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Everything posted by cuphead

  1. Tyler is my early favorite to win this season. He appears intelligent, composed, socially adept and observant. If he makes it to the merge, I have a feeling he will be able to make some solid cross-tribal alliances.
  2. Ha. Not expecting much Joaquin-love on the boards. Seems like he made a very strong, bad first impression last week. I find him pretty entertaining, though. He kind of cracks me up in the same way Boston Rob made me laugh.
  3. For me, I was fairly neutral about Joaquin last week so he didn't need to make up for anything this week.
  4. Joaquin made the episode for me tonight. The conversation between him, Tyler and Shirin on the beach was pure comedy gold. The visual of the three of them was hilarious- Tyler in a pair of jeans and plaid shirt; Shirin "ass-naked", clad only in a bikini top; and Joaquin in a white Brooks Brothers button-down neatly tucked into his tailored pants with a nice belt on. Then there's ass-naked Shirin bending this way and that way discussing what pot or cups need to be cleaned with poor Tyler uncomfortably doing his best to avert his eyes without being offensive and Joaquin just focusing on something/ anything just so he doesn't have to look at her naughty bits (he first focused on a pot on the beach while she was bending over and then just stared off into the distance when she got up). Awesome. Also loved how he kicked butt in the challenge but didn't come off as a raging alpha male. In fact, even though his tribe was in third place, he just sat there calmly waiting on the platform for his turn to come up while the other teams were doing the requisite "we're still in this!", "we got this!" type screaming. And when his turn comes up, he kicks ass during the swimming portion and then shoots all five baskets for the win without acting like a total douche. I'm officially a fan.
  5. Mar should have sucked it up and just slapped on a pair or prescription glasses if she really wanted to go to Sabrina's event. Instead, she tried to smokescreen the real reason for why she couldn't make it to the event, which was probably a wicked hangover and laziness. I have nothing against letting beached whales lie but don't bother insulting everyone's intelligence by blaming it on something minor like your contacts. You're not that smart enough to pull the wool over our eyes and more importantly, we're not stupid enough to fall for your excuses.
  6. Terra seems to have a major case of arrested development. No 30+ year old woman should resort to unprovoked name-calling when engaged in a verbal disagreement and using the outdated, overexposed term "ho" only reeks of a sad desperation to appear younger than her years. It's also off-putting that she's incapable of graciously accepting an apology and has to make every little thing into a major, attention-seeking issue. Her lack of self-awareness is truly pathetic. Her little friend Tonya needs to learn that getting into someone's personal space is not cool and kudos to Lila for not falling for that sad form of intimidation. I'm not a fan of Lila but at least she was able to walk away. Tonya really needs to drop the Little Boss persona because one of these days, someone is going to punt her behind into the next galaxy.
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