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Everything posted by PamelaMaeSnap

  1. I'm reading this right now, just a little way into it, and it's so gripping and mesmerizing ... I'm a true crime addict as well ... Knowing it will be made into a miniseries, I'm really curious as well whether they will integrate her own story and death and how the book came to be along with its storyline ... I think that would make for a fascinating series.
  2. My bad, in that quote I had been referring to Little Snappy's significant other who is 5'4" or 5'5" ... who is absolutely awesome in every way. Do they make special Edible Arrangements for these guys with extra bananas?
  3. I admit I no longer actually know when shows REALLY air because I just count on TiFaux (my catch-all name) to pick it up and let me know it's waiting for me, but yes, I will continue to watch for now (even though I find I fall asleep halfway through and then wake up later with something like American Ninja blaring and Mr. Snappy wondering why on earth I was watching American Ninja)
  4. I THOUGHT I'D MADE IT UP!!!!! I have the sadz now.
  5. I don't want to broad-brush this by saying those women are idiots but will instead say then that leaves some awesome guys for women who either don't care if a guy is shorter than they are, or women who are under 5'4" and like someone they don't injure their neck looking up to! Point A: I am 5'2" and actually always LIKED short-ish guys because we fit together well ... my college love was 6'7", out of character for me, and I think my chronic back/neck problems stemmed from that relationship four decades ago LOL ... Point B: Little Snappy is 5'3" and her awesome fiance is about 5'5" and they're perfect together ... I call them a "fun-sized couple." I always wondered how he was still "available" when they got together and I realize his height may have contributed to that because I can't think of any other reason. If so, yay for us! ... Point C: Mr. Snappy is about 5'10" and we're well-matched but he is taller than most guys I liked LOL!
  6. Thank you!!! I may have been a little sleepy when I saw the coming attractions and just mis-saw it ... but maybe they read our posts here and we'll see that NEXT season LOL!!!
  7. Apologies if this has been addressed in the last few hours but when I was watching the coming attractions last night, I could have sworn they showed ANOTHER guy who we have not yet met (am guessing Tarik?) and he also had a photo of "Melissa" on his cel phone and was waiting for her to show up ... I may have just been tired and misreading it but I wondered, could that be the twist ... TWO guys both go to Colombia to meet Melissa and instead end up meeting each other and discovering the catfish? That, at least, would be something new and different.
  8. I admit to being a bit ... puzzled ... by the Ricky scenario. His daughter (Amber?) is by far the coolest, most insightful, well-spoken individual I think we've EVER seen on this show. She's, what, 12? A very mature 12 though. And she is clearly old enough to have agreed to be part of the show (and I have no doubt that her dad is a terrific, loving, warm dad to her and I'm guessing that's a big reason WHY she has agreed to participate). She seems to have a very calm comfort level of being on camera for this. I can't imagine she'd thrilled by the idea of his chasing down this woman who really doesn't give off the "I want to be a great stepmom" vibe via her photos or her "responses/communication" with Ricky (which are obviously pre-programmed as responses to all the men she is chatting with). So this is why I think MAYBE what a few others have suggested is true ... that there is a happy ending to all of this for him and I'll add that maybe, just maybe, these scenes before he goes were staged/filmed LATER, when she knew it would all come out okay in the end. Hard to imagine anyone being all in on this before knowing there's a happy ending. Also, I think Rachel and Jon (John?) are this season's Nicole/Azan but with prettier principals ... the story is SO similar, I can't help thinking the show decided, well, what if we make the two less patently ridiculous but with the same basic tenets and see if people notice it's pretty much the same story. So, are the two couples we haven't seen yet the black guy who is new to this season who seems to get catfished as well, and lame Larry and lemonfaced Jenny?
  9. You look gorgeous (not to mention radiant). I love everything about it! I would have definitely nailed the pearl necklace as the real deal, by the way ... it looks exactly like the one I wore at my wedding, which had belonged to my grandmother. It was one of the only "real" jewelry items I had (I LOVE thrift shop finds and craft fair headbands).
  10. So, yeah, I'm TEN MONTHS LATE ON THIS ... but Mrs. Hanson, You! Guys! Are! A! 120!
  11. My husband is just mortified when he looks at the queue of what I have on tap ... luckily, he controls the yoooooge living room TV and I get to pick everything on the bedroom TV (Four Weddings, 90-Day Everything, a pot-pourri of Discovery ID true crime shows, Autopsy: The Last 24 Hours, and, in season, Grey's, the Deuce, Food Network Star -- which I'm now OVER, I tell you -- and Are You The One which returns TONIGHT!!! Oh, and Bachelor in Paradise) ... now if they would just bring back Toddlers and Tiaras, my life would be complete.
  12. I was thinking Mark Hudson (Hudson Brothers ... he looks a little different now than during his TV show days) https://www.cavernclub.org/beatleweek-bands-guest-speakers/mark-hudson/
  13. I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED. No, I do NOT have a life. Thanks for asking.
  14. I know!!! I actually totally get "not enough food" ... if you know how many people are coming, going out of their way to get there, bringing a gift, etc., PLEASE do them the favor of making sure they get fed. But I've seen "too much food" in at least two episodes recently (not to be confused necessarily with recent episodes since I tivo'd a metric crapton of episodes to keep me amused between true crime Discovery ID shows all summer) where one of the brides down-graded for "too much food." Girl, get a grip and stop trying to win so hard. Now some of them aren't even TRYING to make sense of their scores other than to penalize their best competition ... one comment I saw last night was "it was lovely, pretty much perfect, her dress was gorgeous, the food was fabulous, the venue was spectacular but she had a live band instead of a DJ which I personally prefer so I give her a 6."
  15. I'm gonna chime in with a possible reason (note: Mr. Snappy and I did something similar when we got married in the paleolithic era and I don't think the term "sweetheart table" had even been invented -- if it had been, I hadn't heard it! -- and it was NOT because of wanting attention but because of the reason I'm going to give ... now ... said Anne Elk): When you have families (four of them, possibly ... bride mom fam, bride dad fam, groom mom fam, groom dad fam) who like to cause draaaaama and will turn who sits with the happy couple at the "BIG IMPORTANT MAIN TABLE" into a Hatfield vs. McCoy-style issue, sometimes the best way to prevent more agita is to create a little table and have four concentric tables ALL IN EQUAL DISTANCE FROM YOU and put each family at one, sort of like a compass. In our case, we had the "convenience" -- LOL -- that none of the parents were connected to each other anymore due to one case where mom had died but her parents and siblings were alive so they made up one table whereas dad's family sat with him at his table, and one where couple was divorced and both remarried and everyone was still alive and each had table for their spouse and families. So it was an easy four-table split. ETA: The "immediate families" counting second spouses etc. would have come to way too many people for a head table, but add to that the fact that they did not get along with each other at all, and this was definitely a blessing. At least that worked for us. Those who saw fit (read: lots) could all find eleventy mazillion OTHER things to complain about but where they sat in relation to happy couple wasn't one of them.
  16. I thought I was the only one who had noticed this and that I was going crazy ... one shot her bangs are all perfect, next shot a big gap, next shot perfect again ... continuity fell asleep at the wheel. And orange lipstick has not been a good look for ANYONE since, say, 1957.
  17. Let's go poly on that one ... losing on Masterchef was the best thing that could have happened to him. Does anyone know who ANY of the former winners of Masterchef were? Now my TV boyfriend has an awesome second career thanks to FNS, maybe one of the few who does. Red Robin, I also tuned out after Manny was eliminated and just came here to see who won, after hitting the red delete button when Manny was sent packing. Cannot stand EITHER "winner" ... can't listen to Chris? Christian? I need a second cup of coffee, he's that forgettable for me -- and can't watch Jess. They'll be one-and-dones. Manny, meanwhile, will be able to return to an awesome job and be a local celebrity (I hope) and enjoy life! Hopefully they'll realize the error of their ways and bring him back for the occasional appearance, ideally on burger shows. PS I think the reason he kept pausing was he was overthinking the "don't talk to fast, make sure people understand what I'm saying."
  18. I'll have fun listening to Little Snappy plan her wedding and be happy to chime in if she asks for my opinion LMAO!!! I've been keeping a double dose of Orajel on hand for all the times I bite my tongue when I see ideas etc. on one of these shows that I think might work for them (a very unconventional bride and groom) but I think she realizes that and has been humoring me by keeping me much more in the loop than I'd have expected/hoped for! But yes, I've seen some pretty hilarious ones (and sent her the meme of 23 douchey hipster things not to do at your wedding or whatever that's called, and I've seen almost ALL of them on 4W already!!!)
  19. YES!!!! I meant to add that to my post but my brain is soup (nice homemade chicken soup from hubby who whips it up whenever I get sick to ward off evil germs) ... I swear EVERY! SINGLE! EPISODE! someone comments "you can just see how much they're in love" which I finally realized means they cannot think of another nice thing to say. Also, the episode I watched earlier today (Bling-Blau) was the very first time I have EVER heard a bride come right out and say she hated another bride's dress. So much for my theory that hating the dress was off-limits (or could only be phrased as "not my style") Mrs. Hanson, I love reading about your wedding!!! Wish we could have a little private photo album here! We're coming up on the one-year countdown to Little Snappy's big event so I'm doing everything I can to bite my tongue but the one phrase that keeps escaping is "No! Cake-In-The-Face! Smooshing!!!" (not that they would EVER do something like that, plus I think they're having ice cream sandwiches instead of cake).
  20. Do we have the official full Four Weddings bingo card drawn up yet? At this point, I've decided "her dress fit her to a T/tee" should just be the free space. I swear every single bride said that about someone else in the episode I watched last night ("... and a Rainbow") I've got St. Louis cued up for this weekend when I can finally finish the work that piled up in the two weeks I was away plus the four days I've been too sick to work and looking forward to comparing the "new" to the "old" (though I tried with Arizona the other night and fell asleep). Re: "Rainbow," I have to say I saw something finally that I thought was really awesome with the Rainbow bride ... I loved that each of her bridesmaids wore matching dresses in different colors of the rainbow and instead of flowers had the matching vase of sand for the unity sand. I really liked all the grooms in this episode as well ... adored Troy (the really tall groom of the older zumba instructor) ... I was very surprised the salsa or samba (they couldn't seem to make up their minds) bride won. I would have ranked her fourth just for being forgettable. I do think there may have been some downscoring of the other contenders for that to happen (especially since I can't remember the last time a score of 77 WON). Also, I hated that the bride who had the $8000 budget and had all that DIY was put up against a lot of pricier weddings ... the other brides kept trashing her and then saying "well, but she did really well FOR HER BUDGET" but they still scored her low. I thought she was amazingly creative and thoughtful and can't imagine doing everything she did for only $8000. If ever there was an episode that impressed upon me how they REALLY need to find four brides within a similar budget, not just city, this was it.
  21. I would go with edited, personally ... I mean, at 1500 pages or whatever EDITED it's still very complete. I know it sounds crazy but I think it's an "easy read" in that the voice in it is so conversational ... for me, it never gets boring or bogged down. Maybe if you're on a vacation and have plenty of time, amble through and "enjoy" it ... for me, it's King at his character-creation/development best! (You'll also recognize a few names and characters that pop up in later books and stories, since it's one of his earliest). I'm finally going to get to dig in on Castle Rock tonight (been out of town and then really sick while catching up with work ... expect to finish the latter by this afternoon and then just do a CR marathon until I'm caught up with whatever is on Hulu! Just hoping my precious Andre Holland survives the season intact!) ETA: Since I've been reading this thread (so I will be "spoiled" but that's fine with me), I wanted to add that I also thought of Green Mile re: the "magic touch" as well as "Dead Zone."
  22. Well, IMHO, yes and no LOL ... Prefacing this with the caveat that not only is The Stand by far my favorite Stephen King book (and I'm a longtime fan), but it's one of my top 5 books of all time ... I would say that it's not as horrifically GORY as many of his other books (though it does have its share of graphic descriptions). But, it will probably make you literally ill because I've yet to meet anyone who reads it for the first time and does not immediately think they're coming down with some awful flu. That said, if you are a fan of his writing, The Stand is brilliant and awesome and some of his best characters. I have not liked any of the attempts to bring it to big or small screen. Some books are best left to just be read (over and over and over).
  23. I loved that bride ... we knew there was NO way she'd "win" but in my opinion she "won" because she had a lovely wedding that came together because so many of her co-workers made it happen ... that must be a great work environment! And they were such a sweet couple, and she was so appreciative of everything and everyone!
  24. We order it "just kinda run the cow quickly through the kitchen, thanks!"
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