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Holiday Baking Championship - General Discussion
Iseut replied to a topic in Holiday Baking Championship
Funny conversation while watching football with my 8-year-old nephew yesterday. Him: That's Joe Tessitore! He's from my favorite show Holey Moly! Me: And he's announcing with Jesse Palmer! I just watched him as the host of Holiday Baking Championship! Him: My other favorite show is Wipeout. I love John Henson! Me: Me too! And he's the host of Halloween Baking Championship, which is the best! My baking show addiction is helping me keep up with the kids lol. Cracked me up that we mostly know the sports announcers from their non-sports endeavors.- 2.4k replies
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Finally finished this season and just have to give a shoutout to my favorite team, who just happens to also be my hometown team! Though the header says that neither of them live here anymore, Corey shouted out growing up in Vancouver, WA in the final episode, and Rob coached the football team for the Washington School of the Deaf here. I know because the School is right next to my homebrew supply shop. We have...different priorities. 😁 I could never pull off that trapeze thing in a million years. Good on Rob for never giving up! Really wish they could have won, of course, but happy that they represented Vancouver so well (as well as the deaf and CODA communities, obviously)! Wishing them all the best and fingers very much crossed that they appear on a future all-star season.
Many of these people have the attention span and brain size of insects. They were on to something with Sandra's billiard demonstration last week, and sounded like they were on their way to eliminate Peter. This week that was completely forgotten. Sounds like they're winding their way back around to him, but it is taking foreeeever. I think Alan is genuinely tickled by John. He seemed to break "character" and actually laugh when John came out of the well and joked about having been surrounded by worse vermin in Parliament, and also a few weeks ago with John pronouncing the silly bird names. I agree, Alan, I'm totally Team John, especially after he called Parv out on her BS. (I'll miss her, but I also appreciate that he didn't fall for her ACTing.)
YES! Jeez, I've been yelling at the TV "HOW IS NOBODY MENTIONING PARVATI AS A TRAITOR YOU IDIOTS?!?" but apparently they all are and the editors just aren't showing it. That's really frustrating!
Phil was the delightful guest on the Dec. 12 episode of the delightful Family Trips with the Meyers Brothers podcast. He's so fascinating...definitely a candidate for the Most Interesting Man in the World with all of his stories and travels and adventures. Well worth the listen, and the recap song at the end is perfect and hilarious!
That fight between Sam and Tricia was painfully real and so well-done. You could see how hurt they both were, and how easy it is to hurt someone you know so well by saying just the right things to push their buttons. Great acting from both of them, probably helped out by the fact that they also know each other so well in real life. I also think that fight helped to make Sam's hurt about Joel's secret more understandable. She probably wouldn't have been happy about Joel's new man and fibs about it either way, but learning about it right after she found out that Holly and Tricia, the closest people in her life before Joel, had also kept an important secret from her, just piled on and she snapped. Again, amazing acting from Bridget, really showing her pain and her work to suppress it.
Another fun article about Bridget in Rolling Stone. I like this media push for her and the show, and hopeful that it helps her and the show's Emmy consideration campaign, and also leads to more seasons! The Bawdy and Beautiful Rise of Bridget Everett
This show is just so sweet and relatable. The characters are not at all without their problems, but again, the problems are relatable. We've all had problematic family members, emotional baggage, difficult relationships, etc., but this show helps me remember that we also have wonderful people and moments in our lives to laugh and get us through. I do foresee problems when Sam finds out about Joel and SLS but I have faith in the show that it will be a blip in their friendship and they will come back together beautifully. I also have faith that I will cry buckets of happy tears when it happens.
Yeah, that was nuts. Again, it shows Gene's narcissism that he went and took care of his own self for EIGHT YEARS and then decided that he had absolved himself enough to come back and apologize and explain the situation to Leo. Also nuts that Leo rather calmly let him in. The guy is a freaking saint. The scenes with Sally were bonkerballs. I hope some of that is explained more...I still trust Hader's overall vision but there are a LOT of questions to be answered and very few episodes left! Spiking John's juice was just so awful; I'm kind of reminded of the Brock-poisoning arc from Breaking Bad when a character went from being a dangerous antihero that was still somehow sympathetic to being completely irredeemable by threatening the life of a child.
Whoever called out (cheftestant) Tom for having two modes, obstinate bully vs. goofy charming is spot on. He started out so likable but as the number of chefs have dwindled and he got called out a few times, he's definitely leaned more in to bully territory. I might have been able to forgive him for ignoring Gabri about the lamb since he was seemingly trying very hard to coach Gabri through it, but then Judge Tom came by and was a dick about how poorly Gabri was doing and Cheftestant Tom jumped right on Judge Tom's dickish bandwagon, even though it was his fault Gabri was there in the first place. Both Toms came off looking terrible in that scene.
So glad this show is back! But man, my emotions. That one reeeeally hit me where I live. My dear aunt and uncle are elderly and live on a farm; we are at the point of trying to decide when and how to proceed with their care and the property. The scene of Sam cleaning out her dad's barn hit me hard. It was also impossible to keep my dad from smoking after his stroke, so I related to that with her mom too. Just wish I had a sweet friend/roomie like Joel to help process it all with support and teenie-tinis! The moments of humor are so simple, hilarious and true. I had to pause during the pencil test/salad dressing test because I was laughing so hard right along with the characters.
While I still watch it, and while Gilmore Girls is still one of my fave shows of all time that I rewatch way too much, this show is Palladinos on steroids and I find it very much of a slog. It has enough positive elements, though, to keep me watching through the end. The visuals are always a joy...there have been a few times when I thought I should just mute it through most of the scenes to avoid the obnoxious repetitive dialogue while enjoying the sets, costumes, and photography. The scenes in the airport were visually stunning, especially the scene with Lenny in the tunnel. It was very dreamlike and symbolic, and hot damn if those two don't still have smmmokin' chemistry. (I would never turn down the dialogue on their scenes. :)) Knowing his intended role in her life on the show (career-guiding guardian angel type) and also what really happened to Bruce, it's amazing that their scenes together still have me hoping for those two crazy kids to work it out and live happily ever after. Sad that Mei had to leave the show because I really love Stephanie Hsu, but glad that they didn't shy away from the abortion and the path forward to following her dream, even if it doesn't include Joel (who has some redeeming qualities, but is still by and large a putz).
I realized how much I had missed this show when I got choked up, like, 5 seconds into the trailer. It's just sooooo good.
Spring Baking Championship - General Discussion
Iseut replied to Aethera's topic in Spring Baking Championship
Hmm...following Romy on Instagram, he posted some pics from the past SBC, and said "Memories! That was a wonderful moment! Impatient to do it again!" and tagged FN and some of the baking show casting folks. Then someone in his comments said that "I noticed that while the 2023 Spring Baking Championship episodes were being filmed in Knoxville this past summer, you weren't posting much on social media, which led me to think you just might be back on this year's season." All speculative, of course, but very interesting... I'm not usually a fan of bringing back previous contestants, but Romy was so effed over by the Cookie Salad Queen that he (and several of the other contestants) deserve another shot for sure.- 2.9k replies
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Rewatching Last Week Fights This Week Tights the other day; I know it's a lot of people's favorite, and it does have some great moments, notably the waltz, but some of the dialogue is sooooo clunky. I was cringing through the rewatch. Liz and TJ scenes are always a struggle for me to sit through, but the "You're going to make a good sister-in-law to some lucky girl..." Just ugh. Who talks like that? Literally nobody talks like that. Also Dean's "I laughed a lot tonight. You're funny!" A) Rory is not very funny and B) again, nobody talks like that. It makes Dean seem a little...touched, if ya know what I mean. If I come to this ep again, I may have to turn the sound down and just enjoy the pretty visuals.