that episode where they go to the Wild West. Total chemistry there, even though the characters hated each other, and usually you don't see that between couples who are together IRL. Or maybe they hadn't yet hooked up and there was unresolved sexual tension. Whatever it was, had Alyssa been the one kicked off the show, Cole/Prue might have been really interesting. They really hit a gold mine when they found Julian. Nip/Tuck was a natural fit for him because the character was all about sex, power, and arrogance. Finally, I would like to add that Cole's devotion to Phoebe after she kicked him to the curb was admirable, even though your post is starting to make me see that much of that devotion was really just obsession toward the one person who gave Cole the time of day. His whole longing for her reminded me a lot of the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice. The actor playing Darcy looked like he wanted to cry with suppressed sexual frustration and longing, and that was something Julian was always good at in regards to Phoebe.
  2. Great post. 12-year-old me absolutely loved Cole and Phoebe, but adult me can recognize many of the flaws in how they were portrayed. I think Cole and Phoebe kind of ate up the show for a while. It reminded me of Joey and Pacey on Dawson's Creek in that you had this unexpected spark between two actors, to the point where it would be lunacy not to capitalize on that. Whatever flaws the couple had, I always thought the actors had insane chemistry, to the point where it looked like they were enjoying their love scenes just a little too much (yeah, I know Julian dated Shannen irl). The difference between Charmed and Dawson's, of course, is that the show was always meant to be about the sisters' relationship primarily. The couple was also pretty abusive from pretty much Day One, with Cole lying to Phoebe about who he was and, of course, trying to murder her. I could see how Phoebe was his "in" to the Charmed world - she was good, but always had a rebellious edge. Someone like Prue would have seen through him earlier than Phoebe did. I also never thought they had a whole lot in common besides their physical relationship. What exactly did they talk about? Cole was kind of a blank slate when they got rid of his DA career. Julian's sex appeal and charm made up for a lot.
  3. John Bargeman! I was just watching that episode. Looking back, it seemed clear that the woman wasn't as into him as he was to her. She took an oddly long time to respond to the proposal, and kind of brushed right past his newly made self to see the apartment first. I loved how insanely tiny all the New York apartments were. One thing I like about this new iteration is that the homes are actually bigger than a breadbox.
  4. I've been binging the original series. They were absolutely hysterical, every single one. Kyan was so, so dreamy. Probably my favorite episode was Brian/Butch, the long-haired artist. The best part of each episode was the initial walk-through of the people's homes, because the Fab 5 had all these great one-liners, like: "You know, I was always the last kid picked in dodgeball. They were like, “Um, okay we’ll take Sharon. Now we’ll take the girl in the iron lung and… you guys get Carson.” And it wasn't even just Carson. All of them were funny in their own way. The casting director deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award for finding them. I always felt bad for Jai, because he had the least-defined role, but he seemed to fight to make himself as relevant as he could in each episode. I always loved when he took one of the guys for dance lessons, because he was in his element and genuinely assisting in the makeovers.
  5. I've been jumping around on episodes, but would like to add my admiration for episode 4, with AJ's coming out. The original QE was fluffy and fun, but this episode solidified the new version as deeper stuff. I hope they submit this episode for Emmy consideration, it was that good and genuine and loving. Who wasn't nervous for AJ in that moment? And his stepmother just radiated love and support, as any mother would. It was everything a coming out should be, IMO. The whole thing had me in tears. Also, could not believe how hot AJ was under that beard. Damn! He legit looked like he could be one of the Fab 5.
  6. Jessa in particular would look amazing with a shaggy bob like this. Long, scraggly hair like these girls always sport drives me up a wall. I think it detracted from Jessa's overall wedding look, as gorgeous as that dress was. I'd give Jinger as a bride the edge simply because her hair made the look more polished. When they do updos (a la Jinger at her wedding), it totally transforms their faces. All of them are pretty girls. I wonder at Jessa not trying a shorter hairdo. It would get her insane attention from everyone. But she doesn't seem brave enough to do it. I would put money on Jinger cutting her hair first.
  7. I hope they do hide it. One of my pet peeves is inserting a pregnancy into a TV series when it makes no sense for the character and derails storylines in the process. Grey's Anatomy is proof that you can easily film around actresses' pregnancies. They can explain Amy's absence in some way. Have her transfer stores and then come back or something. Seems a good chance she will give birth during the summer break anyway. I love that America is pregnant and that Ben's wife recently gave birth. Must be something in the water on the set.
  8. I thought we could use a thread for the show's main couple. What I like most about Jonah and Amy is how he puts her needs first and encourages her to think about herself, like when he encouraged her to keep the money she found in Lost and Found. And of course the pep talk he gave her at Cheyenne's wedding, before the "sexy" debacle. They are this show's Jim and Pam, although for my money they are much more likeable. What do you all think of them? Do you think they have chemistry? Can they work long term? Do you prefer him with Kelly?
  9. I had wondered since season 1 if they were going to go ahead and have the store open 24 hours, as it opens up a lot of storyline possibilities. Thought they were going to do it with becoming a high volume store in this episode, although for the characters' sakes, they didn't. It would also be harder to justify all the characters standing around doing nothing while being in a high volume store. Still, I'd love to see the writers take on storylines of creepers who come in at 3am to buy stuff, or the sheer boredom of sitting in a dead store in the middle of the night.
  10. The groundhog guy was hot! I was disappointed when they didn't go through with that. Tate the pharmacist has never worked for me as a character until this episode. He was pretty smooth when he asked Amy out. I see why she went for it. Jonah and Kelly didn't work for me until this episode. I liked their dorky announcer game. The actress playing Kelly in particular was good at the smarmy morning show announcer impression. I don't really like how they've marooned Jonah into storyline island with her, though. Although it's true they did that with him and Amy a lot too, too. So are Garrett and Dina done for good? That storyline probably ran its course, but I still think they could have gotten more mileage of it. Plus the two actors work so well off each other.
  11. And didn't JB and Michelle choose not to rush back immediately when they got the news?* Details are fuzzy to me. I forget where they were, but I think I remember it being Chicago or something. If I couldn't get an immediate flight, I'd have rented a damn car and driven all night. And I don't have kids either! *I admit I may not be giving them enough credit. I don't remember the details of why they didn't rush back.
  12. Some details here, but what I remember most is his answer to the question: "Do you think there are circumstances when a person is obligated to have sex with you?" And he answered yes. He also specified a petite figure, someone he could teach sexually (yeah, right), and experimenting with sex toys. All quite common desires, but coming from Mr. Sanctimonious himself, it was gross.
  13. It's the classic Myspace pose. Always hold the camera above your face and at an angle, so everything rolls back and is automatically flattering. Incidentally, it looks like a photo someone would choose for a dating app, complete with nice-looking burger. Can you imagine any of these guys on a dating app? What would their bios say? Remember how gross Josh's profile was on Ashley Madison? Some of it is burned into my brain.
  14. I can't even hate. Josiah looks really good, particularly compared to Josh. Nice (expensive) jacket, hat covering any potential balding. He looks like any guy you'd meet on the street, with Jessa's eyes. Maybe now that he's a bit older, he's more ready for courtship. Although I still think Marjorie dodged a major bullet. A cursory look at her Insta shows her with hobbies, with friends, with her book. She might have made a nice addition to the Duggar family as she is now, but ironically she would never have been allowed to be that person had she married Josiah right away.
  15. This concept has a large kernel of truth. It's essentially the plot of The Taming of the Shrew. The father in that play refuses to let the younger girl marry before the older one, so hijinks ensure. I think it's partly because then people will wonder what's wrong with the older one. I've heard that in some cultures it's still a widely practiced concept. I guess it made sense in older times, and in other cultures, where marriage is arranged or comes with an economical aspect. I wouldn't be all that surprised if it's an unspoken rule in fundieland too, in which case JB and Michelle have really, really screwed over Jana and JD, the former more so. Although the Bateses had kids who married out of order, they have by and large married off all the oldest ones. Even Michael at least had Brandon for a fiance while her younger sisters married. Look who Tabby Paine had to settle for!
  16. I'd be interested. Watching the older seasons brought back a whole lot of nostalgia for me. I have still never seen the show past season 4, so I may bow out when we hit the end of that season, lol.
  17. Season 3 dropped on January 1. For me, Abigail remains one of the show's MVPs. No third wheel in a love triangle has been more likeable in the history of television, IMO. I'd go so far as to say she and Dylan have better chemistry than Dylan and Evie. Hannah Britland brings out the best in Johnny Flynn, or maybe it's because they were given such meaty scenes, especially
  18. My bad, I meant to say he pushed the no affection in public rule pretty hard. Which I understand, particularly since that for all we know, the Moroccan authorities could fine them after seeing footage of the show. And in that case, he should have been WAY more discreet about them having sex that first time, although I doubt anyone could have stopped Nicole from bragging about it on-camera. He kind of broke his own rules by being so flagrant about going into the same room and shutting the windows. If I were the hotel owner I'd have been livid about it being on film like that. No wonder the police showed up. But I also couldn't help thinking that he was grateful for these rules, that if they were in the U.S. together he would probably have had to come out and admit he wasn't attracted to her enough to show affection.
  19. Your friend sounds great. I do wonder what would have happened if Nicole: 1. Researched the culture she was visiting, and volunteered cover her hair, especially when meeting Azan's family 2. Stopped pushing for constant affection. Although methinks her pea brain knows, deep down, that Azan is repulsed by her and she's trying to stifle that knowledge 3. Wore more flattering clothes. My very traditional mother watched the episode where Nicole rolled in wearing shorts to meet Azan's family and was appalled, as I'm sure Azan's family was. Something like what she wore at the tell-all would have been nice. Also some layers in her hair wouldn't have gone amiss. 4. Tried the food Azan's aunt made her without acting like a child. Words cannot describe the secondhand embarrassment I felt on behalf of Nicole. It sounded like a specialty, and refusing it made Nicole look atrocious. Literally anyone else would have tried a few bites to appease the aunt, washing it down with generous sips of water if they didn't like it. 5. Learned a few words of greeting in the language 6. Spent at least a half hour a day walking before she went to Morocco, so she wouldn't be so close to collapse all the time Not much she can do about Azan not being attracted to her physically, but these things might have gone a long way. At the very least, Azan wouldn't look like he wanted to jump off the nearest bridge all the time. Although I will say his leading Nicole on does not say much about him either.
  20. I would personally be devastated if my fiance, upon meeting me, said I was bigger than he imagined or was not attracted to me. I don't know how Nicole did not dump him after seeing that episode. Some men are just fine with bigger women. Azan is clearly not one of them, but I wonder if he might feel differently if Nicole wasn't so obnoxious. Personality goes a long way. Some people become more attractive to you as you get to know and love them. Not to pry into their sex life (but Nicole did bring it up and looked pretty smug about it, sooo), but I wonder if that first time was the only time for that entire trip, at least until those tents. Azan sure did try hard from then on to stress the need for two rooms. I did also see his barely disguised repulsion and I wondered at Nicole not seeing it too, but what am I saying? She does not inhabit planet reality. He's wasting both their time, which is unforgivable. He had the PERFECT out when she stupidly admitted to cheating. Nicole looked GREAT at the tell-all. Give her hairstylist, makeup artist, and dresser a raise. I hope they gave her tips.
  21. Agreed. I can't even hate. It seems to work for them. I'm convinced they were too normal/happy for this show, so producers had to stir it up with stupid storylines about her sisters and submissiveness. I did absolutely love how Andrei didn't show any nervousness about meeting her family, or the visa process. Whenever she asked if he was nervous, he was like, "No, don't worry about it." I did also like that when she was objecting to his objection about going to clubs, he seemed to hold himself to the same standard. Some of what he says about women and relationships gives me pause, but whatever, I'm not the one marrying him. They remind me of Russ/Paola and Chantel/Pedro in that they seem to want to rip each others' clothes off constantly. A strong physical connection.
  22. While we're on the topic of Jason/Carly/Patrick/Robin, damn did I hate the constant chem testing of Patrick and Carly when he first appeared on the canvas. It was clear he and Robin had IT, had the fanbase, had the writing to back them up. Yet they insisted on making Carly and Patrick friends, even after he knew Robin hated her (which he found out pretty quickly after they met). While had absolutely no commitment to Robin at that point and owed her nothing, it was still annoying that he established a rapport with Carly when they had absolutely fuck all in common, storyline-wise, and kept being thrown together in ways that did not feel organic. It felt like they were trying to create the same screwed up Jason/Carly/Robin dynamic of yore, only without Jason, who was firmly established with Sam at the time. I wonder how it would have played if TB or even SBr was still in the role. I could see him with TB moreso than with SBr or LW.
  23. Who did Nicole's hair and makeup for the tell-all, and can she hire them full time? This is far and away the best she's ever looked. Her hair looks darker and it's much more becoming. Great dress too. I wonder if the rest of the cast lives on planet reality as we do. Azan not good enough for Nicole, really? All of them have to be just a little bit nuts to open their lives up like this, so it's understandable. How utterly bizarre to watch your own worst moments on television and being forced to comment on it.
  24. Family Elizabeth, particularly the sisters, seem to be residents of Island Passive Aggressiva. Possibly no one has ever cut through their shit like Andrei has, and when he calls them out, they fold like a cheap suit. You'll notice Jen fell all over herself trying to smooth it over after she was called out. I am seeing more and more Andrei's appeal to Elizabeth. He cuts through the clutter. Also he has great arms. No way in hell would I want someone at my wedding who is a total shit stirrer. That's trash, as Andrei would say (my new pet phrase).
  25. Furthermore, why the hell are they all living in squalor when they have someone who could rob banks at the blink of an eye? Are they all sticking around hoping Kali will decide to do that someday? Or are they so pretentious that they prefer to live on the edge?
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