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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Thanks, fuzz. I don't know how to do that link business yet. :>)
  2. Just google Kid Farm. Should pop right up. There are several episodes, every one of them immensely-more entertaining than 19 Kids ever was.
  3. I humbly feel I can speak for the group here - and yes, we all LOVE Kid Farm!!
  4. Have only seen the "two commode" deal once. But it was one toilet and one bidet - no privacy walls or dividers. I babysat for an OB/GYN and his family all through college, and they were installed in the children's Jack-and-Jill bathroom. The mother was from Italy - bidet use is very common in Europe - and Dr M met her while he was in med school there. I understand two sinks in a bathroom or two mirrors, or having both a tub and a separate stall shower. But I honestly can't think of a reasonable explanation why anyone would install multiple toilets side by side WITHOUT dividers, in a private residential setting. Unless Boob was planning to open a school at that location at some point - that's the closest reasonable idea I can imagine.
  5. My situation too. Not married, no husband, no ex and no kids of any age. Quite honestly I barely noticed menopause. But after reading all your posts I'm guessing that's why. I lead such an "uncomplicated life." Boring probably, to some people. Menopause didn't interfere or affect anything for me. A couple of hot flashes once or twice - flushes really. And not one whit of what I was really afraid of - those Edith Bunker mood swings. For years I was just positive I would go psycho in the grocery store at some point when some poor kid told me they were out of Greek yogurt. LOL. I didn't know it at the time but I was very lucky.
  6. Oooh, I learned about that famous Collin Street Bakery through Martha Stewart's Weddings book in the late 80s. One of the grooms in the book is/was an owner of the bakery. Now we order one of their "Texas Blonde Pecan Cakes" every year for New Year's Day and it is absolutely in-credible. I want to try their fruitcake and cheesecake too. I've heard that even people who don't like fruitcake - at all - LOVE theirs...
  7. Totally agree. As long as people don't try to force others to live their way, or follow their beliefs, I'm fine too. I just don't like to see anyone, especially the uneducated, completely blow off things that no one can as of yet prove as right, or wrong. But's that's terrible about your friend. If I had had your experience, I wouldn't exactly have any warm and fuzzy for astrologers either. I've never spent a penny except for books - from actual bookstores, not the local zodiac tearoom. And from what I've read, genuine astrologers do not use it to predict future events and help people plan their lives. They use it as a tool to understanding relationships and behaviors. Not to mention, those Wellfleet oysters which are, hands down, the best on the planet!
  8. Good grief but both these boys look like they're gaining weight - daily. Wow.
  9. I'm a Cancer, born in Massachusetts in the Summer on the Cape [Cod not Ann], now living in upstate New York, along the southern shore of Lake Ontario - definitely a Water Sign. And I think astrology is another of the many theories that mankind just hasn't been able to prove - yet. Today we all accept the fact that the world is round, that the Earth rotates around the Sun, that blood circulates throughout our bodies. And once these concepts were scoffed at too. So I'll keep an open mind until things are proven scientifically, no matter on which side of the fence the facts end up falling.
  10. 100% agree. I think intellectual curiosity is born in most people, but after 40 years of working with little kids [and then college kids], I also believe there's a relatively small window of opportunity for it to develop. If very young children are not encouraged and supported to learn and reach beyond their grasp, that window closes permanently. And I'm not sure but I think it disappears forever.
  11. I think it's highly likely Jill's taken the exam previously as well. Especially when we consider the amount of time she's been involved in midwifery. It's literally been years. I don't think many individuals study for a solid 4-5 years and suddenly decide to take the test. I think the long, stretched-out period of study for Jill is a direct result of failed exam attempts. Either that or because she's not organized and disciplined about it, her study is so fragmented and episodic that she spends a lot of time reviewing and re-reviewing the same concepts, never getting into new, more complicated material. Like practicing the alphabet over and over, but never moving on to reading.
  12. No, IMO, it is most definitely NOT TYPICAL. I was turned off, even horrified by the first few forums I ventured into, years back. So much so that I didn't even bother looking at many others after that. But about 18 months ago, I stuck my toe in the water again while looking for a forum that actually examined and discussed the whole Duggar deal, rather than just hated on them etc. And this forum won, hands-down. There's an entirely different vibe here. And people who care - that never hurts either.
  13. Other Sept 13-ers - Tavis Smiley, Tyler Perry, Milton Hershey, Roald Dahl, Stella McCartney. There were lots of other names, but I only listed the people I recognized. I'm old. LOL Hope you ALL had a great day...
  14. I'm warming up to Amy's cake now that I know it was a cheesecake. Mostly because I love cheesecake, and because the idea of a cheesecake with minimal icing etc is much more appealing. Personally I would have requested a few strategically-placed small white flowers - stephanotis, babies breath - but that's me. A moist firm cheesecake - with maybe a light lemon or Key lime flavoring going on - would be really nice on a hot Summer day. But I can't conceive of buttercream, Italian meringue or a ganache frosting on a cheesecake - way WAY too rich. Most people would take 2 forkfuls and then push the plate away. At least make something delicious that people really want to eat.
  15. Parents with kids on the honor roll eat free instead!
  16. Don't get the Jessa fuss either. She's at her absolute peak now, and even then it's ALL makeup. Too MUCH makeup and hokey poses. The bloom is gonna be off this rose shortly after Seewald One arrives, along with real life.
  17. Psych! One of my great-grandfathers, whom I don't remember because he died when I was 3, named his summer place at Eastham on Cape Cod "Pyewacket" - which until a few years ago I thought was based on Bell, Book & Candle too. But actually stems from some relatively well-known English ghost story [Great Grandpa's family came from Cornwall on the English coast]. PS - from the pages of Duh! magazine: If I had crunched the numbers, maybe it would have dawned on me that the movie couldn't have been Grandpa's inspiration - it came out the same year he died.
  18. Extremely good point. Like being named Homecoming King or Queen in high school. Let's be honest, for many of those types, HIGH SCHOOL is going to their biggest moment. At least it was in my hometown. What a demoralizing moment. As much fun as it would have been to be Queen, I'm honestly glad I wasn't...
  19. Gotta say, Leos out there, I'd feel the exact same way if Me-chelle was my sign, Cancer. But Cancer's keywords - feeling, sensuality, motherly, nurturing, childhood, emotional, domesticity - don't line up in her corner either. I actually Me-chelle pegged as an Aries at first, based on watching the show and the Aries keywords; leading, action, new beginnings, sex and daredevil. With apologies to all the very fine Ariens out there... :>)
  20. Sorry but I have to give you a Not Impressed, Phil. I do not have advanced degrees in psychology or medicine, but I was able to come to the same conclusion years ago, just by watching the Duggar show and really thinking about what I was seeing. As did MANY other forum participants here. It's been clear from the very beginning that this family has "a lot" going on. We've been anticipating bombshell announcements from Duggarville for a long time. Anyone who's been watching - and REALLY thinking - has been.
  21. Me too. That Me-chelle is Virgo was shocking. Astrology is a hobby of mine [i've actually guessed signs correctly at times after reading biographies etc] and I totally had Me-chelle pegged as a "Look-at-me-Leo!" She must have a whole bundle of planets and influences in Leo, because she is the most atypical Virgo ever. I just dug out my astrology journals and the first box in each section are keywords that describe the sign "in a nutshell." For Virgo, these words are service, self-improvement, thought, intellect, communication, sacred patterns and perfectionist. None of these make me think Me-chelle. I had to laugh too, because then I noticed that Virgo's ideal date is taking a cooking class! Oh sure, that's our Me-chelle all right...
  22. I've wondered this too. If he is trying to limit Anna's contacts with "the outside", first off - how dare he? And secondly - how can he be justifying it? Of course we know what kind of inane blather Boob could come up with - but seriously. Isn't anyone REALLY listening? Anna really has NO ONE in her corner? It's beyond sad...
  23. I think Derick had somewhat of an idea of what he was getting into. Unfortunately he was getting his information from Boob who, while definitely old enough to know better, was clearly NOT bright enough to recognize that Life doesn't always get those memos with Our Plans outlined on them. Maybe Derick has figured it out on his own by now. If not, hopefully someone who loves him will be pointing it out.
  24. Me too! Have loved Al Franken with a passion since the first SNL broadcast - when I was a sophomore in college, October 11, 1975. Loved it when his little boy appeared with him too, at least once that I can remember. Scary-smart is exactly the right term too. I was on pins and needles while that crazy Minnesota Senate race was being recounted or whatever. So happy for him, and the state. You go Al!
  25. IMO, it's possible because the Duggars are just that much lazier. In addition, the Bates are higher up in the cult and incredibly, they were apparently able to achieve that status even as their kids were being educated [albeit at pre-approved "colleges" or programs], pursuing their own interests, having social lives that didn't include their parents etc. As with everything else, Boob's fear is driving the bus. His fears are what's keeping those kids at the TTH all day every day, directly under his thumb. He's afraid they'll become interested or enthusiastic about things he knows nothing about and more importantly, can't control. Which is terrifying to him because over time it'll whittle away his all-encompassing Daddy Power.
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