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Everything posted by 33kaitykaity

  1. Well, I learned what "implicit bias" is. I'd never heard of it before. Thanks. Now I'm here to gripe about Andrea "Arms" Mitchell showing a video of Hillary being "not friendly." Really? What, are you afraid, Arms, to use the real sexist word, shrill? Arms is a waste, a fraud, a "Mrs. Greenspan" joke.
  2. For me it was Max's adverse reaction to her not making it a priority to get him keys to "her/their" house -- Max -- "You need to think about someone other than yourself for a few minutes a day" -- that signaled the end for them.
  3. The offhand way Lorelai finally after him struggling with moving the dollhouse tells him how to do it has always bugged me, like it was Luke's fault he didn't know the trick.
  4. There is no way Trix could've treated Emily the way Trix did without Richard's tacit consent for such. This is why "That'll do, pig" is occupied in my heart as a wonderful Lorelai/Emily moment. They are on Lor's couch and Emily is grousing about the whole house, yet when Lorelai has that grin, Emily finally has some awareness about Emily's own daughter and how to not be in such pain that Emily's MIL dishes it out in Pure Blood Marie Antoinette fashion.
  5. I hope the Nelle story happens quickly, faster than normal soap time, for totally selfish reasons. Carly is my favorite character and I have for the most part loved LW's performance, except when things are going well for Carly. Then I find LW to be vapid and giggly, not compelling at all.
  6. The Chuckie Toad is giving Paul Wolfowitz, war criminal extraordinaire, a national platform (MTP) to spew his lies about the WMDs and the Iraq war. And today no less. Wolfie belongs in a cell in The Hague, along with the rest of that [expletives deleted] crew, not having his opinions publicized on a national political affairs program.
  7. Thank you for this thread. Another incident that enrages me at Lorelai is her drunken "toast" at Lane and Zach's reception. Lorelai's narcissism was on full display.
  8. I'm jumping on the "Joy is a goddess" bandwagon. She had good old Boris on this morning and he tried to do his over-talking shtick. Joy got right on him, "We don't do crosstalk on this show." When he continued unabated, she power-slammed him with "Don't make me cut your mic." Wow. Just wow.
  9. Richard Gage et. al. don't speculate about the who did it or why. The part of the 9/11 Truth movement I follow is based on science -- provable, repeatable science based on the scientific method, i.e. irrefutable laws of physics and so forth.
  10. Cheney/Rumsfeld were in charge of what they call stovepiping the intel that they would use to justify invading Iraq and they ignored everything else, so I think we're okay on that score.
  11. Halperin finally said something useful. He was on the 11th Hour and they were discussing the comments Trump had made about his briefers. Trump said something to the effect of that the briefers didn't agree with Obama about something. How could he tell? He said he's very good at body language. Halperin's useful comment -- it is dangerous to cross the intelligence community. Well, no shit, Sherlock. They know how to get rid of the body.
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