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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. That would absolutely be my guess. Boob was the weenie little picked-on kid for so many years. Do I remember him saying at some point he didn't even gain his full adult height until he was something like 16 or 17? Oddly late IMO. Well, he has most assuredly spent the last 30 years trying to counter the Picked-On Years. Like Mechelle, emotionally and psychologically he'll be 17 forever. In fact he might be closer to 14.
  2. This is my primary problem with many fundementalists. Or at least the ones who feel they must preach to everyone they meet. I've never met people who're SO sure they're right about everything. And SO sure everyone else is "wrong" Where DOES all this stalwart self-assurance come from? Did Jesus really say at some point "Get on out there and convince the non-believers?" I'm currently a non-practicing Catholic but spent years in Catholic schools and/or religious ed. And I don't remember hearing anything about this - it sounds like something else that mortal men have just interpreted on their own and chosen to attribute to Jesus - in hopes of getting others on board with it. I always thought Jesus was basically live-and-let-live...
  3. Just saw Maisie's photo. Only need one syllable - awwwwww..... :>)
  4. Have wondered the same myself. Something tells me he was unopposed. Or maybe "constable" in their area is one of those lame positions that is often - or usually - vacant because no one else is the least bit interested in doing it. Being a Duggar, he certainly had time for it, that's for sure...
  5. I think you must have had exceptionally fine parents, Barb23. It's not easy to treat each child the same - human nature takes over in the vast majority of families. Overall it's generally accepted that older children receive a more-disciplined upbringing. More is expected of them in just about every area. For younger children, parents realize that they can relax [or they just get tuckered out] and the sky will not fall. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages at both ends. On the plus sign, older children are likely to be conscientious, organized, reliable - the world's achievers, problem-solvers, leaders. Younger children tend to be more fun-loving, uncomplicated and easy-going, more tender and altruistic. On the negative side, oldest children can often be uptight, cautious and controlling, where youngests will be more attention-seeking and manipulative. It's also important to remember there are all different behavioral levels involved - whether oldest, middle or youngest kids - and many exceptions as well. There are certainly spoiled-rotten firstborns out there, and dependable, responsible last-borns too.
  6. Yes, this is key to the Duggars situation. IMO, Mechelle is not only a last-born but a last-born narcissist. Otherwise known as a narcissist on steroids. No matter what, she is not going to do anything she doesn't want to do, even raising her own children. Most women with children usually sacrifice happily for their children - or at least manage to rise above their own wishes when it means something better for their children. She never has - and never will. If women were required to take exams and be licensed before they could have a baby, Mechelle would have had the most spectacular "fails" in history.
  7. 100% agree. All points I've been meaning to comment on myself, but something even more outrageous about the Duggars keeps popping up to distract me - LOL.
  8. 100% true - and entirely typical of lastborns, as well as babies/children who experienced catastrophic events early in life. Parents are often reticent to demand the same behavior of them, unwilling to make what they may perceive as "unreasonable" demands on them. They get cut a lot of slack based on their prior difficulties and "get away with" things that would would never be tolerated with older children. And it invariably hurts them in the long run. They grow up expecting special treatment - that rules do not apply to them. They often have a lot of difficulty making and keeping friends and love relationships - and needless to say, with workplace relationships as well. Every child, regardless of their birth order or history, must be taught how to behave, and solid consistent discipline is a key part of that. Regardless of how unpleasant the parents consider it, it must be done - in the child's long-term best interest.
  9. Great, great news about Maisie! All good thoughts, and many prayers, for her continued progress. Brian162 beat me to Shakespeare's line a few weeks ago, but it's so true. And it's STILL true. And it pops into my head every time I think about or read about Maisie here - "Though she be but little, she be fierce..." God bless the whole family. :>)
  10. I have to agree. I remember the episode where a few of the older girls were having wisdom teeth removed. Jill was quiet - but had tears in her eyes and was basically hyperventilating with terror, while hugging up to her father as though she was five years old and being left at the foundling home. Based on this and her history of "overemotionalism" - is that a word? - I don't think we'll see her going bravely forth. I've never had a baby but everyone I know who has has told me that there is really no way to anticipate that level of pain ahead of time, that everyone is surprised by the intensity. And many friends of mine, who intended to have drug-free deliveries, ended up welcoming epidurals like a drowning man welcomes a lifesaver.
  11. Yes, she is truly huge. I'm regretting my guess of March 29 in the baby pool now. If she lasts that long, they'll need the jaws of life to get the baby out...
  12. Great idea - send the e-mail. Someone at People has GOT to be made to understand how unutterably GOOFY this is. They didn't publish "relationship advice" from Wills & Kate at three months out - even "phony advice." And they'd known each other for about 10 years IIRC. But they consider it OK to do it with a hillbilly couple married 12 weeks... who weren't even allowed to be alone together until officially-hitched. ???
  13. OMG - the BEST line I've seen here since the Duggars came back this week! Very VERY funny, zenme! And there have been some VERY good lines... :>)
  14. Agree completely. Digestive issues could certainly account for Josie not yet being potty-trained. And in Josie's defense, it is pretty much universally-acknowledged now that most families do have a tendency to "keep lastborns little" - doing things FOR them that older children were expected to learn and do for themselves is just one of the ways this is accomplished. Making lastborns "perform" - as the adorably-cute little tykes they are - is another. I'm thinking of Josie's solo performance of the National Anthem a few months back. It's a matter of birth order. Just as the eldest child is "trained" to be responsible and achievement-oriented, the lastborn tends to stay cute and entertaining.
  15. They are both - ignorant AND committed to their stance regardless. Personally I doubt whether they do any kind of reading outside of the Bible and Gothard materials. Seriously. I'm sure Boob wouldn't trust newspapers or magazines and Mechelle? Well, she wouldn't even think about reading anything other than the Bible. She knows she's supposed to remain - for lack of a better term - uninformed.
  16. Me too! Although I have to admit "Millard Dillard" from jmt111 is my fave so far! LOL..
  17. It also might be a little different if we ever saw them GIVING a present, but all they seem to do is take, take, take. They cheap or chintzy their way out of a lot of situations IMO, starting with all the crap they take on their "missions visits" to Central America. Take things these poor people really need - not effing nail polish, you idiots!!
  18. Yes, I have to say this stumps the hell out of me too. For girls who are virtually homebound from birth until they go off on their honeymoons, the females in this family are stunningly un-culinary. I have to chalk it up to Mechelle's complete disinterest in all things domestic. Which probably got its start with her being a lastborn who was never forced to learn any homemaking skills and is used to having others do things - FOR her.
  19. No kidding - I completely agree. I am not one of those people who think that Bill and Jen walk on water, but I see zero evidence or indication of any type of prima donna/diva behavior on Jen's part. She's not constantly concerned with only herself. She doesn't go around screaming and stamping her foot, making unreasonable demands. She adopted two foreign children with significant issues of their own within a very short period of time. Then - on top of all that - she had the misfortune of getting a cancer diagnosis and all that brings. Of course she has her own opinions and likes things in her home to be her own way. We all do. At her age, with her income, and after studying and working very hard for years, she deserves to have it so. I'd be doing exactly the same if I could. Other than having a premium-quality home and customized vehicles - a good deal of which Bill was also heavily involved with - I don't see an ounce of "diva" here.
  20. That's what I was thinking. What kind of moron puts a turkey in the oven on a cookie sheet? Idiotic. Guess home ec isn't part of the Duggar homeschooling "curriculum" either.
  21. OK - just want to see how close I get. Baby Dilly arrives March 29 - my paternal grandfather's 105th birthday - 22 inches long and weighing an even 10 lbs. Now for something I'm sure of - Granny Mechelle will not do any laundry or shopping, run the vacuum around or bring along any freezer-to-oven meals for the new family. She may offer the services of a J-Slave or two, however, for an indeterminate length of time.
  22. Jill's Secret - what a ludicrous, ridiculous title for this episode. More proof that you don't need intelligence or creativity to be a producer at TLC. This network gets sadder and sorrier by the month...
  23. With their money, I can't imagine the Duggars qualifying for any government help - even with the number of children they have. I believe they might try - although it seems like that would actually go against basic fundie principles - but I simply can't imagine they'd get dime one.
  24. It's "Downtown Abbey" in reverse - LOL! I know American women who virtually foam at the mouth each year waiting for DA to start - and knowing folks in the UK have already seen it. The country where the program originates is always ahead of the game, even if just a little... :>)
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