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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. I think most families did 2-4 weeks if they went to the Catskills. Abe being a professor could do 2 months, as long as he could afford it. But back then there were large groups of folks going up there, especially Jewish people (who had their own resorts because they were often denied entrance to other places. Grossinger's was mentioned on the show and that one really existed. Not sure about the others). They called the Catskills the "Borscht Belt", and it was well known for great comedians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borscht_Belt The camps had tons of stuff for children to do apart from their parents, but I was taken by the fact that the show basically never showed the kids.
  2. But the meeting Abe had with the lawyer son of an old friend seemed to indicate he was going to get involved in some social justice stuff (and there was the reference during his conversation with - I think - his son about Abe's "past" being an issue for Bell Labs). So I don't think he's going back to Paris. I agree with everyone about how Midge is being shown as a great comedian instead of allowing us to see her grow. And the bad behavior at the wedding and missing the shower, as well as the "yeah, let's go away for 6 months without giving any consideration to anyone else" speaks to Midge being very self-involved. Which isn't really new; she wanted/needed the "classic 6" apartment in NYC regardless of whether she and her husband could afford it; she moves back in with her parents and leaves the parenting to others, etc. The writers truly want us to forget she even has kids, because the Catskills episodes should have shown more with the children. The Benjamin relationship was rushed, and I feel we don't really know enough about him to know whether he would be ok with the realities of Midge's career. He certainly seemed completely self-sufficient, not needing the classic (Jewish) wife. Do we think Susie is going to Europe? Or staying behind to manage her new client? I had the sense she would/was required to drop Midge. Though that entire sub-plot made no sense - why would an established comedian want to hire Susie? I get she wanted someone committed to her client, that her current manager won't encourage her desire to be a serious actress, but Susie has no real connections. Never mind the question of whether she could possibly make the switch to serious acting when she's so beloved as she is. Can I say how much I love that actress? Blanking on her name, but she's great in everything I've seen.
  3. Definitely watch! For me, that the show was willing to kill off Ragnar is a sign they care about the series. In history Ragnar did die "youngish", so showing him grow old would have been wrong. And as others said, the other characters are well worth it!
  4. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels.
  5. That won't work....because "Vicki" wouldn't give Vicki the constant adoration and attention Vicki craves. And "Vicki" would want the same, and for Vicki the constant adoration and attention are a one-way thing.
  6. Leah handing out the tissues before things got too emotional was hysterical! I did like that the one producer challenged her on her answer about her own emotions, because she didn't talk about them. How sad that an entire family won't talk to their sister/daughter because she left the "religion."
  7. My major beef with the show. Especially in these smaller houses, Brett usually doesn't have a TV anywhere (there was one show where the carpenter did huge built-in for a TV in a very small den). It's just now how people live today.
  8. It's just a generalization that Westchester County is posher than Rockland and Orange Counties (well, when I was growing up Orange County wasn't considered the suburbs but "upstate"). And that NY is better than NJ!
  9. Always bet on the Catholic convert in a battle! As someone with a Catholic convert grandmother myself!
  10. I wonder if the ones with more leeway give more to the church. Unless I missed it, there was no explanation of the church’s finances. cant remember whether it was during the show or some preview ad, but Mike’s comment about the difference between a cult and a religion is what happens when you try to leave. Certainly applies to Scientology and jehovahs witnesses. someone questioned why anyone would agree to give up holidays. If you buy into the “everyone is damned and will die except us”, giving up holidays probably doesn’t seem that bad. But what a joyless life it seemed.
  11. Never a fan of mid-century modern. One acre on the river, nice! But that’s pretty far from NYC, it’s north of Poughkeepsie. And on the “Jersey” side of the Hudson, though I’m not sure that matters as far north as she is. Should be beautiful sunrise views. i wonder if she bought furnished, in the short video about her Christmas show she seems to be sitting in front of the gas fireplace of the living room or den with the floor to ceiling windows. is it horrible that my first thought, upon seeing the circular staircase, was “wow, she’s going to fall down that when drunk”?
  12. That's just how it works. If you are married, the state can only step in under limited circumstances. Parental rights to raise children are highly protected in the US. If you're divorced, you've opened up your life/finances/custody arrangements to the Courts, assuming you can't agree. But drug abuse can affect parental rights, child welfare agencies get involved if a child is born with drugs in their system. In fact, there's been a large increase in grandparents raising their grandkids due to the opioid crisis, and many of those situations probably arose due to child welfare/protective services taking the kids away from the parent(s). It can be a formal, or informal arrangement.
  13. Because it actually needs to have a negative effect on the child. A friend who is around the child and uses drugs (but not around the child), isn't negatively affecting the child. The courts don't like to change custody arrangements, it's thought to be bad for the child to make changes. So it needs to be something major to make a change ("substantial change in circumstances" is often the term, not sure if that's what is used in NY). And, while I don't like B and think her petition for change of custody is bullshit and vindictive, I'm not sure we can say she has "obvious drug abuse issues." I don't think Jason was wrong to bring up the topic, but if the Judge has said no, that's it.
  14. Since I don’t know exactly what the judge said, as opposed to what is being reported, I don’t want to opine on whether he’s broken any rule. And judges have a lot of latitude for what they say from the bench,too much many lawyers will say. i don’t think Jason’s question about drugs comes from nowhere - to me it flows directly from learning (probably for the first time) that Bks boyfriend/friend/fiancé/what3ver died of a drug overdose, and that he had an addiction he hid very well. And B’s apparent odd behavior (I don’t follow any of these folks on social media so am relying on my fellow posters for that info). not knowing enough of the actual facts, I don’t know if I agree with Jason’s theory or decision to bring this up, but I just disagree with those who say it’s wrong to bring it up, or the timing is wrong, etc.
  15. I've never had mildew either, but each and every time I need to run the extra spin cycle after the wash, because the clothes are always dripping. If I'm doing the bath rugs, I need to run it multiple times. God help me, I checked the rubber lip - disgusting! And don't get me started on the front loading dryers. Darn it, if I want to run the thing for 40, run for 40 minutes! I don't care if the dryer thinks the clothes are dry - the dryer is WRONG.
  16. She's an idiot. Sadly $138 for a steak at a great steak place (I'm assuming it was dry aged), probably isn't that unusual for NYC (in Chicago it'd be $75 easy), and I gotta wonder how she asked it be cooked? Because at good steak places "rare" is pretty raw. And a rib eye has a lot of marbling/fat. If she doesn't like that, she should have ordered a NY strip. I'm with her on the cold bread, but dense? That's a style - not hers, but apparently the style of the restaurant.
  17. I agree we have no evidence of anything at all at this point, because there's been no hearing. Which to me (and I'm a former divorce attorney), makes any statement from the Judge about the requests problematic - because he hasn't heard all the evidence either. The Judge can't decide credibility until he's heard the evidence (we of course can decide credibility on other grounds!). We just disagree about the drama and who causes it.
  18. The problem with that analysis is that it was B who filed the petition to change custody. And the stalking charges were dropped, he didn't get probation.
  19. That's even better than my similar set, which were interlocking but over time they have separated. I do love having the round and oval ends.
  20. I don't agree with the latter. First, IMO the Judge should be a bit more careful with pre-judging Jason's request on the drug testing. She was practically engaged to a guy who died of a drug overdose, and she's acted erratically in the recent past. It's not a complete reach to question drug use - and without the court case, Jason would have no way of demanding a drug test. The trial is months away, he certainly had time to file his own petition to change custody IF a drug test showed a problem. Filing for a change based on the "possibility" she's using drugs would be a mistake. I agree that exposure to a negligent or harmful parent is worse than a custody fight. But at the moment there is no evidence that either is that. We basically have two people who can't communicate with each other, and at least one (possibly two) who make everything overly dramatic. None of that is good for the child. The adults need to get their acts together, because the child should have access to two people she loves (and really 4, since I seriously doubt B would facilitate a relationship with the child's paternal grandparents if Jason didn't have a lot of visitation/custodial time).
  21. the latest photos make her look like she's much older, trying to look younger. Things I noticed, wow, she has kept the same eyebrow look for a long time! And she's had those smile lines on her face for a long time.
  22. Sadly, I don't live in South Carolina. Why can't someone in a big city ever win the big lotteries? Now off to buy a couple of Powerball tickets.
  23. And always started with "Richard Feder from Fort Lee, NJ" Still miss her.
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