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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. Absolutely! I personally loathe dubbing. It should certainly be available for folks unable to read subtitles, but otherwise? Nah. But people who are demanding it because they're unfamiliar with foreign movies, are just being lazy and frankly, unadventurous. To me, they're the same as people who refuse to watch black and white movies, because they've only been exposed to colour their whole lives (yes, I have actually met people like this). I won't watch anything dubbed, because it's painfully obvious, the acting is usually sub-par, and it takes me right out of the film. I'm paraphrasing here, but as Bong-Joon Ho himself so eloquently stated: if people could just find it within themselves to climb over that one inch barrier of subtitled text, they would open themselves up to a whole new world of movies.
  2. The boys and Adam thought they were following Corinne via the tracking signal, but was it really Corinne, or did someone else have her phone? That bridge was absolutely beautiful, would love to know where it is.
  3. Ooof, I like Stephen Rea's character too (and I despise developers!). That motivation didn't occur to me at all, but it totally makes sense. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a bad guy. I think she was masquerading as a pregnant woman without her husband's knowledge - waiting until he was out of the house and then getting suited up to go to baby groups. Still wondering why her husband punched Price out at the mention of Corinne's name though. Poor Jennifer Saunders - what is the DEAL with the police officer who shot her? Was he being blackmailed too? Why didn't he just identify himself if he was a legit officer - he could have obtained tons of info without doing any harm. And I'm guessing the poor Alpaca was beheaded by Mike during his PCP freakout at the bonfire?
  4. Yes! I was screaming this at my TV! Just because you give someone money once doesn't mean they'll go away. Unless you've done something truly criminal or evil, which so far doesn't seem to be the case with any of these characters, it's probably best to take your lumps and deal with whatever potential public humiliation may come and go to the authorities. (Am now getting a flashback to a Black Mirror episode that had a similar plot device). Good lord, my brain hadn't even gotten there yet. I'm still trying to figure out how the poor Alpaca lost its head, and why that one teen was running naked through the woods.
  5. Hooked! It's all so bizarre and I don't know exactly where it's going, but I'm starting to see how people are connected. Love the detective and her annoying dolt of a partner. Oh, and Stephen Rea is in it! And there are evil developers! My curretnt (un)favourite real-life villains at the moment!
  6. This was a good episode, and my hair was standing on end at the conclusion with poor Holly (after the most shit day ever) realizing she's trapped in a vehicle with a demon minion. I really like the tweaks the writers are making to the source material - they are enhancing the story big-time.
  7. Oooh, I LOVED the Mothman Prophecies! I'm still enjoying the show, although I understand how it seems convoluted and frustrating to people who haven't read the book. I like many of the tweaks they've made to the story. They've actually humanized Jack (the jerky police officer minion) a great deal in the series - he genuinely seems to be wrestling with something. The scene with Jeannie and the hoody monster (in her house) was super creepy. The hoody guy at her workplace was real and was just a random guy who had dozed off in the waiting room, but that was some skin crawling suspense! I was very moved at the ending when Ralph's son appeared pleading for him to let go. My only complaint was that this episode was dark as hell and I was having a hard time seeing what was going on. I kept fiddling with my computer screen to no avail.
  8. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, and for me it was a rare one that actually lived up to the hype. It was suspenseful, and I had absolutely no idea where it was going from start to finish. Masterful acting by the entire cast, and the characters were more than one dimensional - no clear-cut villains or heroes. It also left me with a lot to think about afterward, which movies rarely do these days. It was multi-layered with interesting themes, and certain things that can be re-examined after watching. I hope it wins some Oscars!
  9. I really enjoyed this finale, but agree with everyone about the insane time limit. Couldn't they have given the finalists five FULL days instead of three (which is really less than two and a half if you factor in the pre-show fittings). I'm blown away that they could produce all of those pieces even with a team of seamstresses. I really like both Daniel and Minju, and was happy to see them together as the final two. I think I preferred some of Daniel's earlier pieces to the ones he had in his final showing, but he at least had a narrative he was following. I disagree about his show-stopper - some have commented that it looked like a prom-gown, but I thought it was absolutely stunning (I am all about evening wear). He made the right fabric choice - it looked like liquid mercury to me. And the construction on it was beautiful - the asymmetrical skirt had pleats and volume in the right places. Well done for someone who normally only does menswear. I was surprised at how much I loved Minju's collection (minus the goofy raffia accessories - they detracted from the pieces). As one of the judges commented, she has an incredible eye for colour - I was swooning at some of the colours and fabric patterns she chose. I especially loved the cropped pink top and skirt - that fabric was divine looking whatever it was. There was also a blue patterned coat dress thingy that looked gorgeous. The only thing I really disliked in her collection was the wedding dress. I couldn't understand why the judges were all wetting themselves over it - to me it literally looked like they just haphazardly wrapped a bunch of fabric around the model bath-towel style, and then threw a cape over her head. It looked messy and half-assed to me. Apart from that, I was personally happy to see Minju win. I think her designs are different from what we usually see on fashion runways, yet they have an accessible wearability. It was touching to see her sister express regret for being such a hard-ass, and being moved by her unfettered creativity. Totally on board for more of seasons of this show! I really like Tan and Alexa together as hosts, they just need to cut out the following: The incessant 3-2-1 go! during the catwalks. The distracting runway effects - they actually obscure the clothing. I really wanted to get a better look at the outfits as the models walked. What I liked best: everyone was nice and supportive to each other! Refreshing to see a lack of drama on a reality contest show!
  10. Agreed. Denim is always a colossal snooze. It either looks utilitarian or kitschy. I actually had a hard time seeing a lot of the designs the way the runway was lit. Really didn't care for many of the designs - especially the splatter bleach. That was giving me bad flashbacks to acid washed jeans! To me Daniel was head and shoulders above everyone else. He really made that jacket look finished and high-end with the addition of the toggle closures, and the male and female outfits looked really cohesive together. I loved that his patchwork didn't look artsty craftsy, instead it actually resembled the theme he was going for. Rooting for him to win the whole thing - he's so talented for such a young guy, and has been nothing but pleasant to his fellow contestants.
  11. I wasn't paying a ton of attention to this episode, because next to street wear active wear is the type of clothing that bores me the most. However, it was interesting to see how everyone worked solo. One of my favourites was Charles's design - I thought the coat looked absolutely gorgeous, and it was great to see him soar once he was un-yoked from Angelo. And Daniel. Sigh, he also excelled sans partner. It was smart of him to choose an activity he was familiar with and do a fresh take on it. His finishing is always gorgeous - you could even see the detail on the edges of his scarf. Glad he won the challenge. Angelo - funny and sweet, but absolutely useless at actually constructing or sewing anything - i knew he'd be eliminated quickly once he went solo. Carli - Buh bye. Had no sympathy and won't miss her and her hot temper. She was so unpleasant that as I was watching, I briefly wondered if off camera she might be abusive to the people in her life. I kind of wish they were finishing the show with evening gowns which are always my favourite, instead of the last two (denim? military?) which don't have me too excited.
  12. I really did not like many of the designs for this episode. Was so glad to finally see Kiki & Farai get eliminated. I understood what Kerby was saying last episode when he was describing how high-end fashion houses often swipe designs of young up and coming designers of colour, and that they face insurmountable barriers all the time due to racial discrimination. I just think he picked the wrong hill to die on when it came to these two. Most of their designs were hot messes, and very poorly constructed to boot. Their elimination was due to a lack of talent and nothing else. The runway effects for this show were unnecessary and annoying - the constant exploding fireballs were obscuring the models and it was hard to see the designs as they walked. And I'm with the poster who commented on the previous episode thread about how irritating the constant 3-2-1 countdowns are! It's totally getting to me! Starting to get to know some of the contestants: Boy are both Claire and Carli ever sourpusses! I'm finding them both supremely unpleasant to watch. I can't believe how bent out of shape Claire was about Kiki and Farai staying. Focus on your own stuff lady! Daniel is indeed cute and easy on the eyes. I love the Dragon Princess team, but they had a narrow escape this week, and need to step things up. The fetish dudes irritate and bore me. They probably deserved to win for colourful originality this time around, but I couldn't care less about any of their designs or their "scene".
  13. I have heard her name bandied about in media for years, but I have no idea who Alexa Chung is, or why she's supposed to be famous. I'm assuming former model, current fasion/entertainment gadfly? My mouth dropped open when I saw her strolling in a short skirt the first episode. To me, her legs look like pipe-cleaners, and I can't fathom how they support the rest of her (admittedly tiny) body. Unnatural and painful to look at. I do like her as host with Tan, I just wince sometimes when I look at her. It's like she literally disappears when she turns sideways.
  14. Yes there was some actual logic behind it in the book, but I can't remember the details. There was some sort of obstacle to sneaking Terry in through the back, and I believe in the book he was also outfitted with a bullet-proof vest, so they thought he'd be okay. Me too! They seem to be making really good revisions so far. The son being away at camp for the entire book didn't quite make sense to me either (although I do seem to remember book Ralph asking his son if anything had happened and the son being adamant that Terry had never touched him). Apparently Richard Price and Dennis Lehane scripted this, so there are some ace writers making tweaks to Uncle Stevie's original material. Also loving Cythia Erivo as Holly - she's fantastic. Totally capturing the character's computer brain and social awkwardness.
  15. Professionalism isn't one of this guy's strong suits.
  16. I must say, the actor portraying him is doing an amazing job, because I just want to beat his face in repeatedly!
  17. Agreed! The visuals were really stunning. But it was so uncomfortable to watch, I don't think I could actually sit through it again.
  18. The portrayal of the Queen Mum has been very odd throughout the series. She was very popular in real-life, and unlike the show's portrayal, did not seem to have reservations about mixing with the "ordinaries" when occasions called for it. I do think she was a bit of cipher in real-life, so the show's writers are just making stuff up, and it doesn't always seem consistent from one season to the next.
  19. Has the show been cancelled? I hadn't seen anything in the media. While I'm a fan of David Fincher's work, the show didn't really wow me that much. The Bill Tench character, who wasn't set up as the lead, was the character who interested me the most, and I would have followed him into further seasons.
  20. That was my reaction as well. Disturbing and dread-filled, but gorgeously shot. The did an amazing job of creating the world of that village and the folk-art that adorned everything. Some team of Production Designers did an ace job - the movie wouldn't have been half as interesting without the sets and costumes.
  21. This is something that was confusing me too - in the book she's named Marcy, and her character is also listed in IMDB as Marcy. I could have sworn I heard her addressed by both names in first two episodes, but maybe I'm imagining things. I honestly thought I heard someone call her Marcy at some point, and then suddenly people were calling her Glory (or I actually thought it was Gloria?). Maybe I'm just nuts and not paying close enough attention. Yep, that was the purpose of his surreptitious night-time visit. Ralph needed to look Terry straight in the eyes and ask him directly parent to parent if he was the culprit. Terry's response gave him the definitive answer he needed, but certainly left him no less confused. In addition to a good job with the directing, Bateman also did some great acting in the first couple of episodes - he managed to pull off ultra-creepy, contrasted with frightened bewildered innocence. The scene with him emerging from the woods covered in blood and speaking to the little girl was really chilling.
  22. I wish they had lingered on this just a fraction longer, because it was very creepy. The kid sees the discarded pile of clothes and suddenly realizes he might not be all alone in the barn - that an intruder might be hiding upstairs in the (hayloft?) waiting to attack him.
  23. I was thinking about this as I watched as well. I knew what was going on in those scenes, because I read the book, but they were very brief and may have confused non readers. -Terry Maitland died outside the courthouse, but it took them forever to reveal it on the show -One detail for the non-book readers: The scene at the very end of Episode 2 featuring the kid hauling milk jugs in the barn (which was supremely creepy in the book) didn't linger long enough at what he was staring at. It was a pile of clothing
  24. Watched the first 2 episodes tonight - anyone else? They will unspool on a weekly basis from now on. I read the book last year, and I must say I'm pretty impressed with the adaptation so far. They've managed to pack a lot of info into the first two episodes in an economical manner. They've changed a couple of things (locale is now in Georgia rather than Oklahoma, the main character and his wife are grieving a dead son in the show, which wasn't in the novel), but otherwise it's very faithful to the novel. Casting is pretty bang on - I even pictured Jason Bateman in my head as the main suspect when I was reading the book (someone who can play popular and likeable, but also morally slippery). I was surprised by Ben Mendelsohn's casting as Ralph Anderson, as he usually plays skeevy villains, but he's an excellent actor, so he works for me in the role of a detective. Julianne Nicholson is also excellent as Bateman's wife. The only bit of casting that is bothering me is Yul Vasquez as Anderson's partner Sablo. His character in the book was quite jovial and brought some much needed levity to the story but in the show he's far too sombre. I just cannot buy that particular actor in this role, or any role for that matter. He was also in Russian Doll, and I didn't buy him in that either. All I can see when I look at him is his terrible, and very obvious dye job, and I found it distracting. Anyhow, kudos to Bateman on a good directing job with the first two episodes. Curious to see how the rest will go. Very glad to see it's an HBO production, as it definitely seems high quality so far. I was worried that it might wind up on a more cut-rate streaming service when I heard they were doing an adaptation.
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