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Everything posted by 33kaitykaity

  1. Roberta Lange of the Nevada DNC was on with Andrea Mitchell. They played a few of the worst voicemails Lange got, but Andrea did not ask Ms. Lange why the Bernie supporters were so upset or why she, Ms. Lange, was in the can for HRC. Andrea Mitchell is not a journalist. (The words I want to use are too sexist and I'm too mad.)
  2. Not necessarily. Sanders does have a path, albeit a narrow one. HRC is not guaranteed the supers. They can change their minds at the convention. If Bernie wins out and tRump starts beating HRC in more swing states, you never know what might happen.
  3. Katty Kay basically quoted Andrea Mitchell verbatim in a whine-o-gram about Hillary having to face two opponents and it driving her negatives up and Bernie staying in the race was hurting poor, poor Hillary. The lamestream media is going to get that talking point in no matter what.
  4. I almost shed a little sympathy tear for Alexis today, especially when Julian pointedly told her she was just as guilty as he was.
  5. So before they get together, Tormund and Brienne have to fight like Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger did in Red Sonja. "She doesn't want to win."
  6. 33kaitykaity

    The NBA

    Buh-bye Portland Jail-Gangstas. Thanks for the predictable second-round exit.
  7. 'I F-loved this segment with the picture of tRump as a small boy and Lawrence constantly referring to tRump as "little donald trump." Yeah, I know Lawrence hates tRump, but this take-down was classic.
  8. I am enjoying the heck out of just the possibility of Anna getting her cougar on with Griffin and Nina getting her cougar on with Dillon. I realize that the show is probably just teasing me, but still...
  9. The look in Jason's eyes at the end as he and Sam hug looked like fury and rage to me. Interesting choice. 1:12.
  10. Two nitpicks. That blood on the knife would've had EDTA or other preservative -- thanks, OJ -- in it. Sherlock should've addressed that in his plotting. And two, I very much wanted to see Fiona again.
  11. First full hour of Monday's Morning Joe gone and they have talked of nothing else but Trump, Trump, and more Trump. Mika had been plugging an upcoming segment about Trump's weekend Twitter war with Elizabeth Warren, but before Mika could read how Senator Warren epically owned Trump via Twitter, Joe had a hissy fit about how an elected official could be so juvenile (don't remember his exact words.) http://usuncut.com/politics/trump-elizabeth-warren-twitter-war/ STFU, Joe, you little p-word.
  12. Students surprise teacher with kittens day after cat dies https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/31544937/students-surprise-teacher-with-kittens-day-after-cat-dies/ Tissue warning.
  13. conjectural, speculative, tentative; theoretical, unproven, unconfirmed
  14. So Lawrence has Steve McMahon and Kellyanne Conway on in his War Room segment. Rather than let McMahon speak, this ReThug talking points parrot parroted the same absolute shit she spewed on Real Time last week and kept interrupting McMahon and Lawrence fucking let her. Grr.
  15. This!!!! He's staying with her, so maybe he can stumble accidentally into the wrong room in the middle of the night.
  16. Today at a Dollar Tree, Mom wanted to go in, but at the last minute realized she couldn't. I left her clinging to the door while I retrieved the car. On my way back to Mom, this woman and her two kids were in the way. I'm cursing inside, oh, please, get out of my way. The next thing I know, she is helping Mom into the car, telling me she saw our need a mile away. Thank you, Good Samaritan.
  17. I love every second of this. It totally helps decode a lot in the episode that went totally over my head. Big fan here of two regular dudes. Of course, as a girl, love their raven-haired expert guest.
  18. We didn't get a lot of Dutchess diaries there towards the end either. I have very little faith that O'shit will cop to being with Dutchess. O'shit can't afford to lose his gig and Ceas will boot him if he admits anything. The skye/Donna stuff looks totally skippable.
  19. It's segments like this that remind me of how much I used to really like Rachel. she was positively giddy to be able to do this interview. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/echoes-of-goldwater-seen-in-trump-campaign-678244419675
  20. Chris Matthews having vapors when Andrew Sullivan called tRump an asshole on Chris's air was hysterical, especially after Sullivan had been ripping the media to shreds for creating and sustaining the tRump phenomenon.
  21. Seeing Jason at the police station like that looking after Michael makes me believe he's not as disconnected from CarSon as he would like for them to believe, which makes me as happy as it will make Carly. Carly was right when she said "it never lasts."
  22. Had no idea Disturbed could make me cry to The Sound Of Silence The version I'm watching is dedicated to Bernie.
  23. I was so pissed today, this afternoon, grossed out beyond belief. MSNBC spent nearly 3 hours "covering" the Trumpster's arrival, speech, and departure at the GOP convention. I stream for noise, but ended up switching to baseball.
  24. Toby yelling at Walter at the end about him letting Paige walk out with a "big, sexy, muscled Navy SEAL" was hilarious.
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