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Everything posted by 33kaitykaity

  1. This is what I want, more than to go on living another second. Wouldn't the poor Republicans' heads just explode at the thought of our fantastic, glorious, brilliant Barack Hussein Obama II with a powerful, magnificent lifetime appointment? Especially if they can't do a goddamn thing to stop it.
  2. This is the map I like to play, count delegates, whatever. http://www.270towin.com/ If Hillary wins Florida, it's over. He could take NV, IA, OH, VA, and NC and still come up short. If he wins FL and takes the others and she wins OH, they end up tied at 269 each.
  3. Rachel did a great job defining Pepe as well, the green frog face TrumpJr retweeted as one of the faces of the Deplorables from Hillary comment fame. I was going to write more, but that Mother Jones article is really good.
  4. in addition, I really hope there's a way for him to be held accountable for breaking the US embargo in Cuba in 1998 that's within a statute of limitations. Also, I think it would even be fun if we found out just how much in back taxes Trump will owe on the money he siphoned out of his foundation for personal items like bribery payments and oil portraits.
  5. Thank you, @Taryn74. You rock. 13, 19
  6. Pathological liars very often believe they are really telling the truth.
  7. I think this exchange started because you wondered why Drumpf had not yet sent the money to rebuild and I answered with a possibility you might not have yet considered based on the information I had gleaned from the Mark Cuban/Joy Reid exchange that Cuban thinks that Drumpf is asset-rich but cash-poor, which would also explain him being a cheapskate and a slow/no-pay to his contractors. YMMV, but I'm going with Occam's razor...
  8. Asset billionaire, sure. Cuban has that kind of spare cash. Drumpf does not.
  9. I actually don't think Drumpf has that kind of liquid cash on-hand to spare. Mark Cuban said in an interview with Joy last weekend that Trump is asset-rich, not cash-rich. I think that that's why Drumpf stiffs contractors and makes his campaign pay his companies outrageous amounts for renting Drumpf properties for campaign events. Also, I have always thought that The Apprentice uniquely solved this cash-flow problem for him.
  10. I am under no illusions about her foreign policy. But when I do a pro/con list and compare the potential "harm" from her reputed hawkishness to the nearly certain economic, social, and international devastation caused by Drumpf, a temperamental buffoon, honestly, it is no contest.
  11. Hillary has a big D after her name. That D really, really, really does mean Democrat. Yes, I agree that the Democratic Party has moved to the right. Problem is they've been following a Republican Party that is now in Cray-Cray alt-right country where racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, the list goes on, are no longer dog whistles, but are wolf howls. As long as the Electoral College is the way we elect our president, we will only have two parties. This cycle the parties are represented by a hardworking sane person and a narcissistic, handsy megalomaniac who will govern by snit (thank you, Bill Maher) respectively Labels aside, those two people are our only two choices. One of those two people will be in the White House come January 2017.
  12. Other -- his proximity to the nuclear codes. I know that's probably included in "reckless foreign policy positions," but I think it should be explicit.
  13. Steve Cortes is a Trump surrogate. He was just on Msnbc. Nothing he says makes sense. One statement almost totally contradicts the next. He says don't believe Drumpf's accusers, but you simply must take everything the Bill Clinton accusers say as gospel, even though all of those allegations were fully investigated years ago and found wanting. He says he's a business guy. I hope all of his clients/customers run screaming from him when they realize what a sleazy liar he is.
  14. Got anything new? Other than those poor women who were nothing more than bought-and-paid-for Drumpf employees? Oh, that's right, you're still yoked to the Limbaugh talking point generator.
  15. The women were wrong the moment they were born. It's the misogyny. Women are property, meat, things, not people.
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