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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. I think Tinsley wants the wallet. That said, she ain’t getting engaged to him, he obviously has no interest in that. Jeez, she said they break up because he can’t focus on her and his work at the same time, yet he has time to date others? Yeah no. Tinsley needs to develop some self-respect. wow, for the first couple of minutes I was feeling sorry for B, and wondering what the heck was happening to me. Luckily she reverted to her true personality. B, if you want to claim you aren’t bullying someone? Let them speak. Constantly interrupting Carole when she was trying to give an example of your bullying is itself bullying. I so wanted Carole at that point to just say “this.... this continuing to talk as I’m trying to speak, that’s another example of your bullying.” the whole “Carole doesn’t have a career” thing makes me wonder if B is just jealous of those who don’t have to work. Let’s face it, Carole is effectively retired. She seems to manage to live well with no job. That’s not a bad thing, and it’s not as if Carole spent the season claiming to have a busy career (for that, B look to your right to the delusional Sonja). B connecting Luann with Dennis to discuss her legal issues came out of the blue. Very odd.
  2. She could go to Ramona's doctor. She does some treatments on her fact IIRC.
  3. Using child support money to hire an attorney would be a mis-use of that money. presumably whoever went into Dennis’ apt looked at the various drug bottles and compared to the toxicology. If they didn’t match, then someone could look into where he got the drugs/meds. But at this point other than a random guy on the Internet, there’s nothing to say this was B supplying Dennis. It’d be a very stupid thing to do, and it certainly seems he managed to get too many drugs/meds on his own. Many people do. He couldn’t wait until the hearing, because that would just cause another delay. And if he really thinks Brynn is endangered, he should file that petition and ask for an emergency hearing immediately. (Not saying there’s cause for this). if he waited and tried to drop a bombshell that his daughter had been exposed to drugs for months, he knew about it but tactically delayed acting on it, the Court would be pissed! At him! And well as at B. All of this is speculation though.
  4. We can debate how much credit she needed to give Kanbar, but the guy’s job is to, for a percentage, help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into marketable, salable product. He got his percentage. I look.more at B firing the other guy who would be due a percentage, days before the deal. She had to know she was about to close the deal, and she tried to stiff the guy. I vaguely recall she had some claims that he stayed involved after she thought he’d be out, but she had a contract she broke when it would most benefit her financially. And that doesn’t sit well with me. there are people who share, and people who don’t. B is the latter. Not a positive trait.
  5. I definitely think B lies and misrepresents things a lot, but I believed her when she said that she might regret not going to the funeral, but wouldn’t regret going. It’s one of the few things you can’t “fix” later. You either showed up or you didn’t. And considering everyone seemed to truly have liked Bobby, I can believe this is one of the few times a decision wasn’t about “her.” Of course, cameras to show off her being classy didn’t hurt.
  6. Brilliant. One quibble, Ramona was just an annoying when she was married to Mario, proclaiming SHE, unlike every one else, had the PERFECT marriage. And while I don’t care for B, if she liked you or was in a good mood, I think you could have a serious discussion with her too. And a fun lunch or drinks date. And I think Luann would be a great lunch or drinks date (well, not actual drinks now of course, can I drink alcohol while she does water with lemon.?). When she’s not being “the countess” she has a lightness to her personality that can be fun. i truly don’t understand how Carole stands Tinsley, the shrieking alone is enough to have me considering murder.
  7. I think it’s been shown she received far less than the reported $125MM. She got millions up front, and the deal provided for future payments based on sales and marketing (for which her RH time has been undoubtedly helpful). Others in the past have shown the sales for the cocktails have gone down, though I still see small displays at my grocery store. The $125MM number may have the total possible payment over years, though I’m not sure of that.
  8. Jeez, the version that has the sheer skirt is so inappropriate for a wedding dress! Shocked B didn’t wear that version.
  9. And you’d have to constantly compliment the tacky Christmas decorations at her Berkshires house. Less is more Dorinda! You don’t have to buy everything at Michaels!
  10. Maybe, but ithat’s Bobby’s family. I’m sure Bobby left her money, but it might not be private jet money, and I think we all know Jill doesn’t want to give that up.
  11. Very pretty, and yes that would have looked great on pretty much any of them.
  12. That may be why she’s dating so quickly. Jill always struck me as someone who needed to be in a relationship. And, not to be callous, but Bobby was very sick for a long time. She was probably getting adjusted to being alone (and not liking it) long before he died. also gotta wonder what the financial arrangements are. This was a second marriage for each, the business isn’t being sold and Jill likely has no ownership in that. Their apartment on the show never impressed me as “all that” - it was relatively small for monied people.
  13. Tinsley has fallen into the trap of assuming a very thin woman can easily and naturally have larger breasts. Nope, not gonna happen. back to B’s dress, the bolt-ons looked worse when she was sitting. They look almost ok in the photo of her standing.
  14. I like the dress, the skirt is particularly pretty. But not on her, and it’s way too low cut.
  15. They typically don’t do the stupid stuff in front of the jury or with a court reporter present, but some of the stuff you hear in chambers would curl your hair! I. Can’t say if this is behavior that’s gotten worse in the last 50 years, but sadly a lot of judges don’t deserve that much respect. Too many can’t keep their personal biases out of their management of the cases. i actually exclude the Judge’s comment about B wearing her daughters clothes, IS the custody case was pending at the time.
  16. I thought that fit people with BPD. Have one in my family, my mother used to call me occasionally “do you remember when X happened?” Well yes, but it didn’t happen that way. Mom “that’s what I thought but other family member claims the story is different.” Rinse and repeat, exhausting. B was working with 2 companies whose role is to put together the people who have the idea and the companies who can execute the idea. Both were to get I think a percentage, one later claimed not to have been paid. She could have had family connections too, but she certainly didn’t go hat in hand to the headquarters of Bram on her lone self. and I totally agree with others that the main culprit on the funeral filming was Jill for asking to be filmed. Bravo could have shown some class and refused, but..........
  17. That line to Carole was a really nasty one though, especially since B jumps into all conversations, regardless of whether they involve her. The reunion is all about all the women talking about the season. b is intelligent, she knows the others (except Carole) don’t think well on their feet and get overly emotional. So she tries to remain calm (though we have seen that fail spectacularly!) and can “win” the fight that way. Even if the equities are on the other side. She has probably said more of the meanest things to the other women than any other RHNY. Not a prize to attempt, though she may revel in it.
  18. I think the store is Jewel. For one moment I thought it was “my” Jewel, but realize the bkgrd is wrong. Thank god. Her hair looks nice though. Her comment about dating a married man is stupid. Two years later and he was still married.
  19. Because it appeared to be a wig, something was way off with the ends. i stand by my comment based on the preview clips that most didn’t look great. I did like B’s dress, but not on her. Will she ever learn her breasts shouldn’t be shown? Not a good boob job. Shocked she hasn’t had it fixed. Hated Carole’s dress, liked Ramona’s but not on her. Tinsley probably had the best dress. Sonja was trying too hard again with the dress so short and the 3/4 done hair (why did the back of her hair look undone). very bad attempts to go after B. Andy as usual biased, though he did include the clip of B destroying Sonja (not without cause). The clip of Ramona and B seems to show Ramona is right, B is still alone and (leaving Dennis out) she has destroyed all her relationships with men. B claiming all of Ramona’s businesses fail ignores that she had been successful. The other women weren’t wrong when they commented on the many skinny girl items that failed. Sonja chiming in to back up B was just stupid. She is SO up B’s ass that it’s embarrassing. next year, B won’t be able to maintain the “friendship” with Sonja and Luann, she’s not capable of doing that. And seriously, Sonja would work anyone’s last nerve. Sonja is certainly working my last nerve with the mimicking everything B says. She looks like a bobble head doll. dorinda should have quit while she was ahead on the drunk thing. B clearly didn’t want to say Dorinda has a drinking problem (and she seems to think that’s true), but Andy wouldn’t let it go. And Dorinda, you have a drinking problem. You weren’t drinking because your daughter moved out. this has been painful to watch, thank god I started late and read everyone’s comments - I turned the volume down!
  20. A ring on someone else’s finger doesn’t get him the divorce. Apparent all but one child is an adult, so if was supporting them it was by choice. If he wanted the divorce, he could have obtained one. It’s possible that Dennis and his wife had decided to separate, live separate lives but not divorce. Under those circumstances (not sure that was their relationship though) I don’t care that they are dating others. But you can’t accept a marriage proposal from someone who cannot legally marry you! .
  21. B, you know what issue he had to "work through" before you could have a life together "forever?" He needed to GET A DIVORCE, something he managed to fail to do during the 2 (or was it 4, or whatever number works today) years you "dated" him. The idea she was with a guy who proposed "many times" with no ring and no "yes" from her doesn't scream committed relationship to me. [sorry, sore subject with me]
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