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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. I think Boob envisioned TLC sticking around indefinitely. His overweening ego was not worried about the well drying up anytime soon. Wouldn't surprise me to hear he was expecting them to be there for "Josie Gets Married" in 2030 or so. Right now there's probably more $$ than has been reported - maybe a significant amount more. But they're going through it at a much-faster clip than in pre-TLC days - when they actually did consider every single purchase they made. Especially since it's likely they're not receiving many - or any - freebies, comped services, discounts, outright gifts, love offerings etc now. I think Boob is more terrified about $$ with each passing day.
  2. Agree. My bet is that Josh was looking - in essence - to be a teen, because he never got the chance when he actually was one. To have some of the sowing-wild-oats experiences most of us tend to have long before marriage, as teens and 20-somethings. By going to school together, by working together, going to [unchaperoned] social events and a little something called Casual Dating. My Dad used to say that "Dating was trying other people on for size, and seeing who was - and wasn't - a good fit for you..." But thanks to idiotic Gothard teachings, Josh didn't go to school, or walk part-time at Chick-Filet, however that's spelled. And he certainly never attended unchaperoned social events with girls who weren't relatives. No wonder those poor kids looked forward to that Big Sandy, TX deal every year. Any chance to see and possibly even talk with ANYONE besides their own family had to be hugely attractive to them.
  3. Wow, Jessa absolutely does NOT look as though she's 9 or so weeks away from having twins. This one, I think, is just a pipe dream. Someone, somewhere, trying to find something positive to say at this oh-so-not-positive time. Edited to add - Oh, I'm glad to see Doodlebug has weighed in here with her expert opinion. Give it up, Bin & Jessa. Sierra's flamingo will only be dropping off one little bundle at your house this Fall...
  4. This has crossed my mind for the past few days as well. Is there anything that could be bigger news? Only one thing I believe, that Josh's affairs didn't involve women at all. I've been getting a "Methinks-he-doth-protest-too-much..." vibe from this family for years. Usually I brush it off to an over-active imagination [i'm a Cancer]. But now I'm really wondering if I could have guessed correctly? Time will tell, I guess.
  5. Great story. And I think that particular sense of humor might be in their DNA. One of my best friends going back to high school and earlier is Jewish - a doctor living in Michigan now [in fact, her Dad was my doctor when I was a kid] and her grandmother lived with her family. When I got to be old enough to understand. I got the biggest charge from her Grandma and the hilariously-dry comments she'd make all the time, usually when her daughter, my friend's mom, was out of the room. She was a peach of a lady who helped me learn to value and appreciate older people - and I miss her still.
  6. Moe Lester? Rod Steele? Or in Josh's situation, Russell Epsom Grubb, or Roland Butter, might be appropriate... LOL.
  7. We could probably get a pretty good idea if someone got a photo of him eating - maybe that Donutburger from the fair they stopped at last Summer would do it? :>)
  8. Yep, I think there is just one thing in this whole deal that's virtually certain right now - that Boob is absolutely losing his mind. Uncontrollably angry. So mad he could actually clock Josh - big time.
  9. This is the crux of the issue for me too. The Duggars - and Josh in particular, with his position at the FRC - threw stones. And they threw them first. I don't think anyone here is proud of feeling happiness or even "glee" over this latest tidbit about Josh. But by the same token, I think it's probably human nature to feel good seeing hypocrites taken down a peg or two. Especially people who continually imply that they're better than nearly everyone else because of their exemplary behavior. And more especially when those people get caught doing the very thing for which they condemn others.
  10. Wonderful news, Joanie! And on a day when we could really use some. Hope your new job is everything you want it to be. And, when the time comes, is even difficult to leave behind. That's the kind of work we all want to do... :>)
  11. I doubt this actually. You're right, of course, but they don't believe that. I think they both see what happened to Josh as an example of what happens when you let one of your kids go off to the Real World, instead of keeping him strictly under their own watchful eyes - and thumbs. They see it as a total corroboration of Gothard's teachings.
  12. Very good question - would love to hear Boob's response.
  13. You are 100% completely accurate - Nancy G is surely a piece of work. I don't watch her either because she's usually so damn dramatic, it's sickening - and I find myself yelling at her too. But I do admit to enjoying her just a lil bit tonight. Guilty pleasure.
  14. Imagining Megan Kelly at this moment - and your response above - has provided me with the only good laugh I've had out of this latest incident - thank you. :>)
  15. Well, now I just have one question left. For those of us who felt, after the molestation scandal, that there still might be organizations willing to employ Josh, albeit behind-the-scenes, in a political capacity... what do we think now? I cannot imagine any group willing to work with him now. He better get used to life gassing up Daddy's trucks and John-David's plane. Maybe someday being allowed to assisting Ben with lavatory duties. That's his future now.
  16. And in this case, the karma was canned and found on the 'No Labels' shelf at Aldi's, expiration date unknown. It was served, to Josh at least, cold and right from the can.
  17. 100% agree. What we probably have here is a melange of Arrogance + Naivete about the "heathen world" + the normal cluelessness and unearned superiority we all had in our teens and 20s. With the unending patter of "Oh Josh, you're so wonderful. You're going to do wonderful things..." continually being blathered by Boob, Me-chelle and Anna. I for one think it is SO interesting that he poses himself as a university graduate. If he really believed the whole Gothard-Boob line about education not being valued and important, why in the world would he have done that?
  18. Good grief... this certainly sounds like our Joshie. Even on paper, he comes off as prudish, smug and self-centered.
  19. Yep, if the family keeps this property long term, it does seem like the Heir Apparent will get it. But I really wonder if how many of the kids will have homes there - my guess is not nearly as many as Boob expects. And maybe none.
  20. When it sells, it doesn't seem like it'll be as a family home. I see it becoming, with a few alterations, office or storage space. It would require A LOT to make it into a sensible and comfortable family home, for an average-size family especially.
  21. IMO, the world needs ALL kinds of people, Happy. Plenty of room - and need - for ALL our skills... :>) Edited to add - And the sooner we all learn that, the better!
  22. 1000% agree. The 'in sickness and in health' line is not there by accident, or to pad the marriage vows. You don't get to quit when the journey suddenly gets tougher - you have to keep moving forward as best you can. I also think this idea - "I think it might take YOU being out of character for him to see what a colossal ass he's being" - absolutely SAYS IT ALL. He needs to see that you are both having a very difficult time. Some of the reasons for this you share, some you don't. But if you work together as a team, you can survive even the unsurvivable. It has been done before. Emerson said: What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. God bless you wanderwoman - I hope you can feel all the warm strong arms of everyone here engulfing you with health, strength and power.
  23. Well, if all was on schedule, he would have finished 5 years ago. But... we don't really know that - LOL.
  24. You're undoubtedly right. And at first, it ticked me off that Jill is scarfing Joy for childcare in Central America. But then I thought - good! One less staff member for Me-Chelle. And bonus - Joy gets time away from the TTH.
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