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Everything posted by BlackberryJam

  1. Before I forget, Iain Glenn wasn't actually carrying Peter Dinklage and throwing him in the boat. It was pretty obviously a doll from the flop factor. It wasn't as bad as American Sniper though. Yes, Cersei looked like an idiot which is exactly what she is. She makes bad decision after bad decision while pretending like her decisions are brilliant. I thought the High Sparrow refusing her wine (while she stared at it like Jaime staring at Tarth) and then having the Faith Militant destroy the wine was a brilliant FUCK YOU to Cersei and really shows who was in charge of that conversation. If the HIgh Sparrow had told Cersei that the Faith didn't approve of drinking, she never would have supported them. Instead, the High Sparrow manages to refuse the wine all the while making Cersei think her one true love is safe. Then we get to see the wine spilling in the streets. Hah. Same thing with having Loras arrested on a morals charge. Perfect idiotic short-sighted Cersei. The exact same kind of morals charge is going to bounce back on her. Cersei is just not as smart as she thinks she is. I think Stannis is the goner, not Shireen. Melisandre has slept with three guys in three seasons. Not exactly slutty. Sure, she does it for power, but she's not a rampant slut. Loved Bronn and Jaime, the Cooper and Darnell show. Loved the thunk of the sword on golden hand and loved the sword then being stuck in that hand. Jaime's heart eyes at Tarth was perfect and really mirrors how he frequently thinks about Brienne on his Riverlands campaign. (It's just Jaime x Brienne if you're looking around Tumblr.) We did see full frontal male this episode. Of course it's old icky dudes with flaccid small ones. *sigh* My kingdom for a pretty penis.
  2. Why would any think Sansa would be okay marrying the son of the man who helped murder her mother and brother? Why. I just don't know. It's not as if she watched her father get beheaded then wandered around King's Landing declaring Joffrey her one true love and calling her father and brother a traitor. Just because we, the viewers, were aware of Sansa's completely misery doesn't many the Boltons were. Sansa, from an outsider's perspective, completely broke from her family. Which ...wasn't that part of GRRM's original plan? And let's not assume Roose and Ramsay Bolton have any insight into women...or emotion even.
  3. In the nude scene with Jon and Ygritte, they actually had to use a body double for Kit Harington as he had broken his ankle. So it wasn't even him.
  4. It's a reference about Jon Snow in A Dance with Dragons. Kill the boy and let the man be born.
  5. Oh, that's good for the corrupt wish thread.
  6. Just clarifying. The prophecy says nothing about a "younger, more beautiful queen." The prophecy says Cersei will be queen until there comes "another, younger and more beautiful." The AYMB doesn't need to be a queen at all. That kind of drives me nuts, it's not YMBQ. All it says is that Cersei will be queen until someone younger and more beautiful comes along and takes everything from her. That being said, Cersei interprets it as YMBQ and thinks it's Marg and Cersei is wrong about everything. I think they left out the valonqar bit because it is not the important part of the prophecy, the "gold their crowns and gold their shrouds" part is. The prophecy is all about Cersei hopping on the crazy train.
  7. Book Beric is reportedly dead from reviving Catelyn. Show Beric was last killed by the Hound and revived by Thoros. Show Beric was last seen selling Gendry to Melisandre.
  8. The "escaping LSH" bit is always interesting to me. From the books, we know Brienne went to Jaime to ask him to come help her save Sansa from the Hound. Jaime goes off with Brienne. Kevan later tells Cersei that Jaime has been missing for weeks. We don't even know if Jaime and Brienne got to Lady Stoneheart or if they did, if they were the ones captured. For all we know, Jaime and Brienne could have attacked LSH's camp and rescued Pod and Hyle. They could have gotten part way there and saw Pod and Hyle swinging and not gone to LSH at all. For my money, reading the latest Alayne/Sansa chapter, I think Jaime and Brienne are going to show up at that tourney, probably disguised, and Brienne will enter it and win. Whatever the deal is with LSH, I don't think she's important for endgame. Also, the importance of Beric and Thoros in the show is Melisandre learning that the Lord of Light helped Thoros bring Beric back. We don't need to see Thoros and Beric again for that to remain important. When Jon gets pin-cushioned, Melisandre can remember Thoros and Beric and bring him back. However, I do think Brienne will run into Thoros and Beric, but under different circumstances.
  9. Wish granted! (There is actually a really fabulous fanfic that includes something very similar, PM for info.) Jaime meets up with the now released necromancer who took Varys' balls. The Necromancer tells Jaime he can have his hand back if he gives up the woman he loves. Jaime thinks, "Eh, I've already left Cersei for dead once" and opts for the hand. Instead, Brienne dies. Jaime goes crazy and attacks the Necromancer, who in turn cuts off Jaime's hand again. Brienne comes back as a sentient wight. The game continues. I wish Cersei got sent to rehab.
  10. Watchers on the Wall is now saying these are fake. https://twitter.com/WatchersOTWall/status/581914919781711872
  11. Watchers on the Wall is now saying those episode synopses are fake.
  12. I'm looking forward to the changes in Brienne's story as well as the changes in Jaime's. By having Brienne in the Vale and Jaime in Dorne, I think their stories will remain the same but the details changed. Brienne will still get beaten down and become disillusioned and Jaime will still break away from Cersei and become the leader his father wanted him to be. But moving them both out of the Riverlands is exciting. Their character development can happen anywhere. That's fine. But if most of the Riverlands, the Freys, the Inn, Gendry, the Blackfish, what does that say about endgame? D&D are leaving the story pretty much in tact, but changing locations, details and cutting the fat. Is the Riverlands just fat? Also looking forward Tyrion or Barristan to do a little truth telling to Dany. Her story of wandering around Essos, the same as Tyrion wandering around Essos, bores the crap ouf of me. I really want to see progress on that front. I do not care about Sansa. Just don't. I seriously doubt they have her be another abuse toy. I mean, why have her wear the dress and hair of empowerment just to put her back in the submissive role? Anyway, don't care. I'm interested in Arya's story only if it progresses. An entire season of her in the HoBaW sounds like a yawner. Now, if she is able to interact during that training with other established characters, I'm for it. I do not like isolating a character from all other existing stories for a whole season. I was excited about the Sand Snakes until I saw the casting of "interchangeable bland pretty girls." I might be surprised. I am looking forward to Ellaria. She fades out in the books, but I will love her taking on the Arianne revenge role. Looking forward to Doran. Not interested in teen romance with Trystane and Myrcella. AND, the trailer has made me really exciting to see what they have planned for Loras. I think he dies this season, but it looks really good. Also, Lancel for the win!
  13. Emilia is particularly flat in her delivery. I think her skills are probably more suited to a rom-com. And those eyebrows do not help.
  14. And the valonqar bit is cut completely from the show, according to summaries posted. No valonqar, no little brother, no Cersei death part at all.
  15. Episode 1 summary from the Premiere http://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/2zjhea/spoilers_all_episode_501_synopsis_posted_on_wotw/
  16. I am totally on board with that theory. I don't think Littlefinger is going to dump Sansa anywhere, I think he's going to stay with her. All Theon needs to see is LF creeping on Sansa in order to want to help her escape, and he'll know she's there in disguise. She wouldn't be hiding her identity if she weren't in danger. Hells, Theon will know she's in danger if LF just allows her to breathe in the same room as Ramsay. The wedding and the fake Arya bit are not needed to have Sansa be part of Theon's redemption and identity arc.
  17. I went over that trailer pretty hard with the Sansa shots. Her face, neck and chest are unblemished in every single shot. If she's taking the fArya role, I don't see why they wouldn't show her with a bruise or two. Also, she's wearing the dress of empowerment and Malificientery, not the gown of about-to-be-beaten.
  18. We aren't leaving it open to anything. GRRM left it open to almost endless interpretation. Depending on it's final resolution, D&D can only narrow it.
  19. That's only satisfying IF the valonqar is Jaime or Tommen or if there is a valonqar. That prophecy is kind of a mess, as prophecies should be. For example, it never says "younger more beautiful queen" it says, "comes another, younger and more beautiful." The mystery for the Unsullied would be, "what did Maggy say at that moment and why does Cersei think it's Tyrion?" If the valonqar is say...Loras, who is also a younger brother, or Rickon, or Bran, it's not going to be satisfying at all to use the word "valonqar." Even, "he shall wrap his hands.." would be enough.
  20. New trailer is up. Brienne in the snow. Jon on a boat. Jaime in Dorne. Dany making pronouncements. Tyrion on a boat seeing a dragon (and are his eyes green there?) Ramsay having sex. (Ew.) Dragon flying away.
  21. They could always just leave out the valonqar line and say and when your tears have drowned you (leaves rustle water running) shall wrap his hands blah blah blah and if this flashback is crazy Cersei, why not during that running water moment have various images flash Jaime, Tommen, Arya, Loras, Rickon, etc, with the longest image being Tyrion? Yeah...I'm film schooling ideas here.
  22. Absolutely, GET ON WITH IT. It might be an unpopular opinion, but I am thrilled that the show is cutting out a ton of these red herrings and side plots. So...the rumors have the season starting with the Maggy the Frog prophecy. I am interested in knowing if we will get the full prophecy from the book or if we will get a shortened or altered version. I had expected the title to relate to the prophecy, valonqar or something. Aegon can go, Ironbord can go, Queenmaker can mostly go. I've read both the Stannis the Mannis and Lyanna Stark Facebook spoilers and I think it looks like a solid episode.
  23. These caused me odd thoughts, mostly because they are vague and nothing that's not yet spoiled. So...a world without Tywin? You mean a world without that mean ass bastard that was holding the realm together and covering for your stupidity, Cersei. Jaime has been without Tywin for so long, what does it matter? I'm thinking Jon is singing Torn Between Two Lovers. Yeah, I went there. Pod and Brienne meeting trouble on the road. This is really the only unanticipated one for me. Can they possibly meet Sansa that early? ...Are Margaery and Tommen gonna bang?
  24. Also in the show she touched the hot dragon eggs with no burns. While I can see it, I don't think the show has related her fire immunity to dragons alone.
  25. http://geeklyinc.com/game-of-thrones-season-5-episodes-1-3-titles/ Rumored first three episode titles: Episode 1: The Wars to Come Episode 2: The House of Black and White Episode 3: High Sparrow The first one is not what I expected at all. Considering we are getting the Valonqar prophecy, I would have expected something related to that.
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