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Everything posted by Fostersmom

  1. Is this the music China really played or something NBC dubbed in? William Tell Orchestra, Pomp and Circumstance, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies?
  2. Yep, she used her I'm so offended by the horrible Heather whenever she was getting tired, bitchy, told not to roll her eyes, had her work questioned or corrected, or when Fraser moved in on Jake. Rayna, you know who is a bitch and a ho? You are. You're a bitch to Heather, have no problem hooking up with the engaged Jake, and I don't even how to classify what you did to Wes. You just really suck as a person.
  3. I totally noticed he disappeared. Yes, there's plenty of times one of them aren't in a segment, but not usually the very last one and I can't ever remember them mentioning the missing cast member. I can't blame GZ for not eating anything Sunny makes after seeing her with the shredded chicken for her garlic toast pizzas. She just keep running her fingers thru it, tossing it around, literally playing with it. Um, I'm far from shunning the 5 second rule for certain things, and have no problems with chefs using their hands to cook, but watching her hands in the chicken for NO REASON was just gross.
  4. What fresh hell is this butler school movie? The main female can barely walk and chew gum at the same time. I don't have high expectations for the movies, but this one is just insulting. This was her dream, but she can barley set a table?
  5. She doesn't like people judging her by her size, but she had no problems judging the guys at the gym by their looks and repeatedly saying she was glad her date wasn't a "juice head" implying he looked like he did steroids. So... it's okay to judge others, but they can't judge her. Got it.
  6. I'm watching today's show right now and I just have to say, Oh Amy, just no with the sweater/jacket combo! LOL! She had on a black and white stripped shirt with a black jacket last week that was very basic, but she looked great in. This hot pink/lavender combo is just not a good look. She still kicks ass as a player though!
  7. Um, it was something you discussed when you told your wife you wanted to barely be friends, dumbass.
  8. So he doesn't want anything to do with at least 2 of his wives, and I'd guess a third too, but he expects them to all just hang on to him. Got it.
  9. 3 part special event next week
  10. I believe she and her husband are an older retired couple
  11. LOL! The Nanny exposed them to Covid. Maybe watch your own damn kids!
  12. I'm not a huge fan of either, but this is the best description of Mayim's hosting that I've yet to see. She's playing a role, and the thing is, she's not a good actress. She also comes across as weirdly smug. Plus, I can't help but not like her after her hawking of those brain pills she advertises.
  13. I just can't with her. She's not funny, I don't get her "look" at all, and I've yet to see anything that makes me think she'll be back next season. The WU bit isn't at all amusing, it's just cringe. And a low rent version of Leslie's WU's with Colin.
  14. I wonder if that would have been allowed. If she had to defer Harvard because of mental health issues, would they have frowned on her being healthy enough to attend another school? All of the above, for sure. And who the hell is paying him to make all this content of his family? He claims he's working, but posting shit on his own Instagram and his sister's isn't a job. Is he creating content for anyone else? He said he's raised over $50,000, but honestly, that doesn't seem like a hell of a lot given how many followers his family has. But, it doesn't surprise me since his content seems basic at best. I've yet to see anything that would really make anyone stop in their tracks and pay attention. I'll give him a free idea though that might actually catch attention... arrange for a make over for Jeanette! What the holy hell what she wearing at lunch with Greg? It was hideous and just tragic. Jazz needs a makeover too. I get she gained a lot of weight, but she needs some decent clothes that fit and to brush her damn hair! Long hair is great, but she always looks like a sweaty mess with it in her face.
  15. She acts like she's 10 years old. I can't tell if her sisters are just as immature, or just like that around her. What kind of backwoods doctors was this girl seeing? They didn't notice she was tiny and not growing until she was in kindergarten and then no one figured out she wasn't going to have a massive growth spurt until she was 16? I'm not buying it. I have a friend who is tiny, she's 1 inch too tall to be considered a little person, and when we were 16 in like 1992, she had already been told that she would be on bedrest at about 2-3 months if she ever got pregnant and would twins would probably end up with a catastrophic situation. Needless to say, her son is adopted. And sure, she shopped at KidsRUs when we were in high school, but she went to college and is actually a college professor herself now. My friend will be 45 in a few months, so how has modern medicine (and apparently common sense) somehow missed this family?
  16. Oddly, Dominos is a very popular chain in many parts of the world. I don't know if there's just not pizza places around and that's the only option, but in some places its the pizza to get.
  17. This actually just shows they don't need a bosun and 3 other crew members. I've never figured out what the hell the 4 person crew is doing most of the time. They kinda help with docking and sometimes water toys for a couple of hours a day or a random beach set up. But for the most part.... what are they doing all day long? Meanwhile the 3 stews are running around cleaning cabins, doing all the laundry including the crews, making drinks, setting up parties, and interacting much more with the guests.
  18. Does she ever mange to post anything without at least one typo or grammar error?
  19. Meri seems to be the only one using their "fame" to actually make her own money though, so she probably has the most invested interest in keeping the show going. She's still hawking her LuLu crap and has her Inn, as long as the show is on, it's basically free advertising tor her businesses. I'm not going to buy her cheap ass leggings, or stay at her Inn, but I've looked at the Inn's website and Facebook pages out of curiosity. If the show ended today, she has those to fall back on. Janelle could possibly renter the work force, we know she's actually held real jobs in the past, but the others? Not so much.
  20. The turkey was super cute! Unfortunately, I think Meri's long since burned her bridges with Janelle and Christine. I get the impression there's little love lost between them or any of their kids for Meri or Mariah. Notice that even after Meri pointed out she'd been basically by herself for months, and Christine said it was sad, neither reached out to try to include her in their lives. None of the kids except Sol and Ariella seem to miss Meri... and I think Robyn only barely tolerates her just so she can lord over her. If Kody still wanted anything to do with Meri, I doubt Robyn would even pretend to like her. And yeah, Robyn's no doubt stabbing her in the back at any given time.
  21. I think Robyn alluded to the nanny doing their lock down homeschooling during the nanny episode. I mean millions of other parents across the country had to do it on their own, but not Robyn. And let's be honest, if they got the nanny to handle zoom school for her kids, that was probably the best thing they ever did for those kids. We know Robyn and Kody couldn't be bothered to take it on. I have no doubts Christine would have been okay with Truly's schooling and all the other kids are in high school or out of school.
  22. Well... in their defense he's just so damn pretentious all the time, I don't know if I could control myself any better around him. The last episode was a hot mess. They all did nothing but talk over each other the entire show, much more than the normally do.
  23. Yep, yep, yep! That was my first thought and I actually said it out loud to the TV, oh.... Robyn's kid knows how to fake cry too. Robyn slipped when she told her kids right before Thanksgiving that those were the rules Kody came up with for THANKSGIVING. Um, I thought those were the rules your family followed on the regular.... not just to get together for a day. If that was the case, she would have said he told them our rules.
  24. Captain Lee looked like he was going to need the wire cutters after he heard the explanation of the need. Maybe stop making people blend you up vile concoctions to lessen the chance for the need. In this day and age of protein drinks and powders, there's NO reason to make someone blend a chicken breast smoothie. Has Rayna acknowledged Heather parroted back her own words about Jake at all or is she still acting like Heather just busted it out on her own? Should Heather have repeated Rayna's comment? No, not in any way or context, but Rayna's leaving a lot of the details out when she brings it up each and every time to anyone she can talk to.
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