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Everything posted by Umbelina

  1. Interesting. I could see Martha beginning an attraction to him, getting closer, realizing she jumped at the first guy to come on to her, and there are other fish in the sea. After an argument with Clark, or after his refusal to consider kids, she may begin to confide in Aderholt it bits and drabs. Aderholt might be the one to figure out Clark is not exactly on the up and up. I keep thinking the gun comes into play on Clark, but it could easily go either way.
  2. Aw come on, are we going to worry about a riff on a title? ;) I love Don't Say My Name: Breaking Bad Free Zone. (or thread)
  3. http://www.csmonitor.com/1980/0923/092342.html This is very interesting, some more "real" KGB embedded spies,and one who turned double agent for the US after caught.
  4. http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/the-americans/extras There are several commentary videos and inside the episode clips as well here.
  5. I thought the daughter, her date, and some friends were coming back to the house to party there after? Who knows? It was a sad scene though. IF (big if) Kim is bi-polar, that might explain her addictions. Many bi-polars try to self medicate, to either even out the highs and lows, or to get back to a high or calm state. Also, medications for bi-polar are not exact, doctors do often try several drugs, and combinations, some work, some make it worse, and they hit the drawing board again. It's a scary thing really. I had a bi-polar friend who killed herself during one of those lows. None of the medications ever really helped her.
  6. When did Kyle physically attack Kim? Limo, Adrienne had to hold her back.
  7. So Kim is believable when she praises Kyle, but a liar when she criticizes her? Interesting.
  8. That's why I think Kyle is using Lipsa as her mouthpiece. She was burned when she shouted out Kim's problems, and physically attacked her, so she's got her good friend Lipsa to do it for her this time.
  9. I'm a bit confused. Obviously the major storyline for this season is the recruitment of Paige. Do you want no further discussion of that in episode threads? The errors made in recruiting Jared influence both the KGB's handling of this recruitment, and Elizabeth and Philip's reactions to it as well. Or at the very least, increase their fears of both the wisdom of Center, and the possible outcomes for Paige, and for them, should she freak out and expose them, or hate them. So you want all discussion of that storyline to go in the new thread?
  10. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390444097904577537044185191340 Real life child of embedded spies was recruited by his parents. He was 20, and it's still classified about when they recruited him, and how. They mention another teenage son that had no idea. Very interesting article sistermagpie linked.
  11. Cool, he was twenty though, so we don't know when they recruited him. 14 is just too young to be safe I think. Taking the rest to the "real life spies" thread.
  12. I'd settle for one link. I've read a ton of spy stuff, kind of a favorite of mine, and I've never heard about embedded spies bringing their children into it, let alone it being a thing with the KBG or any intelligence service. Sounds fascinating.
  13. All of the scenes at home, or only with their families are rehearsed or completely set up, not just Lisa's. The only time something spontaneous happens is when there is a group of "wives" together, and they aren't all friends who planned it out in advance. At least one outcast must be present for that to happen really.
  14. Cool idea, but honestly, I think it's very doubtful that Clark's "marriage" to Martha would stand up to any kind of background check to be a foster parent. Frankly, I doubt their background would stand up to Paige ever infiltrating something very top secret in the USA either. Even in the eighties, background checks were thorough. I was (randomly) interviewed just because I was a coworker (one of hundreds, and I didn't know the guy very well) that was applying for a job with a security agency. His parents, fiance, fiance's parents, siblings, bosses, friends were vetted extremely well as well.
  15. Where did you hear this was done in real life? That would be a fascinating story, and I want to read it! Anyway, we shall see. Gabriel doesn't seem to be pushing them to tell Paige. That may have just been their first gambit. I think the two agents are lying about the plan, not that they believe the plan, as stated so far, is what they really want. I think it's a just lure for Elizabeth. ETA, I do think they will tell her though, just not before she's recruited, perhaps against orders, the scenes would be too good to pass up. First the angst of Elizabeth's thwarted dreams, and the whole pretending not to know stuff. Also, even though Jared's death scenes were packed with exposition, no, he didn't spell out how he was being fooled. That's what I saw and felt while watching it, and how OTT his anger was, and how proud he was that he was a spy, and a man, and loved by Sexy Spy, and how much he hated his parents.
  16. Watch Jared's death scene. It's all there. With very minor "reading between the lines." I don't think anyone in the KGB thought, or even considered, that Jared would react that way. Including Sexy Spy. They were undoubtedly shocked as hell. That's why I see them being more cautious with Paige. They don't want any more shockers. It's also why Jared's story then is very tied to Paige's story NOW, and in upcoming episodes. It's pretty hard to discuss one, when the specter of the only other "child of spies being recruited" ended so badly.
  17. Yeah, Jared didn't tell, he just killed them, and the KGB lost two deeply embedded agents. The Jared story is very different, and also a cautionary tale for the KGB. They will be more careful with Paige because they learned from their Jared mistakes. 1. They ordered his parents to tell him and recruit him. 2. They vehemently said NO! 3. The KGB went behind the parents back with Sexy Spy who recruited/seduced him, and, to secure his allegiance to HER and away from loving his parents, drove home how they didn't respect him, obviously thought he was immature, and oh by the way, have lied to you every day of your life, and don't think you are capable of being a spy. With Paige, it makes absolutely no sense that they would expose Philip and Elizabeth's real job to a hormonal teenager. What if she goes to a kegger and drunkenly spills information? What about all that "first love, tell each other everything, because obviously our love will last forever" stuff? The KGB may underestimate the differences in child discipline when the child doesn't live in a totalitarian state, but they aren't completely blind to how emotional teenagers can be. They tried to use that emotion to recruit Jared. It just makes no sense that the KGB would take that kind of gamble. Not until they evaluate Paige, which will mean her parents spying on her and reporting back about her. Someone else has to approach her to maintain their safety. This time they won't try to turn the child against the parents, because that was a disaster. They will let the parents know, lead Elizabeth on to the glories of "getting real" with her daughter, and then delay delay delay that talk Elizabeth's dreaming of, until the KGB is damn sure Paige is in so deep she won't rat out her parents in horror, or decide to kill them, as Jared did. Elizabeth's trainee is just a bit too convenient to not be the one the KGB will use for Paige. Storytelling 101 there, not so much KGB. As for Claudia? She's a senior spy, she lies. All spies lie, and do it well, it's part of the gig. It may have just been the KGB's way of softening up Elizabeth and Philip for the more elaborate plan they were forming. All Gabe is talking about is preparing Paige, and asking about progress reports. In truth, he may be grooming Philip and Elizabeth to accept that their daughter WILL spy for mother Russia, simply by pretending they will be more involved with that then they think, or sooner than they think. Of course I could be wrong, but if I am, this show will lose all credibility to me, because it would be beyond boneheaded for the KGB to do that, especially after the Jared fiasco. ETA True, Paige isn't valuable to the KGB without her parents. Eventually I'm sure the KGB plans to reveal all to Paige. AFTER they trust her, and she's grown a bit, or in too deep to get out.
  18. Who knows? Maybe she was on the phone with Brandi when it happened and all hell broke loose and he pinned screaming Kim to the floor away from the phone? Let's hope someone spills, because the possibilities are endless. My money is on Kyle to spill.
  19. Yeah, that would make Brandi call Kyle at 2AM. I bet it had something to do with her son. (and drugs, at least on her part, heck, the stiffed dealer wouldn't surprise me either.)
  20. So do all intelligence services. I read several books from that CIA commentator on CNN. He also did the commentary and consulted on RED (that cools movie about older spies.) He says they always assume they are bugged by their own people. Robert Baer. He also recommended books by Alan Furst, so I read them all. He said that Alan was the most realistic of the spy novelists, had it down on that commentary. http://www.alanfurst.net/
  21. I think they would tell Elizabeth and Philip that Paige was about to be recruited, so get ready to be extra supportive IN CASE she told them something, and of course, to report back whatever Paige might tell them. I don't think the KGB will blindside P & E, they might get the heads up that it's about to happen. It just makes absolutely no sense that the KGB would let Philip or Elizabeth expose themselves, and that explains why hunky trainee is on the show this season. It all fits. I agree, Philip will be furious, he already is though. Elizabeth is about to join him in that I think, because I really believe she thinks they want her to do it, and she's looking forward to her first "real" talks with her daughter. DENIED.
  22. Jared's parents said "No way!" so the KGB went behind their backs. Then they compounded that error by having Sexy Spy seduce him, and turn him, partly by discrediting his lying parents. They won't make that mistake again. Think about it, it makes sense for them to groom her for the spy that approaches her, then later, once she's proven herself, for that spy to tell suggest she tells her parents. Frankly, I think the KGB might prefer it be compartmentalized and for Paige to never know about her parents involvement. That would be a real trip. Neither Elizabeth, nor Philip would get what they want. Elizabeth has all of the dreams of sharing their Russian patriotism and courage together, but we don't know if Gabriel is just stringing her along. It's too big a risk for a hormonal teenager to know her parents are enemies of the USA. What if she is suddenly crushing on a red white and blue patriot football team captain in a year or two? To protect Philip and Elizabeth, I think the KGB will cut them right out of the actual approach to join, at the very least, perhaps then prohibit them from telling Paige at all, "until she's older." Really, "until we truly trust her." Elizabeth was recruited young, but she wasn't sent into enemy territory for a long time. Paige is already there.
  23. I was responding to several posts about how Kyle got Kim her job on Bravo, and asked how did we know that, speculated on other ways, just as probable, it could have happened. Later a poster told me Kyle said it on WWHL and Andy didn't contradict her.
  24. I think Elizabeth expects to be the one to tell Paige, but realistically, there is no way the KGB would let her or Philip do that. The want them to "groom her" to be ready for the pitch. That way, Paige says no? Mom and Dad's covers are still intact, no need to kill Paige. So, yeah, it does make sense. I don't think it's dawned on Elizabeth yet though, not sure of Philip.
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