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From what I've been reading, Paramount might soon be cancelled. But the Kings will live on!
What had Ellen Pompeo done to her face? Is it fillers? This filler trend makes everyone look like they are on prednisone and have moon face.
This was pretty good, but Mandy Moore is not a good actress.
I think you need to watch something besides Fargo if this bothers you so much. You don't seem to get it.
Part of the fun in the original Frasier was that he was a psychiatrist with absolutely no self awareness. With the supposed success with his show in Chicago, I wouldn't expect that he would have changed. It's who he is!
I really enjoyed it. I've watched the original series beginning to end at least 2 dozen times and Frasier is one of my all time favorite TV characters (along with Liz Lemon). I immediately saw the comparison of Freddy and Martin. I'm in.
My thoughts on the future of the Roy sibs: Kendall relapses as he has nothing else to do and lots of money. Roman becomes a "Jeffery Epstein". Shiv becomes her mother. BTW, Greg is being kept around by Tom because of his role in the document destruction in the cruise scandal.
The darker hoops she was wearing towards the end of the ep looked like Chopard, but I couldn't find them online.
My husband and I started using closed captioning a lot. We are retired. I recently realized we don't use it when streaming older programs (from before about 2000). Upon further investigation, I've noticed newer shows (and movies) have much louder music and background noise, often drowning out dialog. I don't know why. Once noticed it has become very irritating.
Most of the icons of the Christian Christmas are appropriations of the pagan celebration of the winter solstice, or Yule. Add to that the modern day Coca Cola Santa and you have the Christian Christmas. Complete fantasy.
I think I might be done with this show. It has become a show about stupid people doing stupid things and getting in trouble. Nobody at the protest captured any viable information at the protest to identify the car or the driver. Aaliyah catfished a white supremist. Neither Esme or Aaliyah thought to get a tag number from the car that arrived twice at their home. Neither was able to give cogent information to the police officer that responded. Esme twice got into a car with a stranger. She didn't call police when she saw the men enter the gun store. This show makes me wonder how many people are in prison because they are just stupid.
I was burglarized a couple of years ago and did everything asked of the police and the SA's office. I was told on numerous occasions that most victims are not very cooperative. I am mid to upper middle class and college educated, whereas most of the population of this city barely graduated from high school. It was culture shock for me when I moved here (a level of ignorance and racism reminiscent of the 1960s). The perpetrator was found guilty of a felony, but the judge allowed him to report to the "day reporting center" for drug rehab instead of prison time. He reported once, missed the next day, a warrant was issued and he died of an overdose about 6 weeks later. Will I do all that work the next time it happens? Probably not.
They were right in front of the clinic door.
The hospital is private property. As soon as they started protesting, the hospital would have called police to get them off the property. If this had been done, none of the rest of the crap would have happened. And these religious zealots think it's okay to kill people that don't believe what they do (as long as their bible can be construed to support their beliefs). And if I've offended anyone, I don't care. I'm atheist and I think it is all fairy tales.