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General Days

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Everything posted by General Days

  1. I love watching moderators Hokey Pokey their way back on topic. Well played, WendyCR72. I have faith that Stephen Nichol's GH Stefan and DOOL Steve can vanquish both squads. I'm glad he's going to DOOL right now, though, because his Sweetness is there.
  2. Who is Damon? Matt Ashford's Jack is probably my favorite male soap character of all time, but DOOL ruined him for me, when they sent him on that Australian walkabout, and he didn't even contact Jennifer when Alice died. He just blogged. Granted, they later retconned all that, into Jack spending a year (or however long) in an Afghanistan cave, but by then, I'd hated Jack too long (and had been through too many of Jack's other flake episodes). I want nothing more than for the Show to let Jack rest in peace. If they bring him back, they'll just damage him, some more. I mean, I'd rather have more Jordan than more Jack at this point, and Jordan's last day on this show was my happiest day watching this show since probably Jack dressed up like a fireman and kidnapped Jennifer from her asinine wedding to Emilio.
  3. Did you always hate Victor, Marigold, or did it happen over time? I hated him in the pre-Stefano days, because he was the big bad. I've liked his journey, though, and I appreciate that he says the things a lot of us are thinking, now. Also, I'm in awe of both John Aniston and Joe Mascolo, because they're still turning in great performances at their age. DiamondErica1979, a few times, I thought they were going to put Brady and Jennifer together (probably the last time was when they helped each other with their grief after Madison and Jack died in the explosion). I think that could have been interesting. And while Jennifer is a little older than Brady, it's not decades. I suffer serious squick with Eve and JJ, probably because I have a kid about his age, and I'm younger than Kassie D. I don't mind a May/December romance (or even affair), but Eve/JJ turns my stomach. That's probably not an unpopular opinion, so I'll shut up, now.
  4. She should absolutely have the same feelings against Sonny (and worse, really) that she has against Sabrina. She should not want Sonny to raise baby AJ. She should be grateful to Michael. I can't imagine how she can reconcile her feelings by anything other than, "It's in the script."
  5. Oh, come on. There's a difference. I've seen Sabrina's private moments of regret. I watch her frantically trying to get in touch with Jordan, to stop Ava from taking the meds. Kiki heard Sabrina express her regret. There's a difference. And again, as I said in the larger post, it wouldn't matter to me how regretful she was. If Sabrina had done that to my mother, I'd never want her serving as nanny for my baby sister, or any other baby I knew. Now, I'm not trying to say Kiki's support of Sonny makes any damn sense in light of the Sabrina situation. I was only talking about understanding why Kiki is upset that Sabrina is the baby's nanny. Kiki is delusional for letting Sonny take Avery from her, without a fight.
  6. I hate myself for what I'm about to say, but this is one place where I empathize with Kiki's actions. To me, she doesn't have to equate what Sabrina did with what Sonny has done (and spent months threatening to do). If I were Kiki, I would not want the nurse, who tried to cause my mother to miscarry my little sister, being brought on as the nanny for my little sister (or for any baby I ever laid eyes on). I, as a TV viewer, know Sabrina is remorseful. If this were happening in my real life, I wouldn't care about remorse. I think bringing Sabrina on as Avery's nanny was a big mistake by Michael. He should be taking care to be perfect about everything having to do with Avery.
  7. Cattitude, I went back and watched yesterday's Kiki and Morgan scenes, because I too had the impression that Kiki and Morgan were going to somehow set up Michael (spike a drink, drug him, something). Here's the dialogue. At about 22 minutes, Kiki says, "We're screwed […] so is Avery, all because Michael played dirty." A light bulb goes on over Morgan's head. It is, of course, a dim bulb, because… Morgan. "Maybe that's it […] Michael played dirty, so we're going to play dirty, too." Their next scene is at about 28 minutes. Kiki likes the idea, but doesn't understand how it will work. They blabber about the judge. Morgan says, "We have to make Michael seem like the worst parent since Mama June. That's how we beat him at his own game." They blab some more about getting Michael reported to child services. The next scene is at about 34 minutes. Kiki blabs about Michael might as well be living at Downton Abbey. Morgan says the nonsense about Michael "painting" Sonny as a criminal. Kiki spews her nonsense about that not being "much of a stretch," and "based" on the truth. The two talk about different reasons kids get taken from parents. Finally Morgan hits on "alcohol." The next scene is at 49 minutes. Kiki reminds Morgan that Michael doesn't drink much, except for how he must have been blind drunk to sleep with Rosalie. Morgan says, "Kiki, okay, it doesn't matter how much he does drink or doesn't drink. Drinking is in Michael's blood. Alcoholism is a Quartermaine curse." After a cut to Michael drinking at the Metro Court, we jump back to Kiki and Morgan. Morgan says, "Everyone knows that Michael's biological father is a bona fide alcoholic, and AJ's dad had a really bad pill problem at one point. So it's -- substance abuse and addiction is just passed down from one generation to the next." Kiki remembers Monica is a recovering alcoholic. Morgan says, "Yes. Yes! That's amazing. That's a bonus. That means that Michael has three full-fledged addicts hanging on his family tree. So you know what? Mikey wants to be a Quartermaine. He wants to change his name legally and stuff, that's fine. He's going to be a Quartermaine, in every way." At about 56 minutes, Kiki says, "It is a really good idea, claiming that Michael's a lush because his dad was one, but you know, we don't have a shred of proof that Michael inherited the disease." Morgan says, "Kiki, so what? We'll make our own proof." In the last scene, Morgan tells Kiki, "By the time we finish with Mikey, he's going to look like he parties so much, that he's too wasted to take care of our baby sister. We're going to make him look like a bigger drunk than his father. We're going to do this, Kiki. I'll make sure. We'll do whatever we have to do, to make sure Michael loses Avery." Kiki beams. Technically, I think you're right. Morgan hasn't specified what his "whatever we have to do," is yet, but to me, the writing is on the wall that this is going to be like when Carly drugged AJ. Edited to add: Bishop, I'm Team Michael all the way, and he definitely had at least two.
  8. twoods, Michael's smack down of Duke is epic. If you're not currently watching, it's worth FFing through the other scenes to watch. Just don't want Duke and Lucy's later scenes, because then we're back to Pod-Duke. The scenes with Jordan, Anna, and Nathan aren't bad, either.
  9. But he can write (albeit not compellingly) for the pre-pube set. WTH?
  10. Right? I mean what are they smuggling into town -- maple sugar candies or maple syrup? This is why they should have Sonny running guns or drugs (unless I'm not clear on what the mob does, these days). But no, we can't do that, because he's a hooker, er I mean mobster with a heart of gold. It sucks.
  11. The thread that was linked her is no longer active, but here's what I found (I think it's the same thing). From http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.php?993440-Per-TV-Guide-April-1st-Vintage-1960-s-GH-episode-with-current-actors! :
  12. Well to be fair, OnceSane, Julian doesn't have to accommodate moobs.
  13. I think that means a pope shits in the woods, ulkis.
  14. That first episode featured a disfigured girl, right? So, is that Pat Spencer, disfigured by her abusive father? That's what I'm thinking, if this ties into Luke's DID story.
  15. I don't remember who told Morgan he was an honorary Q, but he was deeply involved in the Alice transplant storyline, because he loves The Dominator, so I believe it happened (even if I don't have a specific memory). Exactly! And thank you for SHOUTING. This is precisely what ruined my glorious tuna sandwich. Granted, it was big, because it was on bakery fresh Scali bread (and I thin-sliced some red onion on top of it), but damn, I wanted that lunch. Frigging Morgan. Frigging Kiki. Frigging GH.
  16. rur, that's exactly what I thought throughout the Michael/Duke scenes. IB looked like he was silently telegraphing remorse, as if to separate his Duke from Ron's Duke.
  17. What is the real world mob mostly involved in these days (aside from protection rackets)? It's probably drugs and gun running, right? Is there something else I'm not thinking of? The show refuses to get specific about Sonny (except, he would never deal in drugs and there's no gambling in Casablanca), and it hurts the overall story. If he's a mobster, own it. I appreciated Julian and the Fluke mob, because at least they were pushing drugs, like real mobsters. God forgive me, but it was refreshing. I think Tony Geary has commented on this before, that of course Sonny's dealing drugs (or maybe it was the Luke has done drugs, or does do them) but you can't do that on TV. Why not? If he Sonny can order executions, why can't he sell some coke and heroin? Amen. The good guys need to win or at least sort of win. If they're then undone by a corrupt judge or whatever, to keep a villain on the canvas, so be it. I'm sick of seeing Anna and Dante making keystone cops look good. I did love the scenes between Jordan, Anna, and Prettiness, today. I'm not sure if Finola is battling a cold, or if Anna was legit teared up for the entire run, today, but either way, it worked for me.
  18. She's one of my favorites. I also like Jennifer and Daniel together (or did, 'til he gave the most incoherent break up reason, ever). I love Melanie. I've wanted Mel and Brady together, since before stupid Dario came on the scene. I don't understand why these writers don't write her a decent story. Missy Reeves can act. I feel the same way about Nicole. Why is she being stuck in repetitive storylines, when she is (especially with Ali gone) one of the more compelling performers left on the show. I hate Will, now, and it's because of Guy Wilson (who I tried to like, for a long time), not because Will cheated on Sonny. I want Sonny and Paul to end up together and Will to be written off, at least until the show finds an actor who doesn't make me cringe. I don't care if Lucas has an affair with Adrienne. I'm so pleased he's finally got a story (and so far, it's been set up that Justin has given Adrienne reason to doubt him). Also? I like Abigail when the show writes for her. They've got to get rid of the underwear model as her s.o. If that means her taking yet another ride on the DiMera-Go-Round, so be it. I love JJ, but Paige and Eve need to go.
  19. Yeah. I started to say more, but I was getting incoherently ranty about it. Bottom line, I'm never going to give a shit about a brand new character's secret, but if the writers must give them one, they need to make up their minds about what that secret is, and slowly disclose it to the audience. The suspense in these stories comes from how the secrets will affect the unsuspecting characters we already know and care about, not the dark secret in a perfect stranger's past. Jordan's last day, her dance with Rafe, etc., were actually nice. Granted, I was already striking up the band, because I knew she was leaving, there was more romance between them in that scene that there was in their entire storyline.
  20. She mentioned trying to get her Uncle Julian to get Custody If I recall correctly, Kiki wasn't very forth-coming with the details. In her scenes with Julian, she'd said that the baby isn't a Corinthos or a Quartermaine; she's a Jerome. With Morgan, today, it seems to me all she really disclosed is that she asked her uncle for help with the Avery situation, but no specifics. This could actually make me interested in the Kiki character. If she's ready to play along with Morgan's idiot plan, not to get the baby back to Sonny, but to take her for the Jeromes. Don't get me wrong, I want Michael to prevail, but it could make Kiki somewhat interesting if she was ready to double-cross the Corinthos family. Today, at the Metro Court, Michael was drinking whisky (or something else brown) on the rocks, not champagne. This really ticked me off, because they're going to make sure Michael participates in his own downfall. Ugh. Still, today's scenes with Michael telling off Duke, and Jason saying he's rapidly learning to hate Sonny made my day. I was eating my lunch, while watching the show. I didn't have breakfast and was really hungry. I made myself a tuna sandwich and was halfway through it when Morgan said that line. I got so aggravated, I couldn't eat the rest of it. I keep thinking how much better this story would be, if Morgan was still resentful of Sonny, and if he were on Kiki's side in trying to get custody, and Carly was all torn by all three sides. Instead, it's just a Sonny ass-kissing festival. Am I dreaming, or did AJ and Michael once have a talk about it (while AJ was sober, I'm thinking)? Maybe Michael was hungover and AJ talked to him about his own struggles. I think it happened when AJ was so pleased, because he thought Michael slept with Brenda. It seems to me, after that, they had Michael not drink for a while, but it's so long ago, I can't be sure if this is just my head-canon.
  21. This. I like some couples and characters that aren't currently favored, but when I look at them objectively, I can completely understand why people hate them. I still love Jennifer Horton, because I loved who she was in the 90s (with and without Jack). When I lower my writer-error deflection shield, I see this woman who has no storyline other than reacting to her children's love lives (and being way too invested in them). I have a mother. I am a mother of child about JJ's age. This storyline is completely unrealistic and out of character for who Jennifer used to be. Similarly, I like Jennifer and Daniel as a couple (although I never want to see them reunited now, because of his lame ass treatment of her for doing the right thing and letting Eric know Nicole was duping him, before Nicole got him to marry her). I was marveling today, at how completely inconsequential Jordan's storyline was and how easily she lifted right off of the canvas. I've never seen the actress in anything else. She never wowed me, but she was never written for, so I don't even feel like I can judge if she could have played a compelling character. I was so glad to see her gone and hope Clyde and Ben aren't around much longer. I thought it was pathetic Now they're doing the same thing with Serena and this frigging elephant. I feel the same way about Paige. The actress does nothing for me, but her story has never been compelling, who knows if she has any acting chops? Corday might be against super-couples, but I feel like this goes deeper than that. Neither soap I watch (the other is GH) knows how to build a romance or a love story, any more. They write extended hook-up stories, instead. The soap genre isn't dying on its own. It's being killed from the inside out.
  22. How would Avery be safer with the Jeromes than with Sonny? Alexis's house got blown up. Lucas got shot. Ava got kidnapped (granted, by Sonny, because she was pregnant with his grand/daughter), threatened (again, by Sonny, and by Fluke, I think)? I do like Michael and do want him to have custody, but I understand how and why our opinions vary there, but I don't see how Jerome custody is safer than Corinthos custody. What do you see, that I'm missing?
  23. I watched a lot of Spinelli's stuff on YouTube (because I stopped watching during the Guza years and didn't come back until the build up to the 50th). Did Sonny really hate Spin, or did Spin just drive him crazy? Either way, I'll hold out hope this "confides" storyline means they commiserate about Jason's "death."
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