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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. CarolMK - you have one very perceptive 17-year old there - kudos!
  2. Agree - VERY boring. I was surfing channels during this episode as well. And I've noticed I'm muting the sound on nearly all of Me-chelle's THs now.
  3. Agree - Jill having a birthing center in her own home sounds odd to me as well. To me, midwives have always been health professionals who never gave up making house calls. In most cases on the show, the mdwife has gone to the mother's home, hasn't she? Even if a midwife preferred the mother come to her, wouldn't that be in a separate location - an office or clinic somewhere - and not the midwife's personal home?
  4. I don't know how old you are, 3girlsforus, but your mom sounds pretty progressive to me. Good for her! My mom came to the 5th grade menstruation movie with me, and that was about it! Not one additional word was EVER said. Although we did have some rollicking laughs about it years [and years] later. LOL!
  5. For me, there's a little Steve Carrell there [with apologies to Steve]. Edited to add: PS - oops, just read the other replies. Great minds think alike, I guess - LOL.
  6. Oh, LOL. I'm remembering something very similar from "Quest for Fire" - caveman lovin'...
  7. Then forget it - Jilly Muffin couldn't hack it. I think midwifery was basically just a placeholder for Jill.
  8. I don't know - I gotta think Boob actually put up the $$. Another way to ensure his control of Joshie & his famiy whenever they come back to AR.
  9. Sounds like Boob better start praying that TLC's management and overall "leaning" remains the same. Although he's kidding himself if he thinks it can go on indefinitely. Eventually new people, new ideas - or both - will come in. Even at TLC. And it will likely be the end of the line for "America's biggest family."
  10. Oh, I don't remember Boob shoving Josiah during paintball, but it certainly sounds like him. After his "Oh, you saw that?" reply, if I'd been the producer I'd have said "Geez, Boob, what are you? 13 years old or something?" I honestly wonder what's going to be next with this king-sized yokel. Is he actually going to take a candy bar away from Josie?
  11. Absolutely, but I truly wonder if they will be. If by some miracle they are, I bet they get one lesson from a certified professional, and then Josh or Anna will take it from there. Seriously, these people are beyond belief.
  12. At $55K I think it would HAVE to be a foreclosure. You'd need 6-7 times as much to begin looking at 5-bedroom homes in my area. I bet their idea is to get a home base for Josh & Company back home in AR - something they can slowly renovate and have ready in a few years when either he gets tired of FRC - or they get tired of him. Plus it provides a palatable excuse for Josh to come home every weekend. Maybe it even provides an income for Bin?
  13. That truly WAS great, wasn't it? I'll never forget the look on Boob's face. For sure, he'll never get himself a SAG card... LOL.
  14. Josiah has been my favorite too - has been for a long time. There's a real light in his eyes that no other kid in this family has. I worry about him too and hope he'll be able to live the kind of life HE wants.
  15. Never noticed this before but it's true. Me-chelle has a very odd gait, which I guess I chalked up to the goofy skirts and footwear. But none of the girls have it.
  16. Like everyone else I hope there's no legitimate emergency or real need for the ambulance at Jill's house. But we better not find out it was a 'John Doofus & Friends' stunt either. "Let's run by my sister's house & leave the red lights on for a while..." As feeble as he seems to be, I really hope he's not THAT feeble. However, if that turns out to be the case, that's got to be grounds for IMMEDIATE dismissal for any official/unofficial municipal positions he holds - maybe even additional charges as well.
  17. Sierra is obviously not a professional wedding coordinator or event planner in any way. Personally I think she just likes being on TV and the Duggars like getting all the free help. I said the same in an earlier post - no trained, competent professional would have behaved as she did. It was laughable - a "trial run for the brownies."
  18. Yes - the 29th! That's my day in the pool!
  19. Fuzzysox - Your kid is funny. Made me laugh. Give 'em a hug when they get back :>)
  20. I feel pretty safe in saying that neither Boob nor Me-chelle will be blaming themselves for any divorces among their kids, or even their own. Should the earth crack open and that ever occur. No matter what evil thing happens, it will ALWAYS be someone's else deal... or God's will.
  21. Personally I have nothing against home birth. It's been successfully done that way for centuries and I say "live and let live, good luck and God bless." I could even see myself possibly going that route. But it would never in a million years be for my first baby, and probably not my second. I would want to be sure I had everything medical science could offer the first few times at least. Long ago my mom told me when she started having her babies, in the mid 50s, natural childbirth was just beginning to be talked about and practiced. Nothing like it is now, but it was catching on. When pregnant for the first time [with me], her doctor, a very wise old duffer who'd delivered 1000s of babies, told her that if she wanted natural childbirth, she would need to find another doctor, because it was always possible, despite how wonderfully a pregnancy had progressed, for something to go very wrong very quickly, and that being in a hospital gave everyone the best chance for good results all the way around. I've never forgotten that. Mom actually found out how right her doctor had been with her second baby, my little brother. I don't remember what occurred but he had to be delivered very quickly and Mom called him a "high forceps baby." Anyway, I know I'd never be able to forgive myself if something happened and just being in a hospital could have prevented or corrected it. It's totally possible to do natural childbirth in a hospital, never needing any of their nice shiny equipment. But hey, Jilly Muffin is 20-whatever, and when you're in your 20s, you don't yet know what you don't know. When I was in mine, I thought I had EVERYTHING figured out. Took 20-30 years to find out that - sonofagun - I didn't. Still don't either, but I have at least learned that I don't know a fraction of what I thought I did.
  22. To an extent, I understand explaining about cycles etc to the girls - for their own future information etc. But - why in the world - would the older girls need or want to monitor their own mother's cycles? I can't for the life of me come up with a possible reason for this.
  23. I disagree about the meds. I think Me-chelle has probably been taking something for quite a while, at least as long as the show's been running. What's that been, about 10 years? Maybe a truly desperate Boob has found a way to justify meds in her case and is making an exception. But totally agree about the "who knows" part. I think, if the whole truth about the Duggars and their sweet happy baby-filled little world is ever known, we could be looking at something really twisted. There are just far too many things that are weird or just plain "don't add up." If it looks like a duck etc...
  24. Agree in general, but they do still have little kids, which is always a draw for "reality" shows. I also think viewers would probably be interested to see Will & Zoey talking intelligibly too and, although he's without a doubt making progress, that could still be a while for Will. Zoey will be chattering away very soon, if she isn't already.
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