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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Well you know, Me-chelle's getting older now and it's becoming much more difficult to keep all the lies straight. They've told so many in the past, but now both she and Boob are getting confused and having trouble "explaining" their way out of things. It was easier in the old days when they had fewer lies to keep straight.
  2. No, because in the best of situations, you wouldn't really want that. But this is not the best of situations. And your SIL is not the brightest of individuals either. Getting arrested or having some other thoroughly-disagreeable deal happen is the only thing that might stop him now. All you want to do is protect your daughter and the grands. Completely understandable.
  3. Is it just me or do I see another Sierra "flamingo/stork" moment happening here? Don't these people mean to call themselves "Reformers Anonymous" - ??? It's Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous etc. Not unanimous. Good grief. Dear Celestial Magistrate, please make these hillbillies go to school. Real school - no Bibles or no "workbooks" allowed.
  4. Unless you've taken your regular scrub-em-up shower first and are just using the tub to relax, read, even doze an hour away in warm water, bubbles and quiet, then yep. Baths are a little gross.
  5. I'd bet a sizable sum there's a connection to Gothard here. Probably deep underground, but a connection nevertheless. It all sounds completely half-baked to me. The original amateur hour. None of them have a clue what to do. PS - read about the founder, Steve Somebody. Guy dropped dead of a heart attack at just 45 in 2010. I'm guessing his addiction was cocaine, and it caught up with him. Maybe if this place had licensed qualified professionals, and medical staff as well, he'd still be here to be a father to his 5 kids.
  6. Wow, lots of rules. And they're very specific about what to bring. Good grief. Two forms of ID. Alarm clocks cannot have radio, CD or tape player included. "Ladies should not bring excessive amounts of clothing. Extras will be stored in an inaccessible location." I think maybe we should start a pool about how much weight Josh will lose while he's away.
  7. Just read through the staff bios. Good grief. Josh's time would be better spent working on his new house, certainly better than sitting in a circle with fellow cheaters at this place.
  8. I think Boob will be making plans for another huge flea market sale very soon, with the profits this time going to the Duggar family.
  9. Definitely. David, since I first became aware of him, has come across to me as hugely over-compensating. Especially with all the "David loves Priscilla" stuff. He sounds like he is literally talking himself into being glad to be married and a father.
  10. Beautifully-said, some... The perfect complement to churchoney's original post, which was also awesome. We have some serious writing talent on this forum.
  11. I could totally see the Duggars doing this. They take the lazier way with everything else - why not for this? Cliff Notes for the Bible. Good grief...
  12. Funny! Although I must say I just LOVED the character of Jack on Will & Grace. And PS, Sean Hayes portrayed him to perfection too.
  13. Well-said. Josh doesn't owe his critics anything. We ended up being the people who had his number all along, even though we didn't quite know how. But he most certainly should be apologizing to all those who loved and supported him in the past. Those are the folks let down in this whole mess.
  14. Wow. The photos were taken in uniform, with the nametapes still on - and visible? That is Dumb On An Epic Scale. And the last thing our military needs are nimrods this feeble. Good riddance, Perv.
  15. The Californians - as portrayed by the Duggars. Perfect, just plain perfect! One of my favorite ongoing SNL skits ever. And I've watched since the very first episode [October 11 1975].
  16. Yes, very true. Obesity is one of the last prejudices still standing. i'm in no way saying we've conquered all the others obviously, but we have come a long way in many arenas. But most people don't give a second's thought about obesity. And fat kids are still chosen last for sports teams, too.
  17. No kidding? Wow, that is noteworthy. The Duggars really ARE in trouble if they can't even count on the leghumpers anymore.
  18. The Economist deal was fun. Highly recommend it. I tested out at just under 30K words [29, 900]. PS - I was amazed at all of the words on the second page that I'd never heard of!
  19. 100% agree. Those appallingly-crappy ass Jill and Jessa weddings provided a lot of insight on how clueless Boob and Me-chelle are. And I must say make me more interested in Amy's wedding than I ever expected I'd be. I bet hers will be much more like Priscilla's and Anna's than Jill's or Jessa's. I think Amy will serve real food, have tables and chairs for her guests, possibly even have music and - gasp - dancing.
  20. Yes, it does, Happy! Way cuter. You should be - and I know you ARE - very proud. Now, for the rest of his life, he'll know he got it all by himself. How great is that?
  21. Yes. I don't think this can be overemphasized. Both sets of parents are humiliated in a major way here, within the Gothard community and beyond. Set apart even in their own "set-apart" world. And so close on the heels of Molester Gate. I'd love to know if Boob and Me-chelle have left the compound since the news became public. Since they know only such a small set of people, where could they go? Do any of their many vehicles have those special black-tinted Presidential motorcade windows? If not, I guess Me-chelle has been assigning someone to a daily Starbucks run.
  22. Totally agree. We are 20+ years into an online society for "virtually" - sorry I couldn't resist - everything. I can't believe people are still using personal e-mails, and even more incredibly their work e-mails, for so many computer activities. At my university we were required to attend mandatory digital self-defense classes. We were sent alerts all the time about the latest scams and phishing attempts etc, and were reminded on a regular basis about policy regarding university computing. I had a terrible time getting one of my sisters - a firm believer in chain letters - to quit sending those to me. Even innocent little chain letters were frowned on. I paid attention though - because I was terrified of getting on the wrong kind of lists and finding myself being inundated with crap, porn - or worse - constantly.
  23. Just about to write the same exact thing. I actually got my magnifying glass out to be sure I was seeing the word I thought I was. And there it was. Boing!
  24. Not to mention the fact that Boob has now learned, via the TTH, how much real work is involved in building a home from the ground up. Work he really doesn't know how to do. And even if he DID know how, there's little likelihood middle-aged Boob will want to do it, over and over again.
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