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Everything posted by Dizzychickstar

  1. I’m enjoying the series thus far—some of the flashes Tyrone sees as he repeats the same pattern to somehow fix the past, however, were hard to watch. I like Tyrone and his family and I enjoyed meeting Evita’s aunt as well. I feel for Tandy—messy and sad situation—and I’m rooting for her. I cannot say that the show is getting my full attention as I watch, but I do want to see where this goes.
  2. I hope that this show hits its stride during its second season. It has a lot going for it—I think the casting is strong for the most part and there is promise, but it’s missing some heart, some spark. And I don’t think ten episodes was enough to tell a cohesive story and sustain the momentum of Plum’s evolution. And I want Plum to return to her life, while keeping the self acceptance she seemed to have. Jennifer was also more interesting before all was revealed.
  3. Hmmm, when Julia was called “white” when we know she is black, I just assumed it was an insult as opposed to an apt descriptor. Looking the part, to the degree that she was wearing make up several shades lighter, donning a blonde wig, etc. and possibly her manner in speaking to the Jennifer rep may have been enough to elicit that comment. If that was the intention, I can see how that might confuse some people. Maybe they should have just called her “bougie.” But that term may still throw some folks for a loop. On another note, I think the assault scene was deliberately vague and I think that’s a good thing given the conversations it has fueled. Was it really rape? Why didn’t she? Why didn’t he? And so on. Had the situation been crystal clear(a case of out and out rape), the same questions would likely be asked by viewers. There is enough real life evidence on social media to tell us that. I should not like Plum and Dominic together in any form, really, but I do. I think it’s the actors, but they’re both lonely and dissatisfied with their current lives and have bonded to some degree.
  4. I am appreciating this show because of the different topics it brings up. It’s timely, I think, given Me Too, body acceptance, and consent. There are plenty of layers to the conflicts and politics of power within relationships as well. It reminds me of a cross between Mr. Robot(which is similar to FC) and My Mad Fat Diary. I may be one of few who hopes that it will continue. It’s not a neat and tidy tale, but that’s not what I’m asking of it either. I think there’s enough here to keep me watching.
  5. I’ve been using the word incognegro for a while—I remember growing up and hearing it used to describe people who looked as though they had Black ancestry but passed for something else—not necessarily white, but a more socially acceptable other ethnicity-Hispanic, Italian, etc. (though one can definitely be both B and H and so on) It is not uncommon for me to have conversations about this actor or another, mention their blackness(as revealed through interviews, etc.) and have my white friends be surprised. “I thought they were this or that...” “Really?” “Are you sure?” Think The Rock(back in the day) and the ambiguity of a Vin Diesel. Remaining racially ambiguous(when you are black) allows for participating in the privilege other non-black POC possess. The poster discussing visibility and invisibility got this right, I think. #2cents
  6. Hollywood wants to make a profit—launching projects with built in fan bases and adding in POC and LGBTQIA characters, they believe, is a win win. Or could be. And I do think there is a potential for greatness when some stories are revisited and traditional roles recast—there should be something different about the experience of a character with a diverse background within the same story even, but oftentimes their unique backgrounds are just window dressing. There is a lukewarm, overly general(read: safe), bland, undercooked way of writing characters like Dolls and audiences see that. When writing rooms (and show runners)are truly more diverse and there is a balance of the new and the old—ideas, stories, franchises, etc. I think we can all stand to benefit. I think I may soothe my DDIW(Dolls’ Death Inflicted Wounds) with the salve of good fan fic in the meantime. For the record, I do favor a Dolls/Wy/Doc throupling—the Doc/Dolls friendship was interesting and promising.
  7. The WWWest was way more diverse than media would have us believe. But seeing as NYC modern day is often cast as monochromatic...eh.
  8. Sigh. There was a lot I liked about this episode with Wy talking to “her mother” as a way to survive the crash and rescue Wave, but the death of Dolls overshadowed my enjoyment. As usual, writers in genre TV can think of no other way to write off a character than death. I like sci-fi and other genre television, so when poc are cast, particularly black characters, I hold my breath waiting for them to be killed off and it sucks. It’s tiresome and disappointing. I couldn’t even muster sadness and I am a huge crybaby. Actors come and go—-why is the writing frustratingly the same? Dolls could have left to pursue uncovering what he is as working with the gang helped him to work out who he is. He could have given into his dragon side and not recognized the team anymore, abandoning them and providing more angst-fuel if desired. Associates from the defunct(?) Black Badge could have whisked him away Manchurian candidate style to work elsewhere. There are so many other ways for characters to exit. TPTB, please untether the sacrificial black sheep. Eh, I am mildly interested in Contessa. We’ll see.
  9. I was surprised at how much I missed this cast! Many of the character beats made sense-Dolls watching out for Wynonna from afar, Doc engaging with Wynonna only in ways that eschew intimacy(early on), Wynonna dealing with all those feelings(loss, change, etc.) by drinking, training, and fighting hard, WayHaught looking out for Wy and loving on one another as Wave deals with uncertainty. That said, I have mixed feelings about the vamps being dealt with so easily, however the epi did work well to frame the season’s narrative overall. I also appreciate that Wy/Dolls/Doc relationship is depicted as is. I understand her attraction to both and their attraction/connection to her as well. I do think that Dolls would eventually want more than what Wynonna can or will give—I think Doc is more open in that way, but again, I’m enjoying the lack of angst. I also see the...whatever you want to call it, about Wynonna’s feelings towards Waverly and Nicole’s relationship and like another poster mentioned, I think part of it is Wynonna is such a dominant personality. She is like a planet with all these moons in her orbit. Nicole threatens that—she’s smart and she won’t be manipulated or cowed or charmed by Wynonna. Their WH relationship is real and Nicole is also a part of the team—-that opens up many other layers, possibilities with the interaction and relationship between all three. But I do think teaming Wy and Nicole up will help them bond. And I’m still loving Waverly’s wardrobe?
  10. *slow clap. Amen. I am very character driven. I binged this show, so the dip in continuity and quality with respect to characters in season 3 hit me like a load of brimstone.
  11. Though I kind of wish the fans were called Wynos instead of Earpers?
  12. So glad I gave this show a shot. It’s good stuff. Give me characters I care about with a backdrop of otherworldly messiness and “I’m all in.”
  13. Same. I just couldn’t get through this episode and had I not binged the entire series prior, I wonder if I’d be feeling differently about it. I was so excited to catch up in time for season 5 to air, but it doesn’t feel like the same show anymore.
  14. So happy we got our happy ending. I liked watching the end credits too. Hope it gets plenty more buzz.
  15. So it wasn’t just me that could barely hear some dialogue. And hubs questions my occasional CC habit. I may rewatch—the cable cut on this channel and I missed about 10 minutes. Doesn’t sound like I missed much, but I did miss the explanation for why Murphy and Emori broke up. It is continually cool, btw, to hear characters checking in with Murphy and valuing his opinion. I do wish Raven’s being kept separate wasn’t a plot constant—at least she isn’t alone. Or in pain. At least not yet.
  16. I’m really enjoying this cute little series. At first I thought the actors weren’t that strong, but they’ve grown on me.
  17. I do like what they did with this episode; the kids aren’t teaching Jack(he can’t have that now), but he obviously cares what they think and it does impact his thoughts about himself. I agree that the teachers subplot didn’t work this time. I appreciated seeing the kid who transferred in with his younger brother. The kids are one of the more winning parts of this series.
  18. Glad Jonah took Amy to task. Truth hurts. I hope Kelly gets Jonah told as well. He’s got it coming and she’s no dummy.
  19. I really like this show and I get that Amy and Jonah are mains, but my interest wanes when there is so much focus on their angst. Amy was honestly hella selfish in this episode, a lot actually. While Jonah has his own faults, propping up Kelly as a barrier to his feelings, Amy essentially does the same, tossing a few carrots here and there to keep Jonah’s interest, then tucking tail when he gets too close. I do like them during moments like the game episode or their joking banter, but the angst...bleh. On Amy’s pregnancy...again, it forces more attention Amy’s way and I find her less sympathetic and interesting than I used to. I’d appreciate more glimpses into the other characters bidness and resolving of their messiness.
  20. I enjoyed this series. I wish it’d gotten more posts to warrant individual threads. So glad there will be a season 2.
  21. I’m enjoying this series. I don’t watch many school shows, but am very well versed in school culture. I’m not watching for realism, just a fun background show while I fold laundry, etc. I enjoyed the lead actor from Mindy and the variety of staff tropes are funny to me. I think the series shows promise and am hanging in there.
  22. Filming their observations of Ryn make me nervous, however there were many things to like about this episode. I like that Ryn treats the two differently. She is more physical with Maddie. Almost like she is showing her physical dominance, but she can also be quite gentle with her too. Their talks are showing more depth already. I appreciate the pull Ben must feel between his position in the town, friendships, and his own future. I like that we get to see Maddie have dinner with her stepfather too.
  23. Anything about mermaids and I’m willing to give it ago. I agree about the male lead. Maddie and Ryn’s chem is affecting. I feel like there is enough of the familiar mermaid tropes, combined with the other worldliness of Ryn and her sister that I’m willing to stick with it. I wouldn’t mind some flashbacks of the male lead’s ancestors regarding the lore.
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