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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, Full Frontal, etc. have far exceeded what Bill started in terms of being funny and getting their message across to its audience. Bill is being left behind because of his outdated viewpoint of areas, like political correctness.
  2. I'm sure I've said this before, but we get FFwSB here in Canada on the Comedy Network, free of any sportsball. So, Neener-neener-NEEEEE-nerrrr! :P I don't know about all of you, but I felt the latest episode was underwhelming. After all the shit from the Kavanaugh hearing, I was hoping Samantha would be all fire and fury.
  3. Jamal Khashoggi's death, and the apparent coverup and excuses for it, was horrendous and infuriating. Adding Michael Kostas' usual dumbassery to it does not help in the slightest.
  4. Nothing warms my cynical heart more than seeing stupid people's behavior replayed to a large crowd laughing at them, then seeing the looks on their faces when they realized they fucked up massively. Which means "Cornerstore Caroline" will soon appear on Fox News as they rehabilitate her image to make her out to be the victim. Drumpf's now saying he will give Elizabeth Warren $1 million to her choice of charity, if he personally performs her DNA test. Meaning, he a sniveling little coward who's trying to save face and weasel his way out of forking out a million dollars, like he always does. Pay up, orange dingleberry, you lost bigly!
  5. Just when you thought Louise "The Louse" Cherry can't sink any lower, she pulls the crap she did in last night's episode. Which means, she'll go even lower next time around. I hope she gets hers soon enough.
  6. Scott Kelly backing down from his quote of Winston Churchill because some people thought Churchill was a racist prick is political correctness gone too far. But that's never been why Bill keeps whining about it. He just wants an excuse to say awful, horrible things, like the n-word, for whatever reason and not be held accountable for it, which is why he lamely keeps on making up excuses for why it's bad, like how Drumpf and Republicans keep on winning and Democrats keep on losing. So good for people like Eddie Glaude and Rebecca Traister for putting Bill in his place about his anti PC bullshit. I quite agree with Bill's New Rules sermon - and quite surprised for him about Michael Avenatti. I would have thought Avenatti was someone Bill would have wanted in office. But he should have expanded it more. New Rule: You don't get to run for the highest office in the land without any elected government experience whatsoever. That means no Oprah, no The Rock, no Ah-nuld, and NO FUCKING DRUMPF!!! Don't think I'll have any interest in watching Bill's 25th anniversary special next week. It seems to have the makings of Bill giving himself a blowjob. And I'm not looking forward to the following week's show as he's got that dirtbag Anthony Scaramucci on.
  7. If Fox News didn't take things out of context, they wouldn't be who they are, now would they? Loooove iiiiit! Did that a long time ago. Do not like the new guy. Too pretentious and insufferably know it all. Just like a fucking millennial.
  8. I totally concur. Even the interview with Mark Leibovich wasn't any help as he told people two years ago Hillary was all but assured of winning the presidency. I need more booze.
  9. Toss them Graham, Grassley, and McConnell while you're at it.
  10. That scumbag Bolsonaro just captured 46% of the vote. So there's going to be a runoff election between that scxumbag asshole and the other guy Haddad. And I can't imagine a scenario where that assholeface loses. All I can say is, please release the book Marlon Bundo Punches That Guy Right Square In The Face immediately! (and while you're at it, make an American version with Drumpf inserted in place of Bolsonaro)
  11. I swear, Bill has himself some bipolar opinions continuing on. First, he blames his usual strawmen, so-called social justice warriors for Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court justice (WTF??!!!), then he says liberals need to stop harassing well known right wingers at restaurants and other public places and go to the polls next month. What, they can't do both? Bill's always harping on liberals to stand up and fight the right, yet he's bemoaning them for doing this because he thinks it's counterproductive and will just upset the right. Bill would have been a lousy liberal in his beloved era the Sixties because all those people protesting for civil rights and against the Vietnam War are just being useless and wasting their lives. Bill's decent into irrelevance continues unabated. He'll soon join his old pal Dennis Miller on the right wing comedy circuit. And Andrew Sullivan can go eat a bag of dicks. Anyone still thinking he's a reasonable conservative needs their heads shaken.
  12. Nobody should hold their breaths hoping for a massive liberal turnout. If that were the case, we wouldn`t have had an orange fuckface in the White House to begin with.
  13. Trevor my man, some of us have been drinking heavy since that annoying orange captured the presidency two years ago. And with that POS Kavanaugh all but assured a seat in the Supreme Court, it ain't going down anytime soon.
  14. Is it just a coincidence, or am I jumping to conclusions that Miss Florence Nightingale-Graham is somehow related to Robert Graham, the villain from last seasons opener?
  15. I think calling Lindsey Graham "Baby Face Justice", after his insane nonsensical rant on Thursday, is perfect! Better than any homophobic reference thrown his way. He should be called that by all late night political comedians, including Bill Maher on pain of death. The Phillie Phanatic is cute and cuddly by anyone, not named Tommy Lasorda, when starkly compared to that nightmare known as Gritty. And as to threaten Iceburgh, the Pittsburgh Penguins mascot, who beat your side up in the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs last year? How many Cups has your side won when compared to the Penguins, hmmmm?!!! That said, Gritty would be an exceptional choice to represent Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, if God forbid he makes it there. I would have chosen a huge sack of actual bullshit, but hey this works well.
  16. Bill, has it ever occurred to you that the reason Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, won't appear on your show is not because they're afraid, but because you're an enormous hateful dickhole that is of no help to them? Remember you're Flip A District campaign where you tried to get voters of Minnesota's First not to send Jon Kyle back to Congress? That went well, didn't it? [eyeroll] And the only reason President Obama agreed to your whinny crybaby demands to be on your show was to get your audience to go out to the polls on election day. Bill's interview with Steve Bannon was exactly what I though it would be. A complete waste of time. Bill allowed Bannon's outrageous POV to flow without him feeling heat, and asked his advice what Democrats should do. As if a neo Nazi like Bannon knows what's best for liberals. Bill should know by now that when you give out an invitation to the likes of Bannon, Ann Coulter, and that Milo douche to appear on your show, they win. Their obnoxious viewpoints get legitimized and they get the added satisfaction of pissing off your audience as these people have tweeted to him.
  17. I'm sure he was glad to get that off his chest. Because that was an EPIC takedown of Kavanaugh, Graham and the entire Legion of Doom - aka, the Republican party.
  18. I can never get enough of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg getting hammered in the court of public opinion over their vile douchiness. And the hammer Ollie used on Sunday was Mjolnir. Best takedown of Facebook ever. Especially describing it as a toilet, which seems absolutely perfect to me.
  19. Love righteous indignant Samantha. And she was full court press on the entire Kavanaugh hearing and all the scuzzy players involved. Sadly, it will be for not if the polls Samantha showed about young people being half as enthusiastic about voting than seniors come to fruition on election night. It means this so-called Blue Wave™ will be nothing more than a little piddle. by the toes.
  20. If there are new MM writers, as @the captain suggested, then I would like to make an open statement to them: I'd like to hope Brackenreid talked some sense of reality to Miss Hart about her chances of landing the city coroner's position and that it'll take a lot of edge off of her. Don't know if it will. Perhaps a heart to heart with 'Becca. Is that house for real? And, if so, where is it located?
  21. Yes he is a regular contributor (although it's been awhile since we last saw him) who's title is "Trevor's Friend". Last night's was probably Neal's best on the show because he's absolutely correct that the Republican base needs Jesus. Doubt that they will though, because they've come to believe Jesus was a dirty, long haired hippy liberal who wants the rich to give to the poor. So they've created Republican Jesus™ who does the polar opposite of Real Jesus' teachings, like "the rich and powerful shall inherit the earth, while the poor and meek can go and suck the long one and choke on its fillings."
  22. Thank you Mrs. Colbert for forcing your husband to shave that fuzzy thing off his face. "They're not laughing at you. They're laughing together at you." BWAH! Brilliant. And so true.
  23. Might it be... this story? But in the end, it felt good when Trevor said to them and other Kavanaugh supporters "Get The Fuck Outta Here, Man!!!" Good fucking God! Was the entire marketing staff of the Philadelphia Flyers on meth when they came up with that monstrosity of a mascot? Of course, being a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, I can only laugh at their lame attempt.
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