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Everything posted by cuphead

  1. Apologies, not trying to do a pile-on re: your post but I'm a little confused... (please take my upvote in case it appears that I'm being aggressive) Didn't the courts mandate her time with the kids be supervised and that her parents were approved to be the ones who supervised the visits? If that's the case, can't she rely on them to care for the kids if she needs to hold down a 9-5? Kind of sucks to use family as babysitters but does she really have a choice? And let's say she did get a job or start a career, she can always petition for more money so that Thomas covers the cost of a nanny if she needs to be elsewhere when the kids are in her care. I highly doubt Thomas is going to put up a fight on that because it seems like money is not an issue when it pertains to what the kids need. The issue is that child support should not equate to Katherine-support. In addition, the kids are probably going to have every opportunity afforded to them via Thomas. I doubt he is going to chase after Katherine to pay for half of the costs of tuition, lessons, summer camp or any other advantage that he can pay for on his own. If anything, Katherine seems to be in a very good spot. She only has to pay for expenses while the kids are with her, Thomas will prob handle the rest. With that said, she can feed the kids lobster and foie gras everyday when she has them and still have enough money to take them to movies, amusement parks, etc... He is already paying for rent and utilities because that falls under the umbrella of making sure the kids have a stable environment while they are with her, so she lucks out in that regard too. Cellphone, cable/internet and gas also fall under that umbrella. Lots of single parents with full-time custody would kill for a set-up like that. However, whatever Katherine wants for herself (eg. clothes, jewelry, booze, salon appointments, etc...), she's going to have to get on her own. I think that's pretty fair.
  2. Geez...$140 - $350 a month for electricity? O_O Blows.my.mind. I don't think I've ever paid over $100 a month and that's only during the winters because I hate being cold. Just paid my electric bill yesterday and it came out to $61.00!
  3. Ha. I stand corrected. Forgot about the AC in the summers. But $4,500 still seems to be a decent amount if she only has the kids 2 weeks a month. I don't have kids so not sure what she would need more money for.
  4. Regarding child support- $4,500.00 is plenty for the 2 kids, especially if you have them for 2 weeks a month. Besides, the cost of living in S. Carolina doesn't seem very high, especially compared to NYC, SF or Chicago. If rent is $1k and various monthly expenses (electricity, cable/internet, cleaning lady) about $350 tops, that leaves a little over $3k for Katherine to use towards the kids in a 2 week period. It's enough for food and a little spending money towards toys, clothes and incidentals. I'm sure Thomas will be picking up the tab for both nannies, any trips/vacations, education, health insurance and big ticket items. If Katherine needed more, he'll definitely throw a few ducats her way under the table. He just doesn't want to be legally obligated to pay more a month, especially if it may be going towards providing Katherine with a certain lifestyle. She needs to manage the cash better because I highly doubt the S.Carolina family court system is going to increase the monthly stipend. A friend of mine was obligated to pay over $10k a month in child support for his two kids but couldn't understand why his kids kept asking him for money. Turns out his ex-wife was using the child support money to fund trips, shopping at high-end stores like Hermes and Henri Bendel, etc... But there was nothing he could do about it because he was mandated by the courts to pay up each month. If he didn't, he would be considered a deadbeat dad and that can really screw with your life. A levy could be placed on his bank accounts, international travel would be prohibited (and in his case, he travels internationally at least 6 months a year for business) and so much more. It's f'ed up that his ex abused the system but that's life. Even though she's an awful person, she had him by the balls. Contesting child support is a pretty draining and expensive process too. Attorney fees, time spent appearing in court, etc...It's a freakin' nightmare and it could be all for naught if the judge decides to rule against your petition for a child support adjustment. Thomas is a louse but seems very shrewd when it comes to money. Katherine should get to steppin' on making those chokers if she wants to ever be able to afford a real Birkin bag because Thomas ain't gonna pay for it. And for that, I applaud him.
  5. Nicole and Dario just screwed up their chances of forming alliances in any future challenges (even though I'm hoping this is the last we ever see of them). Dario can't be trusted because he'll betray anyone for a slim shot at THIRD place. And Nicole definitely can't be trusted because she'll screw over anyone, including her own family, for more cuddle time with a guy she hardly knows. Morons.
  6. Agreed on your entire post. Take my upvote. Btw...just took a peek at Landon's site. Geez...all I have to say is stop trying to make ROAM happen. It's not going to happen. Especially if there isn't any content on your site.
  7. True, there are many pregnant women who continue to work in professional, high-stress environments right until they give birth. It's admirable but it is also expected, especially from someone with a high level of responsibility. However, there is also an unsaid rule of thumb to not engage in needling or agitating a potentially volatile situation with a pregnant woman in the workplace. Basically, don't don't be the asshole who thought it would be a good idea to participate in a fight with a pregnant lady. By the way, the same goes for someone who is grieving over the death of a family member or dealing with a difficult situation at home. Of course, none of this will be in the HR Handbook but we should know better. For instance, pregnant women ride the train everyday. We don't have to give up our seats but we should give at least offer them up because that's what decent people do. The same goes for the elderly and parents with young children. In this case, Landon is that person who didn't bother to offer up her seat even though Katherine was standing right in front of her and used the excuse of being in the middle of a very intense game of Bejeweled for why she couldn't give up her seat. Regardless of her reasons, Landon will be looked upon as that asshole who didn't give up her seat to a pregnant lady. Does this forgive Katherine's bad behavior? Not at all. She behaved badly and probably needs to be on some sort of mood stabilizing medication, but that doesn't give Landon an ethical pass for being a jerk either.
  8. Bryan is such a douche and sucks at being a manager. Picking on your staff and allowing others to jump in on an attack is so wrong. He should remain neutral but thrives on the validation that Bobby gives him when he's picking on Danny. Granted, Danny is an awful worker but an effective manager would be able to get the most out of him, not make him shut down and harbor resentment. And the way Bryan goes about treating Jen is pretty awful too. She shut down a long time ago because of his poor management skills and it doesn't help he's a sloppy drunken jerk when he's off duty. Who can respect a guy like that either professionally or personally? Hannah sucks at her job too. In the service industry, you need to have a go-to face when you encounter difficult clients, especially if there is liquor involved. Suck it up for a few days. It's not as if anyone was abusive towards her. They only started reacting because she had a stink-face on and it ruined their experience. No one wants to be served by someone who outwardly despises them. Besides, if it doesn't offend her to find prostitutes for passengers, she shouldn't be indignant about dealing with a group of rude drunks.
  9. Landon was incredibly dismissive of Katherine's feelings while she was pregnant. She seemed hellbent on proving that because Katherine and Thomas weren't a couple, she shouldn't have to care about Katherine's feelings, even though she knew her friendship with Thomas (whether it was sexual or not) irked Katherine enough to react emotionally. If Landon was truly Thomas' friend, she would have refrained from posting pictures of her and Thomas on social media until after Katherine had the baby. Knowingly upsetting the mother of Thomas' child is pretty cruel and I'm surprised that Landon used the piss poor excuse of "why should I let her feelings keep me from sharing my life?" I don't know, to me, that's pretty awful and indefensible. I'm glad Jennifer defended Katherine and that Craig made an effort to help articulate Katherine's side of things. It's too bad that Katherine let's her emotions get the better of her and being reactionary only reflects poorly on herself. But even so, it doesn't mean her feelings should be swept under the rug.
  10. The shrimp head is considered the best part in many countries outside of the U.S.
  11. Landon is pretty cute and presents herself well appearance-wise, but she's the type of woman that I could never be friends with if she is on the prowl. Girls like that have a huge sense of entitlement and wouldn't think twice about screwing a friend over for a guy. I think she would be a lot more palatable if she was attached.
  12. His mouth may be overcrowded. He should consult an orthodontist. Speaking from experience...went to get a set of Invisaligns fitted to straighten my teeth as an adult and was told I had to pull four out before I could begin using braces (already had the four wisdom teeth removed many years ago). To be completely honest, don't think fixing whatever cosmetic issues he has with his teeth will help. He also has a weak chin so will also prob need some plastic surgery to fix that too. And he has that stupid tattoo, so would need to get it lasered off. But at the end of the day, will it matter? He'll still be a goofy douche because of his personality and no amount of plastic surgery will be able to fix that.
  13. Mmmm...chicken and waffles with hot honey. Nice. Anyway, even though I grew up in the U.S., I prefer an Asian breakfast in the mornings (esp. in the winter). Usually consists of a little rice, a small bit of protein (personal preference is grilled fish- mackerel or croaker), a small assortment of vegetables (personal preference is something pickled) and a some clear soup. My non-Asian friend think it's disgusting. Little do they know, I find eating fatty meats, eggs or sweet pastries unpalatable in the mornings. Just doesn't agree with me, I suppose. To each their own!
  14. Out of curiosity, what did Katherine test positive for on her drug test? If they took a urine test...cocaine takes 2-3 days to clear from the system (so Thomas would easily pass this test if he abstained for a couple of days), benzos would test positive (can easily see Katherine on some type of prescribed mood medication), marijuana would test positive anywhere from a couple of days up to 3 months (depending on usage) and alcohol would test positive if the test subject went on a massive bender the night before. Not a fan of Katherine but really dislike smear campaigns, so to say someone tested positive on a drug test is a very broad statement that can lead people to think that she is a PCP junkie or something, even if she just smoked a little pot here and there, or is on prescription drugs.
  15. Ugh...Julia is using a Connect Four strategy while everyone else is trying to play Survivor. Come back after you get your degree and a couple of life experience notches on your belt.
  16. I love how Tai has love for all creatures, big and small....except for Peter.
  17. Tom and Tom are the real-life versions of Dirk Diggler and Brock Landers. Sad.
  18. I can see the final Tribal Councils playing out as follows... 1st Tribal (Spencer wins Immunity Challenge): - Tasha convinces the women that Keith is a threat - Keith is voted out 2nd Tribal (Jeremy wins the Immunity Challenge): The Votes: - Jeremy votes Kelley - Spencer votes Kelley - Tasha votes Kelley - Kimmi votes Spencer - Kelley votes Spencer All votes cancelled out because: -- a.) Kelley plays the idol for herself -- b.) Jeremy plays his idol for Spencer (to ensure he isn't the only male against three women in the Final 4 and also so Spencer will be somewhat obligated to take Jeremy to the end if he should win the Final Immunity challenge) Re-Vote: - Jeremy votes Kimmi - Spencer votes Kimmi - Tasha votes Kimmi - Kimmi votes Tasha - Kelley votes either Kimmi or Tasha (doesn't matter) Final Tribal (Spencer wins Immunity Challenge) The Votes: - Spencer (votes Kelley, can't vote out Jeremy because it would most probably cost him Jury votes for looking ungrateful/ disloyal) - Tasha (votes Kelley) - Jeremy (votes Kelley) - Kelley (doesn't matter)
  19. Very late to the party (hope I don't get reprimanded by Caroline F.) but just wanted to throw my two cents into the ring regarding Annabelle and Julie. While in Denmark, Annabelle wasn't expecting something Julie could not provide. She didn't go on about financial problems and expect Julie to provide her with a loan (ala Carrie Bradshaw). She was hurting and just wanted some type of compassion from Julie. They were on holiday, so it's not as if Julie was in the middle of a yoga session or juggling 4 kids when Annabelle made it known what was bothering her. Julie was swept up in the royal whirlwind and enamored with a country she had never visited, so she wanted to have a good time and chose to completely ignore Annabelle's feelings. Basically, she wanted to hit the pause button on her friendship with Annabelle because she didn't want to run the risk of being saddled to a depressed friend while she was having a jolly good time. What I don't understand is when the other ladies went to the furriers and Julie announced that she was going to get tea instead, why didn't she at least acknowledge Annabelle by asking quietly, "Hey, I'm going to get some tea but wouldn't mind if you joined me so we can talk. It looks like you have a lot on your mind"? If Annabelle refused because she didn't want to appear rude to the hostess, that would have been fine but at least Julie made an effort and that is really all Annabelle wanted. When they got back to London, Julie texted Annabelle something lovey-dovey/over the top but at that point, it was just too late and it clearly proves that Julie knew she messed up. The text was just her simpleminded way of doing damage control and providing proof to anyone that she truly loved Annabelle if she was ever questioned about her actions in Denmark. In addition, over the luncheon at Caroline F's place, Julie twisted things by saying the only way she can communicate with people is through texting because of her crazy schedule and then promptly broke down in tears because of all the stress in her life. Julie again ignored what Annabelle was trying to say (which is Julie really disappointed her when they were in Denmark) and made it about herself. Friendship is give and take. You can't just take the good things (eg. art show openings, couture dress loans, having someone defend/ speak up for you, Aristocracy 101) and ignore the bad things (eg. Annabelle's need for a sympathetic ear while in Denmark, Annabelle's vocal displeasure with how Julie ignored those needs). Granted, Julie did visit Annabelle almost daily after her riding accident and I think her visits gave Annabelle a reason to begin a real friendship with her but that should not be the go-to proof of being a real friend whenever shit hits the fan. For instance, if a man courts a woman by sending her flowers everyday for a month until she decide to finally give him a chance, he can't keep saying, "But remember the times I sent you flowers?" if she feels that he is ignoring her needs later on in the relationship. One last thing, Julie appears to be very emotionally exhausting. She broke down "like the Titanic took her children" on New Years after Caroline S. made an insensitive joke and she broke down again in similar fashion over lunch when Annabelle confronted her about why she felt let down by Julie while in Denmark. Granted, Julie has some very real, first world financial problems and is stressed by her everyday life but if this is the way she's going to react over every little thing, she is in dire need of a Xanax.
  20. All the women look like they smell bad. The only exception would be Heather. She looks pretty clean/ hygienic. Vicki = cheese Shannon = lavender and moth balls Tamra = deep fried fish sticks Meghan = plaque
  21. I would never consider myself as a "foodie"because, to me, it seems to apply to a bunch of people who take pics of every thing they're about to eat just so they can post those pictures on social media. Nothing annoys me more when people do that in high-end restaurants. Anyway, from most of my experiences with pricey tasting menus, you are usually offered the menu with the date of the meal as a souvenir. The sommelier at a very memorable meal made me a handwritten, ilustrated list of wines that were paired with our courses. Nice touch and very classy.
  22. So glad Shirin was ousted. Hopefully she will live the rest of her days getting her rocks off giving self-indulgent commentary on RHAP (which I wouldn't mind because I don't bother listening to that drivel) or better yet, fade into Survivor obscurity.
  23. Amsterdam is one of my favorite European cities. Rented a houseboat in the Prinsengracht canal area last summer and spent many nights on the deck drinking wine and listening to opera. Watching these episodes brings back fond memories... But then Brandy opens her mouth and *poof!*, the moment is lost. Damn her.
  24. Kim's finger pointing is way out of control. Someone needs to cut that bony digit off of her decrepit hand.
  25. I'm probably going to end up in the Tonya-Tracy-Eric-Christy version of hell for saying this but Tracy's face plant was pretty damn awesome.
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