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Everything posted by 33kaitykaity

  1. 4. No Lorelai. 5. Daytime. TL:2 -- 2.05-3.22
  2. 1. Yes, in the Hollow. 2. Yes, Luke is in the scene. 3. No, it is outdoors. TL:1 -- 1.1-3.22
  3. I'm sorry, I'm new. I didn't realize I get to pick the next one. I went and read the rules. D'oh. I have a scene.
  4. Was this when Lorelai has to rescue Davey from under the bed?
  5. The cross scenes of Carly/Kiki and Morgan.Dylan are the only things keeping me off the Barge at this point due to my disgust with a 50-plus woman all of a sudden being PG. WTF??? ETA -- I am 52 and haven't had a period in five years.
  6. Is Paris involved? Is this at Yale? I'm thinking printing press.
  7. Dutch did exactly this at the winter sports outing -- lather, rinse, repeat and just maddening. I want Pretty-N-Ink to go up in literal flames and for Black Ink 125 to fail spectacularly. I felt a small amount of pity for OShit, very tiny, but when he said South Carolina, I wondered how long it will be before he shows up at PnI for a tattooing job.
  8. Lexi can look really young when she wants to. she looked the part of a 16/17-year old in this week's episode of Rizzoli & Isles, “Shadow of Doubt,” (Season 7 Episode 5).
  9. 1.03 Kill Me Now -- Richard falls desperately in love with Rory and vice-versa. 2.22 I Can't Get Started -- sookie's wedding, Chris blows into town and the heartbreak ensues.
  10. That forehead bun thing on Dutchess was beyond Fugly.
  11. Press secretary is a big step up in prestige from nightly newsreader/geek. She damn near read this thing word for word. It uses "threat" and variants nine times. That doesn't qualify as research to me. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/democrats-wyoming-bernie-sanders-revolt-223668 F-love "moldy orange cheeto dust turd" and "orange windsock."
  12. Joe simply can not handle Mika's resolute girl crush on Elizabeth Warren. Heilemann advocated Warren as a running mate for Clinton and Joe tried to get Mika to rise to his insults about Warren and Mika refused to be baited. FU, Joe.
  13. I am so sick to death of Rachel Maddow's being in the tank for Hillary. Last night she totally tanked her credibility by trying to downplay the significance of the State Department's OIG report by pretending it was only process and arcane rules and had nothing to do with what would result from the FOIA requests about what Hillary was doing as secretary on behalf of the Clinton Foundation. Tonight Rachel is all outraged about the debate between tRump and Bernie and kept repeating ad nauseum that Hillary is the nominee and how dare they do this to Her Highness Hillary. STFU, Rachel. You will not be press secretary in a Clinton White House. ETA -- Friday's episode, first block, could she have said the words "Sanders" and threaten" more in the same segment? Gawd, I can't believe I used to even like this woman. She is a hack.
  14. I find her totally unwatchable, at least when it's just her. She tries too hard to be like Tweety and interrupt and be a total jerk. When she's on a panel, I like her fine.
  15. The panel discussed Senator Warren's speech blasting tRump for his comments about looking forward to the housing bubble popping back in 2006 and Joe tried to poo-poo how good Senator Warren is at these kind of attacks and change the subject. Mika brought Joe up short so she could make her point. Way to go, Mika.
  16. To the dumdum newsreader on Way Too Early -- Leonys Martin hit a walk-off home run for the Mariners, not for Oakland. The game was at Safeco. The Mariners don't get much national news coverage and then this dingbat effs up their special win. Bah.
  17. Also you could try this. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=greatest_threads DU is the same.
  18. Wow, someone asking Lange real questions and not letting Lange pretend to be totally innocent and blameless and pure as the driven snow -- will wonders never cease? Thank you, Tamron.
  19. Here's a couple that I like. They're streaming, not on the box, though. https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBigPictureRT, Thom Hartmann.
  20. When has Bernie taken corporate money? I'm sorry, I don't follow. Bernie being attacked by the ReThugs would be a bad thing if Bernie had the same megatonnes of baggage as HRC does. He just doesn't.
  21. 1. Trump vs. Sanders -- 39-52. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_sanders-5565.html Trump vs. Clinton -- 42-47 and sinking http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html 2. Bernie (possibly) wins out the last 12 contests. 3. "Dead heat: Trump, Clinton tied in 3 swing-state polls." http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/trump-clinton-florida-ohio-pennsylvania-222994#ixzz48wb3yZwV You can be against crooked rules, but you still have to play within those rules if you want to have any prayer of winning the game.
  22. On the Democratic side you might be right about the level of enthusiasm. On the ReThug side, though, HRC generates active dislike up to psychopathology and worse. The vast right-wing conspiracy is a real thing. They will come out against her in droves.
  23. Here's a step-by-step account of the fraud by the Clintonistas and their butt-girl DNC chair. http://heavy.com/news/2016/05/nevada-democratic-convention-what-happened-roberta-lange-delegates-election-fraud-videos-recount-denied/
  24. Oh, so the Bernie supporters got mad for the fuck of it, got it. There's no reason to wonder why Ms. Lange did what she did, got it. /sarcasm Edited to add -- Andrea could have asked about this public call for her resignation. Dan Rolle, Democratic candidate for Congress in Nevada
  25. The primary was non-binding. The caucus on March 5 won by Bernie was binding. (I have no idea why they feel the need to do both.)
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