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Everything posted by heckkitty

  1. Is it just me, or is there infinitely more chemistry between Bud and Brianna than there is between Mallory and Coyote? Or for that matter between Mallory and Mitch? & if there is, how much is just due to the actor(s)? I like Brianna and the actress who plays her much more than Mallory.
  2. Apparently cabbage patch dolls and troll dolls make home births go badly. Makes you wonder what's lurking in the Dillard household.
  3. I like Kacy. I find her to be inspiring, and she's why I started watching this. She has definitely been over promoted, but that's not really her fault. I do have a little burnout on her though, I prefer Meagan now for inspiring woman ninjas.
  4. Yeah, this brings up all sorts of interesting questions. I thought they didn't distinguish between early and late pregnancy. Yet one loss is a miscarriage, one is a stillbirth. Hmmm.
  5. Wow, DesertFrank, I could have written your post, except of course I didn't write your paper. Nice to know there are other escapees out there. I definitely see parallels between the ICoC and Gothard. Especially the control part. That's also where I first heard the term "sin in the camp". And I strongly suspect there of being at least some of the kind of thing the Duggies have going on now, but I can't prove it.
  6. OK, it's stupid for this to be driving me batty in the midst of all that's going on, but there's one extra girl in that picture. Anybody know who it is? The girls are all wearing red frumpers like Michelle, with white shirts underneath. I can see the two oldest girls toward the back walking with a howler and Joy, and then in front of them there are 3 girls - one is barely visible behind another. Any clue who that might be? Famy?
  7. Could not agree more. I'm no fan of Kennedy, but she was much, much better this episode than Pearl, in my opinion. All goes to confirm my theory that Ru had been weeding out anybody who might have been able to give Ginger some competition all season.
  8. From Katya's Tumblr, in case anyone is wondering why she's the most awesome bitch ever:
  9. Oh, please, DO spill the T! OK, never mind. You'd think I could be bothered to read the one intervening post, LOL.
  10. OK, I'm working on some theories here. I think Ru for some reasons wants a plus size queen, and is doing what she can got get everybody out of Ginger's way (but keeping Jaidynn in case Ginger implodes, which is looking less and less likely). That's, in my mind, why the performance queens have been dropping like flies. It'll be telling to see who comes back. If it's Abs McGillicuty (Jazmine, in case you, like me, forgot she ever existed) or someone equally lame, I'm for sure right. If it's Trixie or Max (I think it'll be Trixie), and they don't sashay soon after, maybe I'm wrong. But if Katya hits the bottom and gets sashayed, I'm definitely right, because right now, I think she's the only competition for Ginger, at least on a performance level (actually, I think she's better, but that might not matter). I think Max basically handed her an excuse to cut her, and she jumped on it. Max was stupid. If you're going to do Sharon, and you know you have the look down, do it right. I think there's a way she could have done Sharon and not have been as awful as she was. Bring a fake blood capsule and bite it at some point. Call someone a "tired ass showgirl". I mean, she had someone there portraying a famous pageant queen, and she had another pageant queen pretending to be Little Richard. Actually, if she'd called "Little Richard" a tired ass showgirls, I'd have died. Anticipate the seance question, and prepare for it. Make some joke about a raunchy seance, or that someone dead and funny was a bastard & didn't show up (or did, and misbehaved. or whatever. just do something). That would have gotten her through, I think. I think it was a combination of bad preparation, relying on the look, and having to improv that did her in. I also think Fame is being kept around and specifically is NOT having to lipsynch because if she did, Ru would likely have no option to cut her. It sounds like she'd be especially weak. Either she's been kept for her looks, or as fodder for later, or to make it to/close to the final and be that queen that's always there who's all look and no performance chops (I think that'll end up being Violet, and Fame will get cut before the finals. Not to say Violet has no performance ability; I've been pleasantly surprised by her lately).
  11. Personally, I like Jojorie. But that just complicates matters.
  12. TRIXIE! TRIXIE! TRIXIE! If they bring back a lame-o, I'll be mad.
  13. I just assumed that Katya couldn't tell that Kandy was supposed to be a vampire. Unless you saw the teeth, it wasn't that clear. Did anybody see Whatcha Packin? Kandy pulled out the tired Laganja "I don't know what she did but she did something to me and I felt attacked" bit when talking about why she was bitchy to Tempest about her age. Bitch made no sense.
  14. I concur, although I'd add in Nina Flowers as a great Puerto Rican queen.
  15. I'm sorry, i ever doubted you, Max. Thoroughly on the Max love train after last night. Still loving Ginger & Katya, Kasha is too invisible, or I'd be sure that i love her too. Pearl continues to sneak up, but did herself a little damage last night. Could not be more thrilled with the elimination so far this season. Oh, yeah! Trixie. I especially love her out of drag. Not a good sign that I keep forgetting her in drag, especially the way she paints herself. That should be hard to forget.
  16. OK, so after this episode, I love Ginger as well as Katya (maybe even more, but I hope K recovers from the monologue problem - she certainly redeemed herself in the lipsynch). And after watching untucked, Max, and surprisingly, Pearl, are growing on me.
  17. So far I like Jaidynn's personality, but not her look, and Violet and Ms. Fame's looks, but not their personalities. The only one I like altogether at this point is Katya. I could maybe start to like Max eventually, but she seems constantly on, and not in a good way. One of the most hilarious things was watching her pull faces when she was in the background of scenes. Oh, and Kandy is a skank ho.
  18. I don't watch this crap, but in the picture, one girl's dress is totally falling off her torso. I'm obsessed with her; someone please tell me she's going to win!
  19. Really, CJ? I typically watch the next day online, but this? Not so much. Just freed up more work time. Blais may be a douche, but Juniper and Ivy is one of the best, most interesting places I've ever eaten in San Diego.
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