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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. I really liked this episode. I thought it was quite compelling actually. Guess I'm one of the few. It was good to see Marnie have an epiphany of sorts. Hopefully it sticks and she doesn't just go running to the next d-bag.
  2. I loved LisaR in this episode. She spoke the truth about Yolanda. And I can totally see her, Kyle and LVP talking off camera about Yolanda and her being encouraged to bring up the M word. That explains the look on her face when Kyle and LVP didn't chime in on camera. They were supposed to out Yo and the other two didn't play along. This is finally getting good.
  3. I thought the episode was well done too. I was, however, uncomfortable with Pops and Dre saying that the police are thugs and confirming to young Jack that the police are the bad guys. I just can't get behind that kind of generalization because it is largely not true. No more true than saying all young black men are criminals. All that said, I think it was fine that they had statements like that in the episode because some people really do feel that way and maybe I am meant to feel uncomfortable during parts of this episode. And I loved the OJ thing. So desperate for a win that that idiot got acquitted. Finally, Dre and Bow discussing being afraid someone would try to kill Obama, that was moving. And true. It really took me back.
  4. I am a female trial attorney and I can say 100% that the sorts of things Marcia Clark had to deal with still happen today. For example, I have to give so much thought to my "first day of trial suit" to make sure it is traditional enough to satisfy jurors expectations of what they think I should look like. Meanwhile my male counterparts throw on a white shirt, dark suit and a tie and that is it. Jurors judge females initially on their looks. You just don't hear the same comments about the male attorneys. On another note, I can really identify with Marcia Clark in this case. The mistake she made was thinking the trial would actually be about the law and the facts and not the side show. You can tell she just wants to get into the courtroom and show the jury her evidence (which was pretty airtight). Cochran knew the facts were not on his side and he had to find something to distract. The outcome still makes me sick, but the development of the legal strategies is fascinating.
  5. Aneesa loses me when she calls other people children or tells them to grow up as if she is some bastion of maturity. Last time I checked, throwing a drink in someone's face or mocking someone like a second grader in the schoolyard are not signs of maturity. I hope CM wins, but surprisingly I'd be ok with Jenna too.
  6. Diablo Cody won me over with the litter of bitches comment.
  7. I think in the past there has been some pandering on this show, but Jordan singing anything with a religious bent cannot be said to be pandering if the idea is to show people who you are. If it is coming from a genuine place then how is it pandering? And I say this as someone who is no fan of Jordan or Christian music. That said, I though this finale was BORING. Not a peppy song in the bunch. I had high hopes for Leather and Lace from the rehearsal footage. but then Jeffrey (who was my favorite going in) didn't engage with Gwen and also had a harsher delivery than the song called for.
  8. I am hoping after some time Wanda meshes a little better but count me among those who just missed Charlie. Favorite line for me... "Stay in your lane Rainbow."
  9. I am really starting to believe that there is actually something wrong with Yolanda, that maybe she did have some issues with Lyme and then a bunch of charlatans got a hold of her and made it all worse. It wouldn't be the first time some alternative medicine goof ball took advantage of a rich person desperately wanting to feel better. Now she is one so much stuff she doesn't know what end is up and these "medical professionals" continue cashing the checks. Just a theory.
  10. Barrett fricking Baber.... Seriously America? WTF?
  11. I could not agree with the recapper more.. Barrett is just... ugh! I don't get it. So of course he will win. Craig Wayne Boyd anyone? And I am a big country music fan... but Barrett, just no!
  12. I just don't get Barrett. I feel like he is yelling at me. No nuance to his performances whatsoever. But I guess that is what makes music so interesting. Nails on a chalkboard to me can be music in someone else's ears. Amy is my favorite but then I also love Nora Jones and she sounds a lot like her. Madi is also interesting and pleasing to the ear.
  13. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kim-richards-son-chad-says-brandi-glanville-is-toxic-on-dr-phil-2015274 Apparently the entire family is allergic to accountability as now her son is supposedly blaming Brandi. Brandi is a nasty piece of work but you can't blame her for an addict falling off the wagon. People make choices!
  14. I have always thought Theresa was a giant asshole. Now it is confirmed. What a crap attitude she has. And good on Sarah for saying she wasn't going to apologize to Bananas.
  15. I can't decide if Whitney and Chris are profoundly uncomfortable together or just uncomfortable in a live show format but that was one uncomfortable AFTR.
  16. I could root for Wes if he just wasn't paired with the awful Theresa. I just re-watched her first season (in my defense I was sick and snowed in) and she was nasty from the start. And truly has zero room to talk about how many people Nany hooks up with. Normally I would hate a Bananas return, but it was worth it just for Theresa's reaction. Jordan and Sarah for the win!<br />
  17. Someone needs to tell poor Jenna that she is not in law school or anywhere close to attending law school if she is working on an associates degree at a community college. Poor dumb Jenna. I mean good for her for getting an education, but don't call it law school for cripes sake.
  18. Ditto on Zach. What a piece of sh&t. So men are just entitled to respect because they are men, but women only get respect if they are someone you deem worthy of being your spouse. What-freaking-ever. No woman should allow him to even touch her after seeing that. And I was so rooting for Reilly until he chimed in on that crap. It is a sad world when I am rooting for team BanaNany to come back and school them all in the final.
  19. I think the previous commenter was referencing the recap in which the writer said there were no scenes of people in the bathroom this episode. Clearly there was such a scene and the recapper missed it. That is all. As for Hannah's dad, he absolutely has something to tell her. I really hope they don't go the gay or divorce route with him, but an illness might snap Hannah out of her self-absorbed ways. I know I matured a great deal when I had to deal with a very ill parent.
  20. I shudder to think what they are going to do with this liver storyline. Having lost my dad to liver disease (post-transplant) I am sure I am a little hyper-sensitive over it. I am already annoyed that it is assumed it will be a live donor (as that is quite rare - only a few hospitals in the country do it). I am also sure I will be annoyed at how not sick Deacon will be while he goes through this. I have seen end-stage liver disease and believe me, it is a terrible thing.
  21. Nia, Theresa and Avery talking about Nany that way turned me against all of those tricks (wasn't far to go with Theresa as she sucks all the time). No mention of how "slutty" some of these guys are??? No mention of the ENTIRE REASON Nia is paired with Leroy (a casual BJ). And based on the afteshow it appears Theresa might get around herself but is just smart enough (or shady enough) to keep it all off camera. She sucks so much that I am actually rooting for Bananas and Nany to come back at the end and win - and that is something I thought I would never say due to the Bananas factor.
  22. Man Theresa is a nasty piece of work. I loved how Bananas got in the muck and called out Theresa and Avery on Nany's behalf because Nany refused to sling the mud.
  23. I agree with the sentiment that I have no feeling re Knight dying because I did not know him. However, I do know how it feels to lose someone and I know that feeling when you are trying to hold it together and are surprised at the depth of your own emotion and lack of ability to control it. That is what I saw in Jemmye and Preston and it was heart breaking. Knight's type (the type who pushes buttons just to get a reaction) is my least favorite type of person but there are people who cared about him, and have to deal with that loss. And that is sad.
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