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Everything posted by 33kaitykaity

  1. Renee Elmmers (R-NC) and Craig Melvin of MSNBC -- unreal, the fracturing of reality here. Groping is no big deal in her world.
  2. Ben Carson wouldn't answer whether he thought Trump's accusers were lying. Then he kept saying "You people" and Joe yelled at him for it. That was a train wreck. ETA the video.
  3. If you're going to repeat such assertions, some examples would be useful. Otherwise you're just repeating Limbaigh/Hannity/O'Reilly talking points.
  4. Could be a columnist, a talk radio host, a former Msnbc personality, just someone with an off-kilter point of view, but their primary value is much-needed sanity, logic, reason, humor, all the stuff that's left off of teh TeeVee.
  5. The only ones I can think of are both former governors, Jennifer Granholm and Ed Randell. Also not technically a surrogate, but Malcolm Nance has whipped up on Boris Epshsteyn with Joy's lovely help.
  6. If I may humbly add to this righteous rant? Uh, Joe, would you like to be reminded daily that, in fact, the bpdy of a Dead Intern, Lori Klausitus -- yes, it's a meme -- was found in your office? It was right around the same time Gary Condit, a Democrat, was run out of Washington because the police couldn't find the body of his Dead Intern, Chandra Levy. You're a Republican and It's Always OK If You're A Republican (IAOIYAR). Oh, and, Joe, his and my marriage is none of anyone else's business. Full. stop.
  7. I love it when Mika makes faces, when she's annoyed or irritated or bored or exasperated. she doesn't have to always have that candy hostess smile.
  8. Tony Schwartz, co-author who really wrote "The Art of the Deal," totally shreds Drumpf, breaking down Drumpf's narcissism, his determination, and his dogged persistence in what he feels is a righteous cause. Drumpf's one overriding characteristic is he refuses to quit, period, full stop. This is fascinating.
  9. Your Rush Limbaugh love is showing. There's no such thing as the "liberal media." The editorial decisions are all corporate, i.e., for profit, eyeballs ratings, and those things are definitely not liberal. The Access Hollywood talk was not a private conversation.
  10. i'm just wondering why Msnbc felt the need to bring the audience a religion speech that aids the politician giving the speech, especially when that politician's running mate is a legendary lying liar and cheating philanderer whose "sins" are being abetted by that speaking politician. I need a bleach bath now...
  11. Oh yeah, I meant to grab this. Here is Tiffany on debate night expertly dodging Daddy's kiss.
  12. Pence is giving a religion speech to a poor captive audience of 11,000 students whose attendance at the event was mandatory.
  13. I can't remember where I heard this, but the scuttlebutt is bringing all of Bill Clinton's accusers to the debate was the son-in-law's brilliant idea.
  14. Ivanka was at the debate Sunday night. i only noticed b/c I love that color. http://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/news/ivanka-trumps-green-dress-at-presidential-debate-details-w444115
  15. H&H do me in again. These guys are so beyond worthless sometimes. i was prepared to be impressed that the actually covered the Hillary Clinton/Al Gore rally in Miami today, their observations reasonable. But a few still photos later they move on to the next story. Hey dumbbells -- you could've allotted 2 minutes so we could hear clips of their speeches for ourselves.
  16. I'm enraged. If Trump abetted Putin in any way in interfering with this election, that is treason.
  17. Damn straight. When someone shows you who they are...
  18. I had a hard time as well believing Joe didn't actually know that. I listen rather than watch, so I didn't see Joe's face while he was howling. Unbelievable is right.
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