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Everything posted by Cheezwiz

  1. I'm glad Bravo fired them, but it seems a bit late in the game. I made the mistake of reading the comments on the Variety article. The number of people trying to defend Stassi, Kristin, and those other two other dolts is utterly depressing.
  2. No you're definitely not a harpy. I was completely ignorant about what went on in previous seasons because I hadn't been watching for a few years, and I don't follow these dolts on any platforms outside of the show. So the story of what happened to Faith was new and horrifying to me. These awful people have been handsomely rewarded for being awful, and I can't believe nothing was done when they were initially bragging about it publicly. Bravo (that means YOU Andy Cohen) better step up and do something substantive. It's ratings that make bank for the cast, so I don't think I can watch anymore. I hope they lose their new houses.
  3. You know, I only started watching this trash again a couple of weeks ago after a long hiatus with no cable. I used to regard it as nothing more than a guilty pleasure, amusing myself at the antics of shallow vapid Angelinos. I've always hated Stassi, but this news is just beyond belief. What she and Kristen did is unforgivable and no different from the stunt Amy Cooper pulled in Central Park. They called the cops on an innocent person, knowing full well that she could be harmed, and gleefully bragged about it afterward. I am so glad that Karmic payback seems to be happening - I actually watched it unfold in real-time as people on Reddit began contacting Stassi's sponsors. And it's a safe bet that she's boo-hooing in her new mansion & viewing herself as the victim right now. For the first time, I'm realizing that although probably largely scripted, this show, (along with Andy Cohen's other shows) is actually dangerous. Thankfully I've never followed any of these dolts on social media or other platforms, so I haven't funded them directly, but I don't think I can watch anymore, since most make their living from ratings. God only knows what else has happened behind the scenes, but this can't be swept under the rug anymore. Andy Cohen & Lisa Vanderpump have made a fortune off of terrible people doing terrible things to other people. So, Dear Andy & Lisa, to use a quote that's been oft-repeated these past few years: STOP MAKING STUPID PEOPLE FAMOUS! And that goes for me as well!
  4. I think it's much more than that - I'm fairly certain many (if not most) of those rich white people partook of the same activities that Epstein did, which gave him an abundance of blackmail material. So in addition to his financial ponzi schemes, this was no doubt the source of his mysterious "income". He had dirt on everyone, so a lot of wealthy powerful people had to keep him happy. I'd be curious to know if Acosta had a sudden influx in his bank account after Epstein's first go-round in country-club jail. Dershowitz is scum. I still don't understand why Ghislaine Maxwell is out there free as a bird. From what I understand, she was completely obsessed with Epstein, and therefore acted as his handmaiden. I guess she must have had a very charming and engaging facade, to lure so many people in. I thought it was weird that someone who had that much money and privilege always looked like a middle-aged office administrator - even when she was young. The only thing worse than one sociopath is two of them working in tandem. The testimony of the victims was extremely powerful, and I'm very sad they will never see real justice.
  5. Fun drinking game: Binge the whole season and take a shot of tequila every time someone orders a Casamiga on camera. You'll be passed out under your coffee table in no time!
  6. I think it may have not so much been his nuttiness (alternative health practitioners are a dime a dozen in Southern California), but the way he was aggressively speaking. Initially it was fine, he was supporting his wife. But it devolved pretty quickly into him standing up, looming over everyone, pointing pretty aggressively, and going into man-splain mode. Plus he the more he spoke the more shit-faced he sounded. These twats don't have a leg to stand on, but his comportment just gave them more fuel. I was almost yelling at my screen "Dude, shut up! You're not helping" I came away deciding I didn't like him - not even as eye candy. I was very surprised at how anxious she seemed. After seeing a few more episodes, it sounded like she was trying to play a role initially, and way over-shot things.
  7. I really hated her antics at the beginning of the season, but her reactions are not always what I expect in the group gatherings, which is making her more interesting to watch than some of the other cast members.
  8. I thought it was interesting that Sutton looked really panicky & embarrassed, and it appeared she was trying to say something in Denise's defense. She was the one in Santa Barbara who quite snottily said "maybe you shouldn't have parties that include your kids", and the rest of the ladies all seemed to agree. Message received. No kids accompanied them at Kyle's. I kept waiting for the editors to flash back to that scene. I think they still would have found something to say even if Denise had brought her kids. There is simply no winning with these women. Still on TeamDenise, even though I don't think she necessarily did herself favours on this episode, especially with dropping f-bombs everywhere. I get that she was frustrated, but the only way to win with those twits is to not take the bait, and mute your reactions. Aaron is koo koo for cocoa puffs, and really loves to hear himself talk. He should not talk, because he quickly descends into nonsensical rambling woo-speak, which just gives the hyenas more ammo. I think it would have been fine for him to show support by briefly interject and say: we didn't see a problem, why are you all still harping on this? end of story. Instead he stood up and got rather aggressive with the man-splaining. He was also slurring quite noticeably. As they exited, on my close captioning (in Canada) it definitely had him saying he would crush Denise's hand, and the audio matched. I'm not going to make the leap that he's abusive based on ambiguous muffled dialogue, but I found it disturbing. As usual, Dorit looked ridiculous. I don't care what the designer label was, it looked like a diaphanous cover-up from Frederick's of Hollywood. Oh, and shut up, Teddi!
  9. Ah I see. Well I can't really imagine how it must feel to have spawned a roid-monkey sociopath like Jax, so maybe it's best for his mom not to have contact. Jax's lower jaw seems to get bigger every time he appears on camera. Soon his giant noggin will have its own weather system (TM So I Married An Axe Murderer).
  10. I've only started watching this again after many seasons, so I've missed a lot of filler. What's the deal with Jax's Mom? Has their relationship always been rocky? Was she ever shown on prior seasons?
  11. That was actually Dayna in the lime/pistachio number with the mega shoulder pads. Danica looked like she was wearing some sort of blue stretch nylon thingy with a slash through the upper part of the bodice. It is kind of hard to differentiate - too many names starting with 'D' and all equally irrelevant. Hopefully no geckos or Solid Gold dancers were harmed in the costuming process.
  12. No real surprises in Part 1. Everyone's outfits looked dumb. Jax is still a perpetual asshole. Good for Kristin for gettin' it on regularly, but she's still a mopey drip. Glad some of the gals called Schwartz out on his awful behavior toward Katie (and I don't even like Katie that much, and I like Lala even less). The allure of Max is a continued mystery to me. I DO NOT GET IT. He's not great looking, and no, Dayna, he does not have charisma. There is literally no there, there. The tweets that he and Brett had sent were awful. So much about this show seems awful, considering the context of the immediate present. Unpopular opinion: I can't stand Charli. And as someone who loathes Jax, it pains me to say so. I think she is a perfect example of scripted elements at play, because there's no way she came up with those little quips in the restaurant scenes by herself. Listen to her dim-bulb dissertation on pasta, and compare and contrast with the snappy SUR comebacks - someone was writing them for her. She's simply not that bright. The best she could do in the online reunion format was call Jax old. Real clever. I doubt there's actually a rapier wit there. She's just snotty and immensely pleased with herself at all times, which offsets the enjoyment of seeing Jax being needled. That's all I got for Part 1.
  13. So bizarre - yes, she did mention it in private convos with individual ladies, but she did it in a quiet manner, and even if her own kid laughed about it afterward, so what? There were other kids present who were not her own. What were they hoping she would do in Santa Barbara? Grovel for them? When she'd had enough and shut the conversation down, they then accused her of being passive aggressive. All it would have taken was for one or more of them to say at the party "Oops, sorry, yes we'll tone it down for a bit", or to offer a sincere apology afterward "We were tipsy and too loud, and should have reeled it in - really sorry". Instead they all got defensive and doubled-down by insinuating things about her, and attempting to embarrass her. Does Denise have a potty mouth and mention her husband's member too often? Yes. Does that invalidate a polite reasonable request? No. What a bunch of catty petty bitches.
  14. I've just caught up on this show, which I haven't watched in several years, but Covid boredom set in, and my internet provider conned me into a computer TV cable package, so here I am. When I last watched it, I think Eileen Davidson & Yo were still on, so it's been awhile! Good grief, the arguments have gotten so much duller & pettier. I guess Kyle is the only OG left, and things don't seem very happy for her. Her new house (or estate, really) is absolutely gorgeous, but I miss her old house and feel like she should have stayed there. It felt much homier than where she's currently living. I've neither liked nor hated Kyle - she has a few good points, but she also has a major mean-girl streak. She's always been a cryer, but seems a complete mess this season. Mauricio seems to have checked out completely, and that may be part of it. I've been hearing rumblings of financial trouble - I know Mo was involved in a big lawsuit a few years ago, but thought it had been settled. It took me FOREVER to differentiate between the new blonde ho-wives, but I think I've got it down: Erika initially seemed harmless to me - a good-natured trophy bride, but the claws have really come out now. I don't actually know what her problem is, since she's apparently living her best life with gobs of money and a starring role in a musical. She would look much younger and prettier if she didn't trowel on so much make-up. Sutton - I honestly thought she was going to be this season's bitchy villain at first, so what an anticlimactic come-down to see she's reduced to a quivering puddle of tears if anyone looks sideways at her. Don't like her or her ridiculous "couture" get-ups. Teddy - Yep, she's boring alright. Dorit - the one I hate the most. Not only because she apparently dumped an adopted puppy, or because she and her creepy husband seem like total grifters, but because she's so freaking annoying. I cannot stand her stupid designer outfits, her constant wide-eyed "who, me?" stare, and her faux-accented baby voice. Along with Rinna she is the main instigator on the show - why has no one called her on this? I love the theory someone posted upthread that her little restaurant decor project is probably an arrangement to pay off gambling debts. As for the others, Rinna - Hate her. Hate her signature hairdo, her over-inflated lips, her constant mugging for the camera, her shit-stirring in the guise of "let's get everything out in the open!" and "own it!!". I actually feel kind of bad for her vapid daughters - how can you compete with such a narcissist for a Mother? Garcelle - I like what I've seen so far, seems fun gorgeous and fabulous, but she's just not on the show much at all. Denise - Clearly she's this season's target. She's far from perfect, but are any of these twits? Initially to me she seemed a bit blowsy and crude, and sometimes inebriated on something. But she does seem to have a good heart, and appears to be a bit more normal and down-to-earth in her day-to-day life. The other women are ganging up on her for a perfectly reasonable request she made in her own home, and they ain't letting it go. It's funny how when the ladies were in Santa Barbara they stated that they felt she was being judgemental of them, which is absurd, and a perfect example of projection. They were certainly ALL judging her. They were 100% slut-shaming her, and assuming that Charlie's past vileness, her language around fellow adults, and her racy movie roles invalidated her request, and made her a hypocrite. Given that they were intent on humiliating her, I thought she handled them with much more firmness and grace than I would have mustered, especially since it was 5 on one. I may change my mind, but for now #TeamDenise. I hope she teams up with Garcelle, if Garcelle ever shows up to anything.
  15. Yes, that makes things even more confusing - front load mullet Brett is the same guy - he just keeps changing his hairstyle. Sometimes he looks like an emo alpaca, sometimes his hair is more slicked down. He has dark hair and eyes and speaks on camera with other cast members. If you see a dark-haired Brett in conversation, that is main player Brett (of the faux love-triangle, humiliating music video) There is secondary auxillary Brett who works behind the bar and who we rarely see. He is very fair with blondish looking hair and looks like a beefy mouth-breather frat bro. He is only shown briefly in the background, and we never see him speaking, which is probably a good thing. He's the one who got into an argument and was shoved by breathalyzer chick.
  16. Agreed - it certainly was convenient for our heroines, but I don't recall even a hint of this plot-point last season or even this season. Despite the soap-opera silliness, I was still entertained by this season because of the chemistry between the two leads. I enjoy both actresses and love how their characters play off of one another. I'll check out Season 3 whenever it lands!
  17. Yeah, there are two Bretts - as if it's not hard enough to tell everyone apart. Here's a rundown for those still confused: 1)The beefy lunkhead bartender Brett was entangled with breathalyzer chick Danica - she got a temporary suspension from her hostessing duties for pushing him (drama that happened off camera sadly). We don't see him much on the show - just the odd background shot. 2)Fitness dude Brett with the alpaca hairdo/winter hat is the one that was in the faux love triangle with Dayna and that twerpy Max dude. Also had a starring role in Scheana's latest music video, which he is clearly mortified by. I mean it's obvious he's not super-bright, but I have NO idea why he said yes to that.
  18. Oh, man! I forgot all about him from the early days of RHoBH! There was some scandal about their falling-out at the time, but I don't remember the details. I find Lisa immensely entertaining (she does seem like a long-lost Collins sister), but I agree she's most likely a manipulative narcissist. I think that's why she fascinates me - I'd love to know the real story behind the fairy-tale facade she's built. How did she and Ken REALLY make their fortune? Were they just very clever business people? The restaurant trade is one of the toughest, with the thinnest margins, even for people with lots of know-how. What is Ken's background? All I've ever heard is that he was a playboy when he met Lisa. I stopped watching RHoBH years ago, so I'm also not sure what the catalyst was for the massive falling out Lisa had and her departure he show. Anyway, I'd have to assume there are probably plenty of skeletons in the walk-in closets of Villa Rosa.
  19. As much as Prince Phillip has made appallingly insensitive gaffes throughout his public life, I didn't get the sense that he was a Nazi sympathizer simply because of who his sisters married. They were quite a bit older than him, and it doesn't sound like he was ever particularly close to them. As pointed out above by @Wordsworth, he made the choice to remain in Britain and wound up joining the British navy. I think if he subscribed to Nazism, he would have remained in Germany, and joined their military instead. It should also be pointed out that his extraordinary mother Princess Alice sheltered and gave aid to Jewish refugees during the war. Was he a typical upper-class aristocratic racist twit? Most likely. Nazi? Probably not. His Uncle-in-law David on the other hand...
  20. She did a great job this episode - I also loved the moment at the end when she was drunk and crying and confronting Perez on the beach. You really felt for her, yet it was funny and made me laugh. Also when she caught a glimpse of Jen smooching Ben, and you could totally see what she was thinking without any dialogue. Whatever the plot machinations have been this season, I've continued to enjoy the performances.
  21. Yeah, the office set-up seems really unprofessional to me. I'd be curious if that's how it's actually set up all the time, or if it's just for filming purposes. Having people sitting so closely together when they're dealing with confidential material doesn't fly.
  22. You're definitely on to something there. It's certainly a problem where I live (though not at that high of a price-point).
  23. I just finally figured out who Davina reminds me of. She's totally like one of the awkward squirrely characters Kristin Wiig would have played in an Saturday Night Live skit. She also seems super dense - just parroting verbatim to her client what one of the bald mini brokers told her - no finesse whatsoever. I don't understand why such a high end client would have anything to do with her.
  24. Wow, @LibertarianSlut, thanks so much for that run-down! There's no way I would have gleaned the whole story from digging through old posts on the internet. Holy smokes, his family sounds absolutely godawful. I now have a better understanding of why so many people are rooting for him. Hope he stays the course - he definitely appears happier and healthier this season.
  25. Just watched episode 2. The lovely Doheny drive home that Mary was selected to list for was a palate cleanser. It was a gorgeous older home that the owners had done a thoughtful restoration on. These are the kinds of homes I enjoy getting a peek into - and it was nice that the owner expressed hope that they'd find a buyer who cared about the house. It clearly wasn't flip and dump job. Mary said it was her dream home - didn't she have a dream home in Season 1? I think I really liked that one too. Guess we have similar taste in homes. It was a refreshing change from the usual stuff featured. I guess Amanza is getting the awkward newbie edit. I don't think I care for her design style. Oh Davina.
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