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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. Exactly. The kids are third party beneficiaries of the agreement and can sue. Alex can sue because, if indeed she didn’t create the trust, she’s in violation of their agreement.
  2. I would guess it’s the proceeds. The idea seems to be that, instead of splitting the House 50-50, the Count would take his half and give it to the kids. Maybe by doing it without ever touching the money himself he saved on taxes or something, I don’t know tax law. But if, for example, the house had a $1M mortgage, and the closing costs, taxes, real estate fees, etc, were another $500,000 ( just spit balling here, no idea what they would be, but figure a 5-6% real estate broker fee to start), then the proceeds are $6.5M on the sale. Luann isn’t then getting half of the house if she must put $4M (half sales price) into the trust.
  3. It’s probably not sales price, but the amount should be easy to determine, it’s the net proceeds to Luann, after the real estate fees, real estate taxes, mortgage, any other set-offs, etc. it’s not that hard. The only complication I can think of is if she would have had to pay taxes on the increase in value. Most of us don’t ever have that issue, and I’m not even sure it still applies. But you used to have to pay tax on the increase in value over $250,000 I think it was. There may have been tax consequences to setting up the trust too(though of course that hasn’t happened) because it’s a gift to the children (I’m not a tax lawyer so don’t know specifically). im still shocked that the divorce lawyers didn’t make these arrangements, I get it took a while to sell the house, but still.
  4. She seems to have gotten the mortgage for the new house (at almost 100% of the price) while she was selling the marital home, and the complaint indicates she paid off the loan once the house sold. We don’t know whether there was a mortgage on the marital home, so we can’t know what the net proceeds were. That’s why I wish we had that exhibit. I don’t recall if we knew what they paid for the marital home, certainly they bought it years ago so there should have been an increase in the value. But it’s certainly a good guess that she’s been living in part off the proceeds of the sale of the marital home (thus the expensive apt in the city, etc). RH money won’t pay for that, as well as the taxes on the Sag Harbor home. I’ve been a Luann defender, but if this is true, it’s way beyond the pale. That assumes she still has the money. And regardless of anything else she has done, it’s a really shitty thing to cheat your children. Actually saying it’s “really shitty” doesn’t even begin to describe the horribleness. Your children shouldn’t have to sue you (or threaten to sue) to get you to do the right thing.
  5. This is odd. I don't know the courts in Suffolk County, but where I used to practice the case number was stamped immediately on the pleadings. So odd this one has no case number; though maybe the systems are just different (or someone leaked a copy prior to filing?). The attorney does exist, it would be dangerous for anyone to fake the pleading using his name (and he acted as notary for the signatures too). The terms of the divorce agreement are a bit odd too, I can't believe no one ever caught that Noel wouldn't turn 30 in 2016. And that problem may be at the heart of a problem for the plaintiffs..... Because does Luann still have time to create the trust? It would certainly have been simpler for the divorce agreement to have the Count turn his share of the house over to the children immediately (or into a trust for them); or require, prior to finalizing the divorce, see evidence that the trust had been created. Based on the language, it looks like they anticipated Luann would need to sell the home eventually, and selling it while half was in trust for minors might have created problems (I'm not a real estate lawyer). yet if they realized she couldn't keep the larger home, why have an agreement that she needed to put the proceeds into a new home? I wish the Exhibit C was attached, I wonder how much $$ we're really talking about. That the marital home sold for $8M doesn't mean that was the net total to her; and if they were concerned about the trust, shouldn't someone have demanded the proof of the trust around the time she bought the new home for $3.1M? Maybe I just don't know enough about wealthy people divorces. But the kids are clearly third party beneficiaries of the settlement agreement, and have the right to demand performance of its terms. if this is real, it looks like Luann has been living off the proceeds of the sale of the marital home, and if that money is gone, the kids have been harmed by their mother, which is horrible.
  6. I hear you, though I don't agree that her not using the man's name is an indication of a lack of courtesy. I don't ask cab drivers their names.....She didn't act ignore him, that's enough for me considering the circumstances (he was driving her someplace, she'd never met him and probably never would again).
  7. On the up side, I was immediately put to sleep, and the nap was nice. Jeez that's blander than bland. She PAID money to have that done? it does look far more modern than the outside of her home, or the other rooms we've seen in the past. It's not as old-ladyish, though again, I just took another nap thinking about the room.
  8. Well, technically it was Bethenny who didn't afford the driver the consideration of a "Mr. Last Name," since she introduced the two. I never understood why B thought she needed to introduce Luann to him at all, it's not like they were going out socially. He's the driver, he's there for his job, not to socialize. He was probably thinking "get in the car!" Yeah, Luann could have demanded to know his last name, but did she ever even use his name? She said Hi....which was all that was required. She didn't ignore him, which was good.
  9. As a former divorce lawyer (though not in NY), I have to say the dog issue is certainly not enough to file any papers to change custody/visitation. Heck, most judges would laugh you out of court for making the request. If it were part of a larger pattern of behavior, maybe you eventually file a motion. But the courts definitely discourage repeated filings for change o custody/visitation. Now of course, since she's filed, he could bring up this incident as an example of "she's not the perfect parent."
  10. I couldn’t believe no one took the alcohol out of her fridge! Ramona is a jerk, if she spent one second thinking about others she would have easily realized she shouldn’t have posted the photo. i kinda agree with Dorinda on the Morgan crest. Sonja is divorced, her daughter can wear the crest, but Sonja using it for business is ridiculous. And Bethenny can get over herself about Dorinda keeping her deceased husband’s name. Her former best friend does the same. It’s completely different, and a monogram of the letters of your legal name is nothing like hijacking someone’s family crest. Which by the way, can Americans stop going back to the “old country”with family crests? did I really hear tinsley blame Luann for the fact that her mug shot is now trending? Girl, you got yourself arrested for stalking, then you went on a reality tv show. Good for Carole telling her to drop it. She was too drunk to really remember.
  11. If we take Phillip at his word when speaking with Stan in the garage, he felt his entire life was shit. Phillip needed much more from other people than he was given, especially from Elizabeth. I wish we'd seen more of his back-story to know his relationship with his parents. I've ben re-watching Season 1, and Elizabeth being unavailable emotionally to Phillip is a theme. Henry is pretty young to not need parents. He's still in high school, has no idea how he would pay for the remaining year of high school, keep a roof over his head, pay for college, food, etc. Never mind how to process that his parents committed multiple crimes against his country.
  12. Yeah, but that would be to be interested in national and international news, not necessarily local news. The main section of the Washington Post was all national news, the Metro section was separate. I went to graduate school in DC (GW actually!), and I don't recall being especially knowledgeable about local news, though I got the Post and watched the news. Even local news in DC was often about the federal government. I'm not sure we know how intensive her training has been with the KGB.
  13. But they had long planned the break-out, complete with disguises and false passports buried in the woods. Phillip was never going to use that suit.
  14. I disagree. For me, the ultimate question of the show was always what they would do when the inevitable end of their spy lives happened. Do they go back to the USSR? Do they go on the run? Do they turn and make a deal with the FBI? I’ve been interested in all the other characters, but what happened to Phillip and Elizabeth has always been the core.
  15. I don’t think that was claudia’s Apt, but a safe house. It was pretty sparse every time the 3were there.
  16. Without Dorinda B wouldn’t have the nutcracker, so she should have openly thanked her. I’m not sure the other women knew of Dorinda’s part. Did B celebrate Christmas as a girl? I thought she was Jewish? So she doesn’t know about the tradition of Santa bringing the gifts...my family did it when we were young. But of course she has to have an over-reaction to it. Tone it down.
  17. Also, she donated gift cards which were probably donated TO her foundation by other companies. So she didn’t shell out a dime.
  18. On the train They were in northeastern NY, in the Adirondacks. Rouses Point is very near the Canadian border, near where NY, VT and Quebec meet. I assume the plane was out of Montreal, but don’t know. i thought for a minute that Paige was going to kill herself at Claudia’s apt, but it does make more sense that she will try to make the remnants of a family with Henry.
  19. I’m sure the school doesn’t know that yet. The FBI would keep that under wraps while they tried to figure out what they could about other sleeper agents, or tradecraft, whatever. I’m a bit surprised the show implies Stan tells Henry the truth so soon.
  20. I wouldn’t think so. Putin re-created the KGB as the FSB, their agents would still be banned from most countries.
  21. I thought it was the future, Elizabeth is having a dream and wakes up. She drew the pictures.
  22. Well, she committed treason. But the only person who knows that is Stan, and he can’t tell anyone. If she has learned anything, she says nothing and is the other abandoned child.h The Renee thing bothered me, because I don’t see how it helps Stan. Glad he went to Henry. i know there are lots of loose ends, but I doubt they could have settled everything in one episode. God, Stan is a lousy FBI agent. He let them go. Jeez, negotiate with them for Paige’s freedom, but get them in and talking.
  23. I think what both sides ignore is that: (1) it's a common saying that divorce is like a death; (2) divorce is often, in fact, the ending ("death") of a dream of your life with someone. Yeah, the former spouse is still alive, but your life with them is over, changed forever. Things you thought you would have, relationships that would last, are over. Whether your spouse dies or divorces, you no longer have that family, the Christmas dinner, etc. Part of the problem for Sonja is that they all believe she created her own problems, and that she lies/glosses over facts in her past. And that Dorinda is a very mean drunk doesn't help that relationship. They all seem to believe, likely correctly, that Sonja could have avoided the divorce had she spent more time on the marriage, like returning to NYC when her husband got sick. They likely had a "deal" (similar to Luann and the Count), but Sonja broke it. So lamenting, 10 years later, the loss of hubby's money is annoying to them (well, and US!). While Carole is factually wrong in that a spouse doesn't "sign" a death certificate, next of kin does provide much of the information for it (full name, maiden name, DOB, parents' names) - I did it for both parents (yeah, even after 29 years of marriage my step-mother didn't know my grandparents' names!). I personally didn't find it particularly emotional, but others might. And yeah, having been a divorce lawyer, people DO get emotional about signing the divorce agreement. But they all need to stop living in the past. I think Luann and Bethenny manage that best; Luann because she simply doesn't seem to focus on the past, Bethenny because she routinely denies the past.
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