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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. I'm no fan of Hunter but I kind of hope he and Ashley win and he takes all the money. Her meltdown would be amazing television. I hope they don't drag out the results into the reunion show like the last couple of seasons. I don't think they do based on something I heard Jemmye say on a podcast waaaaay back at the beginning of the season.
  2. I feel the need to defend Brandi. I drink quite a bit when I have a night out. I can imagine that the people I see only when I'm out could have a very wrong impression of me. These are people who don't see me the other six days a week when I am working in my very stressful and demanding job. I feel like that is what is happening with Brandi. She is being judged based on how she drinks when she is out for an evening or on vacation. It's not like she's ripped at a PTA meeting or something.
  3. I am in the Brandi-defender camp for the most part. I just have no stomach for conversations about "appropriate" behavior. Especially coming from people who behave horribly on the regular. And Kam has accomplished literally nothing other than marrying well so where does she get off judging. Same for her MIL. She married someone with money. What makes her so damn special?
  4. "Who put a nickel in Joss?" - Hahaha. Every now and then Bananas makes me laugh. That said, I did not like what he said to Devin, but I was also not liking Devin in that moment either. Devin beat Bananas ONCE in an elimination that amounted to a giant Lite Brite (kids ask your parents) so he can drop the bravado. I like that Devin isn't afraid to challenge the Bananas/vet power structure, but tone down the rhetoric dude. Cannot root for Paulie. Dude is a famewhore who chooses his girlfriends based on how many new social media followers it will get him. Have better taste Cara. I guess it is Cara and Marie for the win. The rest of these fools set an alarmingly low bar.
  5. I was starting to get excited at the prospect of Brad baiting Nelson into a fight and Nelson and awful Shane getting the boot because of it... then MTV had to show a preview for next week with Nelson's dumb face front and center. Way to ruin all suspense.
  6. I will usually defend Brandi to the ends of the earth, but her poking at LeAnne about the wedding date.... no. Just no. It really is nobody's business. And what kind of friend (looking at you D'Andra) brings this stuff up on camera. On a completely shallow note LeAnne needs to work on matching her foundation to the rest of her. There is a very clear line of demarcation between her face and her neck. It is all I can see sometimes.
  7. I never thought I would root for a Big Brother team but at this point, Josea and Dayvonne are the only team I could actually stomach winning this thing. Maybe Cara and Marie but Cara was so awful with her pursuit of Paulie way back in the beginning of this season that I'm not sure I forgive her. Maybe Brad and Kyle wouldn't make me puke entirely. Everyone else just sucks. So, so bad!
  8. I hate that my loathing of Amanda and Ashley and Shane has me rooting for Bananas a little bit. I hate Bananas but the Lavender Ladies are super fricking annoying. I didn't like Zach's attitude, but he was right about one thing... the LLs are going to have to turn on each other in the very near future. Why not vote in Ashley maybe a challenge or two before you otherwise would have had to in order to save yourself?
  9. I almost didn't watch because of Bannon. That guy is just dangerous. But I'm glad I watched. New Rules was excellent. The mid-show yearbook thing was good too. And Max Brooks's Kavanaugh as Blanche DuBois was everything!
  10. Short man syndrome. Paulie is a relatively small dude who probably always feels like he has something to prove. Hence the over-the-top aggression.
  11. Shane is such an ass. I wish Josea and Da'Vonne had picked Shane and Nelson. Those two would have never come close in an elimination like that. And Shane needs his comeuppance asap! He is the living worst on a show already chock full of garbage humans.
  12. Can we throw in Ashley's ridiculously awful hair extensions. If I can tell where your real hair ends, you didn't do it right.
  13. I didn't mind the twist, but I would have preferred an explanation as to why she killed those girls.
  14. The producers/editors have way over-estimated people's interest in Colton and Tia.... NOBODY CARES!!!!! Also, the editing was way wonky cutting footage in the wrong order. Krystal and Tia's outfits were the biggest clue, but there were also references to last night or today that would not have been correct if things were shown in the right sequence. Bye bye Bibi... I'll miss you.
  15. I'm thinking that the baby was initially placed with Brandi and Brian as a foster child after some preliminary investigation of their suitability. Then the court process begins to make the adoption official. When they started filming they might not even have been all the way through that process but it's just easier to say "we adopted" than to explain all of that. I don't know how things work in Texas so I am basing this on Ohio law and could very well be wrong.
  16. I heard Tori (Brad's ex) on a podcast not that long ago and she said Brad was a teacher's assistant and working on becoming a teacher when he up and quit to go back on The Challenge. So yeah, maybe finishing what you started with teaching would be a better way to improve your kids' lives on a permanent basis. Also, as Cara so aptly pointed out when 'ol Tony Two Kids tried to pull the kid card a couple of seasons ago - why is it her problem that you don't know how to use birth control?
  17. Shane sucks so much he makes me root for Big Brother people. Just no.
  18. Despite his supposed enlightenment and apology on MTA for acting like an entitled douche, it appears Chris is, in fact, still an entitled douche.
  19. I understand CT's frustration at the pairing, but lets face it, he is showing his age too. Although still way more competitive than Veronica. There is still something so unsavory about making your partner feel bad when they don't perform, and it is an especially bad look for a very large man, like CT, to be so hostile towards a smaller woman. If you think about it, Tori is easily just as harsh to Derrick, but for some reason that just doesn't have the same sense of menace. I could stand a Brad/Kyle victory. I cannot foresee a series of events in which it is anyone but Brad/Kyle or Bananas/Tony. And I suspect it will be one of those endings that will give the teammates an option of splitting or keeping the money.
  20. For all of us hating the pacing of the show this season, I do not think it gets better. I listened to Jemmye on a podcast after the premiere and she said it is the longest season she can remember. So now that people know about Redemption House, and the secret vote not being actually secret, how does this play out? I cannot fathom what a good strategy would be at this point. I think it is ridiculous that Paulie and Natalie get to go back to Redemption House. So stupid. No wonder this season will be endless.
  21. Completely agree re Paulie as compared to these idiots. I keep having to remind myself that he is also a heinous human. I just listened to Jemmye on the Reality Steve podcast and she had a lot of interesting things to say about this season. She did not give away the ending but did say it is worth watching and is very dramatic so I have to think they are going to give the winning team the option to screw over their teammate somehow. She also said it is another really long season, so buckle up I guess. I could not stand Faith and Angela on Ex on the Beach, but somehow I am rooting for them here. It is quite inexplicable.
  22. For sure not a good look for Cara Maria to be going after Paulie when she knows he has a girlfriend. She seems to defend herself by pointing out her own singlehood, and while I agree that it is ultimately Paulie's responsibility to stay faithful to his girlfriend, it is still pretty unsavory for Cara to be so aggressively encouraging him to cheat. Btw, I see on social media that it worked and he did cheat. It is all pretty gross. Veronica was just awful in her heydey, but I think I can root for her and CT in this go round. And yes... total B.S. on the Bananas bye week. They should have had him dig up an empty coffin. At least he would have had to DO something. And thank the reality tv gods that we were not subjected to a Bananas toast when they all got to the house.
  23. Am I the only one who just does not believe Colton? His reason defied logic. He said he was so focused on football - yeah, because football is known for getting in the way of getting some. Haha. Laughable. The he says he is "waiting for the right heart" but also said he was in love with his last girlfriend. Maybe the editing is to blame, but there is not a cohesive story here at all. I cannot figure out why he would lie about it, but I think he is lying.
  24. I used to feel sorry for Kailah because it seemed like the girls would just gang up on her and it was not obvious to me why she was so hated. Now, after her heinous behavior toward Kayleigh on Vendettas and her performance last night of a screeching howler monkey... I get it. She is awful. Could not be in a room with her for more than a minute. And Ashley... STFU. Forever.
  25. In defense of the camels, I rode camels in the Australian Outback and it was a fantastic and unforgettable experience. However, outside of Vegas - probably not so memorable. The dates were incredibly weird this episode.
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