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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. I agree, Kate M - although basically a shapeless beanpole IMO - always looks nice. Very classy, timeless wardrobe. But she does come from money - just not royal money or a pedigree. One of her grandfathers was a coal miner. Her parents started some kind of business that really took off for them and Kate has been living the well-heeled life for quite some time. Even before she met William, she and Pippa were called "The Wisteria Sisters" among their set, apparently because they were always "climbing..." LOL. Good grief! Someone actually wrote an article comparing the future Queen of England and Jill Duggar? If I didn't know better, I'd be filing this under "science fiction."
  2. Agree. Besides your own kids - or your own parents - would always tend to look pretty good to you if that's all you ever saw. But if you got to see how kids in our families lived, or different rules laid out by other parents etc, you might really start thinking "Gee I guess there are other valid ways to live etc..." I don't know if Boob would be angry, shattered or just what if there ever turn out to be "defections" among his own kids, but whatever he feels it will be made even worse on account of his public profile.
  3. Never fails to crack me up when Boob says this. Did the same thing at Jill's wedding, over and over. Except he forgets to add, "We actually haven't any idea who these folks are, but we have people coming in from all over for the wedding - aren't we just SO special?"
  4. IMO, not one heck of a lot. Zero creativity or imagination at the producing & management level, that's for sure. If something works, they duplicate it as much as they can. Thank God there aren't many families with 15-20 kids around...
  5. Likewise times 10. Good luck with everything, please keep us posted when you can and God bless...
  6. Agree. We may be dealing with "Duggar-speak" here. The impression I get is that Sierra is a "professional wedding/party planner" in the same way Jana is a concert pianist. I think she's just someone who likes weddings, thinks of herself as very organized and may have volunteered to help a few local fundie brides in the past. I think she'd be completely out of her element if, for example, she ever had to take on all the planning and logistics involved in a traditional Italian wedding in the Northeast. These have been some of the most wonderful parties I've ever been to. So much emphasis on hospitality and quality! And two things for which the Duggars are definitely not renown. I think they have all these "test runs" because they really haven't a clue as to what they're doing. Trained, competent professionals would never need test runs.
  7. So true. Boob has been running, and will continue to run, Jill & Derrick's lives. Until - and unless - Derrick grows up, grows a pair and tells Boob to butt the hell out. However I've really been surprised to see what a passive individual Derrick seems to be. PS - I think Boob would still be running Josh & Anna's too, if they hadn't gotten out of Dodge.
  8. Agree - not everyone is permanently-attached to their wedding dresses. We were cleaning the attic at my parents after my Dad passed away and my Mom ran across the cardboard box in which her dress had spent the previous 43 years. She was married in the 50s, long before anyone except royalty thought about "preserving" a wedding gown. Her dress was actually disintegrating. When I went to pick up her veil, it literally fell to dust in my fingers. Mom said "Oh well, it's just a thing," snipped a 3-inch square of silk taffeta from the skirt to keep in her handkerchief drawer, then we put the whole box in the trash.
  9. I'm lovin' that "Josie Grossie" nickname. Hilarious - LOL! Not to mention spot-on. It's really sickening to watch Josie in the kitchen doing just about anything. Yuck.
  10. Raised eyebrows and scrunched forehead - IIRC, classic body language for lying, deception.
  11. That's it. THAT'S what bothers me about Derick's look. He's patchy. IMO - definitely not the best look for him. But apparently his Muffin must love it...
  12. I don't think they actually HEAR what's coming out of their mouths. They've been spewing the same old dreck for so long, they're on automatic-pilot. About 10 minutes ago I heard Me-chelle start in on that oldie-but-goodie "Oh I can't believe I'm getting ready to marry off another daughter so soon..." OMG - there are how many people in this family now? Counting in-laws? Can't one of them think of ANYTHING new, original or interesting to say? Little Will Klein from The Little Couple is five years old, learning a new language and has speech delays to cope with, and I honestly think he's still a better conversationalist than any of the Duggars! Edited to add: I'd sit right down next to Will on a plane without hesitation. But if the last available seat was next to a Duggar, I'd wait for the next flight...
  13. Agree. I'm starting to feel that Jill is at about 15 on the Emotional Mature Meter - and Derick is not much higher. Maybe 18 at best. Most of his lead, IMO, is only because he attended college away from home - and went to Nepal for 2 years.
  14. Oh leighroda - so sorry to read your sad news. It is really hard to lose your mom. I still "talk" to mine, and have every day for 16+ years. Thoughts, prayers and a big warm cyber-squeeze headed your way. God bless...
  15. 100% agree - the show has changed a lot from the beginning in what it shows. It used to be about both Bill's and Jen's struggles - and the rewards they earned. But increasingly it's very high-end luxuries and a lot of things most viewers will never be able to enjoy. Much if not all of it comped or deeply-discounted - which means even people who could easily afford to pay for these things - aren't. Let's be honest. Most of us are genuinely glad to see someone else enjoy some good fortune. But very few of us really want to see how fantastically terrific someone else's life is turning out, week after week.
  16. My guess is that the debate rages on because unfortunately, they're doing neither. They're not talking about any help they have [and I wouldn't necessarily myself]. But they're not showing it either. And it seems to me that there should be a way to do that, very quietly - if they wanted to. Without breaking the TLC bank too. I think there could be a lot of truth in this as well.
  17. Yep, I'd actually buy a ticket to see that myself...
  18. Agree. I haven't gotten the impression that anyone here, on either side of the issue, wants Bill & Jen to admit, out loud and on camera, that they need help around the house and/or with the kids. To me, it's obvious they do, and there's nothing wrong with that. Even if they were average-stature, they're two busy professional people with healthy-enough incomes to afford help. Lots of people, of every size, condition and socio-economic status, have daily help with ordinary things. For all kinds of reasons. To me, it's the apparent concealment of this on "The Little Couple" that makes it so noticeable. As far as I can recall, "LPBW" never verbally stated "Well see, Matt is always dreaming up these wild ideas. But he's a dwarf and the poor guy has a lot of difficulty walking without crutches or a scooter, so he could never ever build them himself. He gets A, B and C do the actual work..." They didn't need to - it went without saying. If I was Bill or Jen or one of the producers, I'd have an occasional shot where, in the background, a housekeeper is removing clothes from the dryer. Or putting the vacuum cleaner away. Or unloading bags of groceries. No verbal explanation or TH necessary. Do even people in background shots have to sign releases and be paid? Doesn't your face at least have to be recognizable before this is required? Is this why we don't see the help? I don't know, I'm asking. Bottom line, I think viewers really want to see their normal, everyday life - however that's accomplished. Not every minute of it, obviously. But if it includes housekeepers, gardeners, babysitters, grandparents, neighbors, whatever - don't pretend it doesn't occur. PS - strongly agree with auntl. Judy completely blew Jen in with her comment. That was the patented "non-denial denial" from Watergate days. She should have kept her mouth shut or better still, have just said how much she was enjoying being a grandmother and looking forward to many more such trips with Jen and Will. No one would have questioned a thing. Sometimes it's all about spin...
  19. Agree - that would have seriously scared me, whether I had kids or not. I would have shut things down the first time I opened my front door and found some goofy fan standing there grinning. IMO, since TLC broadcasts clear images of their new house throughout the episodes shot in Houston, they should have been EXPECTING that to happen. But then I like having a private life and never would have agreed to TV, especially TLC, in the first place.
  20. No kidding? Wow, that's unbelievable. He has absolutely no justification in saying that. I certainly hope the restaurant manager told Boob - politely of course - where to take his business - that night and in the future.
  21. She was required to bring CASH? Wow, that would make me think things were NOT so cool... Glad it all worked out though. And I agree - I can't conceive of Boob handing over a baggie full of cash, much less a suitcase, for anything.
  22. 100% agree. And some of the reason for the disdain of formal education is beginning to make itself clear. It doesn't justify it but it does help explain it a bit. Some gomer back in the day - with a major inferiority/insecurity complex and not much else - decided that he just didn't NEED to have the proper training to preach. In truth he was either too lazy to do the work involved - or he was afraid he COULDN'T do it. But he was going to be a real rogue and go ahead anyway. What's going to be next? A few half-baked doctors or lawyers in the mix, I guess...
  23. Knowing this, I'm inclined to think that now Anna will attempt to spend the last few weeks of pregnancy with her in-laws. Unless she actually DOES have the type of medical care in Maryland that she's supposed to have, which somehow seems doubtful.
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