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Everything posted by angelamh66

  1. I love Derrick, but I am not happy Joss is out of the game. Why? Because Bananas was happy Joss was out of the game. Joss was a clear threat. And if there was any doubt that Bananas is the crown prince of this sh*t, the after show was a disgusting display of kissing his ass. I keep wondering when the rest of the cast will catch their snap and all team up against him. Make him earn his way to a final. He won't. He sucks at eliminations... he is good at challenges and finals. They should be putting him in every chance they get. Maybe producers figured out that in a cast full of people who do not worship at the throne, they had to come up with a way to keep Bananas in control... hence the stupid Troika. Ugh.
  2. So glad to have John back. He has a special way of highlighting absurdity which is a useful skill in this day and age (given that every day brings something absurd). I need to laugh at this stuff or else I would cry. I just hope the US can recover from the damage Trump is doing to foreign relations. But..... her emails!!!
  3. I say they go with Yuki. Oh sure, she doesn't speak much English, but lets be honest... does anything anyone says on The Bachelor/Bachelorette actually mean anything anyway.
  4. Goodbye Eric... you were way too good for this anyway. As for Ashley... what level of screwed up do you have to be to consider losing your virginity in the context of a fricking tv show? I mean that's taking famewhore to a whole new level. Does she understand she can just date someone and not have a camera in your face?
  5. It remains so frustrating to watch people fall in line with fricking Bananas. He picks the damn troika and nobody says a word. Except Shane. Because he knows he is screwed.
  6. I get the concept behind the troika and the inquisition. It was probably designed to create more vendettas in the sense that you have three people pissed off at three other people instead of just one pissed off person who gets voted in. However, it isn't really working as good television. It is soooo boring to watch. Maybe it gets better as the cast gets smaller, but for now... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. And I reiterate my complaint that the set-up for how people get in the troika sucks because it favors the guys. You know, because the guys on this show have been traditionally oppressed by the Challenge system. Ugh. Finally, the grenade thing, at least thus far, is not working for me. Because you have to use it at the next challenge, other than taking the money, you can't really use it to help yourself because the other gender is up for elimination. They should be able to bank those things and use them at will. As for Tony, I thought he learned his lesson last season when he teamed up with Hunter after he realized his "alliance" had reached the point where they were no longer going to protect him. Guess not because he is back up the Banana butt. Ugh!!!
  7. Overtime was even more weird if you can imagine. I really never need to hear Scaramucci speak again. Shut the eff up with that tired Trump is the champion of the working class nonsense. Who is still buying that line of crap? Oy! Bill was a little deer in the headlight while the panel just went at it amongst themselves. Don't think I've ever seen him like that.
  8. Good lord Bill interrupted a lot this episode. Even more than usual. I didn't really understand what McNamee was trying to say, but how could I when Bill kept interrupting. Loved Michelle Goldberg. Schooled indeed.
  9. I truly did not know Miller's history. And this hateful SOB has the ear of the president. That is just a terrifying encapsulation of this entire administration. I ask myself "what the f&^k is wrong with people" on a daily basis. I do not see it stopping any time soon.
  10. No. You are not. The way this is set up now, if there is a female in the Troika at all, it will likely be only one. The women won't ever be able to control the game and that sucks because it forces them to cowtow to the likes of Johnny et al., to stay around. I am hoping against hope that Devin somehow pulls off some next level strategy and gets people on his side to defeat the usual suspects.
  11. I saw that too. Soooo barfy!!!
  12. In case anyone is interested, Tori (Brad's ex wife) is on Reality Steve's podcast this week. It's a pretty interesting interview. Apparently Brad and dipshit Britni are still together... barf!!! As for Natalie, I just can't with her... Bananas and his junior high flirting technique??? Really??
  13. Dammit Brad, now it's impossible to root for you. Britni??? Really????
  14. That was a tremendous waste of time and there is a freaking Part 2?? And no Camila is generally a good thing in my book, but the way MTV is protecting her racist ass right now makes me sick.
  15. LeAnne is just awful. There are no two ways about it. Perfect example is her attempt at justifying the Round Up declaration by saying it was in response to Cary's comment about Rich's package. Anyone with a television can see that is some revisionist history at its finest. But lets put that aside and say Cary did make her comment first.... so? Does one person's basic a$$ insult about your fiance make it OK to drop a nuke like LeAnne did. I am sorry, but no. Someone saying something crappy first does not absolve you from saying something more crappy after. LeAnne went to the Vicki Gunvalson school of justification and that sh&t just does not fly...
  16. CM going all cheerleader when Camila won and made it to the finals... not a good look. I know they have an alliance, but Camila sucks. And on that subject... I know it is old news but it still pisses me off that Camila is even still here. They kicked Nelson off for "consistently disruptive behavior." I know he hit someone, but that was not the cited justification for his removal. Camila has been far more disruptive and dangerous. The night she went on her racist tirade she was brandishing weights to use as weapons. She hits someone with one of those... she could actually kill someone. Plus, it goes without saying, that there should be no place for her in the MTV world (or anywhere really) after the racist crap that came out of her mouth. The fact that MTV lets it slide and will continue to bring her back makes me sick. Let's hope she loses the final due to her own f*ck up so we don't have to hear her endlessly bitch about being dragged down by a partner. I would love to see Derek or CT win. I am team Tori on the girl's side despite my multiple seasons of rooting for CM.
  17. If you are paranoid, so am I because I had the same thought. But I am thinking that even if Hunter has to bow out, the other two guys can just compete for the last spot in the finals. If they brought him back I would be screaming producer shenanigans from the top of my lungs.
  18. Even though CM is showing her ass this season, I was still rooting for her in the Redemption challenge. And then... I saw how happy Camilla was and I felt a bit differently about it. For the last spots in the final, I would like to see Hunter or Derek and Jenna. I would even take Kailah over Camilla. Camilla is the worst. Positives from the episode... bye bye to Bananas and the wretched Britni.
  19. I for sure wanted the main alliance broken up for the simple fact that its existence is for the express purpose to give Bananas a free ride to the final. So good for Hunter. But the side effect of having Tony stick around is almost not worth it. Almost. I still haven't forgiven Tony for cheaply winning against Darrell, but he at least had the brain power to figure out that his so-called alliance was about to cut him loose. He teamed up with Hunter at the right time. I have to give him credit for that. I still want CT to come back and win though. Really, anyone but Bananas will do at this point. As for the women, Camilla just needs to go away. She is the WORST. And I too notice that the editing is definitely covering up her crap behavior with Leroy and Nelson. She is a straight up racist and a terrible human all the way around. Why do they protect her. She isn't even good television anymore. She needs to be in heavy therapy or something. I always like Cara but she lost me last night a little. I could handle her coming back and running the final though. I would probably be rooting for Jenna at this point though.
  20. I find Brandi and Stephanie funny for purposes of this show only. In real life, their kind of humor is not my kind of humor (although I do love Brandi's impressions). I am more snarky than goofy. That said, Kameron is an insufferable asshole. Going the "I wasn't raised that way" route is always going to make you look like a self-righteous pain in the ass. If it just isn't funny to her, just say that. No need to hop on the moral high horse over it.
  21. Freaking Lydia. She was sure putting her judgey pants on about the belly dancer. She's the worst.
  22. Please oh please let it be Camilla that gets the immediate trip to the Redemption House. Maybe Aneesa will just drown her in the pool then. Camilla is just wretched. If she wins this season I will puke. Also I am concerned about the amount of Britni (or whatever) footage.... I will puke if she wins as well. She just bugs. So thirsty.
  23. I am glad I am not alone... I keep waiting for some twist that brings Darrell back. I still get mad when I think about freaking Tony winning that battle. So stupid.
  24. I am also quite disappointed that Darrell didn't make it back in the house. They really needed a different game for the redemption people. Or to have allowed the top 2 to come back. And I could have tolerated literally anyone else but Tony making it back in. The editing (with the vision of his kids and the church-y song) has me veeeery concerned that he ends up winning. I will throw up in my mouth. I would almost rather have the Banana win than freaking Tony. Almost. Team CT or Derrick. That is where I am right now. And for the girls, Cara Maria, Jenna, or Aneesa would be a-ok with me.
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