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Everything posted by Tatum

  1. The Ashley wrote a little blurb about the upcoming trailer, and mentioned that she'd heard from some inside sources that the cast of TM2 are pretty over being filmed and that this is likely the last season, and that the cast is ready to move on with their lives. That makes sense for Chelsea, and possibly Kail, who probably consider this show a source of embarrassment, but WHAT exactly does moving on mean for Leah and Jenelle? How is Leah going to hook another fish without her D list fame? How will Jenelle pay her legal bills?
  2. Well, not right of C&T, but...you get what you pay for. If, of all the legit charities and fundraisers out there, the one that tugs at your heartstrings is funding higher education for two lazy kids who are making 6 figures a season, then you kind of deserve to get taken.
  3. Besides Chelsea, the only tolerable adult is Barbara. I want to feel sorry for Javi, but I just can't understand his hurry to rush Kail down the aisle and knock her up. He had every warning possible to RUN the other way and ignored it.
  4. During her 16 and Pregnant episode, Jenelle did tell her friend that Barb suggested an abortion along with adoption (I remember because Jenelle was talking in an odd voice trying to mimic Barb but with Jenelle's Forrest Gump flat affect it didn't really work) so I think abortion was a possibility in the beginning. I think Jenelle went through with the pregnancy solely because Barb didn't want her to do so. I was infuriated watching her abandon her son at nights and tell her mom, I'm still just a kid, I need to be just a kid. Bitch, had you listened to your mom and gotten an abortion or picked adoption you could have still been a kid!
  5. well, Amber DOES have a head start only in that her loser boyfriend actually wants to get married.
  6. Yeah, I don't think he's like, a kept man or anything, but he probably doesn't earn much money, compared to Maci. I would guess any mortgage amount would be based on his income alone (since Maci's is considered non stable), so Maci probably had to put a pretty large chunk down to get the mortgage down to what the lender would be comfortable financing (based on someone who probably earns $30-40K a year- I'd guess the most Taylor could qualify for is around $100K, unless his income and job history is much better than I estimated). So, maybe he has a $100K mortgage and she put down $100K? I don't know what Chatanooga real estate looks like and if you can buy a nice house there for $200K. According to a three second google search, the average listing in 2015 is $244K. But there are obviously some ritzier areas than others. I work on the commercial side of real estate investment financing, so I don't know about consumers, but we would not accept an applicant who's income (regardless of how high) was based on earnings from a reality show, particularly if negotiated on a season by season basis.
  7. If I am reading it correctly, it was purchased in 2000 for $140K, and the owner either tried to sell it for a loss or lost in a foreclosure and the bank tried to sell it for a loss, dropping the price numerous times until it was sold in 2012 for $36K. Then, the new owner, be it C&T or this professional rehab-er, made a bunch of upgrades and renovations, and then tried unsuccessfully to flip it in 2014. The listing was likely pulled due to lack of interest and it would be better to just hang on to it and try again later than sell for another loss (because I am guessing on top of the initial investment of $36K, thousands of dollars went into rehabbing). I know I read that C&T bought the house and were rehabbing it themselves, but that just does not jive with anything we've seen C&T do. Those are the two laziest people I've ever seen- even if they hired a bunch of third party contractors, for what they would spend, why would they just not buy a new(er) house with no need for rehabbing? I think that house was built in the early 20th century. Plus, I just really can't see C&T deciding to create a trust for the purpose of buying a house. Given the additional information provided about the business address of the trust and the other properties held in name of the same trust, I think it's much likelier that C&T are renting this house vs moonlighting as real estate developers. As to why all the articles say they bought it, I don't know. Definitely weird.
  8. I think Cate doesn't want to work. And I don't mean just because she's lazy- I think Cate has dreams of being a stay at home mom who bakes cookies and is involved with school activities and mommy and me classes. She specifically mentioned during 16 and Pregnant that one of the reasons she chose Teresa is because Teresa had said in her adoption binder that once they had kids, she would stay home with them. I think Teresa is probably the person Cate would most like to emulate. Being a stay at home mom is not financially feasible for everyone, but it actually COULD have been for Cate had they made better long term spending/investment decisions. Not everyone desires a high powered career and staying at home with your kids is a noble calling- but regardless, whether you want to work or stay home, you need to have a plan in place. All these girls are just winging it and may have enough saved up to last a year or two without another MTV check, but eventually, they're going to be broke.
  9. That sounds like a house sold on a contract for deed. However, I think in that case, the ownership does transfer to the buyer, but the foreclosure process for the seller is much, much easier than in a traditional bank owned mortgage. I think they can pretty much send a letter and change the locks and the buyer is out. While the article on the previous page extolls the virtues of land trusts, I just can't imagine C&T making considerations such as liability and tax benefits and deciding to create a trust- and who in their lives would even advise them to do this? Butch? A number of sources (granted, sources like Wet Paint and Teen Mom Junkie) do specifically say C&T bought the house, but as soon as I heard the ownership was a trust I was rather skeptical. I hope they own it though- if only because the rent on that place has to be more than a mortgage would, and C&T don't even have the asset at the end of the day. I just don't know with these guys. The TM1 participants are some of the least financially savvy people I've ever seen on reality TV, and that's saying something. For the cost of one salon appt, these guys could meet with planners who would help them understand the best way to manage their money (I mean, the initial consultation would cost what a salon appt would, not the ongoing money management costs), and these stupid kids just won't consider it. Do they really think MTV is going to be paying them 10 years from now?
  10. Tatum


    Supposedly, Mackenzie took down that page, because she "misunderstood" how it works, and doesn't want to solicit money from her fans. It does sound like the site she used is more geared towards men who "invest" in the girl's rack and their payment is pictures of the finished product, vs the traditional gofundme accounts where everyone is encouraged to donate. Farrah may be right that it was tacky of Mackenzie to create a page, but it only comes off as Farrah using that as a venue to humble brag that she got her implants for free because she's such a big name rather than being offended by Mackenzie's poor etiquette.
  11. I don't side-eye unusual names, but I do kind of question the point of giving your kid a traditional name with a crazy spelling. I mean, yeah, weird to name your kid "Apple" but no one is going to struggle to pronounce it or spell it. Funny timing- my facebook newsfeed this morning had like 6 people referencing someone named Airwrecka (Erica). Wow.
  12. OMG, I laughed so hard. I'm still sitting at my desk giggling to myself, particularly over the text war with the Hairy Fairy. I do think though you gave Amber WAY too much credit. She was off the couch for most of the day, and taking Leah to the park almost counts as exercise. I mean, she'd have to at least walk from the car to the playground, and you know Leah is going to want to be pushed on the swing. I would revise it a couple ways- 1. send Matt out to pick up lunch and bring it home- you know the paparazzi might be in a harassing mood and Amber has way too much stress in her life right now, plus, she's not leaving her couch for TWO meals in one day, and 2. I would argue that Amber brings Matt to the park so he can push Leah on the swings and help her with the monkey bars, because A. he's bonding with her, and B. Amber is far too busy texting Gary reminding him what an awesome mom she is for taking Leah to the park while Gary remains rooted to his chair eating a ham sandwich.
  13. When Farrah got hosed over that Craigslist scheme, wasn't the crew pretty quiet, save for the occasional smothered snicker?
  14. I mean, prior to C&T buying it in 2012, it was last sold in 2000. Looks like it changed ownership a few times between 2000 and 2012, but not via a property sale. Probably foreclosure.
  15. Haha, Darlene. That's hilarious. I found the listing on Zillow. I'm sure my company loves how I am spending my time this afternoon. Sadly, the house was sold in 2000 for a little under $140,000. Just heartbreaking to see the economic collapse of some of these areas. Also, per Zillow, it was briefly listed for sale and then removed in 2014. Interesting.
  16. I tried to use Google to find their physical address and came up empty, so at least you're a stalker who got results, unlike me, who is just a would be stalker foiled by google. I wonder what the reasoning was for creating a trust to purchase the house. Unless the trust was already in existence. That seems to add a complication if (or when) C&T break up. At any rate, at $36K, I would really hope they purchased it outright without financing. Considering though that a potential mortgage is still less monthly than even the cheapest rent, it's not a bad investment. However, if they want to move, they may have some trouble unloading the house, given the dismal job market.
  17. Was that in St Clair County? I checked out the property tax site and although you can search by owner name, I could find nothing under their names. OK, for $36K, even if they financed 100% of it, on a 180 month amort, that's still less than $300 a month. They should be fine.
  18. Well, it appears that the house C&T live in is not that extravagant, and I think they live in a fairly low cost of living area of Michigan, so if they bought it a few years ago when the market had bottomed out they possibly DID pay cash for it, or put down a very significant portion. Even if they only put down the standard 20%, if they can manage to live there for a few more years, they should have some decent equity built up if the mortgage becomes too much for them. Something I will say for Cate- I don't think she's that materialistic or that it takes a whole lot to make her happy. Even a modest house or car is great if it's her own. She does throw down a lot of money for takeout and coffees, but I don't see her frequently getting her hair or nails done or getting lots of tattoos, and even her vacations are pretty affordable. Cate seems like someone who is perfectly happy to live the middle class life and doesn't desire a McMansion or a yacht or trips to Fiji- just a house she can call her own that she knows will always be there.
  19. I've always thought Maci acted in a way that was very calculated for the cameras. Not necessarily putting on an act, but definitely trying to manipulate how she (and Ryan) would appear to viewers.
  20. Cate has always struck me as an elderly lady trapped in a young person's body. Remember that episode a few seasons ago where she was all excited to go to B&B with Tyler? It looked like a place where senior citizens celebrate 50 year wedding anniversaries, and have brunch and go antiquing, not where two 21 year old kids go.
  21. No doubt. But I think the poster meant Amber couldn't be assed to physically write the check, not that she was claiming there was no money in her bank account.
  22. While I agree that parenting is more than just being able to (at the present moment) pay the bills, I can see why Cate thinks of owning a house as coming a long way. During her 16 and Pregnant episode, her biggest reason for giving up Carly (which she tearfully explained to Dawn, Brandon, and Teresa) was that she couldn't guarantee that she herself would always have a stable home, given April's troubles. It was one thing for her, at 16, to have to rely on extended relatives or friends to stay with when things with April got hairy, but she couldn't drag Carly into that, and she wanted Carly to always know she had a home, rather than borrowed time on someone's couch. So, I can see why buying a house is a really big deal to someone who spent periods of their childhood not feeling like they had a home. Yes, Cate and Tyler are unemployed, uneducated, lack any sort of personal accountability or responsibility or work ethic, and those are character flaws which will bleed into their parenting skills. But Cate doesn't have the maturity to see that. Well, they do have to pay income taxes, and since none of them have jobs, they have to use their earnings to pay not just rent, or mortgages, but also car payments, insurance, property taxes (if they own), gas, food, utilities, daycare, vacations, tattoos, plastic surgery, electronics, hair/nails grooming, school, etc- I am sure all these morons are unwilling to sink a significant portion of their cash into a long term investment like a house because that means they might have to actually get a job in order to pay day to day expenses. Really, I am not sure any of these fools should be buying houses, either with cash or through financing. A house isn't always a good investment, particularly if you're unsure where you want to live and prone to moving a lot (ahem, Farrah and Maci). Even if you're able to resell your house in a short time without a loss, you'll pay through the nose in real estate and closing fees and are unlikely to recoup your investment in a short time (and if you do, then you're on the hook for capital gains taxes). You could try and rent it out, I guess, but that has its own pitfalls, and any rental income they received would probably be swallowed up by management companies, since all these participants are way too lazy to manage the properties themselves. I wonder if any of these girls have sat down with a financial planner who has explained that at some point the gravy train WILL STOP, and these girls will be in their mid 20s with no job skills and half finished degrees (at best) that are completely useless, and they would really be best off living on a modest budget while investing their earnings. I am pretty sure Randy has forced Chelsea to do something similar and luckily, Chelsea, in spite of whatever bad judgment she's shown in the past, is wise enough to realize that Randy is probably right.
  23. Tatum


    To think I once said that this drivel was superior to TM2. I cannot get over how boring this season was. The funny thing is, prior to the season airing, Maci reportedly said she wasn't going to do it, but decided it would be "fun" for the viewers to see how much everything has changed in 6 years. I hope this show does get cancelled. Interesting to see which relationship - Simon/Farrah, Maci/Taylor, Cate/Tyler, and Amber/Whoever is still intact after that.
  24. There hasn't been any announcement as far as I know. Just pictures of Maci on various gossip sites wearing what appears to be an engagement ring on her left hand ring finger. A current engagement at this time is only speculation, but appears to be somewhat warranted. I would bet that the reason there was no on camera proposal was that Taylor probably tried to involve Bentley, like Kail's husband did with Isaac on TM2. Which, if true, was probably a real burn on Maci because I bet she would have loved a proposal on camera. But again, all speculation.
  25. Tatum


    First off, can I say how much I love the term "feral" in reference to Sophia. Second, ugh- I can't stand when people willingly get involved with those in the public eye, and then bitch about the cameras. Hey Simon, say with a straight face you'd be dating Farrah if it weren't for the "bad mood causing" MTV crew.
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