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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. It would be interesting to know, for sure. Derick probably does watch some games, although certainly fewer than in his bachelor days. But I have to say it wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that "Look how much the Duggar boys are into sports!" is just a tactic on the part of TLC, or maybe even Boob, to make the family appear more mainstream, and the boys, frankly, less weird. If it is, they need to do a whole lot more to even approach "mainstream."
  2. I've always thought this was very odd too, but am guessing that this is done so the girls learn about cycles and how - despite the fact that they "leave it all up to God" they can increase the odds of getting pregnant. As much as possible.
  3. For a long time, in my mind's eye, Boob has been the poster child for the cause of retroactive birth control - LOL. But I have to admit seeing - and hearing - him "experience" every aspect of the joy and wonder of pregnancy and childbirth would be quite satisfying too.
  4. OMG, Jill looks like she hasn't slept in a week, and I imagine being well-rested is mighty helpful for labor. Agree with floridamom. When it comes to Jill's birth plan, I hope there's an option that includes an MD and a hospital. When things really start to rock and roll at Casa Dillard, she may end up "re-evaluating" the rose-colored no-drugs, no-doctor scenario.
  5. IMO, Me-chelle is definitely on medication currently - my guess would be a tranquilizer. I would not be surprised to learn that she's been taking one thing or another since the laundry room collapse. Maybe not the same drug all that time, and no idea if she continued with it during her pregnancies, if there ARE mood-altering drugs that can be safely-taken during pregnancy. But she definitely has that glazed-over look some medications can produce.
  6. I don't think they have - not even close. In all honesty to me they still look like new roommates or officemates - still awkward, tiptoeing around each other, being sickeningly nice, deferring to the other as much as possible. If you watch 19K&C with the sound muted, as I sometimes do because I'm on the phone or something, they totally come across as what they, in reality, are. A brand-new, and fairly-nerdy, boyfriend & girlfriend. Definitely not like hot young newlyweds, not even like two individuals who know each other well.
  7. I wonder if Ben thinks the show & any assorted media flotsam will be his income? Personally I really wonder just how much longer this show will last. When I first saw it I didn't think it would go longer than a year or two, so to be here 10 years out is amazing to me. Does anyone - besides the Duggars of course - think it will still be around 10 years from now? Five?
  8. I have a friend who designs jewelry for one of the national jewelry store chains. She told me the minimum requirement to apply for her job was a BFA in metalcraft & jewelry, although she had completed her MFA before she went jobhunting. She has no idea whether they'd hire someone without a degree but she doubted it. She told me it would be REALLY unusual for someone without any formal training or years of extensive experience to have a portfolio good enough to override the no-degree factor. "The guy would have to be a kind of jewelry savant..." were her words.
  9. I bet either TLC or Boob gave the thumbs-down to using any moving expense $$ for professional movers. That would have been an episode-killer. Besides, I don't think Josh would have cried when the movers had finished and were getting ready to leave. SNARK.
  10. Yes indeed. In fact, everyone I know who works "on the cube farm" IS an assistant of some kind...
  11. [sarcasm font] I'll bet he did.... LOL. If Boob tried beer the way most of us first did, at a party or athletic event or something BEFORE we were of age, with a lot of other kids standing around, he not only swallowed his first sip but probably even finished the can - and maybe even said he liked it. I'll never believe he spit it out, unless it can be confirmed that it was all part of some odd Gothard "teaching" moment.
  12. I agree - I think the choice of words here was probably a poor one. To "reel" from an event means to be aghast, stunned, shocked, shaken. Of course this happened to Derrick at the time of his dad's death, especially since it was sudden and unexpected. No doubt he was reeling THEN. But after seven years, years which have been for the most part good years, at least from what we've heard, Derrick should not STILL be "reeling from his father's death." Obviously he'll always be sad when he thinks of his dad. He'll always miss him, always wish he was around to go fishing with, talk with, enjoy his grandchildren etc. There are 1000s of moments when he'll be unhappy thinking of all that both he and his dad are missing. But even his mother, who was married to the man, has learned to cope and move on. Because Derrick has productively gone on with his life too, I doubt that he's still "reeling" from his loss. But if he is, he should get some counseling.
  13. Yes, but Grandpa Boob will spin it so Ben is now "director of property maintenance" for Boob Realty Inc - instead of the janitor he really is.
  14. Gee, I can't imagine what kind of work Josh could possibly need an assistant's help with - I've been thinking all this time that he has an office, a computer and maybe a TV - that's about it.
  15. 100% agree. I'd be really shocked if Derick ever gets his MDiv. As it is now, there are too many distractions in his life, and even if one of them - the show - goes off the air, he doesn't really have the experience to open up his own shop. And won't for years. But Boob and Jill - with their naivete and incredible [unearned] self-confidence, might try to talk him into it. Derick, even though he's spent time "out in the world" is still quite naive himself, I think. He might easily believe whatever Boob fills his head with. Either that or he'll be too weenie to speak up for himself and say "No way, and I'll thank you to stay the hell out of my life..."
  16. Sorry, but just clicking a thumbs-up Like button won't do it for me here. I just LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE this post - and Amen!
  17. Let's assume you're right and Bill WAS really annoyed and embarrassed. What was he supposed to do? Turn around and give Jen hell right then and there? Not likely. But he very well could have reamed her out big time later on. "OMG Jen, you totally embarrassed me in front of the floor guy and the crew! I left a bunch of messages, you never called back, this was what I decided on for the floor. It's a stupid garage floor, for God's sake. Don't EVER speak that way to me again in public. You got it?" That's what I would have told my spouse in this situation, and I think that's what probably happened. I think Bill "looking worried" was pure TLC plotline - nothing more. Except when it involves the kids, I don't think Bill is remotely a pushover, in any situation. Remember, we see a FRACTION of what actually goes on. And what we do see is wildly-edited and fragmented. Film can be edited to make an uneventful hour-long wait in the doctor's office look like a suspense-filled Alfred Hitchcock movie.
  18. I think the idea that Jill doesn't trust Derick is well-founded. They still barely know each other and spent ZIPPO unchaperoned time in each other's company before moving in together! Genuine trust is based on deep knowledge of a person. And that takes time, definitely more time than the Dillards have had together. How could they know enough about each other to earn the trust factor yet? The way Jill & Derick behave on camera has reminded me of freshman year in college and the way we all were with the roommates we'd just met. Everyone's super nice to each other, very considerate. Always agreeable, well-mannered, polite. Almost afraid to say no to something - or disagree. My face actually felt stretched at times from smiling for so long.
  19. Yes, Bill seems extremely content with things as they are, and that's what counts. IMO, his attitude is refreshingly mature and intelligent. He apparently doesn't feel the need to assert his masculinity by "being the boss" and making most decisions. He either agrees - or doesn't have an opinion - with most of what Jen wants. Why would he object otherwise? I know quite a few women who'd love to have husbands who were as amenable to most of what they wanted as Bill is with Jen.
  20. It would be more than interesting to know what and how much the Duggars - reality families in general maybe - actually pay fully for themselves, what kind of discounts or breaks they regularly get and where - and how much is outright given to them/fully-comped. With some families it's clear that it's been truly extensive. I mean - plastic surgery/health care? That's a really nice freebie. I wish we could get an insider here on the forum to spill the [discounted] beans...
  21. That is odd, isn't it? Both my parents often told us about their childhoods, all the fun they had as kids, in high school, Dad's days in the Army. "Olden days stories" I called them. I used to ASK for them, but then I have a big mushy spot for history, the past etc. My Dad once told me "Wellfleet, sometimes I think you'd LIVE in the past if you could..." I think he was right.
  22. Well, I would disagree here. Bill is clearly more laid-back than Jen, who really doesn't seem laid-back about much of anything, But when push comes to shove, I think Bill stands up to Jen - if the issue is truly important to him. For example, he repeatedly and strenuously objected to the purchase of a minivan, which as far as I know, they do not currently own. And he sounds like he's really on the fence about the ocean-front place in Galveston and whether it would be really be the best move for them right now. Maybe the house is a done deal and all that was just for the camera, but that's my take on it anyway...
  23. OK, good to know. I didn't read the article - and now I feel better. That's quite a leap to make, comparing those two ladies...
  24. I think being good with kids is like being funny. I don't think you can learn it; for the most part, you're born that way. I've been good with kids pretty much always, even when I was a child myself. Maybe as a result of having [and helping with] five little brothers and sisters, who knows? But I have it and this is my theory. I had a wonderful childhood and I remember much of it. I vividly remember many of the feelings it engendered. How it was both scary - and fun - to watch a thunderstorm over the Lake. How much fun it was to get new shoes. That lighter-than-air glorious lift I got the first time I could read a book all by myself. The abject terror I felt when I was seven and my mother had, and lost, her last baby two months early - and I was convinced she was dying too. Because I remember these feelings so clearly, I feel I still "relate" - for lack of a better word - to being a kid and I think a lot of kids sense this in me. I guess I register as a kindred spirit with them. But I always thought everyone could do this. It never once felt like a skill or special ability. It's just part of me and why I think it's mostly an inborn trait.
  25. It's my understanding that homeschooling co-ops consist of several families, at least two obviously, who team up and trade off on different areas. I'm a teacher and what I mostly encounter in my area is that maybe one mom is especially competent in art, for example, or math - and handles some or all of that for the group. Maybe in other groups a mom handles a particular age most of the time - junior-high kids maybe - or whatever. Different adults all using their best skills to best advantage, is what I mostly hear...
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