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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. The thing about The Tonight Show is that Johnny Carson created the late night show formula that everyone after him, right up to this very day, followed. The only one that managed to go a different route is Jon with The Daily Show. This is why, I believe, CC will do what they can to find someone that can match Jon's vision for what the show should be.
  2. And, of course, Rush Limbaugh is happy that Jon is leaving TDS, the fat bastard.
  3. If Craig Ferguson becomes the new TDS host, will Geoff Peterson become a correspondent for the show?
  4. You might as well have died Jon. Because we are all in mourning over your announcement last night. Don't give Arby's anymore of that attempted reverse advertising Jon. Othewrwise, I may go to a nearby Arby's for a beef and cheddar. I do hope the campaign to make Brownback's name synonymous with a disgusting act, like with what happened to Rick Santorum, succeeds. He deserves it for being scum. And Alabama deserves to be mocked for passing a law forbidding Sharia Law in their state, while trying to enforce their own brand of religious laws on others.
  5. If they bring in Dennis Miller or Norm MacDonald to replace Jon, I am THOUGH FOR GOOD!
  6. Hey, if we can't get Ollie to host TDS, and I don't believe he will, how about Andy Zaltzman?
  7. The right - ie, Republicans and the right wing media - would like an American president who was a brutal, strong armed dictator in their ideology. Kind of like what Cheney/Bush was or was becoming. They consider Obama an evil, brutal dictator, when in reality he's the polar opposite of their projections of him. This is what Jon showed tonight and why I'll miss him like crazycakes later this year. :(
  8. As for who will replace him, I can't imagine any of the current correspondents filling in. Jessica may be the obvious choice, but she's just an actor right now, and not involved in the writing/development part of the show the way that others who would be replacements like Stephen or Ollie or Wyatt were. Samantha and Jason were last minute fill ins, but not people you'd consider permanent replacements. Forget Ollie coming back. He's in a very, very good spot where he can create a half hour show once a week without having to worry about advertisers breathing down his neck over anything they may disapprove of. But there is something I wonder. Perhaps Bassem Youssef's appearance last night was a precursor to bigger things for him. With him being in the United States till late spring at least, maybe Jon has an eye for him filling his chair once he's gone. He's shown he has the chops to host his own show, plus, being a keen observer of what Jon has done, he can carry on his tradition. I don't know, I'm just throwing it out there. (* Being a Canadian, I'd throw my two cents in for Rick Mercer. But that will never happen. Mercer has stated, more than once, that he doesn't like being bound to a desk, like Jon has done, and would rather be out in the public.Plus, he likes being a voice of conscience in Canada, which he'd lose were he to move south of the 49th.) One more thing: Anyone taking glee in Jon leaving is a sad, pathetic loser with no sense of humor and no life! Huge hugs to you, Undercover. <:)
  9. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :.....( Seriously though, the longer there was no word about Jon renegotiating an extension to his Comedy Central contract, after it was up in late summer, the more fearful I felt he was not returning. Tonight just confirmed it. No surprise, but it still sucks massive donkey balls!
  10. It says that Bassem will be in the United States as a fellow resident at Harvard for the current spring semester. So maybe will get a chance to see him one or two more times on TDS while he's in this part of the world.
  11. I was going to say something about how Jon finally delved into the Brian Williams mess, and how the rest of the media has no business to judge him after they failed to question the Bush administration's decision for America to invade Iraq - And Megyn "Santa Claus is white, deal with it" Kelly has more credibility? Please! But what I really want to say is HOLY FUCK, BASSEM YOUSSEF TOTALLY CRUSHED IT TONIGHT!!! That had to have been the best debut of a correspondent/contributor TDS has ever had. Now that he's in America for a while as a resident fellow at Harvard, I hope we get to see more of him.
  12. To be fair here, while the others have to do four half hour shows a week, Ollie only does those once a week, which gives his writers and researchers plenty of time to delve into the week's main topic. I wouldn't be surprised if, given the three months they were off, they were looking deep into more topics to cover for the earlier part of the year. Radio Shack had been around since the early 1920s? Holy fuck, but that's old.
  13. Jon once said that the Comedian's Code of Conduct required him to make fun of everyone, friend and foe. So if Jon can go after his old housemate Anthony Weiner for taking dickpics of himself while in office, then I would expect him to do likewise with Brian Williams for fluffing up his war journal credentials.
  14. Never thought much of Chris Christie to begin with, but holy shit what a selfish luxury sponge that doofus is. Does this guy even get re-elected in New Jersey after this? What a petty little asshole John Boehner is. He's going to have egg on his face for inviting Benjamin Netunyahu to address Congress Better Call Saul looks interesting. Is it supposed to be a comedy or a drama? I never really followed Breaking Bad, so I don't know.
  15. Wes Moore was a great guest. And well needed after seeing the Children of the Corn take over Congress. Hey Thom Tillis, use toiletpaper you unsanitary douchebag!
  16. Tell us how you really feel about Mike Huckabee, stillshimpy. ;) I like Jordan. What he brings to TDS is a controlled zaniness that I find funny and likeable. Last night, where his face and shirt were covered in fake blood and he was holding the severed head of a plush doll groundhog, Jordan made me laugh out loud at the end.
  17. You don't want to vaccinate your children from measles? Fine. Don't take them out of your houses, you fucking, no nothing imbecils! Human ignorance will doom us yet I like Jordan. He made me laugh with his face covered in fake blood while holding the decapitated head of a groundhog doll. Jordan brings plenty to the TDS table. BTW, kudos to the groundhog for biting the ear of that Wisconsin mayor.
  18. Sorry you feel upset about the Patriots winning yesterday, Jon. Some of us (who managed to win $1,500 from a Super Bowl pool) were quite pleased with the outcome. :D Don't worry, Bacon Shrimpy. Some of us love you just the way you are - which is delicious! Mick Huckabee is just a stupid douchenozzle pandering to his base. Martin Short is a Canadian treasure. Nothing more to add.
  19. Yawn! In the end, I can't wait for the Patriots take on the Seahawks this Sunday. My satellite carries both U.S. feeds from Boston and Seattle, so it's interesting to see the cities of both combatants talk about the big game.
  20. Men really try to take up two seats on the subway? Are we really that big a dicks? (to coin a phrase)
  21. That New York sign language guy has a possible future outside his job. Maybe Jon could use him for something. "This is CNN. Seriously. Why are you laughing at us? Stop laughing at us!"
  22. And yet, anybody else Rupert would seem to choose would be an unmitigated embarrassment. No matter what, he can't win.
  23. Looks like the Republican hopefuls for 2016 are off and stumbling and falling on their faces. This should be hilarious, unless one of those idiots gets elected president, God forbid. Hope everyone in the northeast is safe. Looks like a nasty storm.
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